Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 323 The Evil of Dying

Meanwhile, Seattle, Washington.

Bill Gates sat at his desk with his eyebrows lowered and his head in his hands.

It seemed like he was thinking about something there, but it was more like he was meditating and praying.

And when the "dong dong dong" knock on the door sounded, he was more like a frightened bird. He jumped up instantly and said "come in", and then stared at the wooden door.

When he discovered that the person entering the house was his father, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The next second, his face also showed eagerness, and he asked expectantly: "How is it?"

Although Bill Gates' words were confusing, the elder Gates still understood.

"Judging from the current situation, things should be going smoothly."

Old Gates, who got into the house, closed the door and said, "Thomas O'Neill, the chairman of General Tire, has flown to Washington this afternoon. Now he is seeking an opportunity. He wants to speak with the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit before the trial. The judges met.”

"This information can prove that even if Thomas O'Neill went to San Francisco, he may not have reached a consensus on cooperation with Ethan Jones. When General Tire failed to obtain the approval of the judges, they would not be able to win the case. There is a high probability that this case..."

"I will walk into the Supreme Court."

This news stunned Bill Gates on the spot.

A few seconds later, the young man wearing thick glasses suddenly raised his right fist.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Old Gates noticed his son's happy look.

He came to the water dispenser, took a glass of water, and drank it in one gulp with a smile on his face.

As president of the Washington State Bar Association, Gates Sr. has deep connections in the legal community.

The details of all major serious cases can be found out immediately.

General Tire was one such case that he had been following for nearly two decades.

Although he could not figure out the cause of the incident and the grievances between all parties, the fact that General Tire was dead was the final result that he could directly state now.


"Judging from the current situation, Ethan Jones should know who is the real culprit behind the obstruction of his joining Disney, right? Do you think he will reach a settlement with the capital on Wall Street?"

While Gates was reminiscing about the past, an excited Bill Gates also jumped in front of his father, his expectant eyes filled with longing for the future.

This situation made Old Gates chuckle and shrug, saying: "Oh——"

"You have to ask your mother about this."

"But she is in New York now." Bill Gates said.

"It is precisely because she is in New York that she knows whether Ethan Jones's enemies are selling Disney stock." Gates Sr. understood what his son meant and said:

"If they throw it, that proves Thomas O'Neill is acting."

"If they didn't throw it, it means that Ethan Jones is tougher than we thought. He will not make deals with any enemy, he will only push them into the ground..."

Even though Old Gates had obtained reliable information from his friends, he still did not speak too fully. He only used adjectives such as 'possible', 'high probability', and 'estimate' to describe the facts.

This behavior of leaving room for speech may be related to his career, but at the same time...

It also disappointed Bill Gates, "Dad, you know what I'm expecting."

"Of course." Old Gates nodded: "Don't you just want to see Ethan Jones take Apple public under this situation? I should have told you before, right? Even if you don't urge it, Apple will definitely It will be on the market, and after you urge it, it won’t go much faster.”


When Bill Gates learned that the General Tire case was heading to San Francisco, he knew it might be a good opportunity to obtain a graphical user interface patent.

Because in his opinion, Ethan is too stubborn.

He obviously discussed cooperation with Ethan at the beginning of the year, but now that several months have passed, the patent authorization matters are still stagnant. If he hadn't known that Western Design, a subsidiary of Destiny Games, had not switched to 16-bit chips, and Apple had not contacted Motorola to announce the purchase of their products, then Bill Gates would have even suspected that Ethan Jones and Steve Does husband Steve Jobs not need himself anymore?

Of course, Bill Gates also understands that products that can change the world are not easy to obtain.

It’s normal to take your time.

But his urgency to embrace the world is also true!

Everyone should be able to understand this, right?

So, when Ethan Jones hesitates...

It's okay for him to work hard and strive for a better tomorrow, right?

As long as Apple can go on the market!

He had the confidence to use the power of the open market to convince Steve Jobs!

"But you shouldn't tell Steve Ballmer this."

Gates Sr. could understand his son's mood, but he did not agree with his son's actions.

"This is actually a fair deal between you and Ethan Jones. You disclosed the content of the deal to Steve Ballmer and allowed Steve Ballmer to transfer you to you at the right time and in the right way. The demand told Ethan Jones that this was actually a violation."

"What was violated was the rules of the industry."

"It's also a rule of fair trade."

"But I can't wait!" When facing his father, Bill Gates took off his disguise directly, waved his hands and said: "I want a graphical user interface!"

