Those who play with fire will burn themselves.

This principle has never changed since ancient times.

The cause of the past is the effect of today.

Once upon a time, the United States was the world's largest industrial country. It completed the transformation from an agricultural country to an industrial country in 1884, and surpassed the United Kingdom in 1894 to become the world's largest industrial power and the world's largest economy.

The two world wars allowed the United States to make a lot of war wealth, and the war wealth was only part of it. The other part was the migration of talents to the United States, which made American science and technology advance by leaps and bounds.

During World War II, the United States exploded with amazing industrial power.

With the power of one country, it became the main supplier of arms to the Allies.

The victory of World War II was better said to be a victory of industry. It simply relied on industry to kill its opponents.

By 1945, the scale of the U.S. military industry had grown to the level of producing 40,000 aircraft and 20,000 tanks annually. During World War II, the U.S. produced a total of 80,000 tanks, nearly 40,000 of which were located in Detroit. The M4 Sherman tank produced at the Crest Factory.

From the outbreak of the Pacific War on December 7, 1941, to August 15, 1945, the United States built a total of 147 aircraft carriers, 113 of which were light escort aircraft carriers. This number is unmatched by other countries.

That year, the American "Yorktown 0" was severely damaged in the Pacific. The Japanese determined that it would take 2 months to repair it. The Americans completed it in only 36 hours, which shows their ability and efficiency.

However, since the United States began to deindustrialize in the 1970s, outstanding college students have gone to Silicon Valley and Wall Street after graduation.

At that time, the United States used government credit and national strength as an endorsement, and the U.S. dollar was bound to oil as the oil settlement currency, making the U.S. dollar the world currency.

The U.S. dollar has become a harvester, harvesting the world's physical wealth for Americans.

The U.S. releases dollars to acquire real businesses and assets around the world. Wall Street is becoming more and more powerful, and it is so easy to make money in finance that young people are not willing to work in factories and earn hard money.

Manufacturing owners find that operating costs are getting higher and higher, their products are not competitive, and consumers are not buying it. Naturally, they have only three choices: one is to close the factory and enter the financial industry to make money. For example, the interest on U.S. Treasury bonds is very high. High, the dividends from buying treasury bonds may be higher than the profits from a year of hard work in setting up a factory; the second is to transfer production lines to backward areas and obtain profits by squeezing costs. There are too many examples of this, too numerous to mention, such as General Motors; The third is to shut down production lines and authorize production rights to companies in other countries. U.S. companies can directly import goods and earn higher profits than their own domestic production. For example, Apple and Qualcomm are taking this route.

Half a century of deindustrialization has been followed by half a century of good times.

But as the saying goes, if you succeed, you must deindustrialize, and if you fail, you must deindustrialize!

After being unable to break through the Fourth Industrial Revolution and taking advantage of the powerful productivity that emerged from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, its own high-end manufacturing industry was hit to pieces. Then there were various natural and man-made disasters, and the accumulation of problems finally broke out.

First, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates. The interest rates continued to exceed market expectations, but the results were unsatisfactory. A lot of dollars flowed back, but those countries did not go bankrupt, and their own high inflation remained high.

We have been clamoring for the reshoring of the manufacturing industry for more than ten years, but to no avail.

The old cousins ​​next door have become alienated because the beauty's image is too ugly.

The interest rate hike broke the historical record, but as a result, no one cared about U.S. debt.

When one cannot make ends meet, one thunder breaks out after another.

There is a seven-day Spring Festival holiday here in China, but not in North America.

One bank after another, there was a thunderstorm!

Very tragic, very tragic.

The news on TV was that banks were closed and depositors lost their money. Financial giants jumped from the rooftops one after another, shouting that they would be a good man again in eighteen years.

Every move made by the behemoth has an impact all over the world.

No one is unaffected.

For the first time, Cai Jin felt that the Spring Festival was full of chill. For the first time in history, banks and securities companies were so busy, and they kept saying things to boost market confidence.

The entire global economy is in turmoil.

The stock market is booming, which is a good thing in China, as stock prices are rising.

But it's different overseas. When the stock market is booming, it's just a loss of blood.

