Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 312 Put Ethan’s stubbornness in a cage!

"The box office of The Empire Strikes Back reached US$2,400 per theater?"

Even though Ron Miller had been mentally prepared and knew that "Star Wars" was already invincible, when he got the latest data from his subordinates, he was still stunned by the numbers on the report.

Because the figure of two thousand and four per library is really exaggerated!

In an era when the average ticket price was only 1.2 US dollars, 2,400 per theater meant that a theater would receive at least 2,000 fans of a single movie in one day!

Before the infrastructure was built with an average of only 400 seats in a single theater, receiving 2,000 fans of a single movie a day meant that the theater had to show at least five single movies!

Assuming that a movie lasts two hours, with an interval of ten minutes in between, five movie screenings will directly occupy a single theater for at least eleven hours of screening time!

This number doesn't seem like much.

But what if a theater’s average daily operating hours are only eighteen hours at most?

Eleven hours of occupancy makes it impossible for other movies to survive!

Of course, this is just a rough calculation, because the lowest ticket price in a city for "The Empire Strikes Back" is US$2.6, and it can even jump to US$5.5 in the city center of a developed city. The average ticket price is no less than US$3. Under the circumstances, the score of 2,400 in a single theater across the country means that the film's scheduling rate will not exceed 50%, but even so...

It's scary enough too!


The subordinates who came to report were also frightened, and nodded: "There is not much possibility for movies released at the same time as "The Empire Strikes Back" to turn around, except..."

"Warner movies."

"Huh?" This situation aroused Ron Miller's curiosity.

"Warner would actually release a movie at this time?"

"Is Steve Ross crazy?"

"Does he want to use his own movie to snipe The Empire Strikes Back?"

"Who gave him the courage?"

In Ron Miller’s view, when the momentum of “Star Wars” is unmatched, the best choice is to avoid its edge. But now, Warner actually wants to fight against it?

Is it possible that Steve Ross is so heartbroken about losing?

And just when he was puzzled, the subordinate who came to report shrugged and said: "Maybe it was Kubrick who gave him the courage, because the movie they released was "The Shining"."

The name Kubrick stunned Ron Miller for a moment.

After a few seconds, he shook his head and said: "Although Kubrick is an excellent director, and although Stephen King's "The Shining" is a best-selling novel, "Star Wars" is unique."

"You don't know how scary it is until you face it head-on."

While speaking, Ron Miller also lowered his head.

Looking at the document sent by the game department next to him, his eyes were filled with emotion.

Thanks to Disney's emergency sales, the sales of the game "Godzilla" in North America have been pushed to 9,600 units, which is only 400 units short of being promoted to become an annual hit.

But unfortunately, this seemingly critical distance is actually a huge chasm.

They may never break.

Because these 9,600 units were achieved within three weeks, when the time came to the end of April... the game "Godzilla" could no longer be sold.

As for the reason?

Very simple.

North American merchants who can afford arcade machines are not stupid.

When everyone knew that "Star Wars" was about to be released and the supporting products of the Destiny game were ready to be released, the intention of North American merchants to purchase "Godzilla" was obvious. They just wanted to take advantage of "Star Wars" before it was released. It is listed on the market and there are no other new games on the market. You can make a quick buck during the window period.

Assuming a machine can earn fifty dollars a day, it will pay for itself in forty days.

As long as you control your time, the rest is a net profit.

In this case, the sooner the purchase is made, the safer it is. The closer to the release time of "Star Wars", the more risky the business will be. Following the trend of buying will only make them lose all their money.

When this kind of calculation occurs...

The life of "Godzilla" in North America has naturally come to an end.

"Ethan Jones is still strong!"

"Even if we rack our brains, we can only earn a few million in hard-earned money."

"This business is really useless!"

After complaining for a while, Ron Miller raised his head and looked at the reserved subordinate in front of him. He smiled and said, "I think you think so too, right?"

The subordinate said nothing.

Ron Miller didn't care and continued: "Someone come and knock him out quickly!"

"If Ethan Jones is allowed to continue developing like this..."

"The only way our company can go is bankruptcy!"

Although they are enemies of each other, Ron Miller still truly feels that the current Ethan Jones is somewhat powerful and terrifying. When faced with the joint siege by multiple listed companies, he not only did not fall into the quagmire, but actually beat the opponents who were jointly attacked. This kind of strength is really shocking.

Ron Miller realized he had no way of coping.