"And I can feel that Ethan Jones also has the idea of ​​​​making software alone!"

"The reason why Ethan Jones hesitates is because he has such a good relationship with Steve Jobs that he doesn't know how to tell Steve Jobs about this!"

"So, since Ethan Jones feels that it is difficult for him to speak, then I will help him speak! Or I will speak directly! There is no problem with this!"

"Of course, none of these things are actually important. What's important is that my chips are about to expire!"

"The negotiations between IBM and Intel will not stop because of Ethan Jones's thinking!"

"If Ethan Jones wants to get Intel's chip patents, he must get these things done in the shortest possible time! Only in this way can I tell my mother that we can suggest that Uncle Opel put Intel's patents on Western Design, and Guaranteed no problem!"

"Only Ethan Jones is willing to hand over the future they control to us!"

"Only we can vouch for him!"

"Help him get now!"

The sudden high pitch of the voice made old Gates' eardrums tighten.

But he didn't care, he frowned slightly and already revealed it.

"I understand what you mean, I understand your mood, but I still say the same thing..."

"I don't approve of your behavior."

"Especially your actions in telling Steve Ballmer about this."

"Can you tell me why you let him get involved?"

The question made Bill Gates laugh.

"Because Microsoft lacks a CEO."

"Right now, the best CEO you can find on the market is Steve Ballmer."

"Compared with those guys who only do business, I prefer people like Steve Ballmer who have really seen the wind and waves. When he can go to Los Angeles and tell all the Hollywood movie giants to get out, he This is the talent we at Microsoft need most..."

That’s right!

Bill Gates not only wants patents, he also wants to poach people!

The explosion of Excel has caused Microsoft to have management tensions. In this case, it urgently needs a CEO who has seen the world to help take the helm!

Although he can ask his parents to help him recruit CEOs from the Fortune 500, Bill Gates looks down on those guys! It’s not that they are incompetent, it’s that Steve Ballmer is better!

When this idea came up, the old Gates, who wanted to continue to deny it, stopped talking.

He stared at his son with a complicated expression for a long time.

Finally burst out laughing.

He stretched out his right hand and patted his son on the shoulder.

"Good luck."

"Thank you." Bill Gates liked his father's approval, "Next..."

"Just tell me if you need me."

Gates Sr. interrupted his son before he finished speaking, "Your mother and I will always support you."

Dad's promise made Bill Gates laugh out loud.

Open your arms and embrace it.

And when he got help from his parents and felt that everything was going in a good direction, a steady stream of news came from the east coast of America.

First of all, it’s the information Bill Gates’ mother learned about in New York——

No financial institution has been selling Disney stock aggressively recently.

This means that Ethan Jones really did not reach a cooperation with General Tire.

Secondly, it is Bill Gates’ father’s relationship network that is exerting force——

Not only did the judges on the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals refuse to meet with General Tire Chairman Thomas O'Neal, but they also found other problems in RKO's appeal.

The first point is that they think RKO's settlement with the FCC ten years ago was very strange. If RKO had no problems, why did they reach a settlement with the FCC? If there was a problem, then why didn't they plead guilty at the beginning, when the charges were relatively minor, and why did they only reach a settlement with them after the FCC formally prosecuted them?

The judges of the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals felt that there were two possibilities for RKO's approach.

Either RKO took the initiative to make sacrifices in order to protect its parent company;

Either the parent company is hiding some information to protect its subsidiaries.

When RKO hasn't been candid enough about its settlement with the FCC, there's a good chance they're hiding something.

And these things...

What is it again?

The second point is that they are very confused, why has General Tire not been split up?

According to the instructions of the Supreme Court, the Sherman Antitrust Act clearly states that reciprocal trade agreements are one of the components of anti-competitive behavior targeted by the Antitrust Act.

When RKO Broadcasting and General Tire had pleaded guilty to the SEC for this crime several years ago, why did the company still maintain its original structure and operate to this day?

The judges on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals couldn’t figure it out.

When these two pieces of information appeared, Bill Gates almost jumped out of his chair!

Because he knew that General Tire’s life was short-lived!

He knows better that when a terminally ill guy reaches out to the immortal who can save him, if the immortal refuses without thinking, then...

A terminally ill person will definitely struggle with anger and bear a grudge against the great immortal before dying.

This isn't an example he's seen too often.

But he was born in a wealthy family and knew that human nature is always ugly.

It's a fact...

is also like this.

