Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 290 Seismograph

After returning from the moon, Cai Jin's parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law all complained.

Of course, it could also be a Versailles-style showoff.

"Do you know what it's like in space? People are light and floating in the air."

"Do you know what the moon is like? It's so desolate there. There's not even grass. You can't even farm if you want to."

"Is the moon fun? It's not fun at all. I'll never go there again."


Remarks like this kept appearing in their mouths.

Nie Xiaoyu, on the other hand, was quite interested and wanted to take a second space trip.

They say that only when you go abroad can you realize how small China is.

Similarly, only when you go into space can you realize how small the earth is.

Only in space can you know that the earth is really round, so charming, and blue.

Looking at the Earth from the moon is even more fascinating.

This kind of shock is difficult to describe in words. It can be said to be a transformation, a transformation of vision.

Nowadays, space travel is no longer so rare.

Currently, the space travel project launched by CNSA costs 4 million yuan for three days.

Such high travel costs are naturally out of reach for ordinary people.

But for rich people, 4 million yuan may be just the cost of a night in a nightclub. For celebrities, maybe it is just money earned in a day.

China has no shortage of rich people.

In the past 40 years of golden years, a large number of rich people have been born, including more than one or two billionaires.

As for the tens of billions and billions of rich people, the number is probably in the tens of thousands.

The annual rich list is amazing.

But many people know that the above data can only be used as a reference and should not be taken seriously, because these rich people often hide their assets, and these hidden assets are difficult to investigate.

There are also invisible rich people. Only a few people know about these invisible rich people.

But there is no doubt that invisible rich people exist, and there are quite a few of them. They are so low-key that they cannot be seen in the news.

Naturally, this kind of space travel service will be loved by these rich people.

After all, rich people, in addition to having wealth, also hope that they can experience something that others have not experienced.

Under such circumstances, some people are constantly calling for the relaxation of restrictions on space travel, just like lunar mining.

After all, this is a big market, even if not many people will travel to space in the short term.

But even if only 10,000 people travel to space a year, that is still a market of 40 billion yuan.

What's more, more services can be provided to add value.

Perhaps in the future, 100,000 people around the world will travel into space every year, which will be a big market of 400 billion yuan. If one million people travel to space, that will be a huge market of 4 trillion yuan.

This kind of temptation is simply too great.

Traveling on land and traveling around the world are nothing, space travel is superior.

As for how to send people to space and build space hotels in space, these people don't even think about it.

After Cai Jin returned to Earth, he put into work.

He is engaged in research and development, that is, to develop a seismograph that can predict earthquakes.

Earthquakes are definitely a natural disaster that is shocking to people.

Because major earthquakes are the most destructive among natural disasters, it is difficult to predict and equally difficult to prevent.

Once a major earthquake occurs, the earth will collapse, the earth will shake, and the losses will be extremely heavy.

Every major earthquake is absolutely heartbreaking.

As for how to predict earthquakes, the means are extremely limited.

In modern society, so far, there is no way to predict the occurrence of earthquakes.

If a seismometer can be developed that can predict earthquakes, there is no doubt that losses can be reduced to a great extent.

After all, normally, if an earthquake occurs and people are in the open space, there will be no casualties.

Even if an earthquake can be predicted only one minute in advance, it can reduce a lot of losses.

Gradually, a seismograph was built by Cai Jin.

This seismometer predicts earthquakes through changes in the earth's magnetic field.

Once an earthquake occurs, there are often precursors, which are obvious in the changes in the earth's magnetic field.

"The test range is 100 kilometers in radius, and the prediction is half an hour in advance." Cai Jin was a little shocked when he looked at the information from the seismometer.

The test range is 100 kilometers in radius, which means that almost one city only needs one seismometer, and the prediction of earthquakes half an hour in advance can minimize the human losses caused by earthquakes.

As for earthquakes, as long as people are alive, reconstruction is nothing more than spending money and time.

To some extent, talent is the most precious.

As for other things, they are nothing more than external things.

The whole of China means that only 1,000 such seismometers are needed to cover the entire land area.

