The Nepalese army is actually not strong.

The national defense budget is equivalent to about 1.4 billion yuan a year.

As for military strength, there are only 95,000 active troops and 15,000 paramilitary personnel. The armed forces are all composed of the Army and there is an Army Aviation Force.

The ground forces have no tanks, no self-propelled artillery, no multiple rocket launchers, only 14 105mm howitzers, 70 120mm mortars and some 81mm mortars.

The armored force has only 40 Ferret armored reconnaissance vehicles, 13 armored personnel carriers, 37 mine-resistant and ambush-resistant vehicles, and 200 multi-mission light armored personnel carriers.

In the world's armed forces rankings, the strength of the Nepalese Armed Forces is only ranked 119th.

But even such an armed military force fought a good battle.

Annihilate five mountain divisions.

Once the news was announced, it caused a sensation in the whole world and attracted the attention of the whole world.

A normal person's first thought is that this is a FAke NEWS!

But when I saw the video released by the Nigerian army, it was a mountain of trophies, including 155mm howitzers, 75/105mm mountain guns, 81mm and 120mm mortars, as well as a large number of jeeps, trucks and other vehicles of nearly 10,000 vehicles.

Anyone who knows something knows that the Nigerian army cannot have so many weapons and equipment.

No one expected that the five mountain divisions were going to launch an assault, but they failed. Instead, they were ambushed and the entire army was wiped out.

The whole world thought about it for ten days and ten nights, but no one could figure out why five mountain divisions were deployed to carry out an attack. In the end, the intelligence was leaked and they were ambushed.

Could it be that satellites are not used for reconnaissance? Even if the satellite reconnaissance effect is not good in the mountains and forests, or the aerial satellite reconnaissance effect is not good, then scouts should be sent to conduct reconnaissance.

Blessings never come alone and misfortunes never come alone!

At this time, the Goat Kingdom seized the opportunity and decisively sent troops.

Both sides are sworn enemies, and their hatred is as deep as the sea.

In the Kesh area, fights are no longer just once or twice.

The Goat Country covers an area of ​​880,254 square kilometers and has a population of nearly 210 million. The armed forces are composed of regular army, paramilitary forces and reserve forces. The regular army is divided into three armies: sea, land and air. There are 587,000 active troops, including 500,000 army and navy. 5,000 people, 8,000 air force!

Because they have fought against each other for a long time, the soldiers of the Goat Kingdom are brave and good at fighting.

This time, it was learned that three mountain divisions were transferred out of the Kesh area. How could the Goat Country miss such a good opportunity.

In addition, there were helpers in the Kesh area, and the headquarters of these troops were destroyed immediately.

The army of the Goat Kingdom can be described as overwhelming, advancing by leaps and bounds, breaking through every line of defense.

The entire territory of this place is mountainous, with most areas above 4,000 meters above sea level. There is the Karakoram Mountains in the north, with an average altitude above 6,000 meters. There are 4 peaks above 8,000 meters, 8 above 7,500 meters, and the K2 is the second highest peak in the world with an altitude of 8,611 meters.

In this transition zone, it covers an area of ​​173,000 square kilometers and has a population of approximately 10.86 million people.

Originally, there had been a stalemate here for almost twenty years.

Now, this deadlock has been broken.

The eyes of the whole world can't help but focus on the South Asian subcontinent!

Everyone wants to understand why this South Asian subcontinent suddenly had problems first.

Cai Jin had woken up at this time and yawned.

After washing myself, I watched the news.

At this time, the whole world was confused, and no one knew what happened.

Why, all of a sudden, the war started.

What’s more, I don’t understand why, as the little overlord of the South Asian subcontinent, with an obvious advantage in strength, and its long-term military strength ranked among the top five in the world, its performance in the flames of war was such a mess.

Cai Jin understood.

It's nothing more than a financial crisis in North America and Europe, a major recession, and the third brother can't stand it anymore.

Life in Europe and the United States is difficult, and the third brother's life is even more difficult.

In this case, Lao Xian's best way is to transfer the conflict outward.

As long as the territory is expanded, all problems will not be a problem.

In the end, no one expected that Cai Jin would find out.

Five mountain divisions, that is, a total of 80,000 people were wiped out.

For only 12 mountain divisions, this is undoubtedly a heavy loss.

