Cai Jin looked very ugly.

He didn't expect that this was actually true.

This result was obtained through the most advanced observation equipment, the most advanced quantum computers, and the most advanced models, and the results are the same so many times.

Although there is a slight discrepancy in the time obtained, the largest error is only one year.

Cai Jin's heart was heavy. When he thought about the extinction of human civilization and the destruction of the earth and being swallowed by the sun, his heart was heavy.

"This matter, without me running it, no one is allowed to leak it!" Cai Jin ordered.

Once this kind of thing is leaked, it will undoubtedly cause huge turmoil.

The entire social order will be completely broken.

"Yes!" Guo Feng, who was in charge of this matter, nodded with a heavy face.

He is a top scientific researcher, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything. He knows what this matter represents and the serious consequences it will have if the news is leaked.

Cai Jin left and returned home, where he saw his son playing happily on the lawn.

Cai Jin clenched his hands tightly and waved his fist violently.

In any case, the continuation of human civilization must be ensured.

Even if it’s for future generations.

Cai Jin applied for a high-level meeting through secret channels.

This application was approved immediately.

It's the same secret base, the same conference room.

The difference is that this time there were more people attending the meeting, nearly a hundred people.

Everyone has signed a confidentiality agreement, the highest level of confidentiality agreement, and even the closest people cannot mention it.

As long as you walk out of this conference room, you can't say a word about what happened in this conference room.

"Everyone, if you participate in this meeting today, everyone must strictly abide by the confidentiality regulations. Violators will be severely punished!" The voice of the host of the meeting was full of majesty.

You must know that he has always given people the impression that he is approachable and very close to the people.

Rarely has it been so serious as this moment.

At this time, everyone could not help but show solemn and serious expressions.

They all realized that this meeting was unusual.

In many people's minds, there is not even such a high-level meeting.

The host of the meeting looked at Cai Jin: "Boss Cai, today's meeting is held at your request. Now it's up to you to introduce the situation."

"Okay, let me introduce you." Cai Jin nodded: "Stupid, open the solar system simulation!"

Suddenly, the entire conference room environment changed. At this moment, through simulated reality, the entire environment became space, or the solar system to be exact.

The sun, the eight planets, various asteroids, comets, etc. are clearly visible, and you can even see comets flying in space.

"At the last meeting, Academician Ke Yan of the National Observation Center reported that the National Observation Center observed abnormal fluctuations in the sun. After scientific and rigorous calculations and demonstrations, it was found that the sun will undergo tremendous changes in 500 years, and will age and expand into a star at an extremely fast rate. Red Superstar." Cai Jin introduced.

At this time, those who attended the meeting for the first time could not help but whisper to the people around them.

This is really incredible.

Normal people cannot accept it.

"Quiet!" the moderator of the meeting spoke, and glanced at everyone. Everyone stopped talking, and the entire conference room suddenly became quiet: "This matter does exist, no need to doubt it. Please continue to speak, Boss Cai."

"After I returned, I organized a strong team to verify this. The data was correct. Through our team's research, we found that the sun will undergo drastic changes in 556 years and will age and expand into a red giant at an extremely rapid rate." Cai Jin said in a deep voice: "Next, please watch the entire simulation process."

In 556, naturally it will not be the same ratio, but it will be accelerated.

Everyone has seen it, the time scale, and the simulation in Earth time.

When everyone saw it, the violent wave of rays released by the sun destroyed all life on the earth, destroying all life almost instantly.

Even in the depths of the sea, there is no way to escape this destruction.

In the end, we saw the earth being swallowed by the sun.

The entire conference room was deathly silent.

It's so shocking that even special effects blockbusters can't match it.

"Relevant data, calculation formulas, and models can be carefully checked and matched by the National Observation Center when the time comes," Cai Jin said.

Such a big matter will definitely be subject to constant review, and it cannot be decided by one organization or one person.

