"General Tire does not hold shares in the Disney Group."

"The bargaining chip they are proposing should come from their long-term strategic partner Ford Motor Co., because over the past few decades they have maintained a close relationship that goes beyond friendship."

It's night in Palo Alto, Destiny Game Headquarters.

As usual, Ethan Jones was leaning on the comfortable boss's chair and listening to Steve Ballmer's report. When the fact of the cooperation between General Tire and Ford Motor Company that lasted for half a century emerged, Ethan Jones Understand, why Thomas O'Neill can use Walt Disney as a bargaining chip.

When he disgusted the Ford family with Komodo's acquisition of MOS Technology, he had always been in control of Ford Motors. The Ford family, which was active in the capital world, could not easily swallow this sigh of relief.

For other companies, spending tens of millions at a time just to retaliate against others may be mentally ill, but for a capital giant that already had hundreds of millions of dollars in its hands fifty years ago, spending thousands Ten thousand dollars to buy face is simply the most enjoyable transaction at the moment.

There is no way, who makes the speed of capital making money depend on their ferocity?

The more ferocious they are, the more fearful their enemies will be.

Not to mention, they have a dirty mind when it comes to finance. The auto loan company owned by the Ford family is the largest auto finance company in the world, and the profits are made with fists.

And when the Ford family may hold a certain share of Disney stock, they may have been the ones who have been regulating Disney's stock price before. Of course, this does not mean that Goldman Sachs is not involved. None of these guys have good things, so they should all have a share.

"So...did you not check these things before or did you selectively ignore them?"

After listening to Steve Ballmer's report, Ethan looked at him with one hand on his chin, "Steve, if I remember correctly, you told me before that General Tire was involved in the Global Infringement Case. Li Ke is sure of winning. But what about now? This game is a sure-lose game for them."

Ethan has not forgotten the words Steve Ballmer used to describe Universal's failure. At that time, he vowed that Sidney Sheinberg and Ron Miller would suffer. Career Waterloo. Ethan believed it and looked forward to it very much, but unfortunately, it didn't happen.

"Boss, I..." Although Ethan's tone was very calm, Steve Ballmer still felt the anger in his heart. After hesitating twice, he sighed helplessly and said: "Boss, because Time is urgent, the incident happened suddenly, and General Tire and we are not in the same industry, so there may be some omissions in the collection of detailed intelligence..."

"At that time, after I learned that Universal and Disney were in trouble, I collected public information that was rumored to be true and did not continue to dig deeper."

"First, because judging from the situation at the time, this matter had nothing to do with us. Was General Tire being attacked by its North American counterparts? That has nothing to do with us at all."

"Second, it's because this kind of thing happens too often. If we look at everything, it would be impossible from any angle..."

"Of course, it's really my problem this time."

"There were some oversights in my work."

The well-founded explanation made Ethan nod slightly.

Of course Ethan knew that when Steve Ballmer reported this matter to him, he did it with a sharing attitude. Steve Ballmer wanted to share Ron's story with him. Miller and Sidney Sheinberg, so he may have been a little careless in his choice of words.

After all, in the workplace, saying nice things that the boss likes to hear is what most workers will do. This is not flattering, but trying to bring the two parties closer.

Therefore, Ethan can tolerate this kind of failure of identification from the beginning.

"Be careful next time." Ethan tapped his index finger on the table and said, "Even if you don't have time to collect information, you can still ask your subordinates to do it. In this way..."

"If something goes wrong, it's their responsibility."

Steve Ballmer was stunned when he heard these words of excuse.

After making eye contact with Ethan, the bald man understood that the boss did not take this matter to heart and immediately said with shame: "Boss... this kind of thing will never happen again, don't worry..."

Hearing the sincere words, Ethan chuckled and shook his head. He stopped worrying about such matters and waved his hand: "Then what do you think we should do with these things now?"

The question returned some normalcy to the atmosphere in the office.

