Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 285 Invincible is not lonely at all

GUI is actually a graphical user interface. Just mentioning the scientific name may seem unfamiliar to countless people, but if you talk about MAC OS and Windows, everyone knows it.

Yes, a graphical user interface is a form of interaction that allows humans to execute commands through visual elements, such as windows, icons, and menus. Compared with traditional character interfaces, graphical user interfaces allow ordinary people to directly cross the threshold of learning code and quickly use a computer.

Its emergence has brought about earth-shaking changes in the difficulty of popularizing microcomputers. If spreadsheets are the first step in turning computers from professional tools into human production tools, then the marketization of graphical user interfaces is the entry point of microcomputers. The foundation of every household.

Because everyone knows that to evaluate the quality of a tool, it depends on how easy it is to get started. If a tool can be picked up and used like a hammer, or picked up and used like a hoe to dig, then this tool will definitely embrace the whole world.

In Ethan's previous life, graphical user interfaces were the only option for future computer operating systems.

And now, Steve Jobs finally discovered his masterpiece?

Damn it!

There is a graphical user interface, and he still has troubles!

Its emergence can revolutionize the performance of all computers!

As long as we seize this, the price war started by Komodo is nothing!

The greater their hopes at this moment, the greater their disappointment will be in the future!

Because computers with character interfaces don’t have many years to live!

Thinking of this, the corners of Ethan's mouth raised involuntarily.

"Okay, I'll come over now."

After hanging up the phone, he also looked at his sister.

Before he could say anything, Evelin had already turned around to wipe the whiteboard.

This situation made Ethan pick up the document on the coffee table and light it with a lighter.

After all the information was reduced to ashes, the two of them left home and drove to the company.

The ten-minute journey passed by in a blink of an eye. When Ethan appeared in front of Jobs, the fat guy immediately jumped like a monkey, took the initiative to give Ethan a bear hug, and said excitedly: "Oh Ethan—you're finally here! Come on, let's go to Xerox!"

"Let's go witness history together!"

Seemingly feeling that his words were unwarranted, while dragging Ethan to Xerox, he also glanced at Woz. The chubby guy who understood the meaning of his brother immediately nodded and said in agreement: "Yes - Ethan - We are really not exaggerating! Xerox’s technology is really shocking! When they showed us their latest products, the two of us were stunned on the spot! Because they have opened a new era!”

"Their research will definitely become one of the most important inventions in history!"

"Because their products will definitely change the living habits of the entire human race!"

Of course Ethan, who has the memory of his previous life, knows that the two people at this moment are not exaggerating the facts. The market share of graphical user interfaces in the future will be an astonishing 100%. Therefore, when the two Steves ran with him, Ethan What can be felt is their eagerness.

Because both of his feet were lifted off the ground.

The excitement between the two made Evelin very puzzled. The girl didn't understand what kind of invention could make Jobs and Woz explode as if they had eaten gunpowder.

But she didn't mean to ask, because she believed that she would get the answer soon.

As for the reason?

Very simple.

Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center is actually located in the Stanford Research Park.

As one of the well-known technology companies in America, they were also a company that former Stanford President Fred Terman brought over when he established the Stanford Industrial Park.

As long as there is Stanford endorsement, everyone can communicate.

Not to mention that now, she is showing off the sign of the old principal...

"Mr. Jobs, Mr. Wozniak, you are back."

"Oh! Mr. Jones! Good morning!"

"Ms. Johnson? I didn't expect you to come too? It's really a great honor for our Xerox products to get your attention! Please come in, and I will take you to see the products..."

When a group of people entered the Xerox research center, the person in charge who received the news immediately came out to greet them. He, who was about forty or fifty years old, was smiling like a chrysanthemum and wanted to shake hands with everyone he saw.

If I had to describe it, the attitude was like that of a tenant meeting his landlord.


There seems to be nothing wrong with this description.

After all, the land under their feet belongs to Stanford, and at the moment, the only person who can walk sideways on Stanford is the old man who basks in the sun on campus every day.

After greeting him warmly, the group of people followed him upstairs.

After a while of twists and turns, they also arrived at the Xerox Computer Research Center. As the door opened, a computer that was as tall as half a person appeared in front of them.

Of course, everyone knows that computers are not the point.

What really caught the eye was the picture on the screen.

Different from the popular black background character interface, at this moment, the interface placed in the Xerox laboratory is bright white. There is no flashing cursor in the upper left corner of the screen, and there is no guide for the user to enter characters. Instead, Three frames arranged from left to right.

They take up the entire top of your computer screen.

Below them, there are two vertical strip-shaped baskets, with various English words written in them about the height of a finger. With a simple scan, you can know that each word's basket corresponds to a different function. .

In addition to this, there is a tilted arrow on the screen.

It was a pure white cursor with a black border.

When this situation occurred, Ethan and Evelin's eyes immediately widened.

Evelin has really never seen such a scene, and Ethan... Even if he was mentally prepared before coming, he would still be extremely excited when he actually sees the product that can change the world.