At the same time, he also saw the fatigue in Steve Ross.

When Warner Communications, Rockwell, Commodore, and Philips are unable to pose a threat to Ethan Jones, if there is no dragon-slaying warrior, then he estimates that he may not be able to last long.


Even though Ron Miller has taken control of Disney at this moment, he still feels that the future is on thin ice, and if he is not careful, he may lose everything.

Just when Ron Miller was full of worries, in Seattle, Minoru Arakawa, who had witnessed the grand occasion of "Star Wars" with his own eyes, dialed the number of Nintendo headquarters. When the voice of "Moses Moses" appeared, Arakawa suppressed his inner excitement and said calmly: "Imanishi, tell the president..."

"Everything is just as he expected!"

These words made Hiroshi Imanishi, director of Nintendo's general affairs department in Kyoto, raise his head.

Looking at the desk calendar on the table, May 21 marked with a red circle is so dazzling.

"Arakawa, "Star Wars" is selling very well, right?" he asked excitedly.

"Yes." Arakawa replied affirmatively.

"How good is it?" Imanishi Hiroshi wanted to peek into the future.

"Invincible!" Minoru Arakawa used the street phone to announce the good news and looked around. The scene that was like the Chinese New Year made him excited, "Imanishi, North America is a sea of ​​joy now! The streets are full of "Star Wars" figures ! There are Ethan Jones’ games at the entrance of entertainment venues! Almost all young people are attracted by his rich creativity!”

"I admit, I also started playing for a while..."

"The game they made this time is really great!"

"That side-scrolling fighting game similar to "Starry Sky" is really awesome!"

“It feels very good!”

Although Arakawa Minoru's words were full of envy, Imanishi Hiroshi didn't care.

In other words, at this moment, they are eager for Ethan Jones's game to be a big seller.

They hope that games related to "The Empire Strikes Back" will become popular in North America!

They hope that games related to "The Empire Strikes Back" will take the world by storm!

As for the reason...

After hanging up the phone, Imanishi Hiroshi also left his office.

Within a few minutes, he arrived in front of Yamauchi Pu.

When Hiroshi Yamauchi learned that the best opportunity had appeared, the old man wearing brown sunglasses immediately laughed, "Oh - Ethan Jones is really too generous."

"He made everything I planned come true."

"Since Ethan Jones cares about us so much, we can't live up to his kindness. So, please contact the media. We at Nintendo are going to hold a 1980 new product launch conference."


"In three days?"

"You guys should be fine, right?"

Arakawa Minoru looked at Imanishi Hiroshi expectantly.

Imanishi Hiroshi, whose face was glowing red, nodded quickly and said: "No problem!"

"President! I'll do it right away!"

"Please rest assured! I will definitely make the Game Watch launch event beautiful!"

"I'll shock Neon up and down!"

"I will make the people of the world look at me!"

"I swear!"

The impassioned words made Yamauchi Hiroshi nod his head repeatedly.

He slowly stood up and walked to Imanishi Hiroshi.

He raised his right hand and patted the other party's shoulder.

"Imanishi, I believe you."

"So go get busy, go fight."

"The glory of Nintendo..."

"It's up to you."

Previously, Ethan Jones speculated that Nintendo would release the Game Watch in the first half of this year.

He guessed correctly.

Hiroshi Yamauchi really wants to bring the completed Game Watch to the market by June.

But at the same time, he also made some omissions.

Because from the beginning to the end, Hiroshi Yamauchi has not determined the specific release time of Game Watch.

The only thing he did was wait.

Waiting for Star Wars to be released.

Waiting for Star Wars to be a hit.

Then set up a stage, invite the media, and present Game Watch to the world.

The reason for his choice is also very simple, that is, he does not want to confront Ethan Jones head-on.

Because when Hiroshi Yamauchi carefully studied the journey of Ethan Jones and carefully analyzed the rise history of Destiny Game, he came to an astonishing conclusion. Anyone who confronts Destiny Game head-on will be inexplicably destroyed. The iron fist hammered into the ground.

This is how Atari and Mirowa died;

MGM was also tortured to death in this way;

Columbia Pictures has even changed hands;

And the others...

Just don’t say it.

It's all blood and tears.

When this strange fact was placed in front of Hiroshi Yamauchi, he couldn't figure out the reason but respected his fate, so he decisively gave up on being tough and decided to take a roundabout way.

At the moment, the safest thing to do is to wait for "Star Wars" to be released.

