Los Angeles.




Tactical phrases came out from the mouths of the SWAT team members, but no one felt a sense of security because they did not find the target at the predetermined location. This was obviously not a good sign.




Just when everyone was on alert, bursts of gunshots came from behind.

"Enemy attack! 6 o'clock direction!"

In the communicator, the SWAT captain reminded loudly.


"team leader?"

The remaining team members naturally judged the enemy's position from the sound of gunfire, but when they quickly turned around and pointed their guns behind them, they found that Owen had already bullied them, and the shaking bodies of his teammates were everywhere they could see. , even though they have experienced hundreds of battles, they dare not shoot at this time.

"Back off! Keep your distance!"

The captain of the SWAT tactical team saw that Owen was like a tiger among the crowd, and that each of his elite subordinates who could usually fight ten was as weak as a little girl. He immediately understood that Owen, who had suffered a lot from the tough guy agent Luke Hobbs, really deserved his reputation. How dare Irving get close!

The remaining team members retreated in panic, but their guns were always pointed at Owen, ready to shoot him.

"Holy shit!"

But just a few steps after they took action, Irving grabbed a member of SWAT and threw his teammate straight over like a sandbag.

The bodies of their teammates blocked most of the shooting angle, and they still had no way to shoot. What made them stunned was that Owen followed their teammates' flying bodies and came close again.



Waves of muffled sounds sounded, indicating that each team member was knocked down!

"What kind of monster is this..."

After this thought came to the leader of the SWAT tactical team, he scanned the empty aisles where no one was standing. His vision went dark and he lost all consciousness.

outside the building.

Inside the tactical command vehicle.

"SWAT has all fallen."

Heather Lee saw the battle process through the helmet camera carried by the SWAT team, and announced solemnly: "Sir, Target 1 is too powerful. It is recommended to surround the building and recruit more snipers to lock it down. Every perspective.”

"Secure the building and I will send out more snipers immediately."

The CIA director was silent for a moment and replied coldly.

They had overestimated Irving as much as possible, otherwise they would not have used such a big scene, but they did not expect that they still underestimated Irving. An elite SWAT team capable of fighting a small local war was crushed by Irving in an instant. Pressure-type destruction, how incredible this is!

"What kind of monster have you created!"

The CIA director murmured in his heart.

Although he didn't know the details of the harvest plan, with his many years of experience in intelligence work, he certainly wouldn't think that an existence with super combat power like Owen appeared out of thin air.

From the confidential orders coming from above, and thinking about the Jason Bourne incident, he more or less guessed some aspects of the harvest plan. This is like an upgraded version of the Jason Bourne incident!

"Everyone guard the entrances and exits, and kill target No. 1 immediately!"

Heather Lee received the approval from her superiors and immediately emphasized on the communicator: "Don't give Target No. 1 any chance to get close!"


Compared to the calm response of the sniper on the high building, the policemen hiding behind the blockade formed by police cars looked at each other, their chubby bodies shrank even more flexibly, their throats moved slightly, and they grasped the raised pistols. , looking nervously in the direction of the building.

"SWAT failed?"

"It seems so. Otherwise, there would be no movement at all. Instead, they have repeatedly emphasized not to let Target No. 1 get close."

"Hiss~ How long has it been! I haven't heard many gunshots!"

"Target No. 1 is an Asian. I'm afraid he knows the Kung Fu of the Other World. As you know, the Kung Fu of the Other World is very scary. It's almost as good as the superpowers in science fiction movies."

"I hate Kung Fu!"

Several police officers leaned together and whispered softly.

"You stay there and don't move. I'll pick you up after I defeat them."

While Owen was selecting equipment from the fallen SWAT team members, he was talking to the hidden Ramsey through the headset.

"Destroy them?"

Ramsay's voice trembled and he said in disbelief: "Are you kidding me?"

It can be said that there is a dragnet outside. She has no idea whether Owen can take her to escape. But now Owen tells her that he will defeat the opponent first and then come to pick her up. No matter how it sounds, it feels like he is joking. Maybe there is another possibility, that is Owen wants to get rid of her as a burden!

"wait for me."

Time was running out, and Owen had no intention of explaining in detail. After changing into a full set of SWAT tactical equipment, he went downstairs and walked out of the building with his gun in hand.

The longer you stay in this place, the more dangerous it becomes. God knows what the other party will do if he is ruthless. He doesn't dare to bet on the other party's character with his life!

The door of the building.

Owen held two guns and breathed steadily. Under the deep learning function of the academic mode, he was absolutely rational and fearless of life and death. His powerful body provided strong support and pushed open the door.

"Target No. 1 found! fire! fire! fire"

On the official communication channel, shouts of shooting were heard one after another. Under Heather Lee's repeated emphasis, they were so nervous that they had no intention of asking for instructions and opened fire directly.


Bang bang bang!

The first to fire were the snipers on the tall building opposite, and then the policemen behind the police cars. The intensive gunfire showed the official's determination to kill Irving.

At the moment when Owen pushed the door and the other party opened fire, Owen's pupils shrank, and everything around him slowed down. The dense bullets slid towards him in the air, and the trajectory of the bullets was clearly visible. In an absolutely sane state, lv5+ genius mathematics Jia's intelligence was running at high speed, instantly calculating the clear coordinates of the shooter of each bullet.

Owen rolled and jumped, and with the addition of strength, speed, and ultimate fighting skills, he narrowly avoided the bombardment of the bullet stream. In mid-air, the powerful pistols in both hands fired bullets one after another. trajectory, hitting enemies one by one!




In the official command channel, the video of Sniper No. 3's field of view suddenly went black, and then a series of shouts sounded in the communication channel.

"Sniper No. 3 is down! Blockade No. 3 has suffered heavy losses, and Target No. 1 is about to break through."

The co-pilot of the armed helicopter hovering in mid-air reminded: "Are you going to launch an attack?"

The heavy machine gun under the armed helicopter is already in place, aiming at Owen below. As long as the commander gives the order, thousands of bullets per minute can cover Owen like a heavy rain...

PS: Thanks to Derricks for the tip!

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