After Steve Ballmer thought about it again and again, he said: "Boss, although you said harsh words to Thomas O'Neal, I don't think we need to deal with this matter personally."

"Because the three major radio and television networks in North America will not let go of General Tire."

"It is impossible for General Tire to survive safely under the joint strangulation of the three of them, so what we have to do is to wait for their death and watch them sell all the radio stations under their names."

When General Tire loses its communications license, all they can do is leave sadly.

In other words, this is actually what the major media giants are pursuing. Regardless of the industry, dividing and eating your opponents is the fastest way for other companies to continue to develop.

In this matter, Ethan didn't need to take action.

But unfortunately, that's not what Ethan asked.

"Steve, don't act stupid for me here anymore."

"I'm talking about how we respond to Wall Street's pursuit."

Ethan very bluntly stated the most serious problem they are facing right now, "When the jackals on Wall Street are obsessed with us, it will be very difficult for us to start our work."

"Now, they're probably just grossing me out over the Walt Disney thing."

"In the future, they may cause trouble for us in more areas."

"This kind of thing..."

"How do you think it should be solved?"

Yes, since Ethan came out of Philoli Manor, he has been deeply irritable.

Although he already knew before that the financial capital in Wall Street could not easily swallow the defeat, he did not expect that the guys who were enemies with him were all trying to get in the way.

Didn't he just extort more than 10 million from Komodo?

That was all a few years ago, but these guys still remember it!

That worry that was like dog-skin plaster gave him a huge headache!

It made him very tired!

This was also the reason why he was angry at that time!

No matter who it is, after discovering that wherever he goes, he will encounter enemies...

That feeling is really bad!

And this matter...

Ballmer looked embarrassed. As a subordinate, he knew that nothing he said was right at this moment.

So, he wanted to escape, "Boss, I don't know how to solve this kind of thing."

"Huh——" Ethan didn't believe it and said, "Tell me."

"Boss, I..." The bald man still wanted to struggle.

"Say-" Ethan didn't give him a chance to escape, and threatened: "Otherwise, the money will be deducted."

When Ethan used this rogue trick, Ballmer immediately couldn't laugh or cry. He stared at his boss for a long time, and his serious face made him smell the persistence in the air.

This situation made Ballmer sigh. Knowing that he could not escape, he said: "Boss, in the past few years, you have been attacking your opponents with ruthless means. Although this behavior has brought us Huge benefits, but that's useless against Wall Street."

"Because they have no real assets. Even if they are beaten hard by us because they are chasing extreme profits, they will not feel the same pain as those industrial bosses."

“So, when the enemy we face is financial capital, what we can do is to integrate with them. As long as they can feel that they can make money by cooperating with us, then they will not always think about us. , as long as they can feel that they can make a lot of money by working with us, then they will definitely maintain a good cooperative relationship with us. When we encounter trouble, they may not help us, but they will definitely inform us in advance. even……"

"He will discuss with us how to ambush others."

"Use powerful capital to wipe out other covetous companies."

Ballmer is telling the truth.

Financial capital is difficult to deal with because it has no entity. When all their assets are numbers in various major accounts, it is simply more difficult to make them feel pain.

Take Carl Icahn as an example. The way financial capital makes money is to use the raised funds to control target companies, then vigorously promote the company's reforms, intimidate the board of directors to make decisions, and let the company purchase its own stocks at a higher premium. By now, this behavior is no different from blackmail.

In other words, what Carl Icahn did was legal green vote blackmail.

When a barefoot guy asks you for money, you can refuse to give it to him, or you can fight him off, but it is impossible to make him fear you, and it is impossible to make him put you down.

In this case, the easiest way to live a stable life is to give those scoundrels some money so that they don't think about themselves, but this kind of thing...

"Let them dream!"

"It's all in the dream!"

Ethan rolled his eyes.

He could not accept this settlement.

