Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 313 Neon Ninja Way

"The greatest pain for adults is that as soon as the sky breaks, time no longer belongs to us."

"Although everyone is saying that hard work is just for the pursuit of a better life, only we know that the so-called pursuit and the so-called beauty are the biggest lies that accompany us throughout our lives."

"From the day we grow up, freedom will leave us forever. The pressure of survival, work, and family will make us breathless."

"In the past, most relaxation was to relax after get off work, but now..."

"Nintendo, he brought us a new surprise!"

"Game Watch, a handheld game console, allows us to enjoy happiness anytime and anywhere! Game Watch, a handheld game console, can make laughter and relaxation always with us!"

“It’s palm-sized and easy to carry.”

“The finger-thin size allows you to slip it into your jacket pocket.”

"While it is lightweight, it is also full of fun. At yesterday's new product launch conference, Nintendo's General Affairs Director Hiroshi Imanishi introduced to us two games powered by Game Watch."

"The first one is called 'Ball' and it's an acrobatic game with two modes."

"In the first mode, the player plays an acrobat who needs to control two balls at the same time, throw them up, and catch them to get one point. This game is the same as "Snake" in that there are no victory conditions. As long as If your skills are good enough, you can keep playing until you get tired or make mistakes."

"In the second mode, the player as an acrobat needs to control three balls at the same time. Each time he successfully catches the ball, he will receive ten points. Likewise, it has no victory conditions."

"The second game is called "Flagman", which is a game that tests the player's reflexes."

"Like "Ball", it also has two modes. In the first mode, the character on the game screen will raise a big flag. The player needs to press the buttons on the flag. If he presses the wrong button or does not react in time, he will be killed. The game will end after losing one life or three lives. The second mode requires the player to press the button as quickly as possible. If the time runs out, the game will end immediately."

"We all know that if a game does not set victory conditions, then the core gameplay of the game is to challenge the limit, surpass yourself, and score high scores. But..."

"These are old ideas that have become rotten."

"When we asked Nintendo's chief engineer Gunpei Yokoi why he designed such a game, his answer was - he designed the game this way because games without victory conditions allow players to put down the game at any time. .”

“In Nintendo’s view, the greatest significance of games is to bring happiness to people in their spare time. If a game sets a clear purpose for players, then the game is guiding people to spend time, and this This behavior runs counter to the design philosophy of handheld consoles."

"In Yokoi Gunpei's words, the ideal application scenario of handheld game consoles should be on the way to and from get off work, when trying to go to the toilet, and when lying on the sofa after get off work and not wanting to get up but unable to fall asleep. , he hoped that people could use it when they were irritable, rather than holding it all the time when escaping from stress, so the short, flat and fast design concept emerged.”

"And when we started to experience it, we discovered that Nintendo's idea is really great..."

"Game Watch can really bring us happiness in our spare time..."

On May 29, when Ethan received the videotape urgently sent by Julis Noble and saw the crazy praise of the Nintendo Game Watch by Neon Media, he was unsparing in his words and spared no effort in praising it. Making the corners of his mouth curl up slightly. Looking at the subtitles on the TV, he pursed his lips and glanced at the Game Watch on the coffee table. He adjusted his sitting posture to make his body as comfortable as possible.

"This videotape... was given to you by Hiroshi Yamauchi?" Ethan Jones asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Julis Noble nodded without hesitation: "On May 24th, Hiroshi Yamauchi found me and personally invited me, hoping that I could attend their Nintendo new product launch conference. At that time I thought he wanted to introduce our home console to Neon Media, so I didn’t pay attention and didn’t report it to you because I knew you were busy with Star Wars.”

“But when I saw the Game Watch product being taken out by Hiroshi Imanishi from his jacket pocket on May 26, I knew something was wrong.”

"At that time, I wanted to come back directly and report this matter to you, but Hiroshi Yamauchi wanted me to stay in Neon for one more day, because in this way, he could give me the media reports with subtitles. At the same time, he also wanted to I will give you a machine loaded with two games..."

Julis was clear and spoke quickly.

But while speaking, her eyes were a little wandering.

Not only that, there was even a hint of panic on his face.

Because she knows that it is her job to keep an eye on Nintendo.

And now, Nintendo actually took out the Game Watch under her nose?

This situation can no longer be regarded as a major mistake at work, it is completely a manifestation of dereliction of duty!

"do not worry."

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

Julis' uneasiness made Ethan lean out and pick up the Game Watch on the coffee table.

The bright silver casing is rich in texture, and the red frame and buttons are very conspicuous. When the contrasting colors of one light and one dark appear, this palm-sized machine can be described as exquisite.

After playing with it briefly, Ethan smiled and said: "You just said that it was Hiroshi Yamauchi who took the initiative to ask you to bring these two machines back and say that you want to give them to me?"


"The reason why Hiroshi Yamauchi made such a decision is because he knew in his heart that his development and release were foolproof and there was no way anyone would notice any abnormalities."

"When the chairman of a listed company or the head of an industry giant who has experienced monopoly has enough confidence that outsiders cannot discover his plans, even if you stare at him every day, even if you follow him every day, even if you Study him with a magnifying glass every day, and it’s impossible for him to reveal any flaws.”


"Don't blame yourself."

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

That's right.

Ethan was not prepared to rebuke Julis, because in his opinion, when a local gangster in the city wants to hide something, it is normal for him not to be discovered. If something is revealed, it is an accident.

Under such circumstances, it is the most normal thing for Julis to fail to capture the news and notify him in advance. If Julis discovered the anomaly in Nintendo in advance, then he would have to suspect that Hiroshi Yamauchi was It's not a smoke bomb.

