Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 286 The future is yours

Perhaps because the graphical user interface is so tempting, Steve Jobs was a little emotional and incoherent at this moment.

But even so, Ethan Jones still made his description clear.

The cause and effect of the incident made him deeply moved.

If you really want to explore the reason why Xerox studied graphical user interfaces, you need to go back more than thirty years. During World War II, in order to find more possibilities for victory, Fred Terman’s teacher Vannevar The bush proposes numerous technological hypotheses.

In 1945, he published a book called "As We May Think", which described his understanding of the future.

For ordinary people at the time, this book may have been a beautiful fantasy, but only people in the industry knew that Vannevar's conjectures were based on the existing technology mastered by the Federation.

Not to mention that the conjecture can be realized 100%, but there is still no problem in researching and developing 98% of it. Therefore, after the war, the relaxed environment allowed countless scientists to start studying. Then, in the past thirty years, humans have entered the science and technology field. In the era of the Big Bang, ultra-high-resolution microfilm, multi-screen cameras with motor interaction, small appliances that store a large amount of knowledge...

Those were all rubbed out by Vannevar's loyal followers with their hands.

This situation also made Vannevar's name as science czar become louder and louder.

When countless scientists were working frantically in the direction proposed by Vannevar, Fred Terman, who wanted to turn Stanford into a world-class university, could not lag behind. Therefore, while establishing the Stanford Research Park, he also Posting hero posts widely, he recruited a group of experts and professors who were interested in the teacher's conjecture to come to Stanford to do research, and among them was an engineer named Douglas Engelbart.

Douglas fought in World War II and graduated from Oregon State University with a degree as an electrical engineer. After seeing Dr. Vannevar's conjecture, he was eager to make it a reality. At first, he entered the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to engage in research, but after discovering that he lacked knowledge, he went to the University of California, Berkeley, to study for a master's and doctoral degree in electrical engineering. In 1957, he issued a scholarship to Stanford I applied, came to Stanford Research Institute, and then...

He ran all the way on the road to dreaming.

It started in 1957 and ended in 1967.

In just ten years, Douglas has produced more than a dozen patents, including but not limited to mouse, display editing, windows, cross-file editing, outline processing, hypertext, groupware...


He invented the basic patents for the graphical user interface all by himself.

In 1968, he had already demonstrated his mature technology at a computer conference in San Francisco, whether it was video conferencing or word processing, whether it was hypertext or collaborative editing, these are things that appear every day in the Internet age. It was already ready for direct use in 1968.

The demonstration of these technologies made him famous in academic circles, and also attracted numerous companies to contact him, wanting to commercialize all his genius ideas, including Xerox.

But it's a pity...

Douglas failed to negotiate with any company.

Because according to Douglas's vision, computers in the future will never run independently. They must be networked and collaborative, with clients and servers separated. However, all companies talking about business only want to do business, and no one wants to A waste of time in the uncertain market of personal computers.

After all, at this time, Intel has not yet exploded.

Forget it if the negotiation is not successful. What is uncomfortable is that when their ideas are not consistent, companies that want to work hard in the field of graphical user interfaces poach Douglas's team.

The one who dug the hardest among them was naturally Xerox. It was for this reason that Xerox was able to develop the world's first graphical user interface computer in 1973 and completely completed it this year.

And the most ironic thing is...

Ten years ago, Douglas said that computers will definitely develop towards miniaturization.

Not a single company agreed.

Ten years later, the same companies that had rejected Douglas a decade earlier had all turned around.

Because everyone has discovered that computers can only develop toward miniaturization.

After Ethan listened to this legendary story, he immediately understood the meaning of Steve Jobs’ emphasis on ‘the future is at your feet’. Although Xerox has a graphical user interface at this moment, they are running it in a sick way and do not enjoy all the patents on the graphical user interface.

So if you want to overtake in a corner, then buy the basic patents directly from the Stanford Research Institute, and then invite Douglas Engelbart to Apple, then they can become absolutely orthodox.

And this matter is very simple for him, Ethan Jones.

A phone call to Fred Terman, and the Stanford Research Institute was bound to sell the patent.

At the same time, Douglas, who has been following Dr. Vannevar for the past few decades, will also move on.

Xuebao is indeed disgusted by many people, but after entering that door, there is only true fragrance.

What's more, Ethan Jones is not yet a member of a regional family. As long as Fred Terman is still basking in the sun in California, the North American scientific community will give him face.

"So what do you think now?" Ethan took a sip of water and looked at Jobs.

"Develop your own computer with a graphical user interface." Jobs said without hesitation: "As long as we at Apple can bring this product to the market, we will definitely be able to subvert the world."

"If this is the case, cooperation with Xerox is the best solution." Ethan said: "Xerox has already come up with a mature solution, so in this case, directly making modifications on their products is for us. It’s more beneficial, and… they seem to be willing to cooperate?”

