Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 267: : 认 怂, okay


   It can be said that for the time being, most of Huanyu's middle-level and above leaders have not high academic qualifications.

   If it is before, Xie Zhang, Wang Xingdong, they still care about their academic qualifications.

   I feel that my education is too low, and I feel inferior in comparison with other people.

   But now, their academic qualifications have long been forgotten by them.

   The Internet is a place where many heroes are born. What about junior high school education and technical secondary school education?

   "I'm going, I feel that Huanyu Technology is completely made by the grass-roots team."

   "No, Xie Zhang, Wang Xingdong, I don't know them, but it's definitely not that simple to be a middle-level or higher leader of Huanyu Technology."

   "Yes, look at Pao Tang, people are doing it with a few graduates from technical secondary school, I don't know how good it is."

   "There is also the person in charge of, the president of Huanyu Technology, who also has a technical secondary school degree. I understand that Huanyu Technology's response to this attack is simply a cow."

   "I don't care if Xu Bo has a junior high school degree or not, but as long as he makes games that we like, I admire him."

"In what age, I always talk about academic qualifications. Mr. Ding, keep your eyes open and see that Huanyu Technology relies on such talents. Relying on a bunch of junior high school and technical secondary school graduates, it has become the industry's first. . And you, all of you graduated from prestigious universities, all of you are turtles, but what did you do?"

   "Yes, the most annoying thing is that those people talk about their academic qualifications every day. I would like to ask, can I not be the master planner of the game after graduating from junior high school?"

   "I also want to ask, can I not be a project leader after graduating from junior high school?"

   "I want to ask again, can I not be the president of the company after graduating from junior high school?"

   Everyone hasn't felt that way before.

   was suddenly exposed to Xu Bo's education by NetEase, but suddenly it annoyed everyone.

   Especially for the general public, how many are highly educated?

   Netease discriminating against Xu Bo is actually discriminating against ordinary people.

   "NetEase apologizes."

   "Yes, NetEase must apologize to the public."

   "What's wrong with my low academic qualifications, don't I want to live if I have a low academic qualifications?"

   At first, everyone just complained.

   can vomit, but it has risen to an academic storm.

   "I think NetEase should explain their remarks to the public."

   A well-known public figure commented on the media.

   "As one of the four major portals, NetEase should have more social responsibilities."

   A certain host also commented.

   "Severely crack down on discrimination in academic qualifications, and provide all citizens with a fair, just and open employment opportunity."

   said the relevant department.

   Even Ding Lei was a little panicked after such a scene.

   Isn’t Xu Bo's junior high school diploma exposed?

   What did we do?

   Why did you commit the anger?

   Ding Lei has a headache, but no matter what the headache, he also knows the seriousness of the matter.

   But Ding Lei is a man who can bend and stretch. That night, Ding Lei directly admitted.

   Netease publicly apologized to the public, admitted that it was wrong, and promised on Netease recruitment to give all interviewers a fair job opportunity.

how to say.

  Absolute fairness is impossible.

   It's just that the relevant departments have spoken out, and you have to admit it if you have a backbone.

   However, the whole incident did not end because of NetEase's recognition.

   After NetEase acknowledged the counseling, an article "Xu Bo, thank you for staying with me for 6 months" suddenly appeared on the Internet:

  【Xu Bo, I haven't met with you. When I met you, I was a player of Westward Journey 1 and you were the customer service of Westward Journey 1. I play games every day, and you are dealing with all kinds of bugs and collecting opinions every day.

   You can make it more perfect when you say that Journey to the West can be more perfect, but many players have left you one by one. You said that Journey to the West has been abandoned by the company, but you still answer our questions one after another every day.

   Later, I learned that you were the only one left in the Westward Journey.

In fact, at that time, we didn’t want to play Journey to the West anymore, but seeing your persistence, what you said will be better in the future. You also sorted out our various problems in hundreds of pages of book... I saw the serious and persistent you.

   You and I are looking forward to that day.

   Although I know, that day will not come.

   But the miracle really happened.

   The big story of Journey to the West suddenly became popular. As you said, Chang'an Street is already busy with people coming and going.

   By this time, I will never hear from you again.

  Until now, I didn't know that you went to Huanyu Technology.

   And I also know that you have a junior high school education.

   Hehe, my education is higher than yours.

   No wonder NetEase always let you be a customer service.

   But I know that even if you have a junior high school degree, all NetEase plans are not as good as you.

   I don’t know what the Fantasy Westward Journey you developed is like, but I think this should be the most dreamy you told us at the beginning.

come on.

   Xu Bo.

   Maybe one day, I will see you again in Fantasy Westward Journey.

  Of course, if you can go down the line in person at that time and communicate with ordinary players like us...]

   This is a post on the Internet by a player named "Qing Luo Xiao Fan".

   After the post was posted, countless players burst into tears.

   "I didn't expect Xu Bo to be the customer service back then."

   "Chang'an Avenue is already busy, with people coming and going, but Chang'an Avenue has no shadow of you... I'm crying."

   "Fantasy Westward Journey, maybe one day, I will also go there to meet you."

  Almost all the players who read this post were moved to tears by Xu Bo.

   They knew everything Xu Bo did.

   They also know why Xu Bo is a small customer service.

   But, because of his academic qualifications, even if the Journey to the West became popular later, Xu Bo still has not been reused.

   At the same time, they have become extremely looking forward to the fantasy westward journey planned by Xu Bo.


   In their eyes, Fantasy Westward Journey may be the most perfect world in Xu Bo's eyes.


   "Hmph, this is your method."

   "A joke, our Netease has become a joke in the eyes of others."

   "Look at you, one by one graduated from a prestigious school... even those who graduated from technical secondary school can't compare."

   Although he admitted publicly, Ding Lei really held back his anger.

   He knows, what is causing the anger of all this, this is entirely the operation of Huanyu Technology.

   But they are just that kind of cockroach. Although you know that Huanyu Technology operates it, you still have to admit it.

   This is how Huanyu Technology is better than NetEase.

   Especially that article [Xu Bo, thank you for staying with me for 6 months], it simply talked about the soreness of NetEase.

   Countless players feel that NetEase does not value talents, and has forced such an important talent to run away.

  With this, Fantasy Westward Journey not only has not been suppressed, but has become a little fire.

   This can make Ding Lei angry.

   "President Ding, we didn't expect that a lot of Huanyu Technology were students from secondary schools."

   "You didn't expect it, do you know it now, it's uncomfortable to be slapped in the face by these secondary school students?"

   "President Ding, mainly because they dare to use any means, and there are a lot of gunmen, we..."

   "Don't make excuses."

   Ding Lei was so angry that he wanted to smash the table.

   He just called Chen Yu a few days ago to declare war, but a few days later, he confessed desperately.

   NetEase not only lost face, but his Ding Lei's face was even more ashamed.

  :. :

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