Rebirth of an Entrepreneurial Life

Chapter 910: Chen Ping's talent

Just now, Chen Ping closed his eyes and searched for the sense of breath according to the method described in "Three Thousand Stars", but it was only a few seconds. Chen Ping felt that there seemed to be a flow of air flowing in his body. Continuously.

   However, even if Chen Ping's imagination is richer, he dare not think that this feeling will be the so-called sense of breath!

  Although the sense of breath has been described in "Three Thousand Stars", it is very similar to this feeling, but anyway, it is not scientific!

   You must know that even in the ancient martial arts world, those so-called peerless Tianjiao can not find a sense of breath in just a few seconds!

In the ancient martial arts world, there are records. The fastest search for breath is basically about an hour. A few decades ago, there was one who found breath in about half an hour. It has been called a rare in a thousand years. Peerless genius at first sight!

   Therefore, to find a sense of breath in a few seconds is simply a fantasy!

   Chen Ping shook his head and gave a wry smile. It seems that this should be his own illusion.

   calmed down, Chen Ping fell into a state of cultivation again.

   A few seconds later, when Chen Ping felt that feeling again, he didn't do anything, and subconsciously ignored this feeling.

   Thinking about it in Chen Ping, he would rather believe that this kind of airflow is flowing in his body...

However, after looking for the half-weather feeling, no other sensations appeared. On the contrary, the air flow that kept circulating in the body seemed to have been accompanied by Chen Ping’s will. Where did Chen Ping’s thoughts go to the body. , Where will this air flow appear.

   Chen Ping was also a little surprised, this feeling is really like inner energy!

   Chen Ping's courage and imagination have always been great. Although he couldn't believe it, Chen Ping decided to give it a try after thinking it over.

   Anyway, even if it's not internal energy, there will be no problem.

   Therefore, when Chen Ping closed his eyes for the third time, he was no longer looking for a sense of breath, but directly began to use the method described in "Three Thousand Stars" to guide the airflow and hit the Dantian area.

The airflow is not moving fast. Chen Ping is now practicing for the first time after all. He is not yet proficient and must be careful. After a full three minutes, the induced airflow finally arrived at the Dantian and then rotated in the Dantian. After a while, it gradually dispersed and flowed up and down towards Chen Ping's body according to the guidance of the practice.

   The subsequent process is beyond Chen Ping's control.

   This air current is found in the body, guided to the pubic region, rotated in a special way, and then spread to the limbs and hundreds of skeletons to strengthen the body. This is the practice method of "Three Thousand Stars".

   may seem simple, but not everyone can do these steps!

   After a while, after the airflow finally dissipated completely, Chen Ping opened his eyes again, his eyes full of sluggishness and disbelief.

   He raised his arm and squeezed his fist lightly.

   Chen Ping’s physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people, but now, he has a feeling that just a few minutes later, his physical fitness seems to have improved a little bit.

   Although this feeling is not obvious, if you at least prove that you have indeed successfully cultivated!

   It only took a few seconds to find the sense of breath for the first time.

   If this matter is known to outsiders, I am afraid it will directly cause an uproar in the ancient martial world!

   Those family forces in the ancient martial world, if they get this news, I am afraid they will never let Chen Ping go!

These family forces were all lingering when the national disaster was at the head of a hundred years ago. Only when the head shrunk tortoise can survive. Except for the Li family in Kyoto and a few families, hundreds of other Guwu families belonged to a group of flying dogs. Good stuff, not many good things!

   If they know that such a terrifying genius has appeared, I am afraid their first reaction is to eliminate this potential threat!

   Therefore, after realizing his talent, Chen Ping decided immediately that this incident must not be revealed!

   On the other hand, I also need to improve my strength as soon as possible.

   Thinking of this, Chen Ping suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then began a long practice.

In the previous several times of cultivation, he was awake halfway through, but now, now that he has successfully practiced and completed a whole big week, then he only needs to be thoroughly familiar with the whole process and form a subconscious move. The speed and efficiency of cultivation will be greatly improved!

   Chen Ping wants to see how far he can go on the road of Guwu with such a talent?

  Perhaps, the future self is not only the overlord of a business empire, but also a generation of peerless masters!

For a whole night, Chen Ping was immersed in the state of cultivation for almost the entire second half. At the beginning, it took three or four minutes for a big week, but later, after becoming more and more proficient, Chen Ping The speed of Ping's practice is getting faster and faster.

   A strong sense of qi talent means that it is easier to control internal qi. When cultivating, the faster the internal qi can travel through the body, and the shorter the time for cultivating a big week.

   For those with low talents, it takes at least five minutes to cultivate for a big week. Even some talents are really horrible, and it may take ten minutes!

   As for the geniuses in the ancient martial arts family, it only takes about a minute to practice a big week after being thoroughly proficient. The fastest, but it can reach about forty seconds.

   However, this requires at least ten and a half days of proficiency.

   But Chen Ping is different!

  Qi talent, it represents the level of control over internal Qi.

