A few years down the line.

Society has undergone many subtle changes.

Artificial intelligence is still a hot topic in society, and any company that is linked to artificial intelligence will always be sought after.

But it is no longer the kind that is right in front of you but cannot be grasped, but something that has already been realized.

5G, which was originally questioned, is no longer questioned because it is suitable for a large number of scenarios.

Industry giants are investing heavily in the 6G field while developing 5G. Especially those giants who missed out on 5G do not want to miss out on the 6G era again.

The application of artificial intelligence is first of all because of the basic support of 5G. Otherwise, it will not be applied on a large scale.

For the rich, smartphones are no longer a must-have, but have become an auxiliary thing. The must-have thing is a mid-level intelligent mechanical dog.

Compared with smartphones, mid-level intelligent mechanical dogs are undoubtedly much more powerful in performance. They are not as simple as a combination of smartphones and laptops.

As Future Technology Group begins to put civilian products into the market on a large scale, the number of intelligent mechanical dogs is growing at a terrifying speed.

The revenue share of civilian products is also growing rapidly, making up for the slowdown in the military trade field.

Cai Jin took a brief look at the entire company.

The effect of the last internal cleanup of cancer was quite remarkable, and the whole company was shocked. However, the vacated positions were quickly filled by people.

Those cancers that have been cleaned up can definitely be regarded as talents. Unfortunately, Cai Jin not only values ​​talents, but also values ​​virtues.

There are major flaws in Germany, and he would rather not have the talent of the other party!

Again, what China does not lack most is talent.

Future Technology Group has too many top students from prestigious schools. Among those who can enter prestigious schools, which one is not a smart person? Which one is not talented?

This is not to say that students from ordinary universities cannot become successful, but that top students from prestigious universities have a higher overall success rate and greater room for growth.

"It seems that it will be necessary in the future to do this once a year to maintain the company's hematopoietic ability." Cai Jin muttered to himself.

The improvement of the efficiency of the entire company is actually something Cai Jin attaches great importance to.

"However, in order to avoid some troubles, we can also introduce some policies to encourage entrepreneurship." Cai Jin said thoughtfully.

Cai Jin had never thought about encouraging entrepreneurship before, because Future Technology Group itself had not been established for a long time, and the company was in a stage of rapid development, so the demand for talents was huge.

But now, Cai Jin realizes that he can support some talents within the company to start their own businesses, thereby establishing an entire system.

In this way, the company can also keep the blood running smoothly.

In addition to technical support, this kind of support can also include financial support.

What Cai Jin lacks most now is money.

Whether it is the money in a personal account or a company account, it has reached a very exaggerated level.

This is after paying a large amount of taxes. If taxes are avoided reasonably, the money will be even more.

Later, Cai Jin began to formulate policies to encourage entrepreneurship.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

Cai Jin set off for the capital.

This time he came to the capital to attend the highest-level economic symposium in the country.

As China becomes more integrated into the global economic circle, the domestic economic situation is increasingly closely linked to changes in foreign affairs, and it faces many new opportunities and challenges. In the past, people were not afraid of deep alleys if they were drinking wine, and they could just concentrate on pulling the cart and do their own thing without looking at the road. Now the elephant hiding behind the giraffe can no longer hide its belly. Every move made by China will attract attention from all parties. In addition to being based on its own one-third of an acre, it must also look up and adapt to the changes in the world trend.

In order to understand the domestic economic situation more scientifically and accurately, the above specially invited representatives of industrial and commercial giants like Cai Jin to participate in the meeting to discuss collectively and make suggestions for the national plan.

Without investigation, there is no right to speak. Paying attention to investigation is the successful experience of the Chinese government’s decision-makers in governing the country.

Although Cai Jin is young and low-key and rarely participates in various conferences, he still became the leader of Fujian businessmen this year, and at the same time he also wore the title of Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce.

This is the first time Cai Jin has participated in the country's highest-level economic symposium.

Cai Jin still found it quite fresh and novel.

This economic symposium invited a total of twenty entrepreneurial representatives, all leaders in their respective industries.

As the largest private enterprise in China, the most profitable and the second largest taxpayer in the country, Cai Jin, the head of Future Technology Group, is of course a representative figure who cannot be absent.

