However, the development of things was beyond Cai Jin's expectation.

On the Japanese side, they think it’s too expensive and don’t want to purchase it.

It was also given to the media, and for a time the entire public opinion overwhelmingly accused Future Technology Group.

Some media even went to Future Technology Group to ask for interviews.

It's a pity that they were all rejected, and they couldn't even enter the gate of Future Technology Group.

As for those who want to force their way in, when they see the cold machine gun of the combat robot dog, no matter how courageous the reporter is, they will tremble all over, swallow their saliva and leave.

Cai Jin is very indifferent to these media.

It’s funny to say that China University of Science and Technology has sold various Chinese industrial products to the world. As a result, the news media often reports: “According to foreign media reports.”

The journalism profession is really terrible.

The combat effectiveness of journalists is only on the same level as that of the national football team.

If the entire comprehensive national strength were not there, it is estimated that the right to speak would have been bombarded.

In the evening, Cai Jin walked with his family on the beach.

At this time, there are many people walking along the coast.

After work every day, many people, regardless of age or sex, like to go to the seaside park. The entire coastal park consisting of leisure promenade and beach is always the busiest place.

There is an eagle bionic bird robot in the sky that is observing 24 hours a day. Once someone calls for help or an accident occurs, nearby rescuers will be notified immediately.

In the entire sky, there are three eagle bionic bird robots, covering the entire sky.

In the past, people only thought it was a real eagle.

It was only after repeated explanations that people realized that it was actually a bionic bird robot.

"Hello, Mr. Cai, I am Su Linlin, a reporter from Southern Metropolis Daily." At this moment, a beautiful reporter stopped them.

Cai Jin frowned.

This reporter is too lawless.

It was already off-duty time, but he still stopped me.

I don’t think that just because she is a beautiful woman, she has special privileges.

Cai Jin looked at his son, who was present. In order not to scare his son, Cai Jin had to endure it.

"Mr. Cai, seismometers can predict earthquakes half an hour in advance and can benefit all mankind. According to Japanese media reports, the future technology group's seismometer sold to the Seismological Bureau for 50 million yuan, and the asking price for Japan was 500 million yuan, which is ten times the domestic price. Price, is this news true?" the beautiful reporter asked.

Cai Jin said calmly: "This news is true."

"Mr. Cai, is your company making excessive profits by doing this? This kind of artifact that benefits all mankind should be publicly patented to protect the world from the threat of earthquakes." The beautiful reporter seemed indignant and suddenly stood up for morality. The high ground.

Cai Jin looked at the beautiful reporter as if she was mentally retarded: "The seismograph uses a lot of high technology and new materials. The research and development cost alone exceeds 100 billion yuan, the manufacturing cost of a single unit is 200 million yuan, and the export price of our group is 500 million yuan. Is it very high?"

"Don't you only sell one in China for 50 million?" The beautiful reporter was a little dumbfounded.

"We are willing to sell to the country at a loss, aren't we?" Cai Jin looked at the reporter as if he were an idiot.

He had heard before that many news media in the country were sitting on their butts, but he still didn't believe it. Now he finally believes it.

No wonder it has been circulated on the Internet that these news media receive a large amount of overseas funding every year.

Sure enough, nothing comes out of nowhere.

The beautiful reporter was speechless.

"And the technology our company has invested a lot of money to develop, why should we make it public? We are a private enterprise, not a charity." Cai Jin showed a sarcastic look: "If you can convince all pharmaceutical companies in the United States to open up prescriptions, then our company will make it public What’s wrong with seismograph technology?”

"But drug research and development requires a lot of research. If it is open to the public and no one conducts drug research and development, it will harm all mankind." The beautiful reporter said instinctively.


The whole background is revealed.

At this time, nearby security personnel finally arrived and took away the beautiful reporter.

Cai Jin was speechless.

So much has changed in the past few years, but the remote breeding technology in the United States is indeed very advanced and powerful, and people can be deeply affected by them without knowing it.

These people think that everything in North America is good, but they just stay there and don't rush out.

Compared to the real devils, these second devils are the most hateful.

There were reporters from other media nearby, but no one came forward, but they recorded the scene.

