Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 167 A woman’s sincerity

Langley, Virginia.

CIA headquarters.


After a long moment of silence, the CIA director motioned for Heather Lee to continue.

"It's clear what's happening now."

Heather Lee said calmly: "Jason Bourne used to be one of ours. He had various misunderstandings due to amnesia. It was an internal conflict that could be reconciled. However, Target No. 1 is a must-kill target. If we are not sure enough, When dealing with target No. 1, it can be considered to fight for our former super ace Jason Bourne.

If it succeeds, Jason Bourne will kill Target No. 1. If it fails, Jason Bourne will be eliminated by Target No. 1, and we will continue to find new ways to deal with Target No. 1. This is acceptable, right? "


The CIA director nodded: "But are you sure you can persuade Jason Bourne?"

"I can try my best."

Heather Lee raised her voice confidently.

“Just go ahead and do it.”

The CIA director said solemnly: "Time is running out, Heather. Regardless of success or failure, you must seize the time!"

"Yes, sir!"

Heather Lee responded loudly.

The CIA director nodded, left the conference room, came to his exclusive office, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, thought for a while, walked to his desk, picked up the phone, and dialed a number.


A handsome white man walked to an ATM machine, looked around secretly, stood on tiptoes, and pointed his eyes at the camera that suddenly stretched out from the ATM machine. After a pupil scan, the screen of the ATM machine began to appear quickly. Lines of text.

“Agent identified, hello, Ethan!

Today, Los Angeles dispatched elite SWAT and CIA agents to try to kill and arrest two targets. The Los Angeles police also dispatched a large number of police forces to block and surround them, along with an Apache helicopter gunship.

But it turned out that target number 1 single-handedly destroyed SWAT, killed four elite CIA snipers, destroyed an Apache helicopter gunship, injured a large number of police officers, broke through the blockade and fled, causing a major disaster. Negative impact.

Your mission, if you accept it, is to use all your strength to kill target No. 1 as soon as possible. Capturing target No. 2 is the first priority. If you can't capture target, you can also choose to kill it!

The old rule is, if you and your team are caught and killed, the supervisor will say that he has no knowledge of your actions, and this message will be automatically destroyed within 5 seconds. Good luck to you, Ethan. "

The text jumped here and disappeared, and bright red countdown numbers appeared on the screen, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Handsome Ethan frowned and left the ATM machine. After seeing that the ATM machine was automatically destroyed, he dialed his old partner, Computer Expert Class Kat’s phone number…

New York.

"you sure?"

After listening to Jane, who flew back to New York early, and described the battle in Los Angeles, Seve said with a strange expression.

"One hundred percent sure."

Jane nodded affirmatively: "The other party's strength is simply incredible. From a safety perspective, I do not recommend that the boss has contact with the other party. Although this is our base camp, once the other party has evil thoughts, we have no confidence in ensuring the boss's safety."

"What kind of person do you think he is?"

Seve smiled noncommittally.

"Judging from the official deployment and the fact that no past information can be found, he should be a super agent secretly cultivated by the official, just like Jason Bourne, who has made a lot of noise recently."

Jane narrowed her eyes and blurted out, obviously she had also considered this issue: "Judging from the official's opinion, it must be because of certain things that they wanted to erase the other party, but they met with strong resistance, which turned into such a mess."


Seve nodded and said: "This possibility is very high, but what I focus on is his relationship with Ramsey. From the previous information, we can know that he kidnapped Ramsey because of the Eye of God.

But later, he did not choose to silence Ramsay, but instead became very close to Ramsay. From this point of view, his danger to us is much lower, and the possibility of him being won over by us is also higher..."

The killer organization under her is all women, and they are all beauties who have undergone special training. She is also a beautiful woman, which is naturally attractive to a man who does not restrain his desires.

"What he wanted was the Eye of God."

Jane interrupted: "Once it is obtained, with the character developed by his super agent, the possibility of silencing Ramsay is as high as 90%. After all, he suffered a strong blow from the official. No matter how strong he is, with such a Burden is, after all, very troublesome and dangerous.”


Seve didn't look displeased: "But what you didn't notice is that the other party has obviously re-created the Eye of God, and even improved it to be able to automatically warn. I don't believe that Ramsey is in such a dangerous state. There is also the ability to make such improvements.

Then there is only one truth. He is also a top hacker, and he is the kind of super hacker with ideas and inspiration. Now that the Eye of God has been completed, Ramsay has only one function for him besides being a burden~ "

Jane licked her thick lips and said strangely: "It is impossible for such a man to be bound by desire!"

Seve smiled and said: "This is just a spare bargaining chip. It is more of an exchange of interests. He has the eye of God and powerful abilities we need, and we have the power cover he needs. Together, we will benefit. This is This is the fundamental reason why I took the risk to win over him!"

"But how can we guarantee his loyalty?"

Down to the core issue.


Seve smiled confidently: "There is never absolute loyalty in the world, there are only enough interests. Cooperating with a woman like me who is strong, has lofty dreams, and knows how to share is definitely his best choice. I I believe he will make the right choice.”

Jian was eager to try: "Do you need me to test him first?"


Seve shook his head and said: "You have been out for too long, you should go back first, otherwise there will be problems with your cover identity. I will send Shalin over first to test. They are all Asians, and there may be more topics to talk about. If we can talk, let him feel our sincerity first, Charlene, are you okay?"

"Yes, boss."

Asian beauty killer Sha Lin stood aside and responded indifferently.

This slightly humiliating order had long been used to her, who had gone through the adult graduation ceremony and was so disheartened that she had no psychological fluctuations at all.

"very good."

Seve smiled meaningfully: "Use the knowledge you have learned to make him deeply feel our sincerity~"

They are all subordinates, but for Seve, there are also closeness and distance. It is obvious that Jane belongs to the direct lineage. Naturally, he cannot send out the direct lineage for such a cannon fodder task.

Of course, if Owen shows enough sincerity, she wouldn't mind using more chips in order to deepen the close cooperation between them...

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