Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 292 Mars Water Resources

Rektor finally gave in.

The settlement currency for this purchase was agreed to be RMB.

This time, the United States purchased a total of 300 seismometers and had to pay a total of 150 billion yuan. It was only a deposit of 30 billion yuan.

Delivery will be spread over three years in total.

It stands to reason that given the territory of the United States, almost 2,000 seismometers would have to be purchased.

It's just that the situation in the old United States is different. It can be said that they have a vast land and sparsely populated areas. There are very few people living in many places. Naturally, they don't want to install seismometers.

Therefore, each major city only needs 300 seismometers.

Of course, there is another reason. In the United States, which is currently in economic crisis, landlords have no surplus food.

The high national debt requires a large amount of interest payments every year.

Even if currency devaluation is carried out, the pressure will still be huge.

Various drastic measures have been taken and various expenses have been continuously reduced, but it is still difficult to turn the tide.

There is no way, many taxes cannot be collected at all.

When it comes to playing with rules and means, Lao Meijia is a master.

I have never heard of the battle of wits and courage between the rich and the government.

It is not that difficult to collect taxes from the rich.

Cai Jin will not think about how the United States can get so many RMB. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. No matter what happens in Lao America now, it is just that life is not as easy as before. In terms of situation, it is still better than 95% of countries!

The worst thing is, just export more food to China.

On this day, Cai Jin came to the underground laboratory with a serious face.

The underground laboratory is the most confidential place in the entire Future Technology Group.

Even the security department cannot come in here.

Once someone breaks in, they will be known immediately.

In just 20 seconds, the door will be forcibly closed, creating a vacuum environment that will suffocate the intruder to death.

And the security here is also the highest.

Even ground-penetrating missiles with nuclear warheads cannot break it.

Even if the ground is completely destroyed, people can live inside for ten years.

Cai Jin stared at the screen closely.

A robot discovered a source of water at the bottom of a canyon on Mars.

All I saw was a whole sheet of thick ice.

At this time, the temperature of Mars was very low and the water turned into ice.

This is simply the biggest discovery made by Earth in its exploration of Mars.

Where there is water, there is the possibility of life.

Although, according to the laws of the earth, if there is water and oxygen, there may be life.

Water is the source of life, and oxygen is also the source of life.

But is there a situation where life requires only water, not oxygen, but carbon dioxide?

You know, the air on Mars is very thin, the density of the atmosphere is only about 1% of that of Earth, and it is mainly carbon dioxide, accounting for 95.3%!

And, does life have to breathe?

Isn't there life that can exist without water or breathing?

The earth is a carbon-based life, so is it possible that silicon-based life exists?

The vast universe is so magical, anything can happen.

Cai Jin has now explored the entire solar system and initially constructed a star map of the solar system.

But to build an entire navigation system, it is only possible through satellites or other devices.

After all, celestial bodies are constantly moving and are not static.

But with the star map, the entire navigation system can be established. After all, as long as the main nodes are covered, the aircraft can be navigated so that the aircraft will not get lost or collide with other celestial bodies.

But he didn't expect that at this time, the robot he placed on Mars would actually discover the source of water.

"It's incredible. Water really exists on Mars." Cai Jin murmured to himself in a low voice.

The existence of water on Mars has been repeatedly exposed in the past.

But this is all indirect evidence that water once existed on the surface of Mars.

But there is no direct solid evidence.

But now, there is direct evidence that water does exist on Mars.

Having this water means that water resources can be utilized instead of having to transport water from the Earth to Mars, which would be too costly.

Later, Cai Jin passed the news to CNSA.

Suddenly, it caused a sensation in the entire aerospace system.

Although the Mars scientific research station has been established, there are also scientific researchers stationed at the scientific research station to conduct research on Mars.

But so far, no evidence has been found that water exists on Mars.

But now, an entire lake, even if it is solid water or ice, is of extraordinary significance.

This significance is simply more significant than the previous discovery of three elements on Mars that did not exist on Earth.

