Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 149 The moment of life and death (please subscribe!)

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"Guys, what are your plans for this weekend?"

Owen asked with a smile during dinner.

"Easter egg shooting."

Howard raised his head and said with a lewd smile: "Of course, if Leslie thinks I'm too hot and can't help but have two shots, then I can only ask you to leave the Easter Egg Cabin first, because someone wants to So happy~"

"Shut up! Howard!"

Leonard shouted somewhat unhappily.

It's not that he cares about getting along with Leslie in the past, but that he hasn't been happy for a long time since he rejected the female doctor named Stephanie at Penny's suggestion...

"Owen, do you have any plans?"

"Well, it's not much fun to shoot Easter eggs all the time."

Owen smiled and said: "Christmas and New Year's Day are coming soon. Recently, a new themed horror house opened in Los Angeles. I heard that it is now popular on the other side. Many of the projects are so terrifying that they have scared many tourists to the hospital. Emily asked me to go with her. If you are interested, you can go together."


Leonard was stunned and said in surprise: "Didn't you break up?"

"What's the difference?"

Owen waved his hand and said with a smile: "We have always been friends, how about, let's do it together? Don't you think it's not fun at all to do the one-sided massacre in paintball these days?"

"Very interesting!"

Rajesh retorted: "We were massacred unilaterally before, but now that you have joined us, we have finally reversed the situation. Of course we should have more fun!"


Sheldon raised his hand and agreed: "When we were chased and beaten by those little brats in the past, I swore that one day I would lead everyone to fight back."

Irving grinned. The kid Sheldon mentioned was not a metaphor, but the other party was really just a group of eleven or twelve-year-old kids. In the four years before Irving came, Sheldon and the four of them were losers. Being abused by these little brats again and again...

"Wait a minute."

Leonard was a little confused and subconsciously complained: "Why did Stephanie ignore me after I broke up, but Alimie took the initiative to ask you out again even though she knew you were so romantic?"

"Oh, Leonard~"

Irving didn't say anything. Sheldon was already stabbing him every day. He smiled and shook his head, as if he was hesitant to speak: "There's no need to explain this kind of self-esteem issue, right?"

"I have to say that I admire Leonard very much when it comes to Stephanie."

Howard said seriously: "As the third woman in his life, and also the first woman who has no purpose, simply wants to fall in love with Leonard, and has even started living together, Leonard can refuse her, really It surprised me..."

Speaking of this, Howard smiled and said: "Is there anyone more stupid than Leonard in the world? He actually rejected a woman who threw himself into his arms, and now he has returned to his former single life. It's been half a year, right? Isn't that right? Very irritable? Do you regret it? "


Leonard saw Sheldon and Howard's slumped expressions, pouted and didn't want to speak.

In fact, what Howard said is absolutely right!

The first woman Leonard had had deep contact with in his life was Joyce King, a spy from the Northern Kingdom of the Universe. Leonard took the initiative to find her for the secret military project Leonard was originally studying, but she soon ran away.

The second one is Leslie Winkle. She used Leonard more as an experimental tool. She threw Leonard away not long after using it...

The third one is Dr. Stephanie. Stephanie was originally Howard's date, but she fell in love with Leonard. When Howard asked Leonard to take her home, the two were directly in the car. That's good.

What's even more rare is that the very difficult Sheldon likes Stephanie very much because of Stephanie's career as a doctor. He encourages Leonard to pursue Stephanie and wants them to establish a stable relationship immediately. Of course, this They were referring to Stephanie, Leonard, and him, Sheldon...

Stephanie did like Leonard very much, and soon she and Leonard lived together in disguise. As a result, Leonard, with Penny's 'suggestion and encouragement', felt that the progress was going too fast and wanted to cool off. Take a step back, and finally end this relationship alive.

But after that, Leonard vaguely thought that Penny, who was interested in him, made no move and instead kept falling in love with others.

In this case, asking Leonard if he regrets it is like asking him if he likes women. The answer is of course yes!

Over the weekend, Owen and Emily took everyone to a newly opened themed horror house in Los Angeles. As a result, Sheldon was so frightened that he screamed, and Rajesh was so scared that he peed.

Leonard and Howard were also frightened. After leaving, they kept mumbling: "Someone suddenly appeared in the air conditioner, shouted something, and rushed towards us like a rampage. It was so scary..."

Time flew by, and Christmas passed in a blink of an eye, and it was New Year's Eve. Owen had already experienced it, and he did not deliberately spend time alone. Anyway, time did not change before and after time travel.

When the New Year's bell rang again, Owen traveled through time again.


In a mountainous area of ​​ice and snow, a small wooden house is located on a mountainside.

Buzz buzz.

"Did you hear anything?"

As soon as Owen recovered from the dizziness of traveling, he saw a bearded man in front of him, wearing a jacket and stubble, listening. Another man next to him was holding a communication device and trying to make contact.

"It seems to be getting closer. Is there any response?"

"No response."

"Is the device working properly?"

"Okay, everything is fine."

"Could he be here to deliver supplies?"

"Supplies were distributed yesterday, and drones cannot land in this weather."

Listening to the conversation between the two, the remaining memories of the identity arranged by the system flashed through Owen's mind like lightning. Owen's scalp suddenly became numb and his heart beat violently. He already knew what was going on.

"System, turn on the deep learning function of Xueba mode."

Life and death were hanging by a thread. Owen took a deep breath, directly communicated with the American drama system consciously, ignited the few remaining points of existence, and decisively turned on the deep learning function. All distracting thoughts caused by the great fear between life and death were quickly eliminated, and the whole person entered An ethereal state of absolute calm.

"I'll go out and take a look first."

Owen calmly spoke to the two of them, picked up his combat backpack on the table, and walked out of the cabin as if nothing had happened. Facing the wind and snow, he narrowed his eyes, avoided the front, and walked slowly to the side. Walk away.

As he walked, he pulled out a tactical dagger, slashed hard on his waist, and pulled out a piece of electronic tube from it with an expressionless face. He put it directly in his mouth regardless of the blood on it.


At this moment, a missile hit the cabin with its tail flame...

PS: Thanks to drofish for the tip!

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