That is beauty that can be touched by raising your hand!

It’s also a heart-beating thing that’s at your fingertips!

Their surprise also made the head of Xerox laugh.

He quickly walked to the computer, then raised a palm-sized plastic box placed next to the computer and said: "Everyone - please allow me to interrupt your imagination -"

"Next, I will introduce to you our latest products developed by Xerox."

"First of all, please move your eyes to my palm."

"This palm-sized plastic box is also the key to my display today."

"Because he was about the same size as a mouse and had a cord connected to the computer, we just named him Mouse, and after we got him..."

"This computer has come to life!"

Before he finished speaking, the person in charge of Xerox picked up the mouse on the table.

Following his movements, the cursor on the computer screen suddenly shook.

Under his operation, the cursor and the mouse showed a high degree of consistency. When the person in charge of Xerox slides the mouse to the left, the cursor on the screen moves quickly to the left. When he slides the mouse to the right, the cursor on the screen moves quickly. The cursor changed direction decisively and headed quickly to the right.

Not only that, when the mouse stops, the cursor on the screen will also stop, and if there is a sudden attack and drag up and down, the cursor will follow instantly.

The extremely matching sensitivity seems to make the two merge into one.

After wandering around for a few times and giving a brief demonstration, the person in charge of Xerox said with a smile: "Although Mr. Jobs and Mr. Wozniak have already heard my story, because Mr. Jones and Ms. Johnson arrived for the first time, I I feel it is necessary to elaborate on our Xerox invention in detail.”

"Our invention is called the graphical user interface, and the purpose of the invention is to hope that everyone in the world can master how to use computers, even if they have never gone to school."

"The mouse just now is the palm of ordinary people's hands when they use computers in the future, and the icons on the screen you see are what we can imagine, the changes that computers will bring to ordinary people..."

As he said that, the person in charge of Xerox moved the cursor to the icon on the top left.

It was a black frame with a line of words underneath -

WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get).

Just looking at the disordered letters, Ethan simply couldn't understand the meaning of this application.

But when the person in charge of Xerox double-clicked the icon and a dialog box popped up...

The two words Bravo and BRUNO made Ethan understand instantly. This seemed to be an office!

The other party's operation also verified his conjecture.

Tap Bravo and a full page of text appears.

The crude version of the Word document made Ethan frown.

While hitting BRUNO, a huge blank paper suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The rough presentation made Ethan feel like he had seen the prototype of PowerPoint!

After waiting for the person in charge of Xerox to demonstrate the usage of Bravo and BRUNO respectively...

Witnessing with her own eyes the laser typewriter typed text after pressing Enter, and connected to the multi-synchronous monitor, the same display on different screens made Evelin unable to bear it any longer, and shouted "Oh My God".

At this moment, Ethan also looked surprised!

Although he already knew it before he came, what Steve Jobs discovered was the graphical user interface! But he never imagined that in this era Xerox's special code could even produce an office! Everything they showed was obviously the most basic Windows!

And when Xerox had already made the prototype of Windows...

Why can Bill Gates win?

Such doubts were like clouds, shrouding Ethan's mind. After watching the actual demonstration by the person in charge of Xerox, Ethan let his sister tell the surprise, while pulling Xiao Qiao aside, he asked with a serious face: " Steve, tell me, what is going on?"

"Are you surprised? Are you shocked?"

Jobs said excitedly: "I have a hunch! The graphical user interface developed by Xerox is the future operating system! We must get it! We must get it!"

"Oh - Steve! Calm down the hell!"

Seeing that Jobs couldn't answer the question, Ethan stretched out his hands, grabbed his shoulders, and said seriously: "I admit! Xerox's works shocked me! I also believe that your judgment is correct! But now what I'm asking is ——What’s going on with this special code!”

"Why did you come to Xerox today?"

“Why is Xerox showing you this stuff?”

"Isn't this their secret?"

“Why do they have office software in their graphical user interface?”

"I'm confused now!"

The sudden questions and continuous shaking made Xiao Qiao almost stop.

But even so, he could hear Ethan's joy.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Jobs raised his hands, grabbed Ethan's arm, motioned him to stop shaking, and said at the same time: "Ethan, I know you are excited, and I am excited too, so let's take it slow. Okay? Where do you want me to start explaining?"

"Start from when God created man!"

"Oh - then it will be very troublesome to talk about it - and this is not a suitable place for - "

"Then go back and talk! Let's go!"

Although Ethan was very interested in graphical user interfaces, he would not discuss business with Xerox until he figured out the reason. He simply said hello to the person in charge of Xerox and let his sister and Woz stay at Xerox. asked, and then Ethan took Jobs back to the company like an eagle catching a chicken.

In this process, Xiao Qiao also organized the narrative language.

And as soon as he opened his mouth, it was a long, long time ago...

"Ethan, the last time Apple launched a personal computer was two years ago. At that time, we showed the world the more mature Apple II."