"Oh boss...thank you..." Julis breathed a sigh of relief.

But she still blames herself, "Actually, we have always known that Nintendo does not like being an agent. We have always known that Hiroshi Yamauchi is unwilling to be lonely. We all know that if there is a chance, Hiroshi Yamauchi will definitely blow the whistle. Horn, attack us, but..."

"Their concessions made me let down my guard."

"I could have called you when Hiroshi Yamauchi invited me to attend the new product launch conference and reported this matter to you, but I didn't do so. This was my mistake..."

The girl's words made Ethan nod his head, "Yes, this is indeed your mistake."

"The purpose of my sending you to Neon is to make you keep an eye on Nintendo, so you should report all suspicious behaviors and large-scale events held by Nintendo to me."

"But you didn't do that."

"So, your bonus is gone this year."

This result made the girl's face darken. The next second, Ethan changed the topic again and said, "But even if you tell me these things in advance, what will change?"

"Even if I knew all this, I couldn't stop Yamauchi Hiroshi."

"Nintendo will still release its new products on time."

"All we can do is watch."

"Look at Imanishi Hiroshi taking out the Game Watch from his jacket pocket."

"Watch Gunpei Yokoi rock the world with his creativity."

"Since we have no way to counteract it, we have to reduce the pain."

"You did a great job in this matter, so this year's bonus will not be deducted."


When Ethan learned that Nintendo chose to release the Game Watch on May 26, 1980, he knew that this time, Hiroshi Yamauchi just wanted to win.

Because when the release time of Game Watch coincides with the launch time of "Star Wars", even if he scratches his head, he can't come up with effective countermeasures.

Therefore, knowing in advance means nothing to him except adding trouble.

Since long-term pain will make him angry, it is better to end his life with short-term pain.

At least now he can sit here calmly and accept everything.

And sigh——

Hiroshi Yamauchi is indeed not an ordinary person.

In dealing with his enemies, he showed everything a capitalist should be.

When the situation is critical, he can kneel down and beg for mercy, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

Before the light comes, he can remain calm and calm and will never be dazzled by any excitement...

"So, everything written in "The Chrysanthemum and the Knife" is true?"

After sending Julis away and giving her a big vacation to have a good rest, Ethan went into his sister's office and showed her the latest information from Neon.

When the girl learned that in order to achieve success, Hiroshi Yamauchi had to wait until the right time, place, and people were in the perfect situation, she immediately remembered Ruth Benedict's evaluation of Neon——

"Neon is a person who is extremely belligerent yet extremely gentle, extremely martial yet extremely fond of beauty, extremely rude and arrogant yet extremely polite, extremely rigid yet extremely flexible, extremely obedient yet extremely disgusting to be ordered around, extremely loyal yet extremely rebellious, extremely A conservative country that loves new things."

"In their country, there is an allusion that is a high-level interpretation of the Way of Ninja."

"Someone asked Tokugawa Ieyasu, 'What can I do if I want to hear the cuckoo crow without it?' Tokugawa Ieyasu replied: 'Then wait until it crows.'"

Before, Julis thought that this might be a very exaggerated description.

But now, she believes it, because Hiroshi Yamauchi really did it.

And her point of view...

Ethan only half agreed, "Hirashi Yamauchi may have really done it to endure the difficult situation, but he didn't pay any attention to the extravagant desire, because now he has declared war on me."

"When he asked Julis to bring the Game Watch to me, he must have been thinking that the grievances of the past years would be wiped away at this moment. He enjoyed this joy and wanted to see my fear."

"Are you scared then?" Evelin asked with a smile.

"Of course not." Ethan shrugged and said, "This is just the first time I feel that Hiroshi Yamauchi is a good opponent, because compared to Steve Ross, his moves are more ruthless."

Perhaps he felt that his words were not convincing, so Ethan added another sentence.

"Of course, it also has something to do with us having better handheld consoles."

"When we can immediately come up with a better competitor than Game Watch..."

"Why should I be afraid?"

"It's a bit regretful at best, because this time it made Nintendo money."

“And the competitor is making money?”

"Wow, this feeling is even more uncomfortable than losing money!"

"To be honest, I would rather see Hiroshi Yamauchi holding a knife and fighting for my life!"

"I don't want to see them making money either!"

"Hahahaha——" Ethan's words made Evelin laugh loudly.

She liked Ethan's honesty.

"So, you put these things in front of me because you want to know what I made the handheld machine into?"

"Of course." Ethan nodded without hesitation.

"Give me two days to assemble the circuit board?"


Evelin’s words made Ethan feel relieved.

When the girl said that she could produce the finished product within two days, it meant that the handheld console equipped with "Destiny Cube" was completed and could be commercialized at any time.

Since the sales of handheld consoles can be launched at any time, what does he have to fear?

As June 1st came, Evelin also handed over the completed test machine to Ethan.

It was a handheld game console that was much larger than a future mobile phone.

Its thickness is about the thickness of a finger.

Since the plastic shell requires custom molding, what Ethan got now is a wooden body.

When you get started, you will feel a little heavy.

But it didn't matter, because his eyes were completely attracted to the front of the machine.

At the top of the front, there is a square LCD screen. There is a cross key on the left side of the bottom. On the right side are two diagonally placed buttons, A on the left and B on the right.

After pressing the button battery again, the black and white screen will light up. Then, the logo of Destiny Game will appear instantly. Wait for three seconds, the logo will disappear, and the words "Destiny Cube" will also appear on the screen. Not only that, a play The logo also flashes under the logo.

Without hesitation, press the A button.

Just listen to Duang's sound, and the game begins. (End of chapter)

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