Coupled with the Kesh area, the old opponent added insult to injury, and there was no doubt that they were blinded.

Even if they were pigs, there was no way they could be killed so quickly.

But the problem happened.

Cai Jin muttered secretly.

Thinking about it, this moment was enough to cause the third brother to suffer heavy losses and make his body ache.

After all, more than 100,000 people were lost on both sides. More importantly, the defense line was pushed forward greatly and the long corridor was cut off. The losses would be extremely staggering.

Next, either invest more, or give in and reduce losses as much as possible.

To be honest, few outsiders can guess what Third Brother will choose.

Many experts have analyzed that the third brother will choose to negotiate and finally settle the matter.

But it turns out that what these experts said is that things tend to develop in the other direction.

How could the third brother make such a choice?

You must know that as the overlord of the South Asian subcontinent and one of the world's major powers, its military strength is extraordinary. The total strength of the land, sea and air forces is more than 1.45 million. Among them, the army is the absolute main force, with a total strength of 1.23 million. Even if it loses 100,000 people, There is absolutely no way to talk about the subjugation of the country and the annihilation of the species.

In this case, it is necessary to send additional troops.

But the fact is that one move affects the whole body.

Having more troops doesn't mean you have an advantage.

After losing the opportunity and the favorable location, they suffered a lot in the ensuing firefight.

Various internal states also experienced instability.

In just a few months, they had already lost troops and generals, and finally came to the negotiating table and signed a ceasefire agreement.

North America, Mexico.

The economy was in ruins at this time.

Banks declared bankruptcy one after another, and people's money deposited in banks could no longer be withdrawn as the banks went bankrupt.

Companies went bankrupt, companies laid off employees, and a large number of people lost their jobs.

The peso depreciated rapidly.

The money in people's hands is becoming less and less valuable.

Angry people raised their guns.

The closer you are, the greater the impact.

Thousands of refugees have crossed the border, demanding justice.

Walls that were once erected simply don’t work in situations like this.

And Mexico is just a microcosm.

There is turmoil, and the old order is crumbling.

This is true in North America, and it is true in Europe as well.

The dollar is depreciating, and the euro is also depreciating.

The result of currency devaluation is that the same 100 US dollars/euro can buy fewer and fewer goods.

Moreover, the collapse of banks and the declaration of bankruptcy by companies also means that the unemployment rate has soared.

Under such circumstances, various European countries are devastated by the economic mess.

In this crisis, the European Five Pigs once again acted as the vanguard.

With a high welfare system, you can naturally enjoy it when you are doing well, which is enviable.

But when times are bad, it is natural that it cannot be maintained.

Under such circumstances, various forces are raising their heads and seeking change.

In a few months, countless wealth has evaporated in the stock market, and no one knows where the evaporated wealth has gone.

At the headquarters of Future Technology Group, Cai Jin once again delivered 10 aerospace fighters to the Air and Space Force.

At present, air and space fighter jets are playing an increasingly important role, just like special weapons producing a deterrent effect.

There is no way, sometimes you have to rely on this deterrent effect to prevent some crazy people from taking risks.

There is never a shortage of lunatics in this world.

These lunatics always have a gambling mentality and want to have a try.

These lunatics must always be aware that there is a deadly sword hanging over their heads, which will endanger their lives, so that they can calm down a little.

The same is true. The factory is producing aerospace fighters at maximum productivity.

Some military factories are building laser weapons one after another.

These laser weapons are much easier to use than artillery shells. They can shoot down drones, aircraft, and missiles.

The laser weapons are all the same ones used on aerospace fighters.

Although the current output is not high, on average, two laser weapons can be manufactured a day. As workers become more skilled, this number will rise soon.

At this special time, weapons are updated very quickly.

Old-fashioned tanks and armored vehicles can be exported and sold, either settled in RMB, or traded in minerals, or even mines.

A large number of old weapons and equipment were exported.

Even those that have not been modified are no exception.

Although it is an old-fashioned weapon and equipment, it can still kill people easily.

There is a joke that the German army in World War II could sweep through almost 90% of the countries in the world. This is a slight exaggeration, but it is true. The development of various countries in the world is extremely uneven.

In addition, explosives are constantly being used to blow up mountains, and other military factories are mass-producing new weapons and equipment.

For example, electromagnetic gun!