Even technology giants like Apple can't stop their stock prices from falling.

Under this situation, Cai Jin watched the turmoil coldly.

The changes in the exchange rate in the foreign exchange market are absolutely shocking, with the price changing every day.

Navy warships cruise on the ocean, and submarines leave their home ports and disappear into the vast sea.

In the sky, planes were cruising one after another. Air and space fighter jets are observed from time to time.

New missiles were unveiled and tested.

What kind of hypersonic missiles, what kind of missiles that will float in water?

There is much more news on the military channel than usual.

Steady as Mount Tai, motionless as a mountain!

Maintaining the status quo!

In the new year, Cai Jin did not release a smart mechanical dog with better performance.

The original smart mechanical dogs are enough for the time being.

Now it is not a question of performance, but a question of quantity and popularity.

In the new year, the goal is still to increase production capacity and introduce more bionic robots to the market.

Cultivate a larger market.

Just after the Spring Festival holiday, Mexico first appeared on the front page news. Many people are no stranger to Mexico. This country borders the United States to the north and Belize and Guatemala to the south. It covers an area of ​​1.9644 million square kilometers. It is the third largest country in Latin America and the fourteenth largest country in the world. It is located in the southern part of North America and the northwest tip of Latin America. The total population is nearly 130 million. .

This is one of the ancient cultural centers of Indians on the American continent. After World War II, Mexico became a major economic power in Latin America. The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement is also a member of the North American Free Trade Area, and is known as one of the most open economies in the world.

In 2021, Mexico's GDP is US$1.09 trillion, and its per capita GDP is US$8,800, which can be said to be an outstanding performance.

Mexico has always been a major economic power in Latin America and an important mining producer in the world. Its energy and mineral resources include oil, natural gas, uranium and coal, and its metal minerals include iron, manganese, copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver, antimony and mercury. , tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, etc.; non-metallic minerals include sulfur, graphite, wollastonite, trona and fluorite, etc. Minerals with the largest reserves in the world include: silver ranks first in the world; copper and graphite rank third in the world; sulfur and barite rank sixth in the world; molybdenum, lead and zinc rank seventh in the world; manganese Ranked 11th in the world.

It originally had the potential to become a world power, but unfortunately it was abolished. It perfectly interpreted the mantra of "too far from heaven, too close to old America"!

And now, the impact is also in the first wave.

Banks collapsed one after another, the financial turmoil was extremely turbulent, and various forces came to the fore.

Mexico wanted to ship gold back, but was told that the gold was not available!

This simply cost Mexico half its life.

And other countries are panicking one by one.

Antiques in prosperous times, gold in troubled times!

At this time, nothing is more valuable than gold.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has always been a distinctive building on the surface, but it is known as the safest place in the world.

Because there is a huge treasury 25 meters deep underground here!

The entire vault is surrounded by several meters of granite. The door frame is a 140-ton reinforced concrete member. The door has a 90-ton steel column. In the middle of the column is a small passage leading to the vault.

Bombs can't explode here, and water and fire can't get in.

Therefore, countries reserve gold here.

But the problem is, bombs can't explode, water and fire can't attack, but they can't defend people.

As early as before, gold stored here in Germany, Venezuela and other countries was refused by the Federal Reserve to be shipped back or inspected. Just a few years ago, even some of the gold in China was refused to be shipped back.

Some people began to worry that there were safety risks.

This gold vault stores about 6,200 tons of gold, which is of extraordinary value. The gold is only useful if it can be retrieved.

If you can't get it back, it's of no use.

As a result, it happened now.

And it’s still Mexico.

Mexico, which has signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and is a good friend and brother of the United States, has a better result and receives the same treatment.

For a long time, some people have questioned that there is not so much gold there. According to them, "Except for the Federal Reserve employees who have been there, no one is sure whether there is really a vault there. If there really is a vault, then the Federal Reserve's No evidence has ever been given'."

Other theorists suspect that the gold buried under the New York Fed headquarters may be gold-plated fake gold. They even believe that the Fed has been secretly leasing gold in order to manipulate the fund. They believe that there is simply not that much gold there, so the Federal Reserve has been refusing to allow other countries to ship back or even inspect the gold stored there.