"But they have no sincerity in cooperation." Jobs shrugged: "Xerox wants to use technology to acquire 10% of our shares in Apple. This is impossible."

"When Wenlock invested in us before, our valuation was already in the hundreds of millions."

"And now, you want a 10 percent stake in a technology that doesn't have full copyright?"

"Would you agree?"

Of course Ethan would not agree!

When he resorted to spreadsheets to increase Apple sales, Xerox wanted to get 10% of the shares with a technology that had no original accumulation? This is simply a dream!


When Xerox trusted them so much and demonstrated its technology to them without any secret, it would be unjustifiable if they copied Xerox without saying a word.

Yes, Ethan does care about feathers a little bit now.

Because his current reputation is indeed good. After respecting Ralph Bell, helping Bill Mensch, and funding Edgar Corder, no one in the academic circle does not know his outstanding character.

This kind of personality will give him more advantages when competing for projects with various companies in the future.

After all, they couldn't keep bothering the old principal.

At the same time, not every scientist does not have worldly desires.

In this way, when Xerox wanted to cooperate, but the price was too high, Ethan felt his head hurt, and at the same time, he discovered another problem.



"You haven't said why Xerox wants to cooperate with us?"

"Ah - I don't know about this either -" Jobs tilted his head and said, "I'm not Xerox, how do I know why they want to cooperate with us?"

"..." The sneaky answer left Ethan speechless.

But before he could speak, Jobs laughed and said: "Okay, Okay, Okay, although I'm not Xerox and I don't know why they want to cooperate with us, but one thing I do know is that Xerox may be targeting you. With Lawrence Rockefeller.”

"The reason for coming to you is very simple."

"Because Xerox themselves know that they are also thieves on the graphical user interface project. They stole Douglas's things. Although this is legal and compliant, it is not in the interests of scientists."

"If they really bring this product to the market, I don't know where else, at least in Silicon Valley, they won't be able to survive, because the scientists here won't deal with a thief."

"So, cooperating with us to develop a graphical user interface is their best choice. As long as you allow Xerox to enter, it means they have reached a settlement with Stanford. As long as Douglas is given some compensation, Xerox will still be a company that respects technology. Excellent company with people.”

"The reason for Lawrence Rockefeller is simpler."

"Xerox has just been sanctioned by the Federal Trade Commission, and now they need a safe haven. And right now, the best safe haven in the personal computer field is us, Apple."

"Because all the top people in America know that this is an industry that Lawrence Rockefeller was interested in."

"Although the Rockefeller family is also the undead under antitrust sanctions, they are no longer what they were in the past. They have transformed from a resource-based company into an old money family and have integrated with many industries such as technology, education, finance, and military industry. , and actively participate in politics. If there is another monopoly incident, and it is a non-resource technology monopoly, then..."

"Who will stand up and say that this kind of monopoly is undesirable?"

"Xerox has known the pain."


"Next, all they want is success."

Ethan thinks it makes sense.

And since Xerox is in a hurry, there is no need for them to copy it casually.

“Don’t rush this matter now.” Ethan said, “We’ll talk about it after Evelin and Stephen come back.”

“Let’s figure out the specifics of this product first, and then think about what to do.”

"No problem." Jobs agreed quickly.

At the same time, he also said: "Then let me go over again? See how they are talking?"

"Hmm." Ethan nodded in agreement.

As the door closed, Ethan leaned back in his chair easily.

To be honest, even though he has been a man for two lifetimes, even though he has memories of his previous life, Ethan never thought that the graphical user interface patent that changed the world was actually hidden in Stanford.

The R\u0026D staff are even more fans of mentor Fred Terman.

This easy surprise made him purse his lips.

The sudden happiness made his nasal cavity make a loud sound.

After a moment, he couldn't help but held his forehead and laughed loudly.

"Steve Ross—"

"Do you know the value of the Son of Destiny -"

"The general trend is not on your side, so you still want to go against the will of heaven?"

"Just wait to die!"

Ethan doesn’t know!

When Xerox, the guy who holds the key to the future, takes the initiative to find him, what chance does the Warner Alliance led by Steve Ross have to turn around?

A GUI can type the shit out of them!

And what if we add Word, which Xerox already owns, PowerPoint, whose patent is owned by HP, and Excel, which has been developed by Microsoft? He who can integrate office can beat those idiots into incontinence!



"In the face of absolute power, any skills are useless!"

When he thought that from the moment Evelin entered Stanford, the gears of fate began to turn, and God put food on his lips, Ethan, who was leaning on the boss's chair, felt extremely happy. What made him even more happy was that at dinner time, the three people who finally returned from Xerox brought him better news.

The first news, brought by Evelyn, was related to Douglas Engelbart.

This guy turned out to be a good friend of Vinton Cerf.

