Rebirth of an Entrepreneurial Life

Chapter 911: Interesting Lu Family Interesting Lu Changlin

Nie Wei hadn’t actually found anything substantive. He just felt that although Chen Ping in front of him was lying on the bed, his face was still pale, but he gave himself a sense of danger, and Chen Ping seemed to have become energetic. a lot of.

   After a while, Nie Wei also shook his head, not taking this feeling to heart.

Chen Ping did not talk to them about his own ancient martial arts. The less people knew about this kind of thing, the better. He didn't trust these two people, but felt that if they knew about their ancient martial arts, In future performances, some clues are likely to be detected by outsiders.

   Cultivating ancient martial arts, especially this kind of talent against the sky, is also a hole card for Chen Ping, which cannot be easily known by outsiders.

In the next few days, during the day, Chen Ping looked at the information of the various forces in the Demon City. On the other hand, he was also planning the next actions of the Pingyu Group. As for the night, he fell into a state of cultivation. .

It’s also amazing to say that although Guwu’s cultivation is not comparable to the legendary cultivating immortality, but the body continuously absorbs the internal energy and can make up the person’s energy, even better than sleeping and resting. Of course, Long-term cultivation is also a drain on energy, and it takes about two hours of sleep a day.

   As for the other six or seven hours, it can be completely replaced by practicing ancient martial arts.

  After three days of practice, Chen Ping fell into the practice again, not long after, there was a warm current in his body, and then, for nearly three days, his physical fitness did not change much. At this moment, there was an obvious change again!

   Chen Ping knew that he had made a breakthrough!

   However, Chen Ping had expected it a long time ago, but he didn't know how long it would take to break through, so his emotions did not fluctuate too much. After a step-by-step breakthrough, when the exercises were run again, his strength began to slowly improve again.

   By the early morning of the next day, Chen Ping's strength had reached the peak of the first level of the yellow rank, which was about 199 breaths.

   From the first time Chen Ping started to practice, it has only been about three days.

   In these three days, Chen Ping has already stepped on the tipping point of being promoted to the second tier of the yellow rank!

   This breakthrough speed is really appalling!

You know, it has been two or three years since Nie Wei started practicing, but until now, it's only the top of the third level of the yellow level. It has been close to a year without breaking through the existing one again. Realm!

   But if Chen Ping breaks through at this speed, I am afraid it will not take a month to reach a strength comparable to that of Nie Wei!

   Chen Ping was actually a little bit horrified in his own heart, but he did not show it. After the horror, he was a little bit happy.

   Although I started late, but this kind of talent against the sky, in the entire ancient martial arts, who can compare?

   Don't look at those ancient martial arts masters who practiced several years earlier than themselves, or even more than ten years, but whether they will be able to leave themselves far behind in the future is still unknown!

   In the process of practicing in the past few days, Chen Ping has also discovered that with the improvement of his physical fitness, his injuries are also recovering rapidly. This recovery speed far exceeds that of ordinary people.

   Chen Ping’s physical fitness was originally much stronger than that of ordinary people. It takes a month for a normal person to walk and sit normally, but Chen Ping only needs about half a month.

And now, his physical fitness has been improved twice before and after, and he has officially stepped into the ranks of ancient warriors. The body's recovery capacity is more than doubled. It may take less than a week to be able to move normally. .

   This kind of recovery speed, the deepest experience, naturally is Dr. Sun who checks Chen Ping's body every day and changes the dressing.

  Doctor Sun's name is Sun Fuxiang. Although his name is very common, his medical skills cannot be underestimated in the entire magic city. Although he is not the best, he is still in the upper class.

   Otherwise, Chen Ping would not invite Dr. Sun to be his personal doctor.

   In just a few days, Dr. Sun has already resigned and moved directly to the villa, becoming Chen Ping’s full-time private doctor.

  With the care of Dr. Sun, coupled with his strong body recovery speed, Chen Ping predicts that he will be able to walk freely within three or four days at most.

   So now, it is time to prepare for the next step.

   The second day after breaking through to the first level of the yellow rank, Chen Ping found Lin Yuwei, Li Qian and Fang Yuan and gave them careful instructions.

   That night, news spread among the high-levels of the magic city.

   The chairman of Pingyu Group was assassinated three days ago, and it took three full days before he was finally pulled back from the ghost gate!

   This news immediately aroused interest among many senior figures in the Devil City, but three days have passed, so even if they wanted to investigate, they couldn't find out, they just knew the outline of the matter.

   However, it is said that Pingyu Group has locked the identity of the man behind the scenes!

   It’s just that several senior leaders of the Pingyu Group in the Mo City have not disclosed any news about the identity of the behind-the-scenes man, so these high-level figures in the Mo City are also speculating about who the Pingyu Group is provoking? Was assassinated or even nearly killed?

   Although everyone has their own guesses, many people have focused on the Lu family.

After all, as everyone knows, after Pingyu Group came to the magic city, although it is ambitious, it may also encroach on the interests of some hidden families, but after all, it has not formally entered the market of the magic city. Those hidden families hold their own identities, and it is not straightforward. Start with Chen Ping.

   But the Lu family is different.