Friends who often do business should know that no matter what the product is, it has its own life cycle. They cannot escape the four stages of introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

When a company has just launched a hot new product, no matter how much money they have, they can't eliminate it during the introduction or growth stages of the product.

And when a product can bring huge profits to the company, how to extend the life cycle of the products and let them stay in the maturity stage for a longer time is what all entrepreneurs are studying.

Therefore, launching a game product at this moment will tie Ethan Jones' hands!

Because no matter how powerful Ethan Jones is, he is still a human being and cannot be exempted from vulgarity!

Because even if Ethan Jones himself doesn't care about "Star Wars", for the sake of the partners around him, he can't push new products anymore and compete with each other!

He can be willful at other times, but now the arcade is not his business alone!

Just as it should be, when Minoru Arakawa saw with his own eyes that "Star Wars" became such a big hit, he was so excited that he couldn't contain himself! Because of this, when Hiroshi Nishi learned that "Star Wars" was selling like hotcakes, he couldn't wait to rush into Hiroshi Yamauchi's office to share the joy with him!

Because releasing the product at this time can perfectly avoid Ethan Jones’ sniper attack!

"Ethan, I heard that you are very stubborn?"

"Sorry, I can put your stubbornness in a cage now!"


Yamauchi Pu looked up to the sky and laughed.

And while he was excited and complacent...

On May 26th, Tokyo time, Nintendo also held a new product launch conference at its Kyoto headquarters.

When the invited media entered the room one after another, Hiroshi Imanishi, who was wearing a suit, also walked onto the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Nintendo 1980 New Product Launch Conference. I am today's host, Nintendo's General Affairs Director, Hiroshi Imanishi..."

As he spoke, the huge venue suddenly became quiet.

After he finished his speech, he found that the guests in the venue were basically uninterested.

This situation made it clear to him that these people thought that Nintendo would announce the Destiny game agent products at the conference as usual, because they had done this in the past few years.

Initially, when Nintendo said they had brought North America's best video games to Neon, Neon's press was excited because it would fill a void in their video games.

But since major neon manufacturers have successively launched their own self-developed products last year, this situation has changed dramatically, because neon people hope that local manufacturers can stand up and provide them with the same products as TV, automobile, and other industries. Neon brought hope of overseas colonization.

The public has already thought about it, and the media will naturally follow suit.

As it should be, from then on, they began to dislike Nintendo.

Not only that, they also feel that Nintendo is a beast that eats everything.

Because Nintendo is helping Americans earn money from their Neon people.

Although Imanishi Hiroshi admits that there is nothing wrong with these people's ideas, starting from today, these people will abandon their old concepts because...

"I know that everyone here is somewhat dissatisfied with us at Nintendo."

"As Neon's largest video game operator, we at Nintendo have yet to launch a video game that can be praised by the public, known to the public, and remembered by the world."

"But what I want to say is that all of the above are things of the past."

"Today, we at Nintendo will grandly introduce to you a product we developed ourselves."

When these words appeared, the media reporters at the scene immediately became interested.

They put away their previous restraints and stared at the stage with slightly frowning brows.

I want to know what the self-developed product that Imanishi Hiroshi is talking about is.

And just as they were muttering to themselves, wondering whether Nintendo would engage in something like borrowing from others and transferring it to self-research, Hiroshi Imanishi in the center of the stage had already laughed and said:

"The product I am going to introduce next has nothing to do with electronic arcades or home consoles, because it is a brand-new, creative, and extremely vital thing..."

"I believe many people always encounter such a problem in their daily lives."

"That is, every day at dawn, time no longer belongs to us."

“In today’s era, people’s lives are filled with all kinds of things.”

"Men have to go to work to support their families. Only an izakaya after get off work every day can make people happy."

"Women have to face their families, and the trivial matters in life leave them with no free time of their own."

"The pressure of work, family responsibilities, and social expectations have caused many of us to spend a hurried time during the day, but it is difficult to find a moment of tranquility and our own space."

"So, to solve this problem, to bring happiness to more people."

"We at Nintendo have developed a console that you can hold in your hands."

"We define it as a handheld game console."

"At the same time, their names are also very nice..."

"Game Watch."

Having said this, Imanishi Hiroshi stopped with a smile on his face.

Raise your right hand and touch it in front of you.

Then, he took out a palm-sized machine from his shirt pocket.

When the silver and red shell appears...

Everyone at the scene...

Everyone is confused! (End of chapter)

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