Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 296 The Beginning of the Interstellar Era

Niu Benben's name suddenly spread throughout the entire Future Technology Group.

No one thought that after all these years, someone would be able to achieve such a leaping miracle.

Everyone was talking a lot, and Niu Benben became the focus of people's talk after dinner.

After completing the handover of work, Niu Benben set off for the headquarters of Future Technology Group.

Niu Benben has only been to the headquarters building of Future Technology Group twice in the past few years since he joined the company.

One time, he received the Outstanding Employee Award, and Cai Jin personally presented it to him.

One time, he was promoted to the director of the research institute and came to the General Research Institute, and by the way, he visited the headquarters of Future Technology Group.

The General Research Institute of Future Technology Group is not in the headquarters building, but about three kilometers away. The General Research Institute has a small floor, but it covers a lot of area. It is also right on the seaside, and there are parks and beaches as soon as you go out.

This is the third time that Niu Benben came to the headquarters building of Future Technology Group. His mood was completely different from the previous two times.

At the gate, the cows wearing ID cards ran smoothly and entered the gate smoothly.

Then I entered the elevator smoothly.

The entire Future Technology Group is highly intelligent and integrated, with cameras installed on doors, elevators, etc., not only for face recognition, but also for fingerprint recognition, as well as identity cards.

If one thing is missing, it will be easy for the Future Technology Group to make progress.

In recent years, there have been some intelligence organizations that have tried to send intelligence personnel to infiltrate the Future Technology Group, but they have all ended in failure.

Under the leadership of the intelligent mechanical dog, Niu Benben came to the top floor.

Niu Benben was surprised. The top floor was so spacious, like a garden.

He soon discovered that the huge top floor only had the boss's office, and there wasn't even a front desk.

"Director Cai!" Niu Ben rushed to the office and couldn't help but stand in awe when he saw Cai Jin.

Cai Jin looked at the bull running, nodded, pointed to the chair in front of him: "Sit!"

Niu Benben sat down in front of the chair.

"Stupid, virtual reality!" The intelligent mechanical dog's eyes shot out a ray of light, and suddenly the huge office seemed to be like space, and the moon was clearly visible in front of the two of them.

Cai Jin pointed to the moon: "The company previously obtained a lunar mining license and can mine on the moon."

"The moon has a lot of mineral resources. Now that our group has obtained the license, we should mine well." Cai Jin said slowly: "This lunar mining group is responsible for the group's mining on the moon."

"Right now, the Moon Mining Group has not yet been established. Everything is your responsibility. In terms of personnel, the group can dispatch them, or re-recruit fresh graduates or social talents. You can discuss this with Yang Guoqing, the group's person in charge of personnel."

Niu Benben said: "Dr. Cai, there is one thing in front of us now, and that is transportation. How to go back and forth to the moon."

Niu Benben raised a key issue, that is, the issue of earth-moon travel.

China has the Chang'e series of space shuttles, but they are all owned by the National Space Administration, and none are privately owned.

If you want to mine on the moon, you have to send people and equipment to the moon.

"The group will equip the Lunar Mining Group with three Chang'e series space shuttles, and will build a lunar base. All lunar transport vehicles and lunar engineering vehicles will be equipped for you," Cai Jin said.

Since lunar mining is going to be carried out, it is impossible for Cai Jin not to consider this issue.

The Chang'e space shuttle itself was developed by the Future Technology Group. It only takes half a year to equip three Chang'e space shuttles.

Coupled with the construction of the lunar base, lunar engineering vehicles, transport vehicles, and engineering refining equipment, it takes more than a year.

"The Lunar Mining Group will focus on mining three types of resources in the early stage, one is helium 3, one is blue gold, and the other is rare earths." Cai Jin said: "The group will open processing plants on the moon and space, and the entire plan will be delayed. Send it to you so that you can take a closer look and use it as a reference, and you can also make suggestions for improvement."

Lunar Mining Group will play a vital role in the future technology group's territory.