   The top geniuses in the ancient martial arts world, although they are better than others in this respect, they are just about sixty points in control.

   Can Chen Ping?

   As a person who finds the sense of qi in a blink of an eye, it means that his degree of control over his internal qi is a perfect level!

   is more powerful than those so-called geniuses!

   Therefore, in just one night of proficiency, Chen Ping's speed of practicing for a big week has reached 30 seconds.

   This has basically exceeded the limit!

   And Chen Ping felt that he could be faster!

   However, Gu Wu practice cannot be rushed, and Chen Ping did not have the idea of ​​doing it overnight.

   When Chen Ping woke up the next morning, he glanced at the time, and he had probably practiced for six hours.

   In six hours, Chen Ping has performed the "Three Thousand Starlight" exercises hundreds of times!

   Ancient martial arts cultivation is actually relatively easy to understand. It is not as mysterious and mysterious as Xiu Xian, but in simple terms, it is the accumulation of numbers.

   One big week can extract an inner Qi, and then this inner Qi spreads throughout the body. If it can be completely absorbed by the body, it is the force of breath.

   Of course, if the physical talent is weaker, maybe only one-tenth of the inner energy can be absorbed into the whole body. In this way, you need to practice 10 great weeks to accumulate a breath of strength.

   Yellow level, starting from one level, each level requires 100 breaths!

   The first level of the yellow level must reach 100 breaths, the second level 200 breaths, and so on, to the fifth level of the yellow level, it is 500 breaths.

   But if you want to break from the fifth yellow level to the first profound level, you need to reach 1,000 breaths!

   Profound level requires 1,000 breaths per level, and so on.

   The first level of the ground level costs 10,000 breaths, and when it reaches the fifth level of the ground level, it is 50,000 breaths!

   As for the day after tomorrow, the "Three Thousand Starlight" exercise is not explained later.

   That is already a matter for the senior officials of the ancient martial arts world.

   From this aspect, we can see how important talent is to an ancient warrior!

   A person with the weakest talent can complete a big week in ten minutes, and ten inner qi can accumulate a breath of power. This means that only a hundred minutes can accumulate a breath of power!

   Even if you practice more than ten hours a day, you can only accumulate less than 10 breaths!

   Moreover, such long-term and high-intensity cultivation, not everyone can bear it.

   Therefore, some casual cultivators with low talents did not start cultivating at a young age, but only began cultivating after adulthood. The body's plasticity is lower, and the speed of cultivation may be slower, so slow that it is horrible!

   One breath a day is not the slowest!

   Therefore, casual cultivator is really difficult to become stronger.

   may still be mixed in the yellow rank, but it is already harder to reach the profound rank. As for you want to become an earth-level master? Stop dreaming, do you really think that ancient martial arts training is just accumulation of quantity? Every small level is related to the card, and the physical fitness talent is not enough. When you reach a certain level, you will be stuck there directly, and you will not be able to make progress in your life!

   After all, even people who can't cultivate at all exist, so it's natural for those with low talents to be unable to break through the shackles.

   Chen Ping doesn’t know to what extent his talent can support him, but now it seems that his talent should be the strongest, right?

   Maybe in the future, there will be a chance to reach the day after tomorrow, or even innate!

   Thinking of this, Chen Ping was also excited.

   This evening, Chen Ping didn't know how far he had practiced.

   On average, Chen Ping practiced for one night, basically it could complete a big week in two minutes, about six hours, and he had already condensed about 180 internal qi.

   However, Chen Ping felt that he had not broken through to the yellow level.

   In other words, I am not yet an ancient warrior in the true sense.

   In the next few hours, Chen Ping always felt that it seemed to be more and more difficult for his physical fitness to increase, and there was even no change at all.

   But Chen Ping was not in a hurry, he knew that this was the level.

   Every ancient warrior, when breaking through every realm, a level that will inevitably appear.

   There are some ancient warriors with powerful talents. It may only take one or two days to complete the accumulation of quantity, but if you want to break through the level, it may even take ten and a half months, or even longer!

   Therefore, this matter can't come in a hurry. Anyway, if you continue to practice, the level will gradually loosen. After the breakthrough, you can continue to improve your physical fitness.

   Now, Chen Ping estimates that he will be able to enter the first level of the yellow rank with only a breath of energy.

  In other words, Chen Ping's strength in Guwu already has 99 breath strength!

   Although he is not a true ancient warrior, he is much stronger than before!

   After only one night of training, Chen Ping felt that his body was full of infinite power, more than twice as powerful as before!

   If it weren't for injuries, Chen Ping would want to get out of bed and try his speed and strength!

   Just when Chen Pingfu wanted to join forces, the door opened and Li Qian and Nie Wei walked in one after another.

   Seeing that Chen Ping had woke up, Li Qian naturally came to the bed, helped Chen Ping up, and poured a glass of water.

   However, Nie Wei behind Li Qian slightly frowned and glanced at Chen Ping suspiciously.


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