Now that such a big thing has happened, these opinions have naturally become popular.

More and more countries are requesting to see the gold or ship the gold back, but undoubtedly, they are all refused.

It was also at this time that the Bank of China officially issued a document stating that the 600 tons of gold placed there by China had been shipped back to China at the beginning of last year.

Cai Jin already had a premonition that the crisis this time would be far greater than that of 2008.

However, this matter has nothing to do with him. After all, he does not have 1 US dollar or 1 Euro in foreign exchange. Whether the US dollar or Euro rises or falls has nothing to do with him.

What's more, now that the RMB has appreciated, theoretically, his money is more valuable, and the same 100 yuan can buy more things.

But that only exists in theory. In China, prices are still as stable as dogs.

Be it rice, vegetables, meat or eggs, all are safe.

The wages are still those wages.

After officially going to work, Cai Jin is also starting to make arrangements for those commitments to travel to space or the moon.

Here we need to use the space shuttle.

Even if we arrange 6 to 12 people at a time, we have to arrange it for a whole year.

Moreover, everyone must undergo a physical examination. Only those who are suitable for entering space can travel. If not, they must be exchanged for equivalent money.

Although there are now space shuttles and the physical requirements for members to enter space have been greatly reduced, it does not mean that anyone can do it.

Not everyone can fly on an airplane, let alone a space shuttle.

And you have to learn basic operations such as wearing a seat belt and wearing a space suit.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

The unrest intensified.

When a whale falls, everything comes alive!

But it is also possible that one whale fell and crushed countless small fish and shrimps to death.

And now, this phenomenon is occurring.

In order to maintain the development of the world economy, China has to import more grain, fruits, soybeans, oil, natural gas, minerals, etc. from some countries, allowing more countries to have RMB foreign exchange reserves.

Under such circumstances, a very strange scene emerged, that is, more things were continuously imported, and more industrial products were shipped to the world. The import and export trade continued to reach new highs, but the trade surplus did not decrease.

The three production bases are continuously producing various types of intelligent mechanical dogs, from the lowest-end high-end children's intelligent mechanical dogs to mid-level intelligent mechanical dogs, which are continuously shipped to various places.

Both offline and online sales are innovating.

In society, urban police patrols and traffic police are at traffic lights, and more patrol robot dogs are appearing. Even in many traffic frictions, the traffic police do not need to go to the scene, and the robot dogs are directly patrolled to issue tickets.

Similarly, many parents whose schools are relatively close no longer personally take their children to and from school, but instead hand them over to intelligent robotic dogs.

If you are watching at home, or something happens, you will be reminded or even call the police.

More and more parents are choosing to let intelligent mechanical dogs accompany their children in their studies and lives.

In restaurants, smart robot dogs are also used as waiters, and in supermarkets, they are used as shopping guides.

In March, Cai Jin went to the Lancang River hub project. Today, the shield machine will officially excavate here. Today is the year when construction of these water diversion channels begins.

I saw a shield machine started, and its extremely sharp blades directly smashed the rocks into pieces at any time, which were continuously transmitted through the conveyor belt and sent to the transport vehicle.

The tunnel with a diameter of more than ten meters is rapidly taking shape as the shield machine continues to advance.

A traditional shield machine normally advances 6 to 10 meters a day, but this new type of shield machine can advance a full 1,000 meters a day.

That's basically solid rock.

As a result, the transport trucks did not have time to transport, but instead formed a storage yard outside, and the construction workers did not have time to construct. They could only dig the tunnel first, and the transport trucks behind would slowly transport the gravel, and the construction team would slowly proceed with the construction. .

The terrifying construction progress of the new shield machine quickly shocked the entire industry.

No one expected that the construction of this kind of shield machine would be so terrifying. Even extremely hard rocks would be directly crushed into gravel. This is simply the sharpest tool for digging tunnels.

Cai Jin was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that when the blade was sharp, the rocks could be easily broken into gravel. Many of the gravel could even be used as gravel for engineering!

At this rate of tunnel excavation, it is estimated that all tunnels will be excavated in less than two years.

The entire water diversion channel project may be accelerated much faster than expected.

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