The leaders and experts who participated in today's groundbreaking ceremony were extremely shocked as they watched the shield machine continue to advance and the gravel was continuously transported out.

Although the shield machine has been used as an artifact for digging tunnels before, it is definitely not so fast.

This efficiency has probably been improved a hundred times!

With such a tunneling artifact, as long as the construction team can keep up, the entire project period can be greatly shortened.

Is the problem that China is short of construction teams?

There is no shortage at all!

China lacks everything except people!

How many migrant workers are still idle in the countryside!

Many of these migrant workers are experienced, hard-working construction workers!

As for organizational ability, whether it is China Railway Group or China Water Group, this organizational ability is definitely leveraged.

And some people feel that the entire industry is about to change.

Such a shield machine can compete with hundreds of previous shield machines of the same size. Whether it is building a subway or an undersea tunnel, there is no difficulty at all.

Tunneling projects that used to take a year can now be completed in just three or four days.

No matter how hard the rock is, it is directly crushed into gravel, which is simply the best source of gravel for engineering.

Many people finally understand why the country has invested so much in launching such a century project.

It turns out that we don’t have to rely on original engineering technology, but more advanced technology.

At this moment, many people are sighing in their hearts. Technology is indeed the primary productive force. In the past, poverty really limited imagination.

On the first day of the project launch, it was broadcast directly on today's 7 o'clock news. CCTV was also very effective. It spent 20 minutes introducing this century project, including the overall plan of the project, dynamic renderings, and today's shield tunnel. Video of the construction site where the machine is advancing rapidly.

This project is the one with the largest investment, the largest project, and the widest scope since the founding of the Republic. It involves the entire central and western regions, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it involves the whole country.

The climate across the country will change as a result.

The entire country will have millions of square kilometers of extra Jiangnan outside the Great Wall, which will allow for hundreds of millions more people to live in and one more granary.

Project of the century!

No exaggeration!

This project not only shocked the country, but also shocked the world.

They did not expect that at this time, China was not entering a power vacuum area, but was focusing on making big moves in the aerospace and infrastructure fields.

These will not produce any benefits in a short period of time. It is estimated that it will take about ten years to break even.

The plan to transform the Midwest is not just about introducing water into the Midwest, it is not just about changing the weather and climate into a livable environment.

It is also necessary to build a large number of highways, high-speed railways and airports.

It is foreseeable that the funds that need to be invested in the entire central and western regions are definitely in the hundreds of billions of yuan.

And which ones have protection value and which ones have no protection value, the overall planning of every province and city in the entire region will change accordingly.

Coupled with the investment in the aerospace field, various media have to wonder, does China still have room for internationalization?

Of course, some people interpret this as a new version of the four trillion plan, which is no different from the one more than ten years ago, except that the scale was smaller this time and the scale is larger this time.

But the concept is the same. It is nothing more than maintaining and stimulating economic development through the country's massive investment so that the country's economy can smoothly survive the economic cycle.

These experts still interpret according to the old Western economic theories. But they didn't realize that China's economic development has already broken countless Western economic theories.

They even don’t realize that the times are completely different. What China wants is completely different from the world hegemon of the past three hundred years. It is not to become king and hegemon in the world, but to rejuvenate China and return China to where it belongs. place.

The entire huge project and the grand plan drove companies to flock to the Midwest, and many people also went to the Midwest to work.

Interests are always the most motivating people.

The hustle and bustle in the world is all for benefit; the hustle and bustle of the world is all for benefit!

It has been like this since ancient times!

The entire project has invested nearly 10 trillion yuan, and the country has to invest hundreds of billions of yuan in it. Add in the various provinces and cities, and the funds to be mobilized are hundreds of billions.

Everyone knows that the country is not short of money, and society is not short of money. What is lacking is where the money goes.

None of the rich people want to keep their money in the bank. It may seem that they can earn interest, but in fact it will still depreciate.

But there is no way, sometimes there is no choice, so in order to prevent the assets from depreciating, in addition to depositing in banks, they buy government bonds.

