Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 267 Open up more areas?

It can be said that everyone who participated in the meeting viewed and thought about China from a very high position.

In fact, everyone knows what problems exist now and where they arise.

But everyone has their own thinking on how to solve the problem.

After all, this involves the interests of all aspects, and it affects the whole body. If you want to scrape the bones and heal the wounds, you need a lot of courage, and you also need to endure labor pains.

Over the past two decades, the rising housing prices in China have not only pushed up the stock prices of real estate companies, but also created a new batch of super rich people who are even more arrogant than the mining bosses at home. There was a time when real estate bosses were on the list of China's richest people. The absolute main force.

But a few years ago, everyone realized a problem. Real estate can bring economic ‘prosperity’, but it definitely cannot bring Industry 4.0, which leads the wave of the new era. If we want to cross the 'middle-income trap', if we want to change China's status as a weak player in the international economic division of labor, if we want to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Industry 4.0 can be said to be the winner.

Therefore, we were faced with a difficult situation at that time. Countless people thought that real estate would be used as a water reservoir as they did more than ten years ago. ‘Houses are for living in, not for speculation! ’ In one sentence, it shows the attitude, and as one of the main national policies in the new era, the three red lines of real estate are carrying out macro-control of the real estate industry.

But this has also created a big dilemma for the local area.

Real estate has made a very significant contribution to China's economy. The funds required for the "new infrastructure" that is known as China's speed and attracted the attention of the world, cannot be separated from the great support of the real estate industry. The government sells land with one hand, and with the other hand uses the revenue from land sales to drastically transform the city and promote the urbanization process.

Thousands of tall buildings are rising from the ground, and thousands of miles of roads and bridges can be reached in a day.

We cannot rely on colonial accumulation externally. If we want to save enough capital for development, we can only go domestic. The scissor gap and high housing prices with Chinese characteristics have achieved the expected results in rural areas and cities respectively.

Now that macro-control is being carried out, many small and medium-sized real estate companies are having a hard time, and even large real estate companies are facing huge difficulties.

In the past, there was boss Xu’s debt of 2 trillion yuan, and in the latter, there was the dilemma of Country Garden, an outstanding pacesetter.

And that's just the business side.

A group of business representatives spoke actively.

For private entrepreneurs, it can be basically boiled down to lowering financing costs, lowering tax burdens, and loosening the tight reins.

And it is now increasingly urgent to protect the rights and interests of Chinese companies overseas.

Overseas investment and business may seem very profitable, but in fact it is very risky.

An investment of hundreds of millions or billions may be wasted due to a sudden change of circumstances.

This requires the country to increase its strength and make efforts in all aspects to protect rights and interests and reduce this risk.

For state-owned enterprises, the past few years have been quite prosperous, because they can obtain loans from banks more easily and at more favorable interest rates, but they also have other needs at this time.

"Boss Cai, other comrades have spoken. Do you have anything to say?" The host of the meeting looked at Cai Jin, who had not spoken.

Among all entrepreneurs, Cai Jin does not have the most employees, but Cai Jin is definitely the richest, and Cai Jin's company is definitely the most profitable, and it is also the most formal and timely in paying taxes.

Cai Jin has provided tens of thousands of high-paying jobs and won the title of ‘China’s Best Boss’ for several consecutive years.

Moreover, Cai Jin's company has applied for the most patents and possesses the most core technologies for several consecutive years. It has single-handedly improved China's industrial level.

A production base can greatly promote the development of a city.

It can be said that in the hearts of leaders, the importance of Cai Jin is self-evident. It can even be said that he itself represents China's current and future development.

"Dear leaders, since the leader named me, let me tell you some of my opinions." Cai Jin pondered for a moment, sat up straight, and then said: "What the bosses just said exist objectively. It is also something that needs to be solved urgently. It is not difficult to do it, and it is very simple to say it is simple. It is nothing more than a trade-off between interests in policy."

In Cai Jin's view, the solution to these problems is actually a matter of trade-offs between interests.

