"Ethan, I know that many people have always said that I am stubborn because I don't listen to others' advice and because I insist on my own opinions. But, I want to say that the reason why I insist on my own ideas is not because I can't listen. I listened to other people’s advice and found out that what they said was rubbish.”

Jobs changed his sitting posture, leaning on the seat, his left arm resting on the back of the chair, and his right hand swinging unconsciously. At the same time, he said loudly: "When the suggestions made by those people are the answers in the toilet, what do you want me to do?" Accept their ideas? At first, I politely rejected their suggestions, but what happened? They didn’t stop, but kept explaining the feasibility of their ideas in my ears!”

"They think I didn't understand!"

"I can accept this kind of thing once, and I can tolerate it if it happens twice, but after it happens three times, four times, and five times! I can't accept it anymore!"

"I don't want to argue with them!"

"Because it's a waste of time!"

"So, when I find that the suggestions of people around me are not suitable for me, I will loudly refuse and tell them to get lost! After a long time, they will say that I am paranoid!"

"But am I really paranoid?"

"Which of your, Stephen, and those other people's excellent advice have I not followed?"

"I'm not the unreasonable kind of person, okay!"

Jobs waved his hand as if he wanted to vent his dissatisfaction.

Ethan smiled and nodded, thinking this guy was quite cute.

"That means you accepted it?" Ethan wanted a clear answer.

"Can I not accept it?" Jobs shrugged and said, "Although I can understand your thoughts, to be honest, I still cannot accept this kind of deal."

"But at the same time, I also know that I have to accept this deal. This is not for the future of Apple, but the patent for the graphical user interface does not belong to Apple."

At this point, Jobs curled his lips and said: "If I am the only one who owns the graphical user interface patent, then I will definitely fight them to the end!"

"They can only get a patent if they step on my body!"

"But when there are other people in the world who can do it..."

"Accepting the deal is the best option, isn't it?"

"Especially when the patent holder is sitting across from me and discussing licensing with me."

"Wouldn't it be rude if I refused again?"

Jobs winked at Ethan.

The helplessness radiating from him made Ethan laugh.

He raised his cup and gestured briefly towards Xiao Qiao.

Then he raised his head and drank the wine in one gulp.

Jobs was right. Ethan could actually be tough on patent licensing, because Xerox did not own all technical patents for graphical user interfaces. When the inventor of the technology had been working on the Destiny game for almost a year, Ethan can come up with something similar and give it to Microsoft.

But Ethan didn't do that. Instead, he chose to communicate with Jobs.

This alone could make Jobs feel that Ethan came with sincerity.

What impressed Steve Jobs even more is...

Ethan felt from beginning to end that the granting of the patent would be a huge harm to him.

Even though Ethan ended up hurting him for business.

But that open and honest communication is much better than secretly tricking Chen Cang.

"So what's your plan?"

Jobs also raised his glass and bumped it in the air.

After drinking all the sweet wine, he asked: "Apple will license the patent to Microsoft to obtain service support for Microsoft Office software? Then IBM will let Intel open the door to Western Design? Then Western Design can Does Apple provide hardware support?”

After summarizing the transactions visible to the naked eye, Jobs immediately shook his head, "Although this series of transactions seems to be fine, I always feel that Apple is suffering a bit."

Although he was unwilling to accept it, Jobs still changed the subject and said: "However, if you really decide, then I will still accept it. Again..."

"Ethan, I am very grateful to you, thank you for being able to help me make money in the first place."

"The decoration of my house and my father's new car were all given by you."

"They're happy and I'm happy too."

Tell the truth.

When Jobs started to be sensational, Ethan really couldn't stand it anymore.

At a certain moment, he even felt that the guy sitting opposite him was not the all-powerful Gang Leader Qiao, let alone an arrogant paranoid, but a shaved husky.

In the hot summer, it wags its tail crazily.

The pitiful look made Ethan wave his hands repeatedly to signal to stop.