The electromagnetic gun is an advanced kinetic energy killing weapon made using electromagnetic launch technology. Unlike traditional cannons that apply gunpowder gas pressure to projectiles, electromagnetic guns use the ampere force generated by the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system to accelerate the metal cannon to achieve the kinetic energy required to hit the target. Unlike traditional gunpowder-driven cannons, electromagnetic guns Cannons greatly increase projectile speed and range.

In the research of electromagnetic guns, China has always been at the forefront of the world. As early as November 20, 2013, "Jianshi Defense Weekly" reported that satellite images showed a so-called armor equipment and artillery testing center in the northwest of BT City. There are two The two cannons are about 26 meters and 33.5 meters long respectively. The two super cannons are each fixed on a concrete base and are suspected to be electromagnetic guns.

A few years ago, the electromagnetic gun was officially tested publicly.

Now it is in mass production and service.

The electromagnetic gun is just one type.

There is also the much-anticipated fourth-generation main battle tank.

The fourth-generation tank is a new type of tank that has better performance, more powerful weapons and equipment, better mobility, and more terrifying defensive capabilities than the third-generation main battle tank.

The armor-piercing capability of the fourth-generation tank's main gun has reached 1,500 mm, and the tank's defense capability has also reached 1,500 mm. This means that almost all artillery can't destroy the fourth-generation tank.

And while having such strong armor-piercing and defensive capabilities, the fourth-generation tank has a maneuverability of more than 80 kilometers per hour.

In the future, China's armored forces will form a pattern of high and low-level distribution of third-generation tanks and fourth-generation tanks.

This pattern is also reflected in the air. Air fighter jets will also form a pattern of high and low configurations of third-generation and fourth-generation aircraft.

And of course there are large drones!

When it comes to UAV technology and production capacity, China is absolutely unparalleled.

Honeycomb tactics can definitely make people's scalp numb.

It's a pity that he has never had the opportunity to show his talents on the battlefield in these years.

Under this circumstance, the proportion of the defense budget has to be increased.

He is a normal person, but by this time, he can already smell the smoke of gunfire.

The only doubt is whether this will lead to three wars.

Military drills are also becoming more frequent. From time to time, there are army-wide drills and army-wide competitions. We are accelerating the drills of new combined battalions and combined brigades to improve combat effectiveness as much as possible.

The combat effectiveness of the army, weapons and equipment are always only part of the combat effectiveness, and the people's army knows this better than anyone else.

Whether you can bring out the power of weapons and equipment depends on people!

Cai Jin watched the public debut of the fourth-generation new main battle tank and was filled with emotion. He still remembered that the news about China’s fourth-generation new main battle tank was the second in the series “The Craftsman of the Great Power” broadcast on October 3, 2016. During the episode, a piece of news was inadvertently revealed that China is developing a new fourth-generation main battle tank.

No one expected that not long after this news was revealed, the fourth-generation new main battle tank had been developed.

It's just that it has not been announced to the public.

The outside world's attention has always been attracted by the aircraft carrier, J-20, Y-20, H-20, and 0.55 million-ton cruise ship, but they have not paid much attention to the new fourth-generation main battle tank.

However, the performance of any weapon and equipment ultimately depends on actual combat testing on the battlefield. Without experience in actual combat, no matter how good the theoretical performance of weapons and equipment is, it is still a question mark.

But now, there seems to be no use for it.

Even to the outside world, it is just some normal sales of weapons and equipment.

There is no place to fight the war.

Except for the subcontinent, everyone around him seemed to be a good baby.

The subcontinent is now in a state of chaos, so how can it be provoked at this time?

Cai Jin, who felt that staying on earth was boring, left the earth with his parents, father-in-law, and wife, and went on a space journey, allowing them to experience the charm of space.

Unlike others wearing space suits, this time they were all wearing mechas.

Even if an accident does happen, he can still be saved safely.

Even if they don't know how to use mechas, Cai Jin can use remote control to rescue people safely.

After staying in the Earth's orbit for two days, they embarked on a journey to the moon. Nie Xiaoyu and others were so excited when they saw the growing moon. They never thought that one day they would be able to go to the moon. , set foot on the moon in person.

Cai Jin, who came to the moon for the second time, was obviously very indifferent.

Because he knows that the more interested people are in the moon and the more romantic they are, the more disappointed they will be when they reach the moon.

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