Mystic Falls.

Bar style restaurant.

"His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with his uncle in Salvatore's old apartment. He left Mystic Falls when he was a child. He is from a military family and must move. He is a Gemini and his favorite color is blue."

Caroline said eloquently while holding a glass of juice.

Bonnie was shocked: "You've already found out so much in just one day?"


Caroline said arrogantly: "I knew during the break between classes three and four that we would have a wedding in June."

"What about Owen Lee?"

The corner of Bonnie's mouth twitched, wanting to tell the fact that Stefan was attracted to Elena, but thinking of the consequences of Caroline's explosion, she swallowed the words back, rolled her eyes, and thought of another man. main character.

Stefan Salvatore was not the only one who fell in love with Elena today!

"Oh, him."

Caroline's eyes lit up, then she took a sip of juice, and said with some tangle: "Chinese international students, their families should be quite rich, and although they are also very handsome, I prefer male protagonists in romantic love stories like Stefan. Deep and passionate eyes.”

"Of course you do."

Bonnie complained in her heart: "If it were me, I'd like it too~"

She is very self-aware and knows that she is not as good as Caroline, let alone Elena, so even if she likes the boys they both like equally, she either actively or passively gives up.

"Hey, since Caroline chose Stefan Salvatore, then Owen Lee~"

Bonnie's heart moved. Just as Caroline said, Stefan is a typical Western handsome guy with deep eyes. Owen is a traditional native of the other side. Although he is equally handsome, his attractiveness is obviously inferior to that of Western handsome guys.

As Elena's best friend, how could Bonnie not know Elena's feelings revealed in her glances? Since both Caroline and Elena chose Stefan, could she choose Owen... …

"Hey, what was I thinking!"

After Bonnie's mind wandered, she glanced at Caroline in front of her. She suddenly realized that the other party kept saying that she would marry Stefan next June, but was still struggling with whether to give up Owen Lee: "This is Queen Caroline, not a child. She must ask for all the multiple-choice questions.

Moreover, when Caroline and Elena fight, even if Caroline is full of attack power, but against Elena, who uses softness to overcome strength, so many years of experience have proven that Caroline is no match for Elena. Once Caroline If you fail, you will definitely prey on Owen again, so what will happen to me~"

Caroline struggled for a while, then turned and left. She was the current queen of the school and needed a lot of socializing.

"Hi, Bonnie."

"Hi, Matt."

When Bonnie was still in a daze, a tall figure blocked the light. Bonnie looked up and saw Elena's ex-boyfriend Matt standing in front of her with a sad face, and her heart suddenly wailed. He said: "Oh, you need me to help comfort you again, Elena, I really owe you~"

"Is Elena okay?"

Matt asked sadly.

"Her parents are dead, what do you think?"

Bonnie asked, "Give her some time, after all, it's only been four months."

"Then has she mentioned me recently?"

Matt was silent for a moment and asked the question he was most concerned about.

"No, so don't hesitate and just call."

Bonnie looked at Matt with pity. As a girl and Elena's best friend, she knew Elena's mentality best. The reason why Elena broke up with Matt was not at all because her parents were dead, but because of the It's just that Matt doesn't feel anything anymore, but Matt, an honest man, refuses to persist for the sake of face, which is doomed to tragedy.

After saying this, Bonnie's eyes narrowed, and Matt's head sank. Following Bonnie's gaze, he saw Elena, who should have been filled with sadness, and Stefan, who was new to the school, entering side by side. Elena The light makeup carefully applied on her face seemed to be mocking Bonnie.

"Give her a little more time, huh?"

Matt laughed to himself.

Bonnie was speechless and could only smile bitterly. She wanted to help her best friend lie and stabilize the spare tire, but she didn't expect her best friend to find the tubeless tire and directly punctured the spare tire, causing her to almost be blown out by the tire air. It was really Damn it.

When Caroline, who was socializing, saw this scene, she squeezed the goblet in her hand tightly. A trace of anger flashed in her eyes, but then it was replaced by stronger fighting spirit.

Over the years, she has fought and failed many times, but she has been defeated and defeated again and again. How could she be knocked down by this setback.

