Future Technology Group headquarters building.

An executive meeting was being held at this time.

Those who can participate in this meeting belong to the core layer of Future Technology Group.

In addition to Cai Jin and Nie Xiaoyu, there are Liu Wei who is in charge of the new energy plant, Hong Hailong who is in charge of the first production base (Darcissus Base), Liu Yang who is in charge of the second production base (Rongcheng Base), and who is in charge of the third production base ( Chen Yufei from the Northeast Base), various deans of the institute, director of the lithography machine development center, etc.

Up to now, after several salary adjustments, those who can participate in this meeting have an annual salary plus bonuses of tens of millions.

Even so, the entire group still has a lot of room for salary improvement.

The work summary and outlook begin one by one.

This is to understand the group and get a thorough understanding of the group.

If there is a problem, solve it.

In addition to solving problems, it also involves adjusting and appointing important positions in the group.

Throughout the group, some people come in and some leave every year.

The military camp is made of iron, and the soldiers are flowing.

This is true for any company.

No matter how good the company is, some people will choose to leave or be forced to leave.

This is to keep fresh blood flowing so that it is not stagnant.

It's cruel, but it has to be done.

For those who have lost their passion for work but are capable, the group encourages them to start their own businesses. If there is no passion for working, there is always passion for starting a business.

For some foreign workers, those who fail the assessment will be dismissed without any mercy.

This is true in front-line production workshops, and it is also true in management positions.

There is also an annual moth removal, even if it costs a lot of money every year, but you still insist on it. Not only will the moths that are caught not get any compensation for ending the contract, but they will even have to face prosecution, and they will eat for free. meal.

"Director Cai, this year's policy is very good. Should we apply for export tax rebates and related subsidies? In this way, we can pay a lot less tax." Xu Yang, who is in charge of policy, suddenly said.

There was no change on Cai Jin's face.

Last year, the entire group paid a total of nearly 300 billion in taxes, far exceeding Warwick, the third largest taxpayer.

This has caused a lot of controversy within the group. They feel that the tax payment is too much. They can adopt various policies to only pay one-third of the tax, and the other money can be used to improve employee benefits.

"No need to mention this matter again, just follow the rules." Cai Jin waved his hand and said.

These words can be said to be the final word.

Employees have their own ideas, and Cai Jinyou also has his own plans.

This company belongs to him, and he has all the rights to dispose of it.

If you have other ideas and feel dissatisfied, you can leave and find another job.

In terms of salary last year, the entire group spent a total of 96 billion yuan, with an average of almost 600,000 yuan per person. Of course, this does not mean that everyone can get 600,000 yuan, and many people are averaged.

After all, those with high salaries can have annual salaries of tens of millions.

But it can also be said that the group's salary is definitely at the top level in the industry.

If you want to work well, you will naturally have the space and level to perform, and you can also get corresponding rewards. If you don't want to work hard, it will naturally end here.

Cai Jin has a clear idea about the little Jiujiu below.

He won't spoil them either.

To act according to the rules, what needs to be penetrated is his will.

If you want to be able to circumvent the entire system by acting in a yin and yang, that can only be said to be awesome.

"Next, the company will set up a mining group to specialize in lunar mining." Cai Jin announced the next most important thing, which is the lunar mining group: "Niu Benben will be the person in charge to form a mining group, and others will cooperate. To build the management of the mining group.”

Many people were surprised when they heard Cai Jin's words.

I didn't expect Cai Jin to announce such an appointment.

Moon Mining Group, going to the moon to mine, this sounds very suspenseful no matter how you hear it.

Although the lunar mining license has been auctioned for some time, the licenses that have been auctioned during this period are more conceptual operations and market financing, and no group has been seen to be serious.

But what Cai Jin said was obviously not just talk.

Of course, there is another one, which is the appointed candidate.

Niu Benben, many people know this person. He is very young, less than thirty years old. He graduated from Shuimu University. He was the top scorer in the provincial science college entrance examination. He joined the institute with a bachelor's degree and only worked in the institute for a few years. Director position, just six months ago was appointed as the vice president of the East China Research Institute.