The reason why he firmly believes that computers in the future will be networked is because Vinton Cerf showed him their network transmission project when he was at Stanford!

When Douglas saw with his own eyes that long-distance transmission of thousands of miles could be measured in Mb, he knew that miniaturization was the future of computers. Therefore, when the commercial company found him, he rejected those independent research ideas and just wanted to make this thing into a personal computer!

And want to get him to join the gang...

"I asked the Stanford Research Institute and Doug's current situation is not good."

"Because his previous projects had military value, even though his projects were all named after the Stanford Research Institute, many of the funds were provided by the Department of Defense."

"But after his team was poached by other companies and he lost the possibility of profit, he was abandoned by the Ministry of Defense, and the research institute could not find the commercial value of his products, so..."

"He's been having a hard time the last few years."

"He uses his own accumulation to research."

"So much so that when his home suffered a fire in 1976, he couldn't afford to repair the house."

"So, I asked people to go to the Stanford Research Institute to look for his information. I wanted to give him a sum of money first, and then invite him to come to our Destiny Game to do research. His project does not require much funding, and we have the venue. Also, the building approved to us by the principal was the one used by Edgar Corder. He only used one floor, and he could choose the remaining five floors."

"Oh Evelyn - you did great -" Ethan liked his sister's choice.

He preferred the fact that Douglas Engelbart and Vinton Cerf were good friends.

Because this means...

No one in this world can steal his home!

No non-compete agreement in California?

So what!

Even if there is no wall in this world that cannot be dug down!

Even if the capitalists are arrogant!

Then it’s impossible to poach my teacher away!

As long as we reach an agreement with Xerox and win over Douglas Engelbart...

Who else can make a GUI?

He asked——

Who else!

The second news was discovered by Steve Wozniak.

"After I communicated with Xerox staff, I learned that the minimum operating standard for the graphical user interface should be a 16-bit 5MHz processor and a 128KB RAM."

“This requirement is really very low!”

"Sixteen-bit 5MHz processors are available from Intel and Motorola!"

"Of course Ethan, it would be even better if your Western Design Company could come up with its own products!"

"The one with 128KB of RAM is easy to solve!"

"I can weld them together with my feet!"

"When the hardware problem can be easily solved, our external disk can also be used to its maximum effect. It used to host Excel, but now it can also display documents and presentations!"

“As long as we cooperate with Xerox, I am confident that we can officially launch this product on the market within three years, because we only have two tasks to do, one is to optimize small computers for Xerox products, and the other is to make What you see is what you get with this office tool!”

"I can be responsible for optimization!"

“It’s about experience and product aesthetics that Steve can handle!”

"And office supplies..."

"How about leaving this to William and Paul? Their abilities are still acceptable."

"I believe that with our joint efforts, our new product will definitely shock the world more than an Apple II or an external disk! It will shock people's hearts!"


"When Steve and I show up with this product, you can retire!"

"Your time is about to pass!"

"The future must be ours!"

When Steve Wozniak was waving his hands and thinking about the future, Ethan, who was sitting there and listening carefully, was already smiling...

He likes the little fat guy's confidence!

I believe in his skills even more!

As for saying that his time has passed and the future will be theirs?



"I believe that day will come."

"The future will definitely be yours."

"But now, he's still mine."

His confident words made everyone laugh.

And when everything was confirmed, Ethan also raised his foot and kicked Jobs.

"? What are you doing?" Jobs, who was in pain, looked at Ethan in confusion.

Ethan smiled and said: "Go and sort out Apple's financial report, I want to see it."

"What?" Jobs didn't understand.

"Since Xerox has shown sincerity, we will accept it." Ethan spread his hands and said, "If spending money can allow us to change the world immediately, then I am willing to spend the money."


"It can't be 10 percent."

"Don't worry, I may not understand the technical aspects, but when it comes to negotiations..."

"Rockefeller has to bow his head!"

Ethan's words made Jobs happy.

He clapped his hands and said, "Okay, since you will talk about it in person, I'm relieved."

Before he finished speaking, he stood up and said, "I'll go back now."

"This time I took the initiative to work overtime."

Note: ① Douglas Engelbart is best known as the father of the mouse, but in fact his greatest achievement is that he completed all the foundational work in the field of human-computer interaction, for which he won the Turing Award. He was indeed a fan of Dr. Vannevar and worked at the Stanford Research Institute from 1957 to 1977. This led to the fact that modern computers could only be born in Silicon Valley because the patents were there. ②In reality, it was Xerox who found Apple and invested one million U.S. dollars and a graphical user interface. When Apple went public, Xerox's shares were worth 16 million U.S. dollars. This is what Steve Jobs said about Bill. The real reason why Gates is a thief is that the graphical user interface is indeed not Apple's invention, but Jobs did spend money to buy it, and Gates...he took advantage of it after Jobs was kicked out of Apple.

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