Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 326 War without smoke

"Is Apple going to go public?"

"Oh! Fxxk!"

"When did this happen?"

When the news of Apple's listing spread to Los Angeles, got into Warner Bros., and blew into the ears of Steve Ross, the gray-haired North American number one mourner suddenly jumped up from his seat.

His eyes were as wide as bells, filled with shock and eager to know more.

The subordinate who was stared at by him did not dare to hesitate and said directly: "Boss, this is the latest news. Half an hour ago, Apple held a media press conference to express their biggest work in the second half of this year. It’s about taking the company public.”

"Whether it's the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq, they can accept it."

"Because they meet all the listing requirements of both exchanges."

In the future Internet, many netizens say that the characteristics of U.S. stocks are that they are easy on entry and strict on exit, and have broad supervision. But what exactly is the real easy on entry and strict exit, or even easy on entry and no exit?

Professor Liu has been banned.

But no matter how generous the U.S. stock market is, it still has its own threshold. For example, the New York Stock Exchange has its own requirements in terms of the number of consecutive years of profitability, the company's net assets, and the company's annual operating income.

And now Apple...

All consistent.

In other words, Wall Street capitalists wanted to take Apple public as early as last year!

As they crave a piece of the booming new industry...

Apple actually announced that they are seeking to go public?


"This is really good news!"

"Ethan Jones finally couldn't stand it anymore!"

The detailed report from his subordinate made Steve Ross wave excitedly.

After years of fighting against Ethan Jones, is Ethan Jones finally showing his weakness?


There’s no news more exciting than this!

Although Steve Ross knows that the purpose of Ethan Jones's move is most likely to reach a settlement with Wall Street, hoping that the financial wolves will stop staring at him, so that he can deal with the enemies in the industry with peace of mind. , but it doesn’t matter at all whether to reconcile, right?

When fatigue grips Ethan Jones...

They are not far away from victory!

"Call the chairman of Commodore, Rockwell, and MGM, we have a meeting!"

"Philips... call me too!"

"Oh, right!"

"We have also raised some funds, tentatively determined to be 20 million."

"Since Ethan Jones decided to cut off his flesh to make amends, I won't be polite!"

"I want him to know what cruelty is in the world of capital!"

Before he finished speaking, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on Steve Ross's face.

Such a situation made the subordinates nod quickly, turn around and get busy.

Meanwhile, Burbank, the headquarters of Walt Disney.

Ron Miller, holding the phone, looked delighted, "Is it confirmed?"


The cheerful voice of Cornelis, CEO of Philips North America, came from the phone receiver, "When I heard the news and learned that Apple was going to be listed, I asked someone to inquire about the situation."

"Both Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange have established special teams and are preparing to fly to San Francisco."

"Apple's listing is true!"

"Ethan Jones really can't handle it anymore!"

"After all, no matter how strong he is, he is still just a person!"

"If his last name was Rockefeller, of course he could walk sideways like a crab!"

"But it's a pity..."

"He is not!"

Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange are actually competitors.

Their two biggest wishes are to eat up all the high-quality companies in the world.

The reason is actually because of money.

The operating income of Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange is composed of listing fees when listed companies are listed on the exchange, transaction fees when stocks are traded, maintenance fees and sales fees when stock data is compiled and updated.

When the income of two exchanges is closely related to the stock market, high-quality companies are the objects they compete for, and this is still a snowballing process.

The greater the number and higher the quality of companies listed on the exchange, the more capital will be attracted to the market. Once more capital remains and transactions become more frequent, the more money they will make.

Therefore, whenever an outstanding company wants to go public, investment banks are not the only ones who revel.

The entire industry related to it is shaking.

And that fact made Ron Miller laugh out loud.

"good, very good……"

"When apples are put on the table, I can find peace these days."

"Because there's no way Ethan Jones would have time to attack me."


“Apple has already been put on the table, so can the game of fate be far behind?”

“Will Ethan Jones still be arrogant after Destiny Game is released?”


Ron Miller was extremely happy when he thought that he would be able to sleep well for a long time in the future. While he thanked Cornelis, Neon, Kyoto, Nintendo...

"President, let me just say that the disappearance of Ethan Jones has nothing to do with their new products!"

"No, Apple is going on the market!"

"This is the reason why Destiny Game has no time to pay attention to us!"

"After all, Apple's shares are more valuable than the untapped overseas markets!"

"Ethan Jones should hold more than 20% of Apple's shares, right? Otherwise, in the past few years, there is no need for him to go out of his way to advocate for Apple. And Apple's valuation should be over 2 billion Right? In this case, even if the listing is diluted, his shares are still worth 400 million."

"This is a big business related to freedom!"

"How can Ethan Jones have time to do R\u0026D when he's so caught up in this?"

