New York.

Marriage Counseling Office.

A pair of single sofas are lined up on both sides of a coffee table with cups. Sitting on the sofa is a man and a woman. The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful. Not far from them, there is a gentle middle-aged man wearing glasses. Sit there with pen and paper and look at them.

"Mr. Smith, tell me."

"Okay, let me talk first."

The handsome Mr. Smith rubbed his hands and smiled slightly awkwardly: "Actually, we don't need to come here. We have been married for 5 years..."

"It's 6 years."

The beautiful and plump Mrs. Smith next to her couldn't help but interrupt.

"It's been 5 or 6 years."

Mr. Smith glanced at his wife next to him and modified his previous statement, but it was not difficult to see the reluctance in his words: "This is a kind of inspection for us, to check the condition of the engine, change the oil, change one or two Parts..."


Mrs. Smith next to her suddenly laughed out loud when she heard this.

"What's wrong?"

Mr. Smith looked over strangely.


Mrs. Smith shook her head and said: "I just think this metaphor is very vivid~"

As he said this, he couldn't help but have a thought in his mind: "After racing a racing car modified with the most advanced and most powerful engine with tens of thousands of horsepower, and then replaced it with the original engine, even if the oil and parts are changed, it's really... Can we still go back to the past when we had 1,000 horsepower and was able to fly like lightning..."

"All right."

After the marriage counselor wrote a few words on the paper, he raised his head and smiled and said: "In that case, let's open the hood and take a look. On a ten-point scale, how happy are you?"

"101 points!"

Mrs. Smith blurted out, and when she saw Mr. Smith looking over in surprise, she immediately became alert. The marriage counselor was not asking her how she felt about speeding at work, but whether she was a top killer. She was very skilled in concealing her emotions and said without changing her expression: "This was once upon a time!"

"What now?"

The marriage counselor said gently.

"Eight points, no, six points."

Mrs. Smith shrugged.

In the past, she might have given it an 8, but she couldn't compare anything. Now she could only give it a 6 as a friendly gesture, of which 5 was given for the sake of the six-year relationship between husband and wife.

"6 points!"

Mr. Smith curled his lips and lowered the 8 points to 6 points.

“How often do you applaud love?”

Marriage counselors ask the most critical and core questions in marriage.

"I don't understand this question. Is this a very standard answer?"

Mr. Smith pretended to be stupid in embarrassment and said: "You must know that strictly speaking, 0 means not once."

"Let's talk about this week."

The marriage counselor said helplessly.


Mr. Smith was speechless. He caught a glimpse of Mrs. Smith who was a little absent-minded. His heart sank. He put his hands by Mrs. Smith's ears and clapped loudly.

"What's wrong?"

Mrs. Smith came back to her senses and asked in confusion.

"What were you thinking about just now?"

Mr. Smith said with a green face. He always felt that Mrs. Smith had changed in the week since she came back from the business trip, but he couldn't tell what had changed.

Because their indifference has lasted for several months, without open and in-depth communication, how can they possibly know where the problem lies?

That's why he agreed to come to this embarrassing marriage counseling!

"I'm counting how often we applaud love."

Mrs. Smith said calmly: "For me, let's calculate it in years, what do you think?"


Mr. Smith coughed a few times and felt that he was too suspicious. Their question was not who cheated or not. Besides, if she really dared to cheat, would she really think that he, a top killer, was just a living wage?

"Let's talk about how you met."

The marriage counselor took a deep look at Mrs. Smith. Although Mrs. Smith hid it very well, he had been doing marriage counseling for many years and was used to seeing all kinds of strange things about couples. He had already developed a pair of piercing eyes. He could tell that there was something wrong with Mrs. Smith, but he couldn't point it out, so he could only change the subject.

“That was in Bogotá, Colombia, five years ago!”

A smile appeared on Mr. Smith's lips.

Mrs. Smith opened her mouth, instinctively wanting to refute again that it was six years ago, but when she met the marriage counselor's meaningful gaze, she swallowed the words that came to her mouth.

This marriage consultation passed with the couple reminiscing about their past and having a sweet encounter. Before leaving, the marriage counselor muttered: "I suggest you conduct individual consultation first, and then face it together after you understand your true inner thoughts." Solution, what do you think?"


Mrs. Smith saw the marriage counselor looking at her, and thinking of the marriage counselor's look just now, she nodded in agreement.

"I'm OK."

Mr. Smith said nothing.


The marriage counselor smiled and said: "Mrs. Smith will schedule it at 4 pm next Monday, and Mr. Smith will schedule it at 4 pm next Tuesday. You are welcome to come on time."

"Be sure to arrive on time."

On the way back.

inside the car.

"What do you think of Dr. Wisler?"

Mrs. Smith asked casually while driving: "It feels like his question is a bit irrelevant."

"It's really not very constructive."

Mr. Smith said casually: "You have been very busy at work recently~"

When Mrs. Smith saw Mr. Smith looking at her out of the corner of her eye, her heartbeat stagnated. The image of working overtime with her colleague Charlene this week to win over new people came to mind. Even the boss had personally participated in the battle. How could they not be careful?

But after entering the work state, I feel really fulfilled and happy, and the cold war with life is completely like ice, fire, and heaven. This may be what people often call the sense of accomplishment.

But after all, she felt a little neglected and owed her husband. With an idea, she remembered a question and blurted out: "Who is Rachel?"


Mr. Smith was shocked.

"Who is Rachel Green?!"

Seeing Mr. Smith's reaction, Mrs. Smith immediately understood that there was adultery involved. She was a very possessive woman, and all the previous guilt and uneasiness were instantly swept away, and she questioned Mr. Smith with burning eyes.

While working overtime this week, Owen Li, the cute new guy in the company, looked up to her, a senior boss in the company, and trembled, and at the moment he trembled, he accidentally confided: "Rachel Green, I can be considered a I took revenge on you..."

At that time, she wanted to ask who Rachel Green was, but she was too tired and had no energy to ask. This was the case for the rest of the working day. If she hadn't been alerted by Mr. Smith just now, she wouldn't have been able to remember Rachel at all. Green thing.

Now, Mr. Smith must answer this question!

PS: Thanks to the Demon Fox for the 10,000 reward! More updates will be posted as soon as possible!

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