Soon the corresponding news spread throughout the Internet.

"Made, you are so beautiful, but your IQ is pitifully low. This reporter either went to Japan to shoot an action movie or went to a US military camp. He surrendered both physically and mentally."

"It's sad that the double-label monster can reach this point, and I'm convinced. Are those pharmaceutical companies in the United States private companies, and Future Technology Group is not a private company? Why do they endanger all mankind by disclosing prescription patents for free licensing? Future Technology Group doesn't Is disclosing technology patents a sinner to mankind?"

"Zhang Xuefeng is right. The current situation is that anyone can be a media person. Even journalism professors are not journalism majors. It is conceivable."

"I used to think that the national football team was already embarrassing enough, but I didn't expect that the journalism industry would be equally embarrassing. No one can beat it."

"If it is beneficial to mankind, patents should be disclosed? Mader, why aren't those Western countries' public technology patents granted free of charge in the past?"

"It's still the pros and cons of Future Technology Group~~ It invested 100 billion yuan in research and development, and the manufacturing cost was 200 million yuan, and it was sold to the National Seismological Administration at a discount. Not to mention 500 million yuan, even 1 billion is normal, otherwise, wouldn't even the research and development costs be collected? No return."

"The most disgusting thing is this kind of people. When they eat Chinese food, all they think about is their beautiful father. They are white-eyed wolves who are not well-fed."


Many people on the Internet looked outraged.

Some are very angry about reporters’ double standards, while others hate the news industry.

There are also many people who have become fans of Future Technology Group, and then once they got to know Future Technology Group, they realized how awesome Future Technology Group is.

Of course, after so many years of remote farming technology, the voices on the other side are also not quiet.

"Science has no borders! Now some people have forgotten this wise saying, and their vision seems narrow. We are no longer in the 19th century, but in the 21st century. We live together in a global village. We should think about issues from a global perspective. As long as we can What’s wrong with benefiting mankind and causing some losses for enterprises? If I invented a seismograph, I would definitely disclose the seismograph technology and license it for free so that people all over the world can afford seismographs.”

"Narrow nationalism, seismograph technology, does not consider using it to benefit the world, but only considers making money. In this case, when can we contribute to the world, and when can scientific research and development contribute to the world, instead of just asking for it."

"What does my salary of 3,000 yuan a month have to do with me?"

"What I just want to say is that in the past few hundred years, China's contribution to the world's science and technology has been extremely close to zero. In the past few hundred years, the Western world's science and technology has mainly contributed. Now it is our turn to contribute, but we are fighting Make a small calculation."

"Why are European and American countries both developed countries, and why are we still a developing country now? It's because they have a structure and a vision to lead the development of science and technology in the world. We only care about trivial matters, and we can't achieve big things at all."


All kinds of comments are so annoying sometimes.

Many of them are social elites, university professors, and news editors.

One can imagine how terrifying it must have been twenty or ten years ago, even if it is like this now.

Of course, some people question the cost of seismographs.

"Just like this seismograph, it costs 200 million to build? 100 billion to research and develop? You're lying!"

"According to my estimation, the cost of such a machine is at most one hundred thousand yuan. Sure enough, the evil businessman has completed the appraisal!"

"Give me 100 million, and I can develop such a seismograph. Give me 1 billion, and I can develop a seismograph that is ten times more advanced. Give me money!"

But in any case, Cai Jin has no intention of selling it to the Japanese for a while.

If these Japanese people want to play tricks on him, then let him know what it means to be clever but be misled by cleverness.

It's quiet at night.

There are stars and the moon is very round in the sky.

Even the cosmopolitan city of Tokyo seems to be in a deep sleep.

This city is the core of Japan, and it is also a famous brand.

In the past, this was the beginning of Tokyo nightlife.

It’s just that the world economy is in a recession now, and it’s not easy for everyone to make money, so they all have to save some money.

Japan's debt-to-GDP ratio has deteriorated to an astonishing 400%, breaking through modern economic theory time and time again and smashing countless economic theories and models to pieces.

But even so, Japan's economy still inevitably enters negative growth.

The previous advantageous industries were gradually lost.

