Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 151 It’s not directed at anyone (please subscribe!)


U.S. Intelligence Agency Special Operations Group, Drone Command Center.

"It wasn't a crash, it was a bullet. Are you sure that's the case?"

Rick Beyer, the Harvest Program Director who hurried over, asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, according to the analysis of the last audio signal collected by the Predator drone, the Predator drone was shot down."

The female subordinate replied.

"Who is the source of the signal?"

Rick Beyer frowned and said, "Don't tell me it's Owen Lee!"


The female subordinate shook her head and said: "It's Ellen Krauss!"

"Phew, finally there is good news."

Rick Beyer breathed a sigh of relief: "When will the next drone arrive?"

"15 minutes, they're refueling."

The female subordinate understood the commander's mood. As a team member of the top secret harvest plan, she witnessed the progress of the harvest plan throughout the process.

Owen's code name is 9, which means that he is the last candidate to join the training. The drugs he takes are all improved, and coupled with his extraordinary talent, the effects of physical strengthening and mental strengthening are far superior to others, and he is surprisingly stable. The training All data at the time were No. 1.

For such a super agent, if it weren't for an emergency, Rick Bayer would never be willing to give up. But fortunately, after Owen's verification, the properties of the new drug are already very stable. When the limelight passes and mass production is completed, it can always appear again. A super agent that rivals or even surpasses Owen.

"Let them speed up and be sure to clear the target!"

"Don't worry, sir. There is no transportation at the target's location. Even if you give him a day, he will never escape the search range of the Predator drone."

"very good."

While the two were talking, they pushed the door open and entered the drone command center.

"How is it going?"

"Solo has locked on the signal source again."

"The Predator has set sail and is expected to arrive in 15 minutes."


In the utility room next to the cabin.

Alan Kraus took out the tactical dagger, endured the pain and took out the electronic signal embedded in the body. After simple suturing, he came to the woods with the blood-stained gauze.

A group of wolves came smelling the smell of blood and surrounded Alan Kraus. Alan Kraus used a trap to capture the first wolf. After driving away the wolves with a pistol, he stuffed the electronic signal device into his mouth. In the mouth of the alpha wolf.


At this time, the Predator drone arrived and once again launched the Hellfire air-to-ground missile at the running alpha wolf, successfully hitting it.

Because the signal source just showed a running state, the people in the drone control center had no doubts. In addition, the drone's endurance was particularly poor, so after confirming that the signal source was destroyed, they returned directly.


Alan Kraus, who was hiding in a corner of the snow in the forest, exhaled heavily as he listened to the distant and increasingly blurry sound of the Predator drone.

At the moment of life and death, even after special training, he felt helpless for the rest of his life. But just after he rested for a while, recovered, and stood up to leave, a gunshot rang out.


The last thought flashed through Allen Krause's mind. A bullet crossed a distance of nearly 2,000 meters and penetrated his forehead. A red plum suddenly bloomed in the snow.

"It's not about you!"

At a secret sniper spot, Owen looked through the scope and saw that Alan Kraus had been shot in the head by himself. After falling heavily, he said lightly to himself: "But I still want to hide for a while."

In the original plot, although Alan Kraus successfully faked his death and escaped from the sight of the Harvest Plan, he was restricted by drugs and had to show up to cause a scene just one day later.

Although Owen has no drug restrictions, once Alan Kraus makes a big noise, it is difficult to guarantee that the people in the Harvest Plan will not become suspicious and send people here to check carefully, and Owen will be exposed.

Therefore, for your own safety, sending Alan Kraus on the road with one bullet is the best choice!

As for Alan Krauss’s role as Justice?

Do not make jokes! None of the agents are innocent and kind, and none of them have bloody hands. Owen has no psychological burden in killing them!

"System, display the attribute panel and mark the existence points required for the next promotion of each attribute."

"Yes, Master."

As the American drama system responded, the attribute panel appeared in Owen's consciousness.

Existence points: 133+50-120-1-1=61 points (positive pole: 100*5-50=450 points, note: +50 negative pole points for successful survival, turning on the deep learning function of the academic mode costs 1 point.)

Driver cards: 10 (Summer, Jiaoye, Jamie Ines, Bianca Samson, Queen Amidala, Robin, Kitagawa Keiko, Jinguji Sora, Rachel, Alyssa Page .)

Honorary Titles: Krypton Life Academic Master, Dolphin Lover, Eternal Kidney King, Public Enemy of Boys, Legendary Tuner, Supreme Conductor, Super Male Beast, Professor of Mathematics, Dedicated Real Man, Akina Mountain Car God

Intelligence: lv5+ (the next level is lv6-, which costs 2000 points.)

Strength: lv2+ (the next level is lv3-, the limit is 1t, and it costs 50 points.)

Speed: lv2+ (the next level is lv3-, the limit is 50 kilometers per hour, and it costs 200 points.)

Endurance: lv3- (The next level is lv3, which costs 50 points.)

Energy release: lv1 (depending on specific skills.)

Combat skills: lv4 (depending on specific skills.)

Skill list:

Skill 1: Eternal Interference Gun

Skill 2: Scholar Mode

Skill 3: Mysterious Chinese Medicine

System mission: King of agents, achieve hegemony!

“Are new skills appearing randomly?”

I didn't feel it in the positive universe. When I came to the negative universe again and faced life-threatening danger at every turn, Owen's desire for new skills was very strong.

Although the attributes are good, if you want to greatly improve your combat effectiveness, you need to spend a lot of existence points. In terms of intelligence and speed, the number of existence points you need to spend simply to improve one level is simply terrifying.

But this is also easy to understand. The intelligence of level 5+ is already the limit of human beings. At this level, the spatial perception ability is already very strong. Going one step further is a leap-forward improvement in mental strength.

In the magical world, it is the strength of the soul and mental power, such as the Ancient One and Professor X. In reality, it is the personality charm and the protagonist's luck, such as Iron Man.

The speed is because lv3 crosses the normal human limit of 40 kilometers per hour to the extraordinary 700 kilometers per hour. You know, the average speed of an airplane is only 800 or 900 kilometers per hour.

The next level of strength and endurance breakthrough does not cost many existence points, but there is no way to significantly increase combat effectiveness.

American TV series system: "Yes, as long as the owner accumulates enough existence points and driver cards, new skills will appear randomly."

After leaving the ice and snow, Owen used his body memory to avoid surveillance and hid, and began to use computers to understand the world. When he saw a piece of news, Owen's face suddenly changed.

"Two explosions occurred in Los Angeles today. The hospital guarded by SWAT was attacked, causing heavy casualties..."

PS: Thanks to book friend 20181202213855574, The Last Knight Armor for the reward!

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