Unlike other entrepreneurs of the older generation, Cai Jin represents the image of an entrepreneur who is better able to adapt to the needs of the times, that is, high-tech emerging industries. He single-handedly builds leading enterprises to promote the improvement of China's industrial level. He is a people's enterprise in the new era. Home!

Judging from the identity of the entrepreneur representatives who participated in the conference, they represent the top strength of the Chinese business community and have extremely strong influence on a global scale.

And here, they are divided into older generation entrepreneurs, Mesozoic entrepreneurs and younger generation entrepreneurs!

The older generation of entrepreneurs, such as Mr. Ren from Warwick, Mr. Cao from Fuyao, Mr. Wang from BYD, and Li Shufu from Geely, etc.

Generations of entrepreneurs include Ma Yun, the head of Alibaba Group, Ma Huateng, the head of Tencent, Li Yanhong, the head of Baidu, Zhang Yiming, the head of ByteDance, etc.

Among the younger generation of entrepreneurs, Cai Jin is the only one. He is in his twenties and looks particularly young among this group of people. It can even be said that he has not even grown his hair.

From this, we can also see a microcosm of China’s development over the past forty years.

The older generation of entrepreneurs mostly worked hard from the bottom and were the trendsetters of that wild era. From copycats to copycat masters, they then formed their own brands and mastered core technologies. They gradually became world-class giants and ranked first in the world. Fortune 500 companies.

Mesozoic entrepreneurs became trendsetters in the Internet era. In the Internet era, Internet companies were famous for making wealth. The valuation of the company changed every month. As long as the listing was successful, dozens or hundreds of people would become rich. To achieve freedom of wealth, over the past two decades, the Internet has developed vigorously and penetrated into all aspects of society. With the help of this shareholder trend, these trendsetters have become the trendsetters of this era.

As for Cai Jin, he represents the high-tech industry in the new era. Through knowledge and cutting-edge technology, he has quickly risen to create a leading enterprise, affecting all aspects and directly boosting China's industrial level.

Although Mr. Cao is almost 80 years old, he began to shift his focus to education a few years ago. He even said that education is the third act of his life and the last act of his life.

But he still represents Fuyao. Fuyao has been the world's largest automotive glass supplier more than ten years ago. Although new energy vehicles and traditional cars are now alternating and in a period of drastic change, it has not affected Fuyao at all. Fuyao has taken advantage of this opportunity to expand its market share. More than 70% of the world's automotive glass is supplied by Fuyao.

Mr. Ren, an 80-year-old man, has appeared less and less in people's sight and news in the past year or so, but he is still the soul of Warwick and represents Warwick. As for Huawei, since it formed an alliance with Future Technology Group, it has relied on its technological advantages to quickly regain its position as the world's largest mobile phone brand. Its mobile phones cover low, medium and high-end, and its mobile phone business covers the whole world, even selling in the United States. Pretty good.

And not only in smartphones, but also in laptops and desktop computers, Warwick's market share has surpassed that of Lianlian, becoming the largest computer brand in the country and the largest computer brand in the world.

Large-scale growth in revenue and profits has made Warwick the second-largest private enterprise in the country second only to Future Technology Group.

And like Future Technology Group, Warwick has not been listed so far.

BYD Group is the world's largest new energy vehicle brand. New energy vehicles include low, medium and high. It ranks third among global auto giants in terms of sales. It firmly occupies the first place in the Chinese auto market and has a very high reputation in the world. visibility.

Geely Group is second only to BYD Group in the automotive field.

Gree Electric Appliances, the world's No. 1 air-conditioning brand in terms of sales, has made great strides in internationalization in addition to being based in the Chinese market. In particular, it has received support from Future Technology Group and has performed well in the smart home field.

Huaxia Chip, China's largest semiconductor company, covers design and manufacturing, and supplies top chips, high-end chips, mid-range chips, and low-end chips, allowing China to break the dilemma in the chip field. Although some are still imported, everyone knows that China's chip production capacity cannot keep up. In a few years, China's chips alone will be able to meet the country's chip needs.

Alibaba Group is by far the largest e-commerce company in China and the world, with its tentacles extending to every corner of the world.