At the same time, he said, "Oh Steve, this was just my plan before."

"What do you mean?" Jobs didn't understand.

"Literally." Ethan said: "I did think so before, but now, I have decided to put Intel's chips in Apple, and you will control the patents."

"I know that Apple has no production capacity, so after you get the patent, just entrust Western Design Company to produce chips directly. In my latest plan, Western Design Company will become your Apple's foundry, not the holder of the chip patent. people……"

"What?" Ethan's arrangement confused Jobs.

"Why are you doing this? Are you giving Apple a profit?"

"But this is completely unnecessary!"

Jobs said loudly: "Ethan, if you want to compensate me, you can do it in other ways. We all know that Apple is destined to go public! When other capital will come in to share the benefits, the chip patent will It’s more in our interest to design it in the west!”

Yes, in Jobs' view, Ethan's behavior of putting Intel patents into Apple was out of guilt, so he wanted to compensate himself.

Not only is this behavior unnecessary, it can also be said to be extremely rubbish.

Because Apple will go public, when Intel's patents fall into the hands of Apple, it is equivalent to allowing public shareholders who enter the market later to enjoy the benefits that should be exclusively enjoyed by Ethan Jones.

On the surface, it may be Ethan Jones alone who suffers.

But when Ethan said this, Jobs, who wore the same pants as Ethan, understood...

In fact, his own interests were also damaged.

And his anxiety also made Ethan laugh, "So do you think I'm crazy now?"

"Of course!" Jobs nodded vigorously.

"So we can talk about the second thing now." Ethan said: "After talking about the second thing, I think you may not think that I am crazy..."

Jobs was not given a chance to speak.

Ethan directly told what happened in January.

When Jobs learned that Wall Street's financial capital had sniped at Ethan more than once, preventing him from joining the company he liked, Jobs immediately became furious.

He was so incompetent that he yelled and cursed.

I greeted the eighteen generations of those guys’ ancestors.

When Ethan said that Steve Ballmer suggested that he reconcile with Wall Street's financial capital, Jobs felt that he understood clearly, "Is the second thing you said about wanting Apple to go public?"

"Yes." Ethan smiled and nodded.

"..." This answer made Jobs look complicated.

Because in his impression, Ethan has always been a fool who is fearless.

Back then, when faced with Lawrence Rockefeller's investment, he did not hesitate to show his sincerity to the Rockefeller family, which was feared by the outside world;

Previously, when facing the Warner Alliance's sniper attack, he even took off their underpants arrogantly;

But now...

Could he finally hold on no longer?

Jobs looked regretful and sighed.

But then he thought about it and he laughed again.

Because this is normal, right?

When one's opponents are all over the world, any individual will feel powerless.

At this time, make peace with some less harmful enemies.

That's a good breakout idea.

"Okay, I understand." Jobs convinced himself and said, "I will release news when I get back that Apple is looking for opportunities to go public."

"After that, I will tell you the information of the brokers who have contacted you, or I will directly ask those brokers to communicate with you, because I am not very good at this aspect..."

"Oh Steve, why do I get the feeling you're depressed?"

Jobs's low-spirited look made Ethan cross his arms and said, "Do you think I've given up?"


Jobs wanted to nod and admit, but in the end he shook his head and said: "I think since you want to do this, you must have your own considerations. Based on your previous habits, you will definitely give those people the opportunity to go public. Financial capital digs holes, so... MFxxk! I can’t make it up anymore!”

The more Jobs talked, the more uncomfortable he became.

He admitted that Ethan's resignation was like a bolt from the blue to him.

He thought he was the only one who would bow to reality today, but he didn't expect...

Ethan couldn’t bear it anymore.

And when he threw his hands and felt a little discouraged, Ethan, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes, laughed and clapped his hands, "Oh Steve - there's nothing wrong with what you said!"

"I do want to do something in Apple's listing process!"

"I want to say to those enemies who target me, attack me, and hold grudges against me..."