Niu Benben initially learned about the Moon Mining Company and became increasingly excited.

Moon mining is unprecedented and groundbreaking.

But the more challenging it is, the more excited he becomes.

The Lunar Mining Group has a person in charge and is on the fast track.

Cai Jin started producing the Chang'e space shuttle, and the robots at the factory became busy again.

A few days later, Cai Jin set out for the capital.

A high-level meeting is taking place.

This meeting is about planning for the interstellar era.

With the completion of large-scale space stations, the Tiangong and Yuegong space stations are already very large and can accommodate fifty astronauts and researchers at the same time.

A huge space station, far larger than the previous International Space Station.

There are currently eight international astronauts on duty at the Tiangong space station for a long time. This is a model of international cooperation in the aerospace field created by China.

As for the ‘Moon Palace’ space station in lunar orbit, it is not yet open to the public.

In the past two years, in addition to the great strides forward in China's aerospace industry, NASA, the Russian Space Agency, and the European Space Agency have not advanced but retreated. Not to mention manned spaceflight, the number of satellite launches has become less and less.

Nothing else, pure funding continues to be compressed and becomes less and less.

Coupled with the fact that China's smartphones can carry out satellite phone calls and satellite networking, disruptive changes have been launched in the communications and Internet fields around the world, which can be said to be ushering in a new reshuffle.

And this kind of thing cannot be restricted even through policy restrictions.

It’s impossible not to be allowed to buy or bring mobile phones.

Dominating the world in the aerospace field will result in the entire market basically belonging to China.

Global navigation systems, satellite phones, satellite networking.

Most countries even directly lease reconnaissance satellites, meteorological satellites, etc., or directly buy data.

NASA's funding has been cut again and again, and delays in plans to return to the moon and land on Mars have been announced.

In this case, the blow to morale is extremely fatal, and there is even no self-confidence at all.

In this sluggish global economy, China still maintains an annual growth rate of almost 5.5%.

A steady stream of raw materials are shipped to China from all over the world, processed into industrial products in Chinese factories, and shipped to the world.

But at this time, we had to face a problem, and that was planning for the interstellar era.

With the current situation, mankind can definitely enter the true interstellar era within a hundred years.

Now on the moon, a large amount of oxygen can be extracted from the soil, which can meet the needs of people's life and work, and water can also be synthesized artificially. On Mars, a large amount of ice has been discovered, and a large amount of water can meet the needs of 1.4 billion people for 100 years. This is just one discovery of water, and it may be possible to discover more water sources in the future.

Now the lunar base can not only meet the living needs of a thousand scientific researchers, but even the materials produced have begun to replenish the 'Moon Palace' space station.

It is estimated that in just ten years, China's lunar base will be able to allow 100,000 people to live and work.

CNSA has also begun to detect other planets. It is optimistically estimated that within a hundred years, humans are expected to leave the solar system and enter other star systems.

As for whether there are other life planets outside the solar system, no one can give a definite answer to this point. However, as detectors are launched one after another, it is expected that they will be able to enter other star systems in a few years, maybe in about ten years. We can know whether there are life planets in the star system next to the solar system.

Hundreds of years, interstellar era.

It seems very far away, but in fact, a hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Just like, more than a hundred years have passed since the First World War.

Closed-door meetings were held to formulate short-term, medium-term and long-term plans.

The short-term plan is a 20-year plan; the medium-term plan is a 50-year plan. The long-term plan is a 100-year plan.

Each phase of planning has set goals.

In the future, if there are no emergencies in the aerospace field, it will continue to develop according to this situation.

And just when Cai Jin was about to leave the capital, he received a call.

Half an hour later, he was picked up by a military vehicle and taken to a secret base.

This secret base is heavily defended.

Secret base, conference room.

Cai Jin couldn't help but look serious when he saw the people in the conference room.

"Since Boss Cai is here, let's start the meeting." The leader who presided over the meeting said in a deep voice: "This is the head of the National Space Observation Center, Academician Ke Yan."

