Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 990: : Magical financing plan

"Yesterday was the carnival promotion night on the Huanyu e-commerce platform. I believe everyone is familiar with this promotion. Huang Zheng, you can introduce some important data of this Double 11 promotion."

Shenzhen City, Huanyu Technology Headquarters Office.

A group of heads of subsidiaries of Huanyu Technology gathered together.

Generally, such conferences are rarely held by Huanyu Technology.

But every time so many people are called together, there are important things to be announced.

"This time, our total sales on Double 11 Carnival night is 39.8 billion yuan, close to 200 million orders, and the price of each order is around 200 yuan. Huanyu Mall accounted for 70% of the transaction volume, and Huanyu Department Store accounted for 30%. Among them, electronic products accounted for ..."

A series of data, Huang Zheng introduced from time to time.

"Everyone, these data are more detailed than the data we announced outside. What do you think?"

After Huang Zheng finished speaking, Chen Yu looked at everyone and said.

"Mr. Chen, I think online shopping is a major trend in the future. We will increase our efforts in e-commerce. If necessary, YY can also set up an online shopping platform."

Li Nan got a little excited and stood up and said.

YY is currently the platform with the largest number of users of Huanyu Technology, and it is indeed promising to develop e-commerce based on YY.

But Chen Yu shook his head: "Li Nan, you just need to do instant messaging."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yu said again: "Don't think that our YY has monopolized the market, but the market is changing rapidly. If one is not good, YY may be robbed of the market and it is unknown."

It is now the end of 2005. According to Huanyu Technology's plan, the first generation of smart phones will be launched in 2006.

Once smart phones appear, everything about the traditional Internet will change.

Including, the current YY.

Besides, Chen Yu doesn't think Li Nan can do well in e-commerce.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Don’t penguins in previous lives think the same way?

So later they set up

Their Paipaiwang was supposed to compete with Ali.

Unexpectedly, not only did they fail to beat Ali, but also

Finally, Xiao Ma also figured it out. Instead of this, it is better to leave it to others to do more professionally.

So they took a stake in and turned off

"Mr. Chen, from the data point of view, electronic products occupy the largest consumption data, especially the low-end electronic consumer products are still a big market."

At this time, Wu Kai also said.


Chen Yu nodded.

Then Wang Dongsheng, who is in charge of the LCD screen, said: "Mr. Chen, judging from the consumption of these electronic products, the global LCD screen market may double in the future. If this is the case, we have to invest in a few more production lines."

"Uncle Dongsheng, it seems that you have also found out."

Chen Yu smiled, but did not continue to talk about the LCD screen.

On the LCD screen, Chen Yu will discuss specifically with Wang Dongsheng, and there is no need to hold it in such a conference.

Then, it seemed to have been inspired by Wu Kai and Wang Dongsheng, and the heads of a series of other subsidiaries also kept talking.

"Chen, the large-screen TV is a trend, and we should increase investment in this area."

"From the consumption data, it can be seen that low-end electronic products are still a major consumer, and our chip foundry sector has to expand the production scale."

"Digital products are growing rapidly, and we can set up a subsidiary that specializes in digital products."


If you just look at the volume of transactions, you can only lament that online shopping is the trend in the future.

If you see this piece, it's OK.

But as the person in charge of the subsidiaries of Huanyu Technology, if you only see this piece from the data, it is far from enough.

Behind these data is huge business.

Huanyu Technology can use these data to make arrangements in advance and effectively respond to the future market.

"Yes, it seems that everyone already knows the importance of these data."

Chen Yu nodded: "Then I won't say more, you can take these data back and study them carefully."

Why did Penguin and Ali grow bigger and bigger in previous lives.

In addition to their e-commerce and instant messaging market, they have more data.

With the data, they can grasp the trend of the future market.

With the data, they have the initiative.

Look at the penguin, why even give up shooting, give up searching, give up a lot of things.

But they invested in, Pinduoduo, Meituan, and China Reading Group.

Is their vision so accurate?

Do not.

They also used the data in their hands to make accurate judgments.

Ali, the same is true.

Take their Alipay as an example. With the user's payment data, they can create a trillion-dollar Ant Financial Service.

"That's it, the meeting is over."

Chen Yu didn't say much.

But he knows that after this meeting, Huanyu Technology's core competitiveness will definitely be able to rise to a higher level.

"Mr. Chen, I have something to do with you."

When the meeting was over, Wang Dongsheng did not leave.

"Uncle Dongsheng, if you don't find me, I will find you too."

The LCD screen is one of the most important businesses deployed by Huanyu Technology.

His importance is no less than the chip, no less than the system.

And his output value is also not lower than that of chips and systems.