Well now, he was directly appointed as the head of the Lunar Mining Group from the vice president of the East China Research Institute, with the same level as them. It can be said that he achieved three consecutive jumps in one day.

"Director Cai, is Niu Benben too young?" Yang Guoqing, the president in charge of human resources, frowned.

Cai Jin glanced at him: "President Yang, you are only in your thirties, and you are also very young."

Everyone couldn't help but trembled all over.

Yes, those of them here are relatively young, with the average age not even forty years old.

Future Technology Group is also very young, having only been established for a few years.

There are many young people in the entire company.

"Please remember that in the group, we only care about ability, not seniority. The capable will be promoted, the mediocre will be given up, the mediocre will be demoted, and the inferior will be eliminated." Cai Jin knocked on everyone.

The capable are promoted, the mediocre are given way, the mediocre are demoted, and the inferior are eliminated.

This is exactly Cai Jin's principle of employing people.

Therefore, there are many young people in important positions.

Here, there is no such thing as qualifications.

The bonus to salary due to length of service is minimal, no more than a few hundred dollars a month.

In terms of length of service, the difference in seniority wages between the oldest employees who joined the group and those who are new to the company is less than a thousand yuan.

The meeting lasted all afternoon.

On the same day, notices of personnel adjustments were issued.

Some people were originally in high positions, but with a notice, their positions were canceled directly.

There are also people who were originally at the middle level but were directly promoted to the top with this announcement.

East China Research Institute.

Niu Benben had just finished eating and returned to the research institute.

Niu Benben is very satisfied with this job and very motivated.

With an annual income of one million, although not everyone in his class earns more than him, he is definitely the envy of everyone.

He got married to his girlfriend right after graduating from college, and soon bought a house, a car, and had a child. His wife took care of the house in order, so he didn't need to worry about anything. He just focused on his work.

When I just graduated and entered the first-year annual meeting of the institute, I won an intelligent mechanical dog worth five million in a lottery. My luck was the most popular in the entire institute. Later, another time, I directly drew a one-month travel voucher for my whole family. The most recent one was a lottery for a family space trip. He took his wife and children directly to space to see the earth from space.

Six months ago, he was appointed as the director of the research institute, and he directly acted alone.

"Benben, look, the group has issued an announcement, you made it!" Qin De ran over excitedly, his voice extremely excited.

"Ade, what's wrong? If you make an announcement, make an announcement, no matter what!" Niu Benben didn't care.

It is not unusual for the group to issue announcements, they happen every month.

Although it is not as frequent as the institute's announcements, it is fixed at least once a month.

Qin De, who was in the same class as him, entered the East China Research Institute of the Future Technology Group in the same year.

Just a few years later, the development of the two people showed completely different trends.

Niu Benben is already the director of the institute, while Qin De has just finished his assistant research career.

"It's you. You announced that the group is going to establish a lunar mining group to develop lunar mineral resources. You have been appointed as the person in charge of the lunar mining group." Qin De became more and more excited as he spoke.

Niu Benben felt dizzy.

I quickly logged on to the computer, entered the group's official website, and looked at the personnel appointment notice.

Then I saw the first appointment in the appointment notice.

Niu Benben only felt that he had seen something wrong, so he quickly wiped his eyes.

Then he pinched the flesh with his hand and said, "Hey, it doesn't hurt if I pinch it. It was indeed a dream."

"Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss it, Ben Ben, you are pinching me, of course it doesn't hurt you!" Qin De gritted his teeth and gasped in pain.

Only then did Niu Benben see that he had reached Qin De, and he quickly let go.

Then he pinched himself, and the pain stimulated his nerves. Niu Benben looked at the computer screen again and told him clearly that this was true!

"Haha~~" Niu Benben was ecstatic.

It's like a pie has fallen from the sky.

This personnel appointment means that he went from job level 17B to job level 22A, spanning 5 major job levels and 16 small levels. The basic salary alone varies ten times every month. The salary is the previous year's salary.

The status and power are even more incomparable.

After the joy, it is full of endless motivation.

I just feel that all my previous efforts were worth it.

"Benben, please be rich and honorable, don't forget each other!" Qin De patted Niu Benben's shoulder, feeling envious in his heart.