After careful study, we decided to announce the news.

The front page of the latest issue of China Science News is an article about the discovery of water on Mars.

At the same time, major media such as Renren Daily and CCTV reported on it immediately.

The news of the existence of water resources on Mars spread throughout the world at lightning speed.

The whole world was in an uproar.

The existence of water means that Mars can be colonized.

After all, water can be used for drinking, bathing, and producing oxygen.

Immigrating to Mars is simply envy-inducing.

Immediately, several major aerospace organizations on Earth announced that they would launch Mars exploration.

I don’t know when they will explore Mars. CNSA once again launched a space shuttle, carrying instruments, engineers, and astronauts, leaving the earth and setting off for Mars.

That canyon is very narrow at the top and very wide at the bottom, so neither satellite detection nor aerial photography can be carried out.

In this case, it must be a robot, as well as people and equipment.

The robot can only detect an area, but as for the depth, there is nothing we can do about it.

This time, because Mars is relatively close to the earth, it took more than half a month to reach Mars.

The space shuttle landed at the scientific research station, and after replenishing a batch of materials into the scientific research station, it took a short rest at the scientific research station to adapt to the gravity of Mars.

The gravity on Mars is much heavier than the moon, equivalent to two-fifths of the Earth's gravity.

Here, the lander can recover. After all, he is in a state of weightlessness in space. It will always be more uncomfortable to suddenly arrive in a place with gravity.

After recovering, everyone set off and descended directly to the nearest descending point.

With the robot as the base point and satellites in space for navigation, the docking location is quite accurate.

Then, the detection was launched.

After knowing the terrain, to detect the volume, you only need to detect the thickness of the ice layer.

A thousand holes were drilled.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~~ It's really scary. The ice area in this canyon reaches 31,500 square kilometers. Preliminary detection estimates indicate that the water reaches 23.6 trillion cubic meters." Cai Jin got the detection results immediately and was speechless.

23.6 trillion cubic meters of water. This is not liquid water, but solid water.

If one person is extravagant and uses 0.5 cubic meters of water every day, without considering recycling, this means that it can be used by 1.4 billion people for 100 years.

It is no exaggeration to say that this lake alone has directly solved the bottleneck of immigrating to Mars.

"It seems that next, a scientific research station must be established in this place." Cai Jin thought to himself.

There is no doubt that a scientific research station is needed here, or even two scientific research stations.

After all, this place is too far from the existing scientific research station.

On this day, Cai Jin came to Yun Province.

The hub projects and water diversion projects here have been built. A total of four large hub projects can not only transmit a large amount of electricity to China's power grid every year, but can even export electricity to Southeast Asia.

It also effectively transports water to Yunnan, Guizhou and Hunan provinces, which not only meets the drinking water requirements of the three provinces, but also allows these provinces to have sufficient industrial and agricultural water.

The completion of the entire project will also make it difficult for downstream Southeast Asian countries to suffer from flood disasters.

Although the cost is huge, the benefits are also very objective. In terms of power generation and water resources, it is expected that the project can recover the cost in about fifteen years.

In the past two years, a large amount of resources have been invested in the construction of the entire project, which has directly made the entire western region a hot spot for construction.

The investment environment and living environment of the entire central and western regions will be greatly improved.

The water from the Nu River and the Lancang River is utilized to its full potential instead of being drained away in vain.

Cai Jin looked at the extremely spectacular water surface. The water was blue and blue. The water pollution in the upper reaches was very small, making the water quality here reach the first-class drinking water mark.

And it is no longer the previous canyon, but a lake. It is conceivable that it will benefit both sides of the bank and form a new tourist attraction.

Later, Cai Jin went to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. One of the original peaks had been blown flat. More than 200 peaks had been blown away in the entire area, forming a corridor 40 to 50 kilometers wide.

This corridor will continuously transport water vapor from the Indian Ocean to the west.

The explosives used eventually exceeded 30 million tons.