As long as the balance is well balanced, it is still very easy to solve these problems.

Many people nodded slightly, but this choice was not easy.

In fact, many people have participated in this kind of symposium more than once.

But some problems existed more than ten years ago and still exist now.

It is simply because all walks of life have their own interests and demands, and this involves a game among all walks of life.

“What I pay more attention to is the high-tech field, to be precise, about the fourth industrial revolution.” Cai Jin said: “Now artificial intelligence is increasingly penetrating into all aspects of society and is having a profound impact on society. In the next ten or twenty years, bionic robots will gradually appear in all walks of life, bringing profound disruptive changes to all walks of life."

"This is bound to happen, and training for corresponding social positions also needs to be done in advance." Cai Jin had to remind.

In recent years, artificial intelligence and robots have actually brought great impact and changes. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs and been replaced by artificial intelligence and robots.

This is still the country's conscious macro-control, otherwise it will be even more exaggerated.

To put it bluntly, as long as artificial intelligence and robots are released, 99% of translators, customer service staff, programmers, etc. will be eliminated, and more than tens of millions of people in the entire society will lose their original jobs.

Think about it, a restaurant does not need a chef or a waiter, it can be directly replaced by a robot. How many people will be unemployed?

This is only one aspect.

However, what makes Cai Jin very dissatisfied is that society's response in this regard is obviously very slow, far behind Cai Jin's original idea.

Cai Jin's original idea was to give everyone ten years of preparation time, and he could spend these ten years with minimal pain in the process.

Unfortunately, now, it is obvious that everyone does not have enough awareness.

"In addition, virtual reality technology, controllable nuclear fusion technology, biotechnology, etc. will be gradually conquered in the next ten or twenty years. I hope everyone will pay attention to this aspect," Cai Jin said.

What he brings is not just bionic robots and artificial intelligence.

The overcoming of graphene technology led to the creation of carbon-based chips. Although carbon-based chips are still in small-scale production, they have already had a huge impact on high-precision equipment.

Carbon-based chips have greatly improved the performance of satellites and aircraft. At the same time, it also urges the realization of real quantum computers.

In the future, as production capacity is gradually released, it will affect the entire semiconductor industry.

In addition, Cai Jinke has contributed a large number of new material technologies, including aerospace materials and other materials. These new materials will also have a profound impact on many fields.

As for now, China has twenty "quantum satellites" in space and has established an extremely secure global communication network. It can be seen that China is far ahead in the world in the field of "quantum information technology".

Even Cai Jin doesn’t know if Chinese society can withstand the impact of the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ given the current situation!

Normally, every industrial revolution requires decades of social development, which is equivalent to moistening things silently.

But now, because of the butterfly effect brought about by Cai Jin, the fourth industrial revolution is coming.

Some scholars have even publicly claimed that Chinese society is now in the "Fourth Industrial Revolution"!

The other entrepreneurs were all paying attention.

They all know that Cai Jin has extremely advanced technology, and what he said is of extremely high value.

In every industrial revolution, there are always many companies that seize the opportunities of the industrial revolution and continue to thrive, or even increase significantly. But similarly, there are more companies that have been eliminated by society because of the industrial revolution.

Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest!

This is also true in enterprises.

Only by keeping up with the development of the times can we ensure that we will not be eliminated by the times.

Ma Yun was even more serious. As early as five or six years ago, he said in public that he could not guarantee that Ali would still exist ten years later.

In the Internet field, the rise and fall of enterprises is just a matter of time.

At the beginning, Alibaba was not the leader of China's e-commerce, but those e-commerce companies were defeated by Alibaba in just a few years, making Alibaba the king of China's e-commerce.

However, in recent years, Alibaba's e-commerce revenue seems to be growing, but in fact its market share has been declining.

Look at Douyin again. In just a few years, it has become a new Internet giant, and it has huge influence not only in China, but also in the world.

And now, from Cai Jin's words, he felt that greater changes in the times were coming.