"So, what Arakawa said before, Ethan Jones may have been prepared, must be false! Ethan Jones must not be prepared! He must have decided to enter the handheld industry after seeing our products! I can guarantee that the handheld console that Destiny Games will release by the end of the year will be "Snake"!"

"First, because "Snake" is indeed suitable for handheld mode!"

“The second reason is because we can’t develop new ones in half a year, so we can only transport them!”

Yamauchi Pu's eyebrows stretched as he heard the loud words.

When he met his son-in-law who rushed back from North America a few days ago, Arakawa Minoru's anxious look made him panic. Hiroshi Yamauchi didn't know why Ethan Jones wrote such a message, and he was a little overwhelmed by the overwhelming declaration of return.

Yamauchi admitted that he had been living in fear for the past few days.

He didn't understand. He was obviously fully prepared, so why could Ethan Jones still handle it?

The sudden feeling of powerlessness made him feel like he was facing a demon!

But now...

With the news of Apple's listing, the possibility of pursuing greater interests has become the solution to all previous problems. In Hiroshi Yamauchi's view, Ethan Jones's return gift was a bluff!

"So, the Christmas gift Ethan Jones mentioned is Apple going on sale, right?"

Hiroshi Yamauchi, who was leaning on the sofa, laughed.

"I guess so." Imanishi Hiroshi breathed a sigh of relief at the boss's approval and nodded: "Apple originally had willful capital, but unfortunately, Ethan Jones is their major shareholder."

"With Ethan Jones here, Wall Street will definitely keep them doing road shows..."

"And this takes time."

In fact, listing reviews on Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange are very fast.

Nasdaq generally takes four to six weeks to process a company's listing application. However, if there are no problems with the company's information, it can arrange with the underwriters to station specialists in New York to respond in real time to issues raised by Nasdaq. Then the review time can actually be shorter.

The same goes for the New York Stock Exchange. After receiving the application, they will respond within fourteen working days. If the application is approved, they will directly arrange listing experts to serve the company.

In the entire listing process, the review is actually the shortest time-consuming step. The real hassle is the road show and pricing. Needless to say, the latter is publicity.

Because 99% of the companies in the world are unknown.

Those who are well known to the world are all industry giants.

When unknown companies want to go public for financing, their biggest trouble is how to let other institutions and public investors know them better. Therefore, they conduct promotional tours for major investors to deepen their understanding. knowledge, that is something that must be done.

And this is the road show.

Of course, this does not mean that less well-known companies do not need road shows.

In order to let investors know themselves better and to make pricing more beautiful.

Well-known companies also have road shows.

Unless it is a company that is already well known before going public, has already monopolized the industry without financing, and is listed just to get involved in finance, these guys have the right to do whatever they want.

As for Apple?

Of course they belong to the category of being entitled and willful!

It's a pity that Ethan Jones's antagonistic relationship with financial capital will definitely lead to them being punished by Wall Street.

Of course, the above are all personal speculations of Hiroshi Yamauchi and Hiroshi Imanishi.

And the fact is...

Shortly after Apple released the listing news, the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, which wanted to compete for business, took the initiative to call and wanted to know the truth of the matter. After learning that Apple really wanted to go public and that the board of directors had already made a decision, but the listing steps had not been completed, the two exchanges immediately became extremely enthusiastic.

While saying "it's okay", they also told Apple what to do now.

First, they asked Apple to choose at least one investment bank as a consultant to be responsible for the company's listing and stock underwriting. Then, with the help of the other party, they hired appropriate accounting firms and law firms to compile the information required for listing, and then For example, financial statements need to comply with generally accepted accounting principles.

Apple can then submit a registration statement to the Securities and Exchange Commission for due diligence, while the exchange of choice will receive the same document for review.

If everything goes well, then the roadshow pricing can begin.

The last step is securities underwriting and listing.

Although the company's listing process is open and transparent and can be checked by anyone, since the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq have expressed their goodwill, Apple will not be shy and express its gratitude directly.

However, even if the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq are eager to take over Apple, they have barely publicly stated, "I'll give it to you if you come."

Apple's road to listing remains bumpy.

Because, after Apple released rumors that it wanted to go public, not a single Wall Street investment bank moved.

No matter whether it was Goldman Sachs or Morgan, no matter whether it was Lehman or Boston, there was no letter of negotiation for business cooperation. At this moment, they seemed to be deaf and could not hear the outside world at all.

This situation makes Apple lose all its cards.

It also caused the two major exchanges to curse.

It even made many capitals who paid attention to this matter laugh without saying a word.

Before, Ethan Jones was sitting on Wall Street's head.

He robbed many giants.

Since Ethan Jones's company was not listed at the time, giants from all walks of life could not attack.

So I could only hold my nose and admit it.

And in the rest of his life, he looks for opportunities to try for revenge.