There are 40 representatives from 20 private enterprises and 20 state-owned enterprises. In terms of age, Cai Jin is the youngest. But in terms of influence and wealth, Cai Jin is definitely No.1!

Since it is the highest-level economic symposium in the country, it is also an opportunity to reach heaven to hear, so all participating entrepreneurs took advantage of such a precious opportunity to open their hearts and tell the truth.

"Now the overseas economies in Europe and the United States are in sluggishness, consumption is sluggish, export trade is difficult to do, and the trade structure has also undergone great changes. In the past ten years, we have been emphasizing the development of the domestic market and activating the consumption power of the domestic market, but I still That sentence, everyone has no money in their pockets, all their money has gone to real estate, and they are trapped by that pile of steel and concrete. How many people dare to spend?" Mr. Cao, who was the first to speak, his tone was full of emotion. Fujian flavor, but it can be heard clearly: "As for enterprises, labor costs are constantly rising, water, electricity and coal are also rising, and the tax burden remains high. If this continues, I think many companies will either move to the central and western regions. Even migrating to Southeast Asia.”

"I am not complaining for myself or my company, but I am taking this opportunity to express my feelings on behalf of the Chinese business community. If it is for personal gain, I can retire and go home to raise my grandchildren without suffering so much pressure. Therefore, what I say is from the bottom of my heart." , selfless." Mr. Cao emphasized.

"The purpose of closed-door meetings is to identify problems, solve them, and better make suggestions for China's economic policies. I think what Chairman Cao just said is very touching. We are meeting here today to understand the real situation at the grassroots level. Please invite me below You continue to speak -" the leader who presided over the meeting said with a smile, obviously taking this opportunity to dispel everyone's concerns.

This year, the situation seems to be great, but in fact, crises and opportunities coexist.

The European and American economies have made great strides in retreat, with negative growth for several consecutive years. If nothing unexpected happens, negative growth will occur again this year.

In the past, Europe and the United States were the most important markets in the world. Now that the economy is in a slump, even the people in Europe and the United States who have always overdrawn their consumption have no spending power.

This will undoubtedly put great pressure on China, whose export trade accounts for a very important proportion.

In China, after three years of cold winter, everyone has become very cautious and will not spend lavishly. This is evident from the rapid increase in residents' savings.

Under such circumstances, there is no doubt that many companies are in trouble internally and externally.

Nowadays, many people think that China's economy is developing well, but they only see China's breakthroughs and applications in new technologies, as well as its record-breaking trade surplus, coupled with the fact that other major economies are either growing slowly or experiencing direct negative growth, which makes their performance bright. eyes, but did not see the huge crisis contained in it.

Many low-end manufacturing industries have closed down in the past two years.

There are so many Chinese people, and small, medium and micro enterprises have absorbed a large number of employed people.

For mid- to high-end manufacturing industries, even if the whole world were concentrated in China, they would only be able to absorb the employment population.

And this is unrealistic.

At least right now, it's not realistic.

"Therefore, I propose that the country should pay attention to the overburdened situation of enterprises and adopt active policies and measures to help enterprises reduce fees and taxes. At the same time, in terms of finance, we can give more preference to small and medium-sized enterprises and help them achieve upgrading." Mr. Cao said.

After Cai Jin and others listened, they couldn't help but nod secretly.

From an individual point of view, a large proportion of Chinese people's wealth is in houses. The high pressure brought by high housing prices and the need to pay loans on time each month make individuals and families actually have little savings and are heavily in debt. So, If you have some money in your bank card, you don’t dare to spend it, but you save it for emergencies.

Moreover, rising wages is a very real issue. There are already many cities where the average monthly salary is tens of thousands. Although many of them are fake and averaged, it can also reflect that overall wages are rising. of.

For companies, the tax burden of Chinese enterprises is among the highest in the world, which makes the profitability of enterprises insufficient. At the same time, in terms of finance, banks are more willing to lend to state-owned enterprises and large enterprises. As for small and medium-sized enterprises, they are more willing to lend money to state-owned enterprises and large enterprises. Getting a loan is difficult and costly.

So this has led to a phenomenon: ordinary people complain that they have no money, their lives are tight, and they are under great pressure. And enterprises are also crying about poverty. This is difficult and that is difficult.

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