If we include the ocean, it would be enough to add 320 seismometers.

"What if the National Seismological Bureau believes that this seismograph can predict earthquakes?" Cai Jin thought of a question.

He knew that this seismograph could predict earthquakes.

But you must know that earthquakes are under the control of the National Seismological Administration.

The National Seismological Administration was established in 1971 and is responsible for managing national earthquake work and conducting nationwide earthquake prevention and disaster reduction.

If it does not gain the trust of the National Seismological Administration, it is of no use at all.

"Don't worry, you can make 10 seismometers for experimental testing first. When they are proven to be useful in practice, the Earthquake Administration will believe them." Cai Jin pondered for a moment.

This seismograph is expensive to build and contains a lot of high technology. The chip is also a top-notch carbon-based chip. The appearance of the seismograph is made of new materials, so it is naturally expensive to build. The cost of such a seismograph is as high as 10 million. RMB.

And this is just the cost. As a company, it is natural to make money. Isn't it normal for the ex-factory price to be 50 million yuan?

As for exports, doubling it again will definitely make countries like Japan, which suffers from frequent earthquakes, flock to it.

After all, the losses caused by the earthquake were far more than this amount of money.

Cai Jin built 10 more seismometers, and then he contacted the National Seismological Administration.

"Boss Cai, did I hear you correctly? You said you developed a seismometer that can predict earthquakes?" After receiving Cai Jin's contact number, Bureau Min felt that he had heard wrong.

As the director of the National Seismological Bureau, Min Bureau has a professional background. He graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Hubei University and then taught at Wuhan University of Science and Technology of Surveying and Mapping. He also majored in photogrammetry and remote sensing in the Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing as a graduate student and worked in the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. Over more than ten years, he was gradually promoted to the director of the National Seismological Bureau.

He knew very well how difficult it was to predict earthquakes.

As for the large number of ants and birds appearing when an earthquake occurs, that is just experience. It is difficult to detect it in time. Even if it is discovered, the Earthquake Administration cannot be sure that an earthquake is about to occur.

In this case, if earthquake prevention is issued and social order is disrupted, it would be okay if an earthquake really occurs. If an earthquake does not occur, who dares to take responsibility?

Every time there is an earthquake, someone on the Internet will always say that there are some abnormal phenomena, it is obviously an earthquake, but the Earthquake Bureau has not responded, and then they will curse the Earthquake Bureau.

In fact, they don’t even think about it. If it doesn’t happen, who will bear the responsibility?

If it doesn't happen, the damage will be huge.

"Yes, Bureau Min, I am very confident in the seismometer we have developed." Cai Jin said: "Now we need to conduct test experiments on this seismometer, and we want to cooperate with your system to test the actual effect of the seismometer. "

Min Ju calmed down.

If it were anyone else who dared to say this, Director Min would hang up the phone without hesitation and ignore him.

But Cai Jin is different. Cai Jin's status is there.

More importantly, Future Technology Group is the most famous high-tech company in the country, leading the world's technology trends.

Predicting earthquakes is difficult, but what if it happens?

And now we are just cooperating with the test, so there is no need to spend money.

"In this way, Boss Cai, put these ten seismographs in Sichuan Province," Bureau Min thought for a while and said slowly.

The ten places he mentioned are all in earthquake-prone areas and are the most prone to earthquakes.

"Okay!" Cai Jin said.

The next day, Cai Jin arranged for people to send these ten seismographs to the seismological bureaus of various cities.

In fact, these earthquake bureaus don't take it seriously.

After all, predicting earthquakes is unreliable no matter how you think about it.

But with the investment from the National Seismological Bureau, these seismological bureaus can only follow suit.

The installation costs are all paid by Future Technology Group.

Soon, earthquake prediction experiments from several places were continuously summarized, gradually shocking the Earthquake Administration, and the entire National Seismological Administration was shocked.

Because even if it is only a 0.5-magnitude super megaquake, this seismograph can detect it, and without exception, it is half an hour ahead of schedule.

Earthquakes are actually not very rare.