In conjunction with the water diversion project, a steady stream of water will be transported to XJ!

The transformation of the entire desert is expected to achieve significant results in just ten years.

As for this part of the water diversion, it will stay in XJ. Except for the water vapor that will flow to Qinghai and Meng, it will stay in XJ within ten years.

The artificial transformation of basins into lakes will store this water.

Ten years later, it will follow the Hexi Corridor and finally merge into the Yellow River to supplement the Yellow River.

However, now, only one-third of the channels are completed, and it is expected that it will take three or four years before the entire desert transformation project is completed.

Now it is just a matter of opening up all the tunnel parts.

This project also produced many unexpected discoveries, such as the discovery of ten large gold mines, twenty large iron mines, etc.

This has never been discovered before.

After all, this area used to be a restricted area for humans, and few people visited it, let alone prospecting for minerals.

The value of the minerals discovered alone exceeds 10 trillion yuan.

It’s just that many of them are very difficult to mine, and transportation problems must be solved first.

"This century project will benefit the present generation and benefit the future. As long as this century project is completed, I can retire without regrets!" The leader looked at the steady stream of water flowing from the south to the south along the 100-meter-wide diversion canal. Beiliu said with emotion.

This project has created the largest scale, the most manpower input, and the most capital investment since the founding of the Republic. The project volume and investment far exceed the Three Gorges Project.

This kind of century project requires great courage.

In the past two years, we have constantly emphasized hard work, diligence and frugality, reduced clothing and diet, and invested funds in it.

The national debt discovered for this project alone has reached more than 4 trillion yuan.

As for the entire western development strategy, even more investment has been made.

Cadres were transferred from the east to the west one by one, and selected students from the school were also sent to the west leisurely.

It is very hard and difficult, but we must continue on this path.

In two years, more than 300 construction workers died due to this project.

The conditions were harsh and the construction was difficult, but with this spirit of hard work, we completed this most difficult part of the project.

Very cruel!

But everyone knows that once this project is completed, it will be a major event that will benefit generations to come.

Perhaps the entire Three North desertification management can usher in a new dawn, so that deserts can be completely controlled in the near future.

Desert management, in the final analysis, is actually about water!

There is too little precipitation in the Sanbei area.

The average annual precipitation in most areas is less than 360 millimeters, and droughts occur nine times out of every ten years.

Although the solar energy here has been used for solar power generation over the years, it is not sustainable after all.

Solar power generation only increases the power supply, but cannot change the living environment.

What needs to be solved most here is precisely the living environment.

With the poverty line raised again last year, more than 150 million people are below the poverty line.

According to the new goal, it will take five years to help these 150 million people get out of poverty.

"Leader, I think this goal will be achieved!" Cai Jin said firmly and forcefully: "When this project is completed, the entire XJ will become a granary, allowing our jobs to be firmly in our hands. It won't take long , the entire Hexi Corridor will be greatly improved, and Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall is definitely not a sweet dream."

In terms of runoff alone, hundreds of billions of cubic meters of water are transported to XJ every year. Coupled with the warm current from the Indian Ocean, the average annual rainfall here will increase greatly every year.

If so many basins were not built as water storage areas, perhaps we would not have to consider insufficient water, but would have to consider flood disasters.

In the re-formulated regional planning, many places have been turned into protected areas. Now there are still large areas, and many of them have been turned into lake areas and forest areas.

Each demarcated area has its function.

He believes that within 20 years at most, the climate conditions in the entire central and western regions will be greatly improved and they will become places with a suitable climate.

Of course, this does not mean that the entire western and central areas have become granaries and livable places. That is unrealistic. After all, the terrain is there, and not everyone can adapt to altitude sickness.

But as long as XJ and the entire Hexi Corridor are changed, it will definitely become a huge granary and hundreds of millions more people can live here.

More importantly, it can effectively improve the climate environment of the entire Three North Region and the entire north.

Coupled with the desalination plants in coastal areas, it can be said that the curse of water resources on social development has been solved.

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