To be honest, although in the past period of time, they did make a lot of money through the noise caused by Ethan Jones, and they also disgusted Ethan Jones by manipulating public opinion and manipulating the market.

But in their view, this is simply not enough.

Ethan Jones made them lose face in broad daylight!

They have to beat Ethan Jones and admit defeat no matter what, right?

Now, Ethan Jones can't bear it anymore and wants to reconcile?


we accept!

But you have to show some sincerity!

If nothing else, when it comes to listing, you have to take the initiative to ask for help, right?

Even if you are willing to cut off the flesh.

Then you have to kneel!

Pass me the knife!

Please cut us!

Otherwise, where would we put our faces?

When this sentiment emerged, the huge North American market suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Countless people want to know what Ethan Jones, who had previously defied the sky and the earth, would choose.

Of course, more people think that he will lower his noble head.

And just as everyone is wondering how long Ethan Jones will last, and whether his way to break the situation is to ask Lawrence Rockefeller to come out and let the Rockefeller family be a peacemaker to buy himself some dignity. After all, Wenlock also insists. When there’s a lot of Apple stock…

Apple, as if it was nothing, disappeared.

That's right.

After issuing a statement that it wanted to go public, Apple made no preparations for going public at all and continued to sell its own computers and disks as usual.

This situation makes North American capital giants a little confused.

But they were not given time to think. On July 10, a new news came out——

[Apple and Microsoft had friendly consultations and communications, and decided to license some of its patents to Microsoft. Since the cooperation involves many commercial secrets, the details will not be made public, but one thing is certain, in the future, Microsoft will always Apple provides market-leading electronic office software. 】

To the general public, this news seems to make no sense.

Because Microsoft and Apple already have a good cooperative relationship.

Now, both parties have simply issued a statement indicating that they are willing to keep the relationship going.

As for the capital giants...

All right.

In fact, they didn't understand it either.

They don’t understand that in the entire market, only Apple is using the electronic office software provided by Microsoft, and when companies like Commodore and Rockwell are preparing to develop their own products, what is the significance of this alliance?

No one else uses your stuff!

In this case, who cares whether Apple takes the lead or not?

But soon, they put away this lack of cutting.

Because on July 15th, Microsoft appeared again, this time they and IBM issued a statement.

IBM stated that they will officially enter the personal computer industry. To this end, they will entrust Microsoft to help them write a command operating system suitable for the market.

At the same time, in order to better serve the people, IBM decided -

"We have reached a purchase agreement with Microsoft. Starting from January 1, 1981, all computer products we launch will come with Microsoft Excel."

"We made this decision because we don't want to increase the cost of learning for people."

"When there are already tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even nearly a million people in the market who have spent a certain amount of time learning how to use Excel, we don't want them to waste time and relearn tools."

"This kind of thing is completely meaningless to the people. It can even be said to be..."

"A waste of life."

When this news appeared, public opinion was in an uproar!

One second people were still studying the stated purposes of Apple and Microsoft, and the next second Microsoft had reached a cooperation agreement with Big Blue and was going to provide them with spreadsheets?

You know, IBM is the current computer giant!

If IBM takes the initiative to use Microsoft's spreadsheet, wouldn't the Excel format become a common format in the market? After all, IBM machines are all over the federation! I have entered countless companies!

When the entire federation! When the whole army! All while using Excel...

Can Apple get Microsoft's leading products?

"Oh! Sxxt!"

“Rockwell’s machines can’t be sold!”

The statements of Microsoft and IBM made countless people discover that their cooperation is to maintain Apple's dominance!

This result will make Apple more valuable!


"What's the use of this?"

Thomas O'Neill, chairman of General Tire, threw the newspaper aside.

He sarcastically said: "Ethan Jones, is this your trick?"

"Make Apple valuable and induce Wall Street capital to bow its head?"


"Really naive!"

"If only a few giants are enemies with you, it might be useful for you to do this."

"But when everyone hates you..."

"What you're doing is useless!"


In Thomas O'Neill's view, Ethan Jones is showing his final stubbornness at this moment!

He felt that he had bowed his head and Wall Street's capital should be withdrawn as soon as it was good!

But there is no capital on Wall Street!

Still want to see him embarrassed!

In this case, he can only add more money to Apple and want to use money to seduce the enemy!

But alas, this struggle only turned him into a street clown.

But just when Thomas O'Neill felt that Ethan Jones had exhausted his talents, IBM came out again on July 21 and issued a joint statement with Intel and Apple.

When this statement comes out...

Thomas O'Neal, Steve Ross, Ron Miller, and countless enemies of Ethan Jones who were paying attention to this matter all frowned!

Not because IBM issued a statement that it has reached a strategic alliance with Intel!

But Intel said that they will sign a technology exchange agreement with Apple!

In the future, both parties will share technology patents in a single field! (End of chapter)

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