But now, government bonds are still quite popular, and you can't just buy them if you want.

"Hiss~~ I seem to see that the Midwest contains endless opportunities, I want to go gold hunting!"

"Our company has decided to move to Qinghai. We can no longer live in Zhejiang. I heard that there are huge subsidies every year."

"It turns out that what Mr. Cao said is right. There are places where people can make a lot of money as a source of mineral water. I discovered for the first time that as early as more than ten years ago, someone had been keenly aware of the business opportunities there and made a lot of money. !”

"Beyond the Great Wall, in the south of the Yangtze River, there will be hundreds of millions of acres of fertile farmland in the future. We will no longer have to worry about insufficient food production and starvation. From this point of view, no matter how much investment we make, it will be worth it."

"Doesn't that mean that the desert will disappear from China in the future? If you want to see the desert style, you have to go abroad?"


Everything always has two sides. For example, some people hold fierce objections.

"Don't talk about the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Desert is also a side of nature. We should respect nature and respect the laws of nature."

“With so much money invested, it’s better to give money to everyone.”

"If you have money, it is better to implement free medical care. Look at 189 countries around the world that implement free medical care. We still have to face the mountain of medical care."

"Haha, I am also drunk when I spend taxpayers' money on space and deserts!"


Such comments are rampant.

But none of this can stop the country's firm will.

After all, this is a great thing that will create wealth for generations to come. No matter how loud the opposition is, it cannot become a hindrance, but should move forward bravely.

There is also a lot of opposition to increasing investment in space, but this is related to national strategy. From the civilian field, it has a huge market. Satellite navigation is already a large market worth more than 10 trillion yuan. If you don’t go Occupy it and others will occupy it. Satellite communications is also a huge market with more than 10 trillion levels, and huge profits can be obtained.

Think about it, if everyone uses satellite communications in the future, then the communications companies in those countries will be directly destroyed.

After a few years, we will allow you to make phone calls and allow you to access the Internet. As for not allowing you to

What's more, it's not just the civilian field, it also involves the military field.

Missile precision guidance, fighter aircraft navigation, warship navigation, battlefield communications, etc., are all related to national security.

The earth is very big, but the earth is also very big.

It can easily occupy the main orbit, thereby controlling the earth's access to space and occupying the commanding heights.

At present, we are not far away from achieving this goal.

At that time, if you want to launch satellites, you will have to buy orbit fees and orbit fees.

When Musk's Space X launched the "Starlink Project", was it just to compete for the satellite Internet market?

Whoever believes it is a fool!

As for the entire plan to transform the northwest desert and the development of the western region, this is a matter of great significance for generations to come and the development of the whole of China. China cannot only develop the eastern coastal areas, as that is not in the interest of all Chinese people.

Otherwise, we would not have proposed the Western Development Strategy around the turn of the millennium, and we have continued to work hard for more than 20 years and invested more than 10 trillion!

If the central part is added, this number will at least double.

Large-scale and continuous investment in the central and western regions, and continuous large-scale investment in rural areas, are not just for the overall balanced development, so as not to be top-heavy.

After Cai Jin attended the groundbreaking ceremony, he took a plane to leave late at night.

Cai Jin's notebook shows red dots. These red dots represent air and space fighters. It can be clearly seen from the above that the distribution of air and space fighters is directly deployed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Pacific Ocean, forming a preliminary defensive circle.

The current number of air and space fighters is not enough to cover the entire national border to form an absolute defense, but it can already form a preliminary defense circle and focus on defense, and then cooperate with the missile defense system to form a relatively tight air defense system.

It’s hard to say how many times the defense capability exceeds the Patriot Missile Defense System, but as soon as missiles from these directions appear, they will be discovered as soon as possible and then intercepted layer by layer.

Cai Jin was quite emotional when he saw four aerospace fighters deployed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. He estimated that the aerospace army was also very cautious, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

After all, this guy next door cannot be deduced by common sense. Even the great man thought about things that he couldn't figure out for ten days and ten nights, so everyone still has to be careful.