"Caroline, don't panic, this is America. In TV dramas, the second female lead counterattacks the first female lead, successfully rises to the top, and becomes a winner in life. You can do it too!"

Caroline encouraged herself secretly.

Everyone sat together and chatted. As the newcomer, Stefan was naturally the focus of everyone's questioning. When they heard that both Stefan and Elena's parents had died, and then thought that they also like to keep diaries, E Lina's eyes when she looked at Stefan suddenly changed. It was no longer the simple love at first sight (hormones were agitated), but a little more recognition.

"Owen Lee has no chance."

Bonnie, who always had a transparent background, noticed the look in her best friend's eyes and sighed in her heart: "This is also a fool. He didn't know how to come out to play together on the first day of school. He deserved to be beaten by Stefan. Seeing that Stefan didn't care at all." If he cares about Caroline's appearance, this fool will most likely become Caroline's prey."

"Stefan, there is a party tomorrow night. It is a tradition at Mystic Falls High School. It is equivalent to a homecoming party."

When Caroline saw Stefan and Elena looking at each other affectionately in front of her, she was immediately disgusted and quickly interrupted: "Are you coming?"

"are you going?"

Stefan looked straight at Elena.


Seeing Elena flipping her hair there and smiling without saying a word, Caroline could hardly keep the smile on her face, and she kept cursing in her heart: "I know how to pretend to be a white lotus, I obviously want it very much, But you’re still being reserved there, bah!”

The next day.

Mystic Falls High School.

"Hi Elena."

"Hi, Owen."

"I heard there's a homecoming party tonight, can I invite you to go?"

"Uh, I'm sorry, Stefan asked me out."

"Oh, that's a shame. Have a good time."

Owen said 'with a disappointed look on his face but pretending to be a gentleman', which made Elena look apologetic in her eyes.

"It's useless for you to do this."

After Elena left, Caroline teleported to Owen and gave guidance: "If you want to chase Elena, you need to be more proactive. What did you do last night?"


Owen smiled noncommittally.

Although Caroline has been in love for a long time, she is really not enough to watch in front of Owen who has half a million kills. What's more, Owen is also familiar with the plot. He naturally has his reasons for doing this...

In history class.

"The Battle of Willow Creek was fought in Mystic Falls near the end of the Civil War. How many casualties were there in this battle? Miss Bennett?"

The history teacher named him.


Bonnie was stunned: "A lot? I'm not sure, it should be a lot~"

"Miss Bennett."

The history teacher scoffed: "There's only one step between being cute and being silly."

"Where's Mr. Donovan?"

The history teacher looked at Matt: "Would you like to use this opportunity to change your cynical image?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you."

Matt didn't even bother to look up and replied coldly.

"Where's Elena?"

The history teacher looked at Elena who was lost in thought again: "You can definitely tell us about the most important historical events that happened in this town, right?"

"Feel sorry."

Elena shook her head and said, "I don't know."

The history teacher narrowed his eyes and scolded in a loud voice: "Elena, we all know your situation. If it was last semester, I would be accommodating, but this is a new semester, and I hope you put away your personal feelings."

Elena's face suddenly stiffened. The history teacher was simply accusing her of being 'hypocritical' in public. Others may not know it, but after hearing this, she felt ashamed and angry, but could not utter a single word of defense.

Because, she did have the mentality of deliberately avoiding her studies through the "sorrow of the death of her parents", but how could such a secret thought be pointed out in public?

"346 people were killed!"

At this time, a familiar male voice sounded like the sound of nature, it was Stefan: "Excluding local residents, a total of 346 people were killed."


The history teacher's eyes lit up and he looked at Stefan with admiration: "What's your name?"

"Stefan Salvador."


The history teacher casually asked: "What is your relationship with the Salvatore family, the founding family of Mystic Falls?"

Stefan's eyes flashed: "Distant relative."

"very good."

The history teacher nodded and said, "But other than that, no local residents were killed during the war."

"Actually, there are 27, teacher."

Stefan suddenly retorted: "Federal soldiers opened fire in the church, thinking there were weapons hidden there. They were wrong. There were heavy casualties that night. The city hall has the files of the parties involved. You can go there to review them."