"Boss Cai, what solution do you have?" The host of the meeting looked at Cai Jin.

All participants in the entire conference room looked at Cai Jin.

"Staying in the solar system will definitely lead to death!" Cai Jin said.

If the sun really ages rapidly and expands into a red giant, then all the planets, asteroids, celestial bodies, comets, etc. in the entire solar system will inevitably be swallowed up by the sun.

That is really a dead end!

"There are only two solutions, and that is to leave the solar system and go to other star systems." Cai Jin said: "A small number of people can take spacecrafts, space shuttles and other spacecrafts to leave the solar system and go to other star systems."

"It can also push the earth to wander and settle in other star systems!" Cai Jin said.

At this time, someone finally couldn't help but speak up. This was a white-haired old man. He said: "It is not difficult to take a spaceship or space shuttle to the star system with the current aerospace technology, but there are two The question is, which planet in other star systems is suitable for survival, and the number of people riding on spaceships and space shuttles is always limited, so what about the vast majority of other people?"

"As for wandering around the earth, this is not a science fiction novel or a science fiction movie. With current technology, it is completely impossible to achieve." The old man was a typical soldier and researcher, and he spoke bluntly.

"Currently, our Future Technology Group has completed the detection of the entire solar system. It only takes two years to complete the entire solar system navigation system." Cai Jin said with a smile: "Next, we will launch probes to the star systems around the solar system. , to explore which star system has which planet suitable for human survival."

"If the distance is too far, then there is no doubt that this road will not work. At that time, the only thing left is to push the earth to wander to the nearest star Proxima Centauri and settle in a suitable orbit of Proxima Centauri." Cai Jin said.

Proxima Centauri, or Proxima Centauri, Alpha Centauri C, is a star discovered by Robert Innes in 1915 and is the closest star to the solar system.

Of course, although it is the closest, it is still 4.22 light-years away from the solar system.

In other words, even if the aircraft reaches the speed of light, it will still take almost 4.22 years!

Such a long distance is simply unimaginable.

Next is Barnard's Star, which is 5.963 light-years away from the solar system.

Currently, humans have observed a total of 38 stars within 15 light-years of the solar system.

As for which star system is suitable for the earth, it needs to be carefully detected and based on data to know.

Not all star systems are suitable for the earth. For example, some stars emit light and heat that are unstable, which makes them unsuitable for life on earth.

What the earth needs is a relatively stable star.

"As for promoting the wandering of the earth, then a planetary engine must be built." At the same time, what everyone saw changed.

Those are huge engines that push the entire earth forward and out of the solar system through terrifying thrust.

"The fact that technology cannot be achieved now does not mean that it will not be achieved in 50 years or 100 years!" Cai Jin said firmly: "Can people 100 years ago imagine today's era?"

"Times are always progressing, and we must look at it from a dynamic perspective," Cai Jin said.

The entire meeting lasted three hours.

Cai Jin received the greatest authorization and was no longer restricted by rules and regulations.

Back at the Future Technology Group, Cai Jin went directly to the big factory.

"There are two things to do now. The first thing is to build the entire solar system navigation system, which requires a total of 360 navigation satellites." Cai Jin thought in his mind that there is no difficulty in manufacturing navigation satellites, and what is to be built is Crow Navigation satellites made of alloy grade 9 materials have a long lifespan. Even in the harsh environment of the solar system, they can last for thousands of years. That is enough!

"The second step is to build a detector, go to the surrounding star systems, and detect the surrounding star systems." Cai Jin secretly said, even if there is one star within 15 light years of the solar system, a full 38 are needed.

This type of detector has higher requirements because it needs to be fast enough so that it does not need to be on the road for so long.

Otherwise, with his current best spacecraft, it would take almost 1,270 years to reach the orbit around Proxima Centauri.

In 1270, the limit of the dormant cabin has been exceeded!

The current limit of the dormant cabin is only 1,000 years!

And these 1,000 years are still theoretical, and we don’t know how long it will really take.