"You are all stupid!"

"What?" Ethan's words made Jobs look up suddenly, a little confused.

Because he doesn’t understand what manipulation can be done in a company’s listing process?

Can the financial capital be reduced to nothing?

Ethan smiled and said: "Steve, do you know what the IPO process is like? Or, do you know what are the pricing methods of IPO?"

The question made Steve Jobs shake his head.

As a college dropout in literature, if you ask Steve Jobs to talk about Buddhism, he will definitely speak eloquently, but what if he talks about finance? Then you might as well kill him!

So, after he shook his head, Ethan explained——

"Now, there are three common IPO pricing methods on the market."

"The first is the bookkeeping method."

"This method is very simple. The brokerage firm will help the company determine the size and price range of the issuance, for example, ten to fifteen dollars per share, and then invite major investors, usually managers of major funds and high-net-worth customers, to Solicit opinions, collect their purchase intention and purchase quantity, and then use these data to determine a final purchase price.”

"Although pricing in this way can obtain a fairer price, at the same time, underwriters also have a lot of room for manipulation. They can manipulate the market to make huge profits."

"The second one is the fixed price method."

"This method is simpler, that is, the underwriter directly values ​​the target company, and then the target company issues shares at this price. Compared with the book-building method I just mentioned, the room for manipulation here is actually greater, because the pricing power lies in It’s in the hands of brokers.”

"The third method is the inquiry method."

"Companies and brokerages are not sure about the price, but ask potential investors about their price willingness and determine an issuance range based on the information collected."

"This process seems fair, but in fact there are many problems."

“Because investors are all human beings, as long as they are human beings, they will have different wills, which will cause the stock price to fluctuate greatly. At the same time, asking potential investors means that not all investors can get the news, and even more so. Leaving some investors unable to purchase the number of shares they desire."

"Because there are problems with all three approaches, the underwriters are able to make a lot of money by exploiting some of the loopholes, and that's what Steve Ballmer calls a settlement."

"Give up part of the profits and let them earn it."

"And this..."

"can you accept?"

Ethan looked at Jobs with a smile.

Jobs turned his head decisively and said, "No."

But the next second, he said: "But what if I can't accept it? These three methods have become industry rules. When underwriters are already sucking blood from all companies..."

"We want to not get sucked?"

"It doesn't seem possible."

"Who says it's impossible?" Before Jobs finished speaking, Ethan took over. He looked at Jobs with a smile and said, "Steve, I think you have heard of the Tulip Scam, right?"

This question made Jobs look confused.

The next second, Ethan had already stood up, "Since you haven't heard it, forget it."

"Let's go back."

Although classmate Xiao Qiao did not understand what Ethan said, he still gave up questioning when Ethan was unwilling to say more, and took a special plane back to California with Ethan.

However, after landing, he immediately asked his subordinates to search for information.

Then he discovered that the tulip scam was an investment craze that occurred in the seventeenth century.

During that period, countless people were tempted by the rising prices of tulips and speculated wildly in the tulip market, but this should not be the focus of what Ethan said, because... when Jobs saw the Dutch auction related to the sale of tulips After that, his pupils suddenly contracted.

"Oh, Sxxt——"

"Ethan, are you going to take off Wall Street's pants too?"

The price reduction auction made Jobs' hands tremble, and the next second, he stood up abruptly.

Looking at his subordinates, he said: "Notify all shareholders!"

“Apple’s biggest goal for the second half of this year is——”

"Going public!"

Although the subordinates did not understand why the boss was so excited, he still acted as he was told.

Soon, letters of inquiry were received from Ethan Jones, Steve Wozniak, Lawrence Rockefeller, Xerox, Stanford Research Institute, and Stanford.

Then, everyone passed the decision without any objection.

Then, on July 1, 1980, Apple officially released news about the possibility of going public.

When this consultation comes up...

Wall Street, no! It's the east and west coasts, all special codes are blown up! (End of chapter)

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