Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 79 The coming stickman (please vote for recommendation!)

TBBT Apartments.

Because Leonard's hormones exploded, he readily agreed to Penny's request for them to help her get the TV back from her ex-boyfriend, but he didn't expect that two geniuses with an IQ of over 360 would not resist Penny's muscular ex-boyfriend. Power.


Sheldon was wearing white briefs, and Leonard, who was wearing boxer briefs, was walking down the corridor coldly.


"Those are the pants my mom bought me."


"You're responsible for calling her."

"I know, Sheldon, I'm sorry, but you're right, my original motivation was to have a relationship with Penny and maybe sleep with her one day."

"But it was my pants you took off."


Leonard was choked by Sheldon's direct and ambiguous words, and was speechless. This is indeed the case...

"Okay, I've learned my lesson. She and I are not the same kind of people. I'm done playing with her. I have a job to do. One day I will win the Nobel Prize and die alone."

"Don't think so, you won't die alone."

As soon as Sheldon's words comforted Leonard, he immediately changed his tone: "And you will definitely not win the Nobel Prize."


"Leonard, I have a question."

Sheldon suddenly thought of a question and asked: "Owen will fly from New York on the weekend. He is our muscle. Why don't you wait for him to arrive before helping Penny get the TV back? In this way, we can also I won’t have my pants taken off again.”

Leonard said a little unnaturally: "Irving can only come over on the weekend. I hope to help Penny get the TV back as soon as possible."


Sheldon wondered: "But you should know that countless experiences of being bullied are enough to predict that our chance of success is less than 0.01%. If we wait until the weekend and Owen joins, with Owen's other side skills, the success rate will be as high as 99.99% ah."

"I know."

Leonard pouted and said, "Well, that was not the main reason just now. The real reason is that I wanted to establish a good relationship with Penny in advance before Owen came over. You know that Owen."

"I thought you and Owen were good friends?"

Sheldon said in surprise.

"Of course we are good friends."

Leonard struggled: "But when it comes to pursuing a female mate, Owen is so enviable and vigilant. Of course I know that the success rate of our actions now is less than 0.01%, but when Owen comes over, once he shows signs of showing affection towards Penny, Interested, with his ability, my chance of success will be directly reduced to 0!"

"That's true!"

Sheldon tilted his head and agreed: "Based on the history I've heard about Owen's coitus, I seriously doubt that his DNA chromosomes have a double Y structure, a super-male gene, and the urge to seek coitus is countless times greater than that of ordinary people.

The history of Owen's growth is actually a glorious history of coitus. History has proved that when Owen knocked down a female, no female could escape before he had all the fun, ha! I have an idea. "

"What's the idea?"

Leonard asked curiously.

"You can wait until Owen has enjoyed himself before going there."

Sheldon said seriously: "Irving's coitus history also proves that he never stays in front of any female creature for too long, but his powerful super-masculine aura will make many females who have coitus with him silently Follow him around and don't want to leave for a long time.

And there are records showing that after being abandoned by the male they like, female creatures will show emotions such as loss and sadness. At this time, they will be hungry and choose food. For a male like you that they usually look down on, as long as they take a little initiative, they will also Show enough interest, this is your best chance! "

Leonard's mouth twitched and he said with a toothache: "You mean to let Owen date Penny first, and then abandon Penny, and while Penny is heartbroken, I can step forward to comfort her, so that I can Got a relationship with Penny?"


Sheldon thought for a while and replied affirmatively: "In this case, your success rate in achieving your goal can reach 50%."


Leonard pouted and stared at Sheldon. When Sheldon stared back with bulging eyes for a while, he suddenly nodded and said: "Okay! This is indeed a good idea! When will Owen come over on the weekend? "

"The flight is at 7pm."

“I can’t wait to pick him up!”

They don’t know that this situation can be summed up very concisely and vividly in a few words on the other side of the ocean: “spare tire, takeover person, honest person…”

But even if he knew, Leonard wouldn't mind!

In the original time and space, Penny and Rajesh were messing around in his room, and he was just angry for a while and then passed away. The fundamental reason why he was angry was not because of this, but because Rajesh's sister abandoned him. After leaving him, he became single again.

Room 4A.

"Oh, my god! What happened?"

Penny looked at the two men in underwear with a look of surprise on her face.

"Your ex-boyfriend asked us to say hello to you on his behalf."

Leonard said ashamedly: "Others, I think it's obvious that we don't need to talk about it anymore..."


Penny stepped forward and hugged Leonard and Sheldon one by one: "Thank you for trying your best to help me. You are so kind. Why don't you get dressed first, and then I'll treat you to dinner?"


Leonard happily agreed.

"You're not done with her yet, are you?"

Sheldon saw Leonard leaning against the door and staring at Penny's back in a daze, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Our children will be both smart and beautiful."

Leonard raised his head and said in admiration.

Sheldon calmly said: "Imagination is self-evident!"

At this time, Howard Wonovitz walked over with an envious look on his face, sniffed Leonard and Leonard obscenely with his nose, and murmured intoxicatedly: "It really smells like a charming cheesecake goddess..."

"Shut up! Howard!"

Leonard was disgusted by Howard's obscenity. Seeing Howard sniffing and closing his eyes while wanting to hug him as if he were Penny, he couldn't bear it anymore and scolded him.

It is always very time-consuming for women to change clothes and go out. While waiting for Penny, Howard and Rajesh teased Leonard, who had his pants taken off, and asked for details.

"What? Owen is coming?"

Howard stood up suddenly and shouted excitedly: "Are you sure it's Irving Lee? Is he the same Dr. Irving Lee who solved a millennium mathematical problem, won a 1 million prize, and won the Fields Medal last year? "

"Holy crap!"

Rajesh's eyes widened and he shouted in an Indian accent: "He is a legend in our scientific community!"


Howard summed it up in one sentence: "He is the Chamberlain of our scientific community..."

PS: Thanks for the tip!

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