It's just that although Huanyu Technology has already deployed BOE before, and has a series of capital operations, the entire BOE is still running. However, this market is still dominated by Japan and South Korea, especially Samsung. At this conference, Chen Yu especially took out the Double 11 data, which was also to focus on the LCD panel.

"Mr. Chen, I know that this time the Double 11 data has touched us a lot. Looking at it now, the recovery of LCD panels is expected. The price of LCD panels will continue to rise in the future. However, as I mentioned just now, we will add a few more production lines. There may be some problems with the funds."

"Isn't there on the stock market?"

BOE went public for financing.

Chen Yu's promotion of BOE's listing at the time was considered to have solved BOE's financing difficulties.

It's just that when Chen Yu talked about BOE, Wang Dongsheng was embarrassed: "The main reason is that we have used the stock market to raise capital several times, and many investors are afraid of us."

Chen Yu understood this.

To say which A-share stock is the most cheating, it is of course BOE.

There is not much profit every year, but tens of billions of dollars are raised every year.

It is also because of such frequent financing that BOE's stock price has always been around 1 yuan.

A group of stockholders always respond to the relevant authorities because of BOE's insults.

But the reaction was useless.

The above naturally knows BOE's model, they are really short of money, and the country also needs the LCD panel industry.

How to do it otherwise.

In response to the investor's response, the upper head also opened one eye and closed one eye.

However, BOE's fraud is too obvious, and some old investors are no longer fooled.

When Wang Dongsheng said this, Chen Yu smiled and said, "Hehe, I am a stock investor, and I am also afraid of BOE."

Chen Yu was pitted by BOE in his previous life, and of course the impression is particularly profound.

It's just that BOE is its own right now, and even if BOE makes any mistakes, Chen Yu will have to hold him in charge to the end.

However, for Wang Dongsheng’s financing problem, Chen Yu thought of a strategy early on: "Uncle Dongsheng, it’s okay, money matters can be resolved."

"Mr. Chen, the headquarters has been competing with Microsoft before, and funding is relatively tight."

Wang Dongsheng hesitated.

In fact, if he had nothing to do, he didn't want to speak.

He knows the difficulties of the headquarters.

Moreover, BOE is simply a bottomless hole, and it cannot be done by hundreds of millions of billions.

Any production line costs billions.

Do a few, start at least 10 billion.

If it hadn't been for BOE's listing to pit some stockholders' money, how could BOE have been mixed up until now.

"The capital shortage in the headquarters is tense, but I didn't say it was taking the money from the headquarters."

Knowing what Wang Dongsheng meant, Chen Yu said.

Don't say that the headquarters don't have much money now, even if there is money, Chen Yu can't invest like this.

The LCD panel has always been a business with heavy assets and low returns.

Who can stand the tens of billions of investment every year?

Let alone Huanyu Technology, the country can't stand it.

That is, Samsung, they also used the power of the whole country and lost more than 20 years before they succeeded.

Chen Yu is not willing to pay for them for decades.

With so much capital, Chen Yu can be used elsewhere.

However, Chen Yu is unwilling, but BOE and LCD panels still have to develop.

Therefore, Chen Yu must also find ways to raise money for BOE.

"Mr. Chen, do you mean to borrow?"

"It's not a loan."

Chen Yu shook his head: "Actually, I still get it from the stock market."

"But, Mr. Chen, I guess it's a bit difficult now."

"If there is any difficulty, we can just raise the stock."

"Mr. Chen, we tried it and it didn't work."

Wang Dongsheng said: "We have recently announced a few good news. The stock has risen slightly, but those stockholders have also become more refined. When our stock has only risen, they just dumped it."

This caused Wang Dongsheng to vomit blood.

But there is no way.

He also knows that a lot of investors are eager to get rid of their tactics every day, and they want to abandon BOE every day.

As long as BOE has a bigger increase, what are they waiting for, hurry up and run away.

"These guys are really good people."

Naturally, Chen Yu also knew that these stock investors were frightened, but he continued: "That can only show that our benefits are general."

"In this way, Uncle Dongsheng, Buffett seems to be auctioning his lunch recently, and I will buy his lunch at that time. When I invite him to dinner, I recommend BOE to him."

The magic operation appeared Dongsheng was dumbfounded: "Is this all right?"

"Yes, of course."

Chen Yu nodded to confirm and said, "Think about who Buffett is, he is a stock god. I photographed his lunch, he must give me face. At lunch, I recommended BOE to him. What about him? I have to say something nice. If he can say it, what would the stockholders think?"

"The stock gods say that BOE is good, and it must be good."

"Yes, Uncle Dongsheng, you want to understand."

Chen Yu laughed loudly: "That's it. Once our stocks skyrocket, isn't it a matter of minutes for us to raise funds?"

(End of this chapter)

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