The history teacher stood on the podium with an embarrassed look on his face. He didn't expect that the student he liked to praise would suddenly mock him like this. His eyes glanced at the unabashed smiles on the faces of Elena and others. He really couldn't get off the stage, but when he heard When Stefan said this, he knew that the other party was probably telling the truth and it was difficult to refute, so the scene suddenly became quiet.

"Wow, he's so handsome. A hero saves a beauty."

Bonnie reached out and nudged Elena who was sitting in front, and bit her ear when Elena leaned over.

The history teachers may not know the reason, but they understand that it is Elena's prospective boyfriend Stefan who couldn't see his prospective girlfriend being bullied, and the hero saved the beauty.

The history teacher had just scolded his prospective girlfriend with historical knowledge, and the prospective boyfriend immediately used historical knowledge to refute the history teacher and retaliate with a slap in the face. This is a dream-like scene.

Stefan looked at the embarrassed history teacher quietly, showing no arrogance after being slapped in the face. He was really full of character and charm.

It's a pity that anyone who pretends to be cool in front of Irving will only be handsome for five seconds. Irving will never allow such a cool person to exist!

"Salvador-san, you are wrong."

Owen smiled and said, "What the teacher said is not wrong."


Stefan was stunned.

The history teacher was overjoyed, coughed slightly and said, "This classmate, please tell me."


Owen raised his voice and said, "The church conflict that classmate Salvador mentioned did indeed happen, but the 27 people killed inside were not civilians. Therefore, the teacher is correct when he said there were no civilian casualties!"

"Not a civilian?"

"what is that?"

Everyone's discussion reached Stefan's ears, which made his expression change, because he knew that what Owen said was right, and the 27 people who were killed were indeed not civilians.

"Oh, damn it, why are you bringing this up!"

Stefan regretted using this incident to show off.

"very good."

The history teacher was overjoyed and looked at Stefan proudly: "Student Salvador, what do you think of what Irving said?"

Taking advantage of this time, he had already looked through the student files and quickly learned about Stefan and Owen's situation.

Stefan was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: "No objection, teacher, maybe I remembered it wrong."

Now he just wants to keep a low profile and let this matter pass, otherwise it will be terrible if it causes a big discussion. But just because he gave in, it doesn't mean that others will too.

Elena glanced at Owen with dissatisfaction, frowned and said: "Classmate Owen, you said that the 27 people killed in the church were not civilians. Is there any evidence? What are they if they are not civilians?"

"What they are, I don't know."

Owen smiled meaningfully: "But if they are really civilians, let me ask, why are none of the federal soldiers who killed so many civilians by mistake and recorded them in the files not punished?"


The history teacher let out a sigh. He was just watching Owen's argument against Stefan, but after hearing Owen's analysis, he became really interested in this period of history. Maybe there is something hidden in it!

"That's a good question. In that case, my history assignment this week is to write a paper based on it."

Stefan's expression changed, he took a deep look at Owen, and already had a decision in his heart.

After class, Stefan first found the history teacher, then stopped Owen in the corner of the school, stared at Owen, and said softly: "You and Elena are not suitable, and you don't like her anymore. Leave her in the future." Stay away from her friends and be a good Chinese student quietly."

"Are you threatening me?"

Owen said with a smile.

"what happened?"

Stefan was shocked that his vampire hypnosis had failed. Thinking that Owen pointed out the truth of the church incident, he asked with a solemn face: "Who are you?"

"Don't be nervous."

Owen's lips curled up: "I'm not your enemy. I know your target is Elena, and so am I. Maybe we can be good friends."

"I don't need your help! Who are you?"

Stefan tensed up and entered a fighting state: "Why do you want to get close to Elena?!"

"You really don't need my help?"

Owen smiled a little evilly: "Elena is still a virgin, and you are a vegetarian vampire who goes crazy at the sight of blood. If I don't help you, who will? Don't tell me that you are planning to have a platonic relationship."


Stefan was so mad at Owen's shamelessness that he growled, his eyes filled with black threads, and teleported to Owen's body, reaching out to strangle Owen's neck.

But what shocked him was that he missed it. Owen was still standing in front of him. The distance between them seemed not to have changed at all, but his sensitive perception told him that their positions had moved...

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