On the day Bill Gates heard the inside information, the major radio networks owned by RKO began to complain. They flatly denied those "groundless" reports. Anchors on many radio channels even said that ten years ago, they had The FCC's settlement was actually a compromise. If the Federal Communications Commission hadn't threatened them with communications licenses, they wouldn't have admitted those crimes.

Some people even said that former General Tire executives did not pay bribes at all, but federal officials were demanding bribes. Otherwise, why would those at the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission reach a settlement with General Tire a few years ago? That's because they received the reward they wanted!

When these outrageous descriptions appeared, Bill Gates, who had been watching the case, was stunned!

He never expected that General Tire would be so bold and dare to overturn all the cases that had been concluded back then? Do they think the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is not enough of an opponent for them to fight? Do you want to drag the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission in to join in the fun?

"Oh! Sxxt!"

"Aren't these people too crazy?"

Bill Gates exclaimed.

But before he could give him a thumbs up and shout, RKO Broadcasting had already taken action, and with a thunderous force, it took down those anchors who spoke unscrupulously.

And repeatedly stated that the previous words were the personal behavior of the anchor.

Nothing to do with RKO.

This act of resignation made Bill Gates curl his lips.

But soon, the attack he was expecting appeared.

First, RKO officially withdrew its lawsuit against Disney and Universal, stating that it was a misunderstanding. Then, RKO's chairman, Thomas O'Neal's brother, had a secret meeting with Ron Miller, and on the second Today, a joint statement was issued.

RKO decided to officially abandon the traditional entertainment industry. They sold their film and television copyright library to the Walt Disney Group for 26 million.

This includes the film copyright and image copyright of "King Kong".

After the deal was concluded, the Walt Disney Group, headed by Ron Miller, immediately filed a lawsuit against Universal, stating that Universal had committed fraud in the previously signed contract and demanding that Universal immediately stop the production of the "King Kong" game. And compensate them for Walt Disney's losses.

After this news broke…

Walt Disney's stock price soared 7 percent.

At the close of the day, their market value had exceeded 1.1 billion.

That’s right!

Since Ethan Jones refuses to cooperate, General Tire has started to divert trouble to the east!

Although they don't care about the copyright of "King Kong", when they are firmly pressed by the three major broadcast and television networks in North America, cashing out at a high position is the most meaningful thing!

Not to mention……

Don't you, Ethan Jones, want to help me?


You don’t have to help!

Then I can continue to stir up what you want!

When Wall Street guys discovered that Walt Disney's stock price was still likely to rise sharply, everyone rushed to buy it.

The day after Walt Disney launched the lawsuit, Universal issued a statement that Walt Disney's actions were purely false accusations and that they would use legal weapons to safeguard their rights and interests.

This statement caused Walt Disney's stock price to fall slightly, but it didn't take long for a new benefit to appear. Due to the lawsuit and the inability to defend their rights, RKO decided to sell the rights granted to them by Toho. The North American rights to "Godzilla" were transferred to Walt Disney for US$5 million. From the date of transfer until the end of the licensing period, which was December 31, 1995, Walt Disney ·Disney owns all rights to "Godzilla" in North America.

When this deal is concluded...

Ron Miller was furious!

Accused Sega of operating under the influence and selling itself uncopyrighted games!

Moreover, Ron Miller also said that the Walt Disney Group, as the first person in the copyright protection industry, even if it reaches a cooperation with Sega, they will sue Sega for everyone's benefit.

So far, all profits generated by "Godzilla" in North America will be frozen by their application until the end of the lawsuit, and then distributed according to the court's ruling.

Such strong words sent Walt Disney's stock price soaring again.

At the close of trading, they had firmly reached 1.3 billion.

But it was not over yet. That night, major Wall Street institutions also adjusted their ratings of Walt Disney, believing that investors and institutions could increase their holdings of Walt Disney's stock.

At work the next day, the Ford family's growth fund issued an announcement that they already held more than 5% of the shares of the Walt Disney Group...

This series of hype made Bill Gates smile from ear to ear.

When Wall Street unanimously attacked Ethan Jones and prevented him from getting involved in the companies he wanted, the power of the financial blacklist was definitely not something that an individual could contend with.

And just when Bill Gates felt that Ethan Jones could no longer sit still...

Several days passed, but there was no movement from Ethan Jones.

This made him very strange.

Just when Bill Gates couldn't figure out why the usually domineering Ethan Jones didn't take action, the one who was more uncomfortable and uneasy than him was actually Nintendo.

At this moment, Yamauchi Hiroshi almost wiped his head out! (End of chapter)

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