Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 229 The weird brother-in-law

Mystic Falls.

"who are you?"

Stefan did not believe in evil and used the super speed of a vampire to attack several times with almost teleportation, but it was still useless. The distance between them did not change at all. Frustrated, the black silk in his eyes gradually faded and he asked again road.

"You can think of me as a wizard from the other side."

Owen groaned.

Although he had known about it for a long time, Owen was still a little surprised by the speed of the vampire when he actually met him. His speed attribute at the moment was lv3-, and his limit speed was 50 kilometers per hour, which is 13.8 meters per second.

The eyes of ordinary people cannot distinguish images exceeding 30 frames per second, so the teleportation effect needs to disappear from the field of vision within 0.033 (1/30) seconds.

The distance between Owen and Stefan is 1.5 meters, and the minimum speed to cause the teleportation effect is 45.5 meters per second, which is 3.3 times the maximum speed of Owen, and this is not the maximum speed of a vampire.

Stefan is a 'vegetarian vampire', which is equivalent to a person with long-term malnutrition in humans. For example, Stefan's brother Damon has been drinking human blood for a long time and is strong and healthy. He once showed a sudden flash distance of more than 3 meters, which is 91 meters per day. Seconds, converted into vehicle speed, is already 328 kilometers per hour.

Damon is only a vampire who has been around for more than a hundred years. The vampires who have been around for hundreds, thousands of years, and even the ancestor of vampires are stronger than Damon, which shows that this is a dangerous world.

Fortunately, the speed of vampires can only burst out instantly and cannot be sustained. Although there are strengths and weaknesses among vampires of various levels, there is no step difference. Otherwise, if the speed of vampires really increases with strength, even if St. No matter how awesome Van and Damon are, they can't successfully attack the vampire ancestor.

Can turtles sneak up on humans?

Although Owen's speed is far inferior to that of the weakest Stefan, he possesses the god-level early warning skill of Spider Sense, which shortens his reaction time countless times and increases his reaction speed countless times in disguise. Therefore, Stefan's close range The teleportation attack can't even touch the corners of Owen's clothes.

"A wizard from the other side?"

Stefan was shocked: "Impossible! How can a wizard be so fast!"

In his impression, wizards were indeed very powerful, but their methods were more of magic, similar to chanting spells and waving their hands to attack and defend. It was simply unreasonable to rely solely on their own speed to avoid vampire attacks.

"What's impossible?"

Owen sneered: "Even you vampires are the product of wizards, not to mention your mere speed."

Stefan fell silent immediately, and after a moment, he asked in a deep voice: "What exactly do you want? I will not allow you to hurt Elena!"

“Please define harm?”

Owen said with a faint smile: "In my opinion, Elena is really in danger when you find her."

"I would never hurt Elena!"

Stefan said urgently.


Owen was noncommittal and said with a playful smile: "It is said that vampires have an endless lifespan. They are all very good at playing. They can be Rippers in the first hundred years, saints in the next hundred years, and devils in the next hundred years. They can do whatever they want. switch.

There are also those fraternal vampires who love and kill each other, torture each other and then forgive each other, over and over again. Unfortunately, it is not the vampire brothers who are tormented, but the innocent mortals who are treated as friends and family by the vampire brothers.

The so-called iron-clad vampire and the mortal friend of the vampire, Stefan, what do you think of this? Do you still think you are protecting Elena and I have ulterior motives? "

Stefan's face changed drastically, pain flashed in his eyes, and he quickly disappeared from Owen's eyes.

Owen's words deeply stimulated Stefan. He had not thought about it before, but after Owen pointed it out, Stefan, who had been in a good state for decades, suddenly fell into deep regret and guilt.

"Maybe I shouldn't come back."

Stefan, who returned to Salvatore's old house, murmured in pain.

But then, Elena's face that looked exactly like his former love Catherine appeared in his mind, diluting his intention to leave. He changed his mind: "No, I want to protect Elena! This other side is called Owen. The wizard is not a good person at first glance, and he is also coming for Elena. No matter what conspiracy he has, I must protect Elena!"

Thinking of this, Stefan got up, changed his clothes, and headed for the back-to-school open-air party.

Outside Salvador's old house.

A handsome white young man peered at Stefan from a distance. His ears moved and he heard Stefan's muttering to himself from a long distance away. He raised the corner of his mouth and showed an unusually evil smile: "My stupid brother, just let him Brother, let me help you get rid of these troublesome people!"

The figure flashed and disappeared into the jungle.

on the highway.

Owen was driving a black off-road vehicle, but he was thinking about the purpose of this crossing in his mind.

After redeeming the fragments of the God of Death, in theory, you only need to stay in the positive universe. When the positive point is generated, you can collide into a point of existence with the infinite evil that comes with Death.

However, in order to grow rapidly, Owen must travel through the negative universe and repair the god of death by balancing the negative universe. This world of The Vampire Diaries is very strange. The default balance in this world is not hunting vampires at all, but fancy applause.

That’s right!

Just fancy applause!

The more clapping patterns there are, the more exciting they are, the more balanced the world is, and the more benefits Owen will reap!

Today I applaud you, tomorrow I applaud her, and the day after tomorrow she applauds him. There are as many ways to applaud as there are mathematical permutations and combinations.

Through this kind of connection, in the end everyone can be said to be brothers-in-law, there are no enemies anymore, and the whole world is at peace.

When Owen first listened to the system's introduction to the mission, he was stunned, but when he thought about it carefully, it actually made sense!

For example, Klaus, the villain of the previous seasons and the ancestor of vampires, was so arrogant and domineering that he could destroy the main group of characters with a snap of his fingers. However, in the end, he fell in love with the second female lead Caroline for no apparent reason and successfully cleared his name. Not only did he not In addition to the decisive killing when he appears, the Virgin's heart is overflowing and constantly saves the protagonist group.

It is so easy to make friends with enemies, but it is difficult to establish trust, so we use combinations of applause and negative distance contact to build trust and friendship among everyone. This method is absolutely cost-effective.

Isn’t this the supreme secret of balance: having more friends and fewer enemies!

"I'm very good at this kind of balance..."

Thinking of the beauty of Elena, Catherine, Caroline, Hope and others, Owen said to himself while driving.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the middle of the road, and he was about to collide with him. According to the routine, he would either slam on the brakes or reverse the steering wheel at this moment, but Owen smiled coldly, put his foot firmly on the accelerator, and directly pressed the accelerator to the bottom. !

There is no word brake in the dictionary of car gods...

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