Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 150 The Bourne Supremacy (Please subscribe!)


In the cabin.

before the missile strikes.

"I'm going out too, everyone spread out."

The bearded man looked at Owen's back and narrowed his eyes. The drug-enhanced perception and special training made him feel uneasy about all this, and he instinctively made the right choice.


Although the other person had gone through the same reinforcement and training, there were always differences between people. He also had a premonition that something was wrong, but he still chose to stay in the cabin and try to contact his superiors.


A Hellfire air-to-surface missile was launched from a Predator drone. An electronic signal was provided by an electronic signal. Under satellite guidance, it accurately hit the cabin. The powerful explosive force blew the cabin and the people inside into pieces. Waves of air rolled in, knocking Owen and the bearded man outside the cabin away.

Owen had already expected it. While flying in the air, he threw the electronic signal in his mouth towards the center of the explosion. The cabin was used as a supply point. There were already a lot of guns and ammunition stored in it, so the aftershocks generated easily destroyed it. Owen's electronic annunciator.



The two fell into the snow one after another. Owen had a strong physique, so although he was hit hard by the air wave, he regained control of his body the moment he fell to the ground and stood up quickly.

The bearded man was strengthened by drugs and his body was in top condition. He recovered quickly after being blinded for a few seconds.


Not far away in mid-air, a Predator drone whizzed past.

In the remaining memory of the identity assigned to Owen by the system, the big man in front of him was, like him, an agent of America's top-secret project - Project Harvest. He was receiving wilderness survival training and secretly testing the properties of drugs that increase physical strength and intellectual perception.

Based on the Bourne Supremacy movies he had watched in his previous life, Owen recognized the big man in front of him as Alan Krauss, the male protagonist in The Bourne Supremacy 4.

In the ethereal state of deep learning, intelligence up to level 5+ operates at high speed, combining all the information to quickly draw conclusions.

In The Bourne Supremacy, this harvesting plan is so top-secret that even the CIA director doesn’t know about it. There are a total of 9 testers. The purpose is to use advanced drugs to increase the physique (green pills) and intelligence (blue pills) of the agents, and mass-produce super Agents are used to lurk in hostile countries to conduct intelligence and other work.

The most famous among them is probably Jason Bourne, who has been causing a lot of trouble recently. As a first-generation tester, taking the blue pill that enhances intelligence is an unstable first-generation product, which led to mental disorder.

Therefore, he was transferred to the Treadstone Project, a subsidiary program of the Harvest Plan, and used as a super killer. On the one hand, he removed the stumbling blocks for the Harvest Plan, and on the other hand, the medical director of the Treadstone Project was responsible for calming and straightening his spirit.

Because the Harvest Plan has the highest level of top secret, even the director of the subsidiary project Stumbling Block Project did not know that he had used Jason Bourne's public weapons for personal use, and used Jason Bourne's powerful abilities to assassinate many important figures in succession.

When Jason Bourne lost contact after he crashed into the sea during a failed mission, he mistakenly believed that Jason Bourne had rebelled against him. For fear that their corruption would be exposed, he tried his best to hunt down Jason Bourne, but was killed one after another by the powerful Jason Bourne. Bourne fights back.

The incident got bigger and bigger, and finally alarmed the leader of the Harvest Plan: former Air Force Colonel Rick Baier. After considering that the revelation of the matter would trigger an unpredictable national scandal, he decisively chose to suspend the Harvest Plan and ordered a cleanup. All traces of command.

Of the original nine testers, three died of viral infection in the second phase of the drug trial. Of the remaining six, Jason Bourne was No. 1, and Alan Krause in front of him was No. 5. Just now The unlucky man who was killed by the bomb was also one of them. The remaining three were performing tasks outside and unpreparedly ate the poison provided to them by the logistics staff and died one after another.

Irving was number 9. He was supposed to die from a viral infection, but systematic arrangements were made to survive the virus. When Irving's real body traveled through time, the special immune properties of the Eternal Interference Gun instantly eliminated all the effects of the drug. Of course, The physical enhancement and intelligence enhancement effects also disappeared.

However, with the various attributes that Owen has now enhanced with existence points, naturally they cannot be compared with the increasing effects of these two drugs that have not yet reached the level of super science fiction.

These thoughts flashed through his mind. Owen and Alan Kraus looked at each other deeply, each chose a path and fled away.

Owen used the special training memory of arranging his identity based on the system, combined with his super intelligence, to quickly analyze Alan Krause's destination, and then ran towards another hidden highland.


U.S. Intelligence Agency Special Operations Group, Drone Command Center.

"Zoro, make sure to destroy three targets...wait a minute."

"what's the situation?"

"Call Zoro, tracking, looks like there's still a mobile signal out there."

"What?! I thought you were locked!"

"It is indeed locked. The three target signals are all confirmed."

"Cannot wait any longer, let the predator return and check the situation."


On a high ground, Alan Kraus quickly took out a special metal bowl from his tactical backpack and tied it around his waist. He was not as courageous as Owen, so he could only temporarily shield the electronic signal transmitter in his body, causing the satellite to lose its signal. , to avoid being locked by the Predator drone.

On another high ground, Owen took off his combat backpack and spread it out on the snow, revealing the gun parts inside. After quick and skillful assembly, a cool sniper rifle took shape in Owen's hands.

Mini Windrunner sniper rifle!

Owen saw Alan Krause through the scope, and saw that the other party had also assembled the sniper rifle, put it on his shoulder, and pointed it at the roaring Predator drone.



With two consecutive shots, the relatively slow drone was accurately hit by Alan Kraus. The specially designed high-power mini Windrunner sniper rifle also showed its power, destroying the drone directly and crashing into the mountains.

Owen stood still with the sniper rifle, keeping sight of Alan Kraus through the scope. He saw him dismantle the sniper rifle, put it back into his backpack, and rush towards the destroyed wooden house.

Unlike Owen, he is controlled by drugs. Once his memory is interrupted, his organs will fail and his enhanced intellectual perception will quickly deteriorate. This is also an effective means for Harvest Plan to control agents.

He had been off medicine for 36 hours and had to take it immediately. There was originally a large amount of medicine stored in the cabin, but when he rushed back, he found that everything had been reduced to ashes under the bombardment of Hellfire missiles.

And with his intelligence, he could easily tell that a new pursuit was coming...

PS: A lot of orders have been dropped again, so the second update will be at 18:00.

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