Now just sixty years old, Ma Yun does not want to live a peaceful retirement life like other retired old men, drinking tea, playing Tai Chi and playing chess every day.

Before he returned to Alibaba, he was the largest shareholder of Alibaba. Taking advantage of a rare opportunity, he dominated Alibaba and led Alibaba to be listed on the Hong Kong stock market, thereby getting rid of the predicament in North America.

At that time, he was extremely ambitious and said that he would risk all his reputation on his last venture.

He also wants to be a trendsetter of the times in the next ten or even twenty years!

"Dear leaders, in the new era, the changes of the times are extremely drastic. We can open up more fields, such as aviation and aerospace! Let private enterprises enter more fields and stimulate the enthusiasm and vitality of more enterprises!" Cai Jin said.

There are many fields that you can’t just enter if you want to.

For example, in the field of aircraft manufacturing, the country is currently dominated by state-owned enterprises and central enterprises. It is simply impossible for private enterprises to enter.

For example, in the aerospace field, there is no private enterprise. Private enterprises can only serve as suppliers of certain parts or services!

Cai Jin's words made many people's eyes light up.

"For the development of the moon, Mars, and asteroids, it is not enough to rely on the state alone. More private enterprises can be involved to enhance competition and vitality!" Cai Jin said.

Rather than involute on Earth, it would be better to involute in space.

The earth's area is limited, but space is infinite, an infinite cornucopia.

Of course, although Cai Jin said this, he actually knew that he would not let go for at least ten years.

The reason is simple. The aerospace field requires funds but also technology. Funds and technology are indispensable. Looking at the entire private enterprise, which one has enough funds and technology?

At most, it can be gradually liberalized and gradually guide private enterprises to participate in the aerospace feast.

After the symposium, a lot of information was released to the outside world.

Real estate, which was originally slightly relaxed, once again welcomed the saying "houses are for living in, not for speculation". The focus of the relevant departments will be to ensure that the buildings are handed over, the responsibilities are assigned to the people, and the number of unfinished buildings is reduced as much as possible. .

What's more, the financial sector has also released benefits. Those who have purchased a house or are about to purchase a house will enjoy the latest lending interest rates, reducing the pressure of loan repayment.

There is no doubt that in terms of real estate, stable and healthy development will be the unchanged policy for at least the next four to five years. Expectations of floods like before are doomed to be dashed.

In addition to the financial sector, there is another good thing, which is to reduce loan interest rates and support small and medium-sized enterprises. In the stock market, some approval procedures have also been simplified to allow more companies to go public and raise funds.

Immediately afterwards, information such as 'property tax' and 'vacancy tax' are constantly being released. In the past few years, these types of voices have been heard. This is also a test to test everyone's reaction, and at the same time, it is also to prepare the public. .

Many people actually believe that 'property tax' and 'vacancy tax' will come sooner or later, because they are meant to provide local governments with a stable cash income and ensure that they have enough fiscal revenue to maintain operations.

In addition to the voices of "property tax" and "vacancy tax", there are also low-rent housing led by local governments, which are also looking for a stable fiscal revenue for the government.

Among these voices, the voice of "inheritance tax" is also increasing, making people feel that the footsteps of "inheritance tax" are becoming clearer.

Around the world, more than 100 countries such as the United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Japan have "inheritance tax" as a tax, but China alone does not. In the past ten years, there have been endless voices about the introduction of inheritance tax, but It never landed.

Firstly, China's personal tax itself is relatively high, and the tax burden does not match welfare; secondly, there has been no such thing as property tax in China since ancient times, and it has always been the most difficult to start something from scratch.

Therefore, for so many years, the levy of inheritance tax has always remained at the stage of discussion and solicitation of opinions by scholars. However, the resistance in this regard is not generally great. To a certain extent, it is even more difficult to levy inheritance tax than to levy "property tax" and "property tax". The 'vacancy tax' is even bigger.

That really involves everyone's vital interests, and no one really likes this tax.

Therefore, there are very lively discussions on the Internet, frequent hot searches, and a very high level of participation.

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