Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 264: : Netease shot

"The core of chain enterprises is standardization. Only when a strict standardization system is established can companies open stores all over the world, so KFC, McDonald's...can sweep the world. May I ask why some chain catering companies in the West can enter the country. Everywhere, but most of our Chinese food companies can’t."

   Today’s course is the foundation of economics.

After    lecturer "Li Ying" turned over the explanation, he raised a question.

   "Shen Yue, you are here to answer this question."

“I think most Chinese food brands have not developed a strict standardized process. At the same time, every Chinese chef produces the same dishes with different tastes. The more advanced chefs have their own characteristics, they are forced to The same standard limits the level of these chefs. But if a Chinese food company can develop its own set of standards, the Chinese food company can also open chain stores across the country."

"The answer is very good. Some Chinese food companies have already started to go in this direction. For example, Zhen Kung Fu, Yonghe Soy Milk, Da Niang Dumplings... etc. However, these chain brands still have many restrictions. For example, Zhen Kung Fu, although He successfully formulated the standardization, but most of his dishes are steamed. Although the steamed tastes are good, not many people like it. Another example is the auntie dumplings, which are also inseparable from steaming. Because there is only steaming. In order to control the heat, the taste can be maintained. Let’s think about it again. Can some ordinary restaurants develop a chain brand? Or take hot pot for example, can he develop a hot pot brand?"

After speaking, Li Ying added: “I know that everyone will say that there are many hot pot brands, and there are indeed many time-honored brands, but in fact they are not very large and the brand awareness is not particularly high. Don’t talk about KFC, McDonald’s Compared with these, even with the real Kungfu, it is incomparable."

   "Chen Yu, isn't your home that runs a hot pot restaurant? Come on."

   Yang Bin touched Chen Yu and said.

   "Come on, you didn't see how the business was a few days ago."

   Chen Yu shook his head.

   It's just that although Chen Yu didn't want to answer, Li Ying directly clicked on Chen Yu today: "The one in the middle will answer."

   University lecturers are not like high school and junior high school teachers. Most of them can call out students by name.

   University lecturers are generally in charge of several classes, and sometimes they have to take several large classes.

   They can know at most some of them are more active and have better grades, while others generally cannot be named.

   And not long after school started, it was normal that Li Ying could not call Chen Yu's name.


   Chen Yu is helpless.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu said: "I think whether it is an ordinary restaurant or a hot pot, as long as a certain standard can be established, chain stores can be opened all over the country. Of course, this standard is somewhat difficult. Because Western-style dining and Chinese cuisine The food is completely different. They are simpler in seasoning, but Chinese food is more complicated. However, we don’t have to focus on Chinese food and work **** seasoning. We can create standards from other places, for example, we You can start with the culture and philosophy of Chinese catering."

   "Hey, this idea of ​​yours is very innovative."

   Li Ying had never thought about how students would answer this question, he just asked everyone to think about it. Real Kungfu can think of the standard of steaming, and Da Niang Shuijiao also uses the standard of steaming to make dumplings. Can other Chinese restaurants also think of another way to make standards?

   However, Chen Yu took a different path and came up with a different way.

   Although this path may not be achievable, in theory, it is quite foreseeable.

   "Can you tell me more specifically?"

"Now there is such a Chinese restaurant brand in Beishi, his name is South Beauty, which was established in 2000. Although he is not particularly well-known now, I think their concept is very good. They start from the concept direction and create fashion and classics. Taste...I believe that such a concept can become their standard operation."

"In addition, in addition to South Beauty, there are some Chinese restaurants that are experimenting in this area. There are Chinese restaurants that use martial arts culture as a standardized Chinese restaurant [Fengbozhuang]. Their culture relies on Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts culture, although their dishes taste It may not be the same, and it is difficult to judge whether it is high or low, but in another way, I think we can still make a brand for Chinese food. As for hot pot, I think it can form its own brand better than any Chinese food. .Because the production of hot pot is relatively standardized, although there is no hot pot brand that can be easily obtained, this is just that everyone has not found a better idea. As long as they find it, I believe that there will definitely be a hot pot brand that will stand out in the future ..."

   Chen Yu certainly doesn't say their hot pot Xi Shi.

   But Chen Yu’s answer was to shock the lecturer Li Ying.

   He didn't even think that Chinese catering could have such a development idea.

   This is placed in front of other Chinese catering companies, this kind of thinking can create another business model.

"What's your name?"

   "Chen Yu."

   "Chen Yu."

   Li Ying nodded, he remembered Chen Yu's name.


   "I'll go, Chen Yu, yes."

   "What can you do."

   "Your answer in class just now shocked Teacher Li."

   "Oh, I just babbled."

   "I pretended to be forced again, isn't it, what, monitor Shen Yue has been watching you all the time."

"Have it?"

   "Yes, I will testify. I saw the monitor staring at you for a long time. Ah, ah, I actually like the monitor. In that case, I will let you."

   Yang Bin looks like a good brother gave it to you, while Chen Yu raised a middle finger.

   "Brothers, how about going on Journey to the West for a while, Journeying to the West is fun."

   "Forget it, I will play Legendary World."

   "Chen about you?"

   "I like to watch the news."

   Although it was in 2002, the four people in the dormitory were in good condition in all aspects.

   Therefore, each of the four people in the dormitory has a computer.

   After class, Yang Bin proposed to play games together.

   "Gao Tian, ​​what are you playing?"

   Yang Bin asked Gao Tian.

   "I'm also watching the news."

   "Damn, you are learning from Comrade Chen Yu, do you want to study hard?"

   "I am not as serious as Comrade Chen Yu. I watch the game news. Huanyu Technology is about to release a new game."

   "Oh, are you talking about Fantasy Westward Journey?"

   Yang Bin is a big talker, and recently he has also paid attention to Fantasy Westward Journey.

   "Yes, this is it, I am going to play."

   "What are you playing, brother, Fantasy Westward Journey is a copy of the Westward Journey."

   "Did you copy it?"

   "You must have copied it. Netease News has reported it."

   "Where, send me to see."

   "No, I sent you a link in YY."

   Chen Yu sitting on the other side inserted a sentence: "Yang Bin, send me a copy of the link."


   Click on the link sent by Yang Bin, and sure enough, NetEase’s attack has arrived.

  :. :

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