"Academician Keyan, please introduce me." The leader's voice was heavy.

"Okay." Academician Keyan stood up and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, according to what we have detected, in the near future, the sun will rapidly age and expand into a red giant, during which everything on the surface of the earth will be destroyed! "

When Cai Jin heard this, he couldn't help but frown. Isn't this the science fiction novel "The Wandering Earth"?

"Academician Key Yan, according to current research, the sun has existed for about 4.57 billion years. Based on the lifespan of stars, it is considered a relatively young star. Could your observations be wrong?" Cai Jin asked.

According to current models, the lifespan of stars is about 500,000-1 trillion years.

Generally, the greater the mass of a star, the shorter its lifespan.

Even according to the most conservative calculations, the lifespan of the sun is 10 billion years, which is still early before the sun turns into a red giant.

"We observed anomalies in the sun half a year ago. After rigorous calculations and thirty quantum computer simulations, we came to this conclusion." Academician Ke Yan said solemnly: "According to the calculation results, at most 500 years, the sun will It begins to age rapidly and expand into a red giant."

The mass of the sun accounts for 99.86% of the total mass of the entire solar system.

The eight major planets, asteroids, meteors, comets, Neptune objects, and interstellar dust in the solar system all orbit the sun.

If the sun ages rapidly and expands into a red giant, it will be a disaster for the entire solar system.

Red giant stars may not be understood by most people. It is actually a star that spends its long young adulthood - the main sequence star stage. When it enters its old age, it will first become a red giant. A red giant is a short unstable stage that a star goes through in its later stages of combustion. Depending on the mass of the star, it lasts only a few million years, compared with the stable period of billions or even tens of billions of years. is very short-lived.

The surface temperature of stars in the red giant period is relatively low, but they are extremely bright because they are very huge, with a mass of at least 9 to 40 times that of the sun, and a diameter of 10 to 500 times that of the sun.

In other words, if the observations are correct, then the intense rays will kill all life on earth in at most 500 years left in the solar system, and then the entire earth will be swallowed by the sun.

Cai Jin finally understood why it was so secretive that even he had to sign a confidentiality agreement.

If this matter spreads, I'm afraid the whole world will be in chaos.

500 years seems like a long time, but is actually very short.

Cai Jin felt very heavy. Although he had already turned into dust by that time, he needed to consider future generations.

"Boss Cai, I know that your group has strong technical strength. You can observe and review this matter yourself. I hope this matter is not true, but I hope that the information will not be exposed before confirmation, so as not to cause social unrest and break the news." The existing order." The leader said solemnly.

This is so cruel.

Once the news is leaked, there is no doubt that there will be no hope for the earth, which also means that there will be no hope for mankind. Under such despair, the entire order will be beaten to pieces.

"Leader, I will make detailed arrangements for observation and calculation on this matter!" Cai Jin looked solemn: "If this is really the case, I am afraid we will have no choice but to wander the earth to neighboring star systems."

Cai Jin's words were full of bitterness.

The earth wanders, four words, but it represents an absolutely huge price.

It is not advisable to build a space shuttle or even a spaceship to travel to other galaxies, because who knows whether there are life planets in other star systems.

If not, then there is only death.

"If the path of heaven is truly certain, then no matter how high the price is, we must pay the price. We must ensure that our civilization continues." The leader's voice was full of determination.

At that point, everything is for the continuation of civilization. As long as civilization can continue, no matter how high the price is, we can pay it!

Cai Jin left the secret base with a heavy heart.

After returning to the headquarters of Future Technology Group, Cai Jin secretly organized a powerful technical force and began research.

The most advanced observation equipment, the most advanced quantum computers, and even technicians can enter space at any time.

Then everything told Cai Jin that he should not be optimistic, because the sun was really different from before.

This change actually started twenty years ago. Global climate warming is not caused by excessive carbon dioxide emissions at all, but by changes in the sun. This is the main cause.

According to the observation and calculation results, after several simulations and verifications, it is determined that drastic changes will occur in 556 years.

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