"Then there's nothing I can do -" Steve Ballmer said with a smile: "Boss, after all, I study mathematics, not finance. If you ask me to solve a math problem, I might be fine, but Let me find a way to deal with financial capital... You really give me too much face."

Hearing the extremely slippery words, Ethan waved his hand, motioning for him to get out of here.

Ballmer was relieved to be free and ran away.

However, when leaving, he hesitated again.

He took advantage of the gap in the door and added -

"Boss, I know you don't like those jackals, but humans are social animals and cannot survive alone apart from the large society. Therefore, as long as you want to continue playing in this large circle, sometimes you have to do something Make some sacrifices, make some compromises."

"Of course, I'm not asking you to shake hands with the capital on Wall Street, but I feel that the capital on Wall Street is not just Goldman Sachs, Morgan, Ford, and Citigroup."

"There are many more besides them."

"If we can maintain a cooperative relationship with them, then they will definitely be our help. After all, no one can refuse a company with an annual profit of more than 100 million."

"Even if it's not listed, it's just separate financial management."

"That can make financial capital scramble for money."

Ballmer's suggestion is advisable, but...

"It is impossible for our company to use money for financial management." Ethan said: "Our company's production and operation require a lot of capital. If the profit margin of the console is as high as that of the arcade, then of course I can use a small part of the capital to calm Wall Street. That group of jackals, but unfortunately, the profit margin of the console is too bleak..."

"Then there is actually another way."

Ballmer, who was lying on the door frame, smiled and asked: "Boss, are you willing to listen to my suggestions?"

"You have two choices now."

Ethan didn't tolerate him, "First, if you don't tell me, I will throw you out."

"Second, I said that I was not satisfied, and then I continued to throw him out."

"Oh - boss - how can you be so heartless?" Ballmer pretended to be sad, but at the same time, he also said: "My suggestion is simple. Since you have a company under your name that is destined to be listed, why do you Why don’t we use this as a bargaining chip to solve the current issues together?”


Ballmer's rhetorical question made Ethan narrow his eyes.

The smile on his face gradually faded.

"Steve, you and William are really good brothers."

"Boss, I don't understand what you mean."

"Don't you understand? Then you don't have to come tomorrow."

"Oh boss - you are joking, right?" Ballmer didn't take it seriously. He raised his hand and glanced at his watch and said, "It's getting late. Boss, you should go to bed early. I'll go back first."

As the words fell, Steve Ballmer also closed the door to Ethan's office.

As the banging sound sounded, Ethan, who was sitting on the boss's chair, also laughed.

He lay on his back and stared at the snow-white ceiling.

A slow voice came out of his mouth——

"Bill Gates, Bill Gates, are you impatient?"

Ethan knows what Steve Ballmer means!

When the company Apple is destined to go public, find a financial capital to be responsible for underwriting, and then you can enter Wall Street openly through the other party!

Although this kind of transaction does not allow them to establish a tacit understanding with financial capital.

But a situation of mutual help can definitely still be formed.

And this is enough, because it can solve the current problem of two eyes and one black eye.

In the future, when Ethan is attacked, there will no longer be the situation where he has been attacked but does not know where his opponent is.

Of course, to Ethan, none of this actually matters.

When Steve Ballmer can say these things openly, it must mean that Bill Gates has contacted him and told him that Microsoft wants something from Apple.

Because to Bill Gates, the unlisted Apple and the listed Apple are two different companies! In the former, Steve Jobs, as the chairman of the board of directors, will be responsible for the company's financial reports and all actions will be based on money. In the latter, whether to transfer patents is his own decision.

When Bill Gates pulled this little trick to get his hands on a GUI...

Ethan was really filled with emotions.

I feel that business is really difficult to do.

I lament that no one in this world is a fool.

Even more emotional——

"Unexpectedly, Steve Ballmer was actually instigated to rebel?"

"Special code!"

"This guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes actually betrayed me?"

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