"Last year, that is, in 1978, our main product was an external disk and floppy drive, and we did not launch any computer products. If we do not launch new products this year, then we will be a company that has not launched a computer product for two consecutive years. Computer company."

"Although this fact has little impact on us, because Apple II still has great potential to be tapped, and the spreadsheet made by Microsoft can push its sales to new highs, but we are a computer company after all, right? Launching a new Computers, that’s what we do.”

“So, since last year, Stephen and I have been thinking together, what will our next-generation product be like? After some discussion, we both reached a consensus that we must launch a product that will amaze the world. product, just like your Starry Night.”

"But we all know that this kind of product is not easy to develop. If you want to shock the world, the first thing you have to do is shock yourself. But we had no inspiration, so the project was shelved, and then..."

"Xerox found us."

“They told us they had a really great idea and they wanted us to taste it.”

"At first, Stephen and I were not interested in their proposal because Xerox's main business has always been printers and their computer business was acquired. We didn't believe they had good ideas, but when Xerox said that it Their inspiration can definitely shock the world, because when they need new profit growth points, we believe their words..."

"I think you would do the same thing if it were you, right?"

"After all, Xerox swears by the product they are most proud of."

Having said this, Steve Jobs stopped and looked at Ethan calmly.

The guy who looked at him nodded silently.

For people a few decades later, Xerox is just a legendary company, but for the current people, Xerox is simply invincible.

Because before 1976, Xerox's share of the North American copier market was 100%.

That's right.

Xerox achieved a complete monopoly on the market for a consumer product for office use.

One hundred percent monopoly.

Because they were the first company in the world to make electrostatic flat paper copiers, which were capable of making photographic copies on ordinary uncoated paper.

Their far superior technology allowed them to slaughter all their opponents.

But alas, the Federation went crazy.

The FTC believes that Xerox’s monopolistic behavior seriously interferes with the normal operation of the market.

As a result, they began antitrust investigations into Xerox in the early 1970s, and decided in 1975 to force Xerox to disclose its patents and license them to all companies.

Then, starting in 1976, Xerox's share of the copier market plummeted, falling to less than 20 percent at the end of last year.

This situation caused Xerox's revenue to shrink suddenly, and in order to maintain the company's normal operation and stock price, they had to find ways to find new sources of revenue.

So, when Xerox came up with such a guarantee...

Anyone will believe that Xerox has something to change the world.

Because they are so miserable.

"Is this why you went to Xerox today?"


"Then what? Did Xerox tell you why they developed a graphical user interface?"

"I told you." Steve Jobs said with emotion when he mentioned this matter. "Stephen has always told me that when Apple gets on the right track, he will leave the company and go back to school."

"Because he feels that his knowledge base is not enough."

"Because he feels that there are too many things in the world, and there are many things worth learning."

"When I heard these words before, I strongly opposed them."

"Although our Apple is not on the market, according to the current situation, our net worth has already reached hundreds of millions. When the professors in the university are not as rich as us, what else can they teach us? I don't know I know! But this time, when the engineers at Xerox said that the graphical user interface had already been prototyped decades ago, I knew..."

"Stephen is right."

“Many times, the inspiration for the products that amaze the world dates back decades.”

"The graphical user interface is very unfamiliar to us, but it should be very familiar to President Fred Terman, because his basic model was proposed by Professor Vannevar."

"And now, because of corresponding research, a large number of basic patents on graphical user interfaces are lying in the Stanford Research Institute..."

"WTF?" Ethan was shocked.

"What did you say?" He suspected that his ears heard it wrong.

Jobs laughed, his pupils flashing with excitement, "I said that the graphical user interface is built using patents from the Stanford Research Institute, such as the screen display, cursor mouse, and hypertext we just saw. The patent is at your feet..."

"Just at Stanford..."


"You can get it easily!"

"As long as Principal Fred Terman nods!"

"The future is ours!"

At this point, Jobs reached out his hands and grabbed Ethan's shoulders.

His eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

Note: ①What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) is the abbreviation of What You See Is What You Get. ② Text similar to Word was already produced by Xerox in 1974. The presentation BRUMO written in this article was launched by HP in 1978. So it’s okay for Steve Jobs to say that Bill Gates would only copy that. All the functions of Windows were stolen. Even Xerox had already integrated all of them in 1979. ③Xerox was brought down by the Anti-Monopoly Act. This was also one of the funniest cases in the history of American antitrust. According to Lao Mi’s idea, the fall of Xerox would stimulate the crazy development of more local companies, but he did not expect that because Due to the manufacturing cost of photocopiers, all the markets that Xerox took away were taken away by Neon companies. This also made Lao Mi discover that after globalization, allowing technology companies to have natural monopolies can better go overseas and achieve technological colonization, or it is a new term that has emerged in recent years, ‘digital colonization’. There are reasons why technology companies are allowed to develop disorderly, and Lao Mi himself has suffered.

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