   Before the charity auction started, the fierce conflict between Lu Changming and Chen Ping, the second young master of the Lu family, was seen by everyone on the scene. It should be the Lu family who was most likely to act on Chen Ping.

   Although everyone is not convinced, as the news spreads, more and more people are known inside.

   There were no more than ten people who assassinated Chen Ping that day. Although they were well-trained, they could only be regarded as ordinary assassins, and there was no ancient warrior.

   Among these, there are two doubts.

   First, Nie Wei, the bodyguard next to Chen Ping, is an ancient warrior. This is already a secret that no one knows among the top leaders of the Devil City.

   sent ordinary people to assassinate Chen Ping, the probability of success is not high, unlike those smart big men can do, the senior Lu family should not be so stupid.

  Second, although there are no ancient warriors among the assassins, these few people are all well-trained. At least ordinary people can't find these assassins. At least it should be a hidden family.

   Combining the two aspects, it seems to be a bit contradictory. After all, if the hidden family really wants to make a move, the force to make the move should be stronger.

   It is precisely because of this contradiction that everyone directly focused their attention on Lu Changming, the second young master of the Lu family!

  Because the Lu family is a hidden family, but Lu Changming is not the real senior of the Lu family!

   If it is the senior Lu family, the plan will be more detailed, and the possibility of Chen Ping's survival will be very slim.

   But if Lu Changming did it, then everything would be logical.

Although Lu Changming is not a senior in the Lu family, his dull character, his arrogance and domineering, did such a thing, used part of his authority in the Lu family, and found these assassins. It should be the limit. In line with Lu Changming's personality.

   In this way, everything seems to come to an end.

   Although there is no substantive evidence, do these high-level people, especially these hidden families, the Guwu family, care about the evidence?

  Conjecture, as long as it is reasonable, it is a fact!

   This news is not only known to the various forces who want to watch the show, but also to the senior Lu family.

   At the moment, the senior Lu family was furious on the spot, and the head of the Lu family, that is, Lu Changming's father, personally called Lu Changming to the Lu family’s old house and questioned him.

   Lu Changming denied it, and refused to admit that he did the thing this time.

   Does the Kelu Patriarch care about this?

   What he cares about is that you clashed with Chen Ping in front of so many people, and fell behind. Now this happened again. Are you cheating? Push the whole Lu family into the fire pit!

   But Lu Changming is just a dude. Regarding these twists and turns of the high-level figures, he really didn't have the brain to understand. In the end, Lu Changming was also scolded in a hurry, he just stuck his neck and refused to admit defeat!

   On that day, many servants of the Lu family could hear the roar of the Lu Family Patriarch and Lu Changming from the study of the villa.

   While waiting for the head of the Lu family to leave, he gave Lu Changming a ban on foot, not allowed to step out of the door of the villa!

   However, no one thought that less than two hours after the Lu Family Patriarch left, Lu Changming sneaked out.

   Moreover, no one told the Lu Family Patriarch the news!

   This kind of strange phenomenon makes people from other parties look dizzy.

   Is this Lu Family Patriarch so weak in control of the family?

   The situation seems a little weird!

From this day on, the ban on Lu Changming has not been cancelled. However, Lu Changming will sneak out every day, just as if he is free to come and go. It is still the same as in the past, eating, drinking and having fun with those friends, friends and dogs. He didn't take the Lu Family Patriarch's orders to heart at all.

   Anyway, he is a dude, what does the family affairs have to do with him? Without that brain, don't bother with that brain!

As for the Pingyu Group, although there is no foundation in the magic but with Li Qian, Chen Ping can roughly know the troubles in the magic city, so he knew that day What happened in the Lu family.

   In Chen Ping's room in the villa, Lin Yuwei and Li Qian next to the bed were left and right. Lin Yuwei was cutting an apple, and Li Qian told Chen Ping these things.

   After listening to Li Qian's narration, Chen Ping burst into laughter!

   Seeing Chen Ping’s reaction, Lin Yuwei's movements stopped, and she glanced at Li Qian on the opposite side, and looked at it suspiciously: "What are you laughing at?"

   Chen Ping laughed for a long time before he said: "This Lu family is really interesting! Or, this Lu Changlin is really interesting!"

   Lin Yuwei frowned: "Lu Changlin? Is it Lu Changming?"

   Chen Ping smiled and shook his head: "No, it's Lu Changlin! That eldest brother of Lu Changming, the first heir of the Lu family, Lu Changlin!"

   Having said that, Chen Ping turned his head to look at Li Qian, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Li, there is information about Lu Changlin from the Lu family. Is there no more detailed information?"

   Li Qian shook her head doubtfully: "Which aspect do you want?"

Chen Ping pondered for a moment, and said with a smile, "Although this Lu Changlin seems to be the first heir in the Lu family, no one can compete with him for the position of the next Patriarch, but now it seems that There are still some variables! This Lu family, and this Lu Changlin, maybe there are some unknown secrets! Now, it depends on whether he will come to me!"

   As soon as Chen Ping's voice fell, the door opened, Nie Wei walked in and said softly: "Mr. Chen, Lu Changlin, the young master of the Lu family, is here to visit!"


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