Looking at the bionic robots again, there are more than 10,000 bionic robots of various types arranged here. This density is terrifying.

When fighting with cold weapons, they can defeat one against ten. If equipped with so many bionic robots, they can defeat one against twenty.

Cai Jin sometimes couldn't understand his third brother, and didn't know what was going on in his head.

Last year, someone from the Third Brother's military contacted him and wanted to purchase a batch of combat robot dogs. Not only did they openly ask for rebates, they even wanted to deliver the goods first and then pay later.

Cai Jin naturally ignored them and asked them to leave.

Anyone who is engaged in foreign trade does not know the character of the third brother, and anyone who believes him is a fool.

As for those who used to go to Third Brother to open factories and companies, they were tricked into crying and cursing their ancestors for eighteen generations.

Make money in India and spend money in India, one wants to take it home.

This sentence is a wise saying summarized by countless foreign companies based on their own bloody lessons.

"Huh?" Cai Jin suddenly frowned.

However, they accidentally discovered an unusual movement. The mountain divisions were moving, and the direction of the movement was not elsewhere, but Nepal.

Nibal is an inland mountainous country in South Asia. It is located at the southern foot of the Himalayas. It borders China to the north and India on the other three sides. It is only separated from Bangladesh by a 27-kilometer corridor. It covers an area of ​​about 147,000 square kilometers and has a population of about 30 million!

The biggest impression Chinese people have on Nepal is that it is a Buddhist country, and the second one is the Nepali Saber.

Of course, this is actually an inherent impression. In fact, more than 80% of the people here are Hindus and only 10% are Buddhists!

Nepal as a whole is an agricultural country with a backward economy and is one of the least developed countries in the world.

"It seems like they are trying to stir up trouble again!" Cai Jin muttered to himself.

He easily broke through the Internet firewall, obtained intelligence, and dispatched five mountain divisions. It was a big deal.

Speaking of mountain division, most people may be unfamiliar with it. When the Mountain Division was first established, it was to meet the needs of mountain operations.

The country with the most mountain divisions has always been Third Brother. Third Brother has publicly claimed to have the largest and most powerful mountain troops in the world, with a total strength of 150,000 mountain divisions.

There are a total of 12 mountain divisions, and for the logistics support of the mountain divisions, a logistics force of 8,000 people is specially equipped for each mountain division.

Cai Jin had a strange look on his face. It would probably be fun if these five mountain divisions were completely wiped out here.

Just as he said, Cai Jin went back to the headquarters and installed all the precision-guided missiles he had produced. Then Cai Jin was condescending and controlled the entire situation.

Cai Jin then secretly disclosed the information to the Goat Country and Nepal, as well as to the border guards.

In the early morning, when the sky is still dark, it is the easiest time to sleep.

The five mountain divisions have all been deployed and are about to launch a surprise attack.

The commander-in-chief of this operation is an officer who has experienced the test of fire, and is conducting command through the command system.

The five mountain divisions are generally equipped with heavy weapons such as RPGs, mortars and recoilless rifles. Through continuous purchases over the years, the mountain divisions have more advanced weapons and equipment. Among these advanced weapons are CH-47 Nugan large helicopter, AH-64 Apache armed helicopter, C-17 large strategic transport aircraft and M777 ultra-light howitzer.

In his opinion, this military operation was for military merit.

Five mountain divisions can directly defeat the opponent's troops.


Missiles pierced the sky one after another and hit the command center accurately. There was a violent explosion in the command center, and each of the commanders was killed immediately.

Not only the general headquarters, but also the headquarters of various mountain divisions were attacked.

The five mountain divisions had just launched an attack, but all the headquarters were seized. They were all stunned. The entire army was leaderless and in chaos.

The Nigerian army, which received the intelligence, quickly launched a counterattack.

Just two rounds of attacks caused heavy losses to the five mountain divisions, and then they collapsed, which can be said to be a complete defeat.

That's how fighting is. Fighting against the wind is the hardest, fighting with the wind is the easiest.

Even if the weapon is at a disadvantage, you can still chase the opponent's butt and beat him.

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