Coupled with the huge aging population, many gray-haired old people still work as taxi drivers and restaurant waiters.

At this time, young and beautiful girls are either looking for prey on the streets or making money in nightclubs.

Even junior high school girls know how to support communication.

The clock hands point to 0:00!

Suddenly, the earth trembled and the mountains shook, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

The terrifying destructive power of natural disasters is vividly displayed.

Even Japanese buildings, which are world-famous for their earthquake resistance, collapsed at this moment.

Even from a great distance, the earthquake was felt very strongly.

Soon the whole world turned to Japan. According to data, the surface wave magnitude of this earthquake reached 8.0Ms, the moment magnitude reached 8.3Mw, and the seismic intensity reached 11 degrees.

The seismic waves of this earthquake circled the earth six times in total. The earthquake affected many countries and regions in Asia. Even in southern Fujian, the earthquake was still felt.

At dawn the next day, the Chinese media used satellite aerial photography to spread the disaster here to the world.

People all over the world gasped when they saw this scene.

Apart from the more modern buildings, many houses collapsed.

It can be described as a ruin.

Soon, Japanese officials officially notified the outside world of the relevant data of this major earthquake.

Because it is located in an earthquake zone, Japan is at the forefront of the world in earthquake research and building earthquake resistance.

But when the official announcement was made, the officials were still extremely heavy.

Then they bowed in unison.

Not for anything, but to resign!

At this time, instead of seizing the golden 72 hours to launch disaster relief, we should resign!

This scene shocked countless melon-eating friends.

They couldn't figure out how to carry out disaster relief when there was no leader.

At this time, Japan's side was already filled with regret.

This happened in Tokyo, and the losses were huge no matter how you look at it.

And if you buy a seismometer and predict it half an hour in advance, then the house may not collapse, but the human losses can be avoided.

Earthquakes caused huge disasters, and the statistics keep growing.

Ultimately, the earthquake killed more than 100,000 people and left more than 5,000 people missing.

This time, more than 100,000 houses were completely destroyed, and more than 90,000 houses were seriously damaged.

More than 2 million people are homeless.

The property damage is simply incalculable.

The number of aftershocks exceeded 10,000, with the largest aftershock reaching an astonishing magnitude of 6.9, and a total of five aftershocks exceeding magnitude 6.0 occurred.

Cai Jin also gasped when he saw the damage report.

This loss is too heavy.

It is unimaginable that the population density in that area is so high. Cai Jin feels that this loss is not an exaggeration.

A city has a population of nearly 40 million, and if you include the surrounding areas, there may be a population of 50 million.

It didn't happen during the day, but in the early morning, when most people were already asleep.

There was no time to escape.

This is because Japan, as an island country, pays more attention to earthquakes. Otherwise, the losses may be even greater.

This loss will severely damage Japan's economy.

Collapse and damage of houses are losses.

But post-disaster reconstruction also requires a lot of money.

However, given the current situation in Japan, post-disaster reconstruction work is bound to be full of difficulties.

But this time, it really frightened many countries and regions, and they rushed to China immediately to find Future Technology Group to purchase seismometers.

Now whoever arrives first will get the goods first.

Some country representatives even found friends for fear of being unfamiliar with life.

Cai Jin smiled, "Everyone is a customer, first come, first served. If you place an order, you must pay a deposit first, and the rest will be settled upon delivery."

On this day, Cai Jin welcomed a big customer - Yingjiang.

"Mr. Cai, our U.S. dollar is the world's currency, why can't we pay in U.S. dollars!" Rektor suppressed his blush.

There was no problem in terms of quantity and price, but there were differences when it came to the currency to use for settlement.

"Mr. Rexdor, we don't have any overseas customers, and we always use RMB for settlement." Cai Jin explained patiently: "In this case, if you have any objections to this, you can discuss it among yourselves first. If it doesn't work, then We may start purchasing in a few years, and then we may be able to accept U.S. dollars.”

Seismometers are now in short supply.

Once produced, it will be shipped directly.

Cai Jin is naturally not in a hurry.

Rektor couldn't help but be anxious, after all, he came with a mission.

If he were to go back like this, how would he do the business?

You have to be sprayed to death with saliva!

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