Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 166 The Strange Hero from the Other Side

Los Angeles.


Heather Lee flatly refused: "Target No. 1 only injured the police officers and made them lose their combat effectiveness. Now Target No. 1 is mixed in the crowd. Once he fires, he will accidentally injure his own people."


The CIA director couldn't help but swear, and was disgusted by Owen's obvious defensiveness.

Bang bang bang!

When everyone was helpless, continuous gunshots rang out.

"what happened?"

"Sir, Target 1 is attacking Apache 10."

The co-pilot of the Apache helicopter held the weapon control handle tightly, resisted the urge to fire, and reported back.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This is an Apache armed helicopter. The outer steel plates are specially reinforced to protect against bombardment from ordinary artillery shells. The glass window in front of the driver is specially designed to be small in area but very high in bulletproof thickness. The rotors above are also specially designed. If you want to kill the driver with a gun to achieve the effect of destroying the Apache helicopter gunship, it is completely fantasy.

Not to mention using guns, it is the magic RPG in the movie. If you want to shoot down armed helicopters at every turn, it is like a blind cat hitting a dead mouse. It is pure luck.




"Not good! The tail fin was hit, we are going to fall, please help, please help!"

At this time, amidst the constant gunfire and the explosion of grenades, the pilot of the Apache helicopter exclaimed.

"How can it be!"

The CIA director's expression was extremely gloomy.

"Sir, target No. 1 threw a grenade at Apache No. 10. The opponent's power was amazing and it hit the Apache's tail accurately."

Heather Lee Hui reports.


Not only the CIA director was silent, but also the Harvest Planning Team who watched the battle with higher authority.

Washington DC.

National Research Assessment Group.

"It's incredible!"

A big white man with a villain face murmured: "How can he be so strong!"

After saying this, his eyes lit up and he said with sparkling eyes: "It seems that our plan has been successful. No. 9 is indeed the strongest and most stable experimental subject. We must recover him, and at least get his body... …”


Rick Beyer, the leader of the Harvest Project, shouted: "I don't care how interested you are in him, please remember our primary goal now is to eliminate him at all costs, do you understand?"


The villain replied with his head lowered.

In this kind of privileged institution, no one dares to refute the will of the superior, because that will mean that you will probably disappear quietly, leaving no trace at all...

"Can we catch him?"

The female team member responsible for cover and intelligence work looked at the messy battlefield in the video and murmured without confidence: "Such a powerful ability is completely different from other experimental products. It can crush such a powerful attack formation head-on and throw grenades." Destroying the plane is exactly what the Strange Man from the Other Side does..."

When Owen became a target, she re-researched Owen's information. Because of Owen's special nature, she also searched for the magical events on the other side. She was deeply impressed by the magical methods of the Strange Man on the other side. She used to sneer at him, but now she is deeply impressed. Deeply shocked.

Oh my god, those incredible magical methods that look like jokes may actually exist. This is simply terrifying!

"No. 1, No. 2, No. 4, everyone rush to position No. 3. Be sure to kill target No. 1."

Heather Lee ordered.




The snipers from three directions quickly evacuated their original positions and rushed towards the No. 3 blockade where Owen was located.

"Ramsay, come down, let's get out of here."

While informing Ramsey, Owen drove out the chariot he had assembled and parked in the underground parking lot. Without the threat of armed helicopters, his racing car with tens of thousands of horsepower would be useful!

When the other three snipers arrived, Ramsay went downstairs tremblingly!




After three gunshots, Owen passively entered the Spider Sense again, used the same method to calculate the coordinates of the snipers based on the trajectory of the bullets, shot three times with his backhand, and directly killed three snipers from 800 meters away.


Owen pushed open the passenger door and shouted to the stunned Ramsey.


When Ramsey confusedly got into the car as Owen ordered, Owen stepped on the accelerator, knocked away the intercepting police car, and rushed out of the city.

"The target fled the scene in his vehicle."

Heather Lee, who saw this scene through the camera in the on-site command vehicle, said quickly.

"Can we locate the target's whereabouts?"

The CIA director said coldly.

"Unable to lock."

Heather Lee quickly operated the computer while replying: "The other party closed the Eye of God after hacking the whole city's surveillance. It will take time to restore the whole city's surveillance. If it cannot be locked in the air in time, the other party will be completely lost soon." whereabouts."


Everyone who heard the news cursed.

In a place like Los Angeles, dispatching one armed helicopter is already the limit. Wanting to deploy another one in a short time is simply a joke.

According to the analysis of the previously monitored video, the top speed of Owen's modified car was close to 400 kilometers per hour. By the time they called in the armed helicopter, Owen had no idea where he had gone.

You know, the maximum speed of the Apache armed helicopter is only 365 kilometers per hour!

Do they still need to dispatch fighter jets?

"Holy shit!"

The big-mouthed beauty Jane, who was hiding in the house, watched Owen's domineering counterattack all the time and shouted in shock: "This is okay!"

Even as a top killer, she had no idea that Owen could be so sharp. This was no longer the category of a top killer, it was completely the magic skills of the superheroes in the comics.

"So domineering, so powerful~"

Jane, who was in a state of indifference after five years of marriage to her nominally ordinary husband, and whose hormones had not been released for several months, felt hot in her heart. A strong woman like her could easily be seduced by an extremely domineering man like Owen. attract.

After Owen drove away and disappeared, Jane licked her thick lips and left quickly.

Langley, Virginia.

CIA headquarters.

"Everyone, let's talk."

The CIA director was silent for a long time and said in a hoarse voice.

Everyone was silent, Owen's power was beyond their imagination, and they were helpless for a moment.

"Sir, we need help."

Heather Lee suggested still calmly.


The CIA director chewed on the word: "What helper?"

"Jason Bourne."

Heather Lee named a name that made them blush: "I have researched his information, and judging from his step-by-step experience, he is still a patriot deep in his heart. As long as he can be persuaded, with his Ability, the possibility of dealing with Target No. 1 is even higher..."

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