You must know that in the mainland alone, there are almost 20 earthquakes of magnitude 5 or above every year, 4 earthquakes of magnitude 6 or above, and 2 earthquakes of magnitude 7 or above on average every year.

Although seismic activity is not uniform, it is a fact that earthquakes occur every year.

As for earthquakes below magnitude 5, there are more.

What shocked the National Seismological Bureau the most was the seismograph placed at the Hualien City Earthquake Bureau in the East Rift Valley of Hualien City, Taiwan. This is the junction line between the Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea plate. Because of this The two plates push and squeeze each other, causing earthquakes.

There are an average of 6,302 earthquakes in this place every year, of which 426 are earthquakes.

In just one month, the seismometer test shocked the entire National Seismological Bureau and caused huge vibrations throughout the seismic system.

They never thought that the idea of ​​the Internet of Things, proposed ten years ago, that everything could be connected and earthquakes could be predicted, would be born so quickly.

Earthquakes that cause headaches to countless people around the world can be predicted one day in advance, even if it is only half an hour in advance, which is very precious.

Half an hour is enough for everyone in the area to evacuate to a safe area.

And more importantly, each time these seismometers can be used in conjunction with the map to form an earthquake prediction for the entire region, thereby providing scientific guidance for earthquake resistance and disaster reduction work.

Bureau Min personally led a large number of earthquake experts to convene a national earthquake conference. At the conference, it was officially announced that China had developed a seismograph that could predict earthquakes half an hour in advance.

At the same time, at this director's meeting, the Min Bureau made work for various provincial and municipal seismological bureaus to establish a nationwide earthquake prediction system at all costs to minimize earthquake losses.

Purchasing seismometers is only one aspect. It also involves conducting earthquake early warning drills to make people in the jurisdiction aware of how to avoid earthquakes when there is an early warning. If people don't pay attention to it and don't understand it, seismographs will be useless.

In addition, it is necessary to establish an earthquake organization at the national level, like a flood control headquarters, in order to attract the attention of local leaders.

Building the entire system is not easy.

But there is no doubt that it has to be built.

Especially in cities located in earthquake-prone areas, they attach great importance to it.

There was no need to wait for the National Seismological Administration to make unified purchases, and they directly sent someone to contact Future Technology Group.

For example, Baodao purchased 20 of them for a full-scale layout.

After all, this kind of seismometer can be deployed on land, at sea or under the sea.

Baodao was deeply affected by earthquakes.

With the seismograph to build an earthquake prediction system, once a felt earthquake occurs, prediction information can be released half an hour in advance.

If a relatively large earthquake is detected, an earthquake early warning can be activated to send people to a safe zone.

Cai Jin didn't expect that the first customer would be from Baodao, but it was different now, so Cai Jin readily agreed to the purchase.

The second customer is Fujian Province.

After all, Fujian Province is also located in an earthquake zone and is one of the high-risk areas for earthquakes. The frequency and intensity of earthquake activities are among the highest in the country. There are three earthquake zones in the entire FJ Province, which can be said to be relatively rare.

Cai Jin declined the purchase and donated it instead.

After all, this is his hometown, so there is no need to purchase anything.

Each city directly donated a seismometer to form an earthquake prediction system covering the entire province.

And there’s no need to wait, it’s immediately available.

Cai Jin even directly covered all installation costs.

Of course, the entire system will be connected to the entire seismological bureau, and the staff of these seismological bureaus must undergo comprehensive training.

After all, no matter how good the instrument is, it is still the people who perform it.

If people don't perform well, no matter how good the instrument is, it will be useless.

For example, sending text messages is not very useful in Cai Jin's opinion, because many people are not able to read text messages immediately.

In the final analysis, an effective early warning system must be formed, such as direct broadcast, which can be organized as soon as possible.

However, these all take time.

But the news that China had developed a seismometer to predict earthquakes still spread throughout the world as quickly as possible.

Although Europe and the United States still have the advantage in newspapers and TV stations, China already has the advantage in Internet communication.

This kind of technological breakthrough is the most likely to attract people's attention.

Especially those countries and regions in earthquake zones.

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