Instead of narrowing, the gap between Niu Benben and Niu Benben has widened further.

"Good brother, thank you for telling me this good news. I want to go home now and tell my wife this good news." Niu Benben was overjoyed.

"Go ahead!" Qin De smiled.

Niu Benben had no intention of working overtime at this time. He just wanted to go home as soon as possible and share this great event with his wife and children.

This is the peak period for commuting, especially here in Shanghai, where there are long queues.

Niu Benben was humming without any impatience.

The journey that originally only took half an hour took more than an hour.

"Honey, I'm back!" Niu Benben opened the door.

"Keep your voice down, the baby just went to sleep!" Niu Benben's wife Xu Fang gave Niu Benben an annoyed look: "Don't you have to eat at the workplace and work overtime at night?"

Xu Fang knew Niu Benben all too well. She often worked overtime until ten o'clock in the evening before coming back. According to Niu Benben, instead of wasting time in traffic jams after work, it is better to work hard and improve yourself.

It is common for Niu Benben to work overtime and not come back until twelve o'clock.

Niu Benben saw his mother washing dishes, and then shared his good news: "Honey, today our company issued an announcement that I have been appointed as the person in charge of the Lunar Mining Group, level 22A, second only to the boss in the group!"

"How is that possible, Niu Benben, you stupid cow, today is April Fool's Day, you can't fool me!" Xu Fang twisted Niu Benben's ears and said angrily: "You were just appointed as the director of your research institute. It’s not even half a year old. If you want to lie to me, you should make it up better. I can see through it at a glance.”

Xu Fang, who is from Peking University, was initially caught by Niu Benben.

After taking maternity leave after giving birth, Xu Fang continued to work.

But Xu Fang's income is much lower than that of others.

Xu Fang also understands the system of Future Technology Group. She knows very well what the level 22 position means, which is a proper senior level.

There is only one boss at the top.

Xu Fang felt that if Niu Benben could become the dean of the East China Research Institute of the Future Technology Group within ten years, it would be a great success, which meant that Niu Benben was already qualified to be selected as an academician.

Now Niu Benben actually told him that he had been promoted to a 22A-level position, which was equivalent to the level of the dean of the Future Technology Group Research Institute.

Niu Benben was speechless. What he said was true, but his wife didn't believe it.

"Niu Niu, project, open the group's official website for the latest personnel appointments." Niu Benben said.

"Yes, Master." Niu Benben's smart robot dog immediately controlled the TV screen at home. The TV screen was a 100-inch Warwick smart screen, which displayed the personnel appointment notice on the official website of Future Technology Group.

The first one is Niu Benben’s appointment, which also includes Niu Benben’s resume.

"I'm not lying to you. If you don't believe me, you can check it on your mobile phone." Niu Benben said.

Xu Fang was stunned for a moment, still not believing it.

Because with Niu Benben's technology, it is too simple to make such a one.

Xu Fang picked up her mobile phone, then logged into the official website of Future Technology Group, and quickly found the personnel appointment notice.

"Ahhhhh~" Xu Fang was stunned for a moment when she saw the appointment notice, and then screamed excitedly: "Old cow, you are so awesome!"

Suddenly the whole house was filled with joy.

Xu Fang even ordered a cake to celebrate.

"Lao Niu, are you going to work at the headquarters? Will we have to move?" After the joy, Xu Fang asked a question.

"I don't know." Niu Benben was stunned. He hadn't considered this issue yet: "The specific working location will be clear later."

"But don't worry, no matter where you go, the group will arrange accommodation. If it's inconvenient, you can stay in Shanghai. Anyway, the transportation is convenient now." Niu Benben looked thoughtful.

This is a big deal for a family.

After all, this involves not only moving, but also the children's education. The children are about to start kindergarten, and the educational resources here in the Magic City are among the best in the country.

Needless to say, taking the exam at a university here in Shanghai has great advantages over other places.

"Master, I received an email from the group headquarters. Do you want to open it?" At this time, Niu Benben's intelligent mechanical dog said.

"Open the mail!"

Suddenly an email opened on the screen. It was a video. The person in charge of the human resources department formally notified him of his appointment and asked him to hand over the work within half a month and go to the group headquarters.

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