Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 266: : I'm really not a role model

"What's happening here?"

   "Chen Tianqiao actually whitewashed Huanyu Technology?"

   "Why do I want to laugh a little? I knew from the first glance that Fantasy Westward Journey was suspected of plagiarizing Westward Journey, but I did not expect that NetEase was directly beaten in an interview by Chen Tianqiao."

   "This face hurts so much."

   "No, now Ding Lei is estimated to be blown up."

   Many netizens who watch the excitement are happy to say that they are really unexpected to such a reversal.

   Generally speaking, in a business battle like this, even if other companies and Huanyu Technology do not start a frontal stand, they will not take the initiative to whitewash Huanyu Technology. This is not to say how other companies are doing. After all, everyone is doing this. They are competitors themselves, and they also want their competitors to die early.

   How to fight NetEase and Huanyu Technology is their business, so the two companies will lose out.

   Originally, NetEase talked about the legendary world of Shanda, but Shanda wouldn't make a sound.

   You hit you, it's not a grand matter to kill you.

   I didn't want Shanda to play the cards according to common sense and chose to help Huanyu Technology.

   Such an operation completely stunned Ding Lei.

   "This makes no sense?"

   "Do you stand in line now?"

   "Chen Tianqiao doesn't seem to be such a person, right."

   It's just that it doesn't matter if Ding Lei doesn't understand, but Chen Yu can understand.

   The reason why Chen Tianqiao made his voice was not for other reasons, nor was he standing in line.

   How can Chen Yu have so much energy now and let others take the initiative to stand in line.

   As for the reason, the last time Chen Yu helped them buy a Korean company.

   "Old Joe, thank you very much."

   "What are you thankful for, I don't know why."

   "Old Joe, don't pretend to be confused, your voice really cleansed me up a lot."

   "This is what you said, and it's nothing."

   Although Chen Tianqiao was to pay Chen Yu's favor, Chen Yu still gave Chen Tianqiao a phone call to express his gratitude.

   "Why it's nothing, I'm embarrassed by what you said, the legendary world is actually quite similar to the blood legend. Moreover, the legendary world was very popular at that time, and there is also the momentum of using your blood legend."

"Don't say that, you got the right to adapt the legend, and there is no so-called plagiarism. Besides, we really learned a lot from you. For example, your handling of external links is really clever. Your philosophy of operating games has also contributed a lot to the development of the industry. It is not too much to say that you are a role model in the industry."


   Chen Yu felt guilty: "This, I'm really not a role model in the industry."

  Who hasn't used some disgusting methods during the Internet pioneering?

   Although Chen Yu is still in charge, it is not a good bird to use the means.

   To describe it as an example, Chen Yu had to find a hole in the ground.

   "What's the matter, don't be humble."

   "Old Joe, you are my role model."

   "Don't, I'll just empty the white wolf and serve as a role model."

   "I am not a good person either."


   Chen Tianqiao laughed: "Okay, I can help you. However, Netease Ding Lei is not a good person to deal with. After this wave, they will have the next wave."

   "Thank you."

   Chen Yu thanks again.

   Hanging up, Chen Yu called Zhang Jianming to tell him not to relax his vigilance, and NetEase might make a comeback.

   Sure enough, NetEase really didn't give up.

   The second wave of attacks hit again.

   However, before he got there, Ding Lei called Chen Yu.

   "Ding, why did you think of calling me?"

   "Mr. Chen, I haven't talked for a long time, so I can't call you."

   "Of course it works, but Mr. Ding, you are sharpening your knife these days and trying to destroy our Huanyu Technology."

   "Where else, you Huanyu Technology is the No. 1 in the industry, how can we have this ability."

   "Don't bring me a high hat, you NetEase is the No1 in the industry."

   "Well, actually calling you is to apologize to Mr. Chen."


   Chen Yu is a little strange: "Apologize?"

   "Yes, I just apologize. However, the market is like this. The turn-based games are too similar and the gameplay is very similar. Anyone who enters may steal the market. NetEase has no way."

   "Understand. How can we say that our Fantasy Westward Journey also dug people from you at that time."

   "I didn't care about digging people, Mr. Chen doesn't need to mind."

   "President Nading can rest assured, I have no other opinion on your NetEase."

   Chen Yu was not angry: "Everyone is for the game, don't worry, I don't have any opinion on you myself."

   "It's fine if I don't have it. I'm also worried that Mr. Chen will always treat me as an enemy. In this case, everyone has their own means."

   "Ding always can say anything."

hang up the phone.

   Chen Yu is really worried about Netease.

   Speaking of it, the current NetEase is really No1 in the industry. He has both a portal website, a mailbox business, wireless value-added services, and instant messaging. Now he has entered online games, and he has made a lot of money by talking about Journey to the West. Not only now, NetEase has also become popular in the future, which has a great impact on the industry.

   However, worrying is useless, and NetEase is absolutely not hesitating when it comes to making a move.

   Ding Lei made a call just now, and he will definitely not give up next.

   Soon, after the first wave of NetEase suffered a small loss, NetEase's second wave of attacks came.

   This time, the target target is Xu Bo, the master planner of Fantasy Westward Journey.

  Who is Xu Bo?

   Former NetEase employee.

Junior high school education.

   once worked as a customer service for NetEase.


  His resume is like that.

   is such a junior high school graduate Xu Bo, who is now the master planner of Fantasy Westward Journey.

   When such information came to light, a crowd of spectators quickly gathered around.

   "My grass, junior high school education, just game customer service, how did he become the master planner of Fantasy Westward Journey?"

   "Will Huanyu Technology use people with this degree as the master planner?"

   "I'm wondering if Huanyu Technology has no talents. Can I be the person in charge after graduating from high school?"

   "Then I can be the president of my undergraduate degree?"

   "Can I become a CEO after graduating from graduate school?"


   It's a pity Xu Bo is indeed very famous in his previous life.

   As long as you have played Fantasy Westward Journey, you almost know this character.

   It can be said that without Xu Bo, there would be no Fantasy Westward Journey.

   But this is in a previous life.

   There is no fantasy Westward Journey on NetEase now.

   Xu Bo is really an obscure plan.

  Especially Xu Bo's education.

   Everyone can ignore your academic qualifications until you succeed.

   It can even be said later that the hero does not ask about his origin.

   But before it succeeded, too low a degree is really a flaw.

   This situation even affected Xu Bo.

   Even Xu Bo felt that his education was too low, and there was nothing good about it, and he was in a downturn.

   But soon, Xu Bo adjusted it.

   The reason for being so fast is not how strong Xu Bo is, but the encouragement of many colleagues of Huanyu Technology.

   At the same time, Huanyu Technology also released some personnel files.

  Xie Zhang: Head of Huanyu Technology Planning Department, technical secondary school degree.

  Wang Xingdong: Deputy Chief Strategy Officer of Paotang, technical secondary school degree.

   Li Youhu: Deputy Chief Strategy Officer of Paotang, technical secondary school degree.

   Zhang Jianming: person in charge of, president of Huanyu Technology, technical secondary school degree.

  :. :

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