But if it is a detector, it will be different and the speed can be faster.

Cai Jin started building detectors. Space detectors were not difficult for him.

Within a few days, a space probe was built by Cai Jin.

Cai Jin put his hand on the space probe, and a virtual box appeared.

[Item: A+ Class Space Probe]

[Experience value: 0/1000000000]

[Optimization point: 1235.69]

This space probe weighs 5 tons and contains a lot of high-tech technology. The body material is made of Crow alloy grade 9 material.

Cai Jin did not release the space probe directly. Instead, he built five space probes in a row, and then let the robot transport the five space probes into the space shuttle.

At night, it's as dark as ink.

The space shuttle drove out of the production workshop and came to the open space.

Anti-gravity is turned on, the space shuttle leaves the ground, and vertical thrust is ejected, allowing the space shuttle to quickly move away from the ground.

Then as the thrusters changed angles, the space shuttle quickly soared into the sky.

The technology of this space shuttle is now very mature. It has been in and out of space countless times, and so far there have been no problems.

Entering space orbit, the space shuttle began to release space probes.

After these space probes were released into space orbit, they started to turn on the thrusters according to artificial intelligence, and then flew out of the earth's orbit.

Each detector is equipped with a powerful engine and has sufficient helium 3 as fuel.

Its maximum speed will be close to the speed of light.

Of course, at this speed, if it collides with any small celestial body, there will be a violent explosion.

The detection range of the detector is not enough for it to avoid celestial objects in time.

Of course, information flying along the way will be continuously transmitted back to the earth.

Cai Jin did not stop and continued to build navigation satellites.

This kind of navigation satellite is tens of thousands of times more powerful than the previous Beidou navigation satellite, has a long lifespan, and is extremely powerful in information processing.

This kind of navigation satellite does not require a controllable nuclear fusion device, only a nuclear battery.

After all, in various key orbits, it can be placed by space shuttle.

While Cai Jin was busy building the solar system navigation system, an unexpected news interrupted Cai Jin's work.

Over there, the United States broke the news. Its National Observation Center openly announced that the sun will age and expand into a red giant in the near future.

What's even more terrible is that Europe, India, Japan and South Korea have made announcements one after another, confirming this matter.

Suddenly the whole world was in an uproar.

"Damn it, what happened in Wandering Earth actually happened?"

"Could it be that Old Liu is a reborn person and warned the whole world early?"

"Why is our country leading the world in the aerospace field? Why hasn't it been discovered? We don't know until it is announced overseas."

"Four hundred years, which means the earth can only exist for 400 years, but what does that have to do with me! I will be dead by then."

"Believe in God and you will have eternal life"

"This is God's punishment for our impiety. As long as we are pious to God, all punishments will be cancelled."


All of a sudden, all kinds of monsters and monsters came out.

At this moment, these are the most marketable times and the most touted times.

Cai Jin was in a bad mood all of a sudden. This matter was made public so suddenly, which simply added to the chaos. It can be said that it broke the sky.

God knows what will happen next.

Cai Jin was not surprised at all if a war broke out.

What made Cai Jin even more speechless was that the European Space Agency and NASA announced that they would build Noah's Ark and start selling tickets to leave the earth for life planets in other star systems.

Yes, they actually started selling boat tickets just like that.

What's even more outrageous is that there are actually people who actually buy the tickets, and the tickets are selling quite well.

This is simply incredible.

The European Space Agency has not even mastered manned spaceflight technology yet.

NASA has not personally sent astronauts into space for several years.

Now they actually say that they want to build Noah's Ark, carry out space travel, and go to other star systems and life planets. Some people actually believe it. The new people are actually rich. After all, the tickets are really not cheap.

Mexico even announced that it would display 'alien' samples and analysis results in Congress to prove that aliens exist.

The Pope held a press conference and announced that he had received instructions from God and that as long as there were indulgences, the disaster could be avoided.

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