Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 299: : Various reviews

The guidance here, except for the second reply from Xie Zhang, the others followed by a group of netizens.



   The power of the masses is powerful, and the wisdom of the masses is even stronger.

   If you want to talk about jokes, the jokes the masses think of are more exciting than you, and more advanced than you.

   They didn’t even need to thank them for their guidance, and all sorts of genius stories began.

   is written like this in a song called "".

One named [All actors in the world] commented: "You are already a big boy, and you should learn to draw a clean eyeliner. Get a pair of clean eyebrows, and spray some light and nice perfume. At this good age and girls Grab a man together..."

Then the next netizen immediately replied: "You are already a big girl. You should learn to cultivate heroic eyebrows, smoke a proficient cigarette, keep a sharp hair, and spray some light and good-smelling cologne. In this great time, grab girls with boys."

Then there are more brainstormers, "You are already the successor of socialism. You should learn to pick up a girl skillfully, act casually, leave a colorful hair, wear a green hat and a toad mirror, and then be **** by a boy. The girls fought in groups."

Continue: "You are already an elderly YY, and you should learn to be calm. When you see someone telling a story, you see someone talking about yourself, in the spring that the March spring breeze stays everywhere, take out your crutch and shout: Welcome Coming to the YY story meeting..."

   Do you think the comments on YY Music are just some of these pieces?

  No, no, no.

The comments in   YY Music Network are not only these jokes, but also countless heartfelt talks.

In a song about weddings, a girl confided her sincere evaluation: "If one day, I have a chance to meet a man I like, a boy who is willing to spend my life together, use this song as the wedding background song. About love, about weddings, I think about everything, you have to show up soon."

   confessed from the heart that countless netizens are moved by it.

   There are many people who want to talk, some who want to tell their secrets, and they also leave messages in the songs they heard.

   Such as this sentence: "I have listened to 10,000 songs, watched a thousand movies, read 100 books, but never captured a person's heart."

In Liu Ruoying's song "Love You Very Much", a netizen replied, "Don't frown, I'll leave. It won more than 3000 likes from netizens. Netizens said that this sentence is the song." The essence of. However, it's really bitter...

   Of course, there are some who are more open-minded, and replied: "If you don't be together, you won't be together. Anyway, your life will not be long."

   This kind of self-deprecating seemingly poisonous chicken soup has also been praised by quite a few netizens.

   Behind such countless classic comments, it is what makes every netizen who enters YY Music Network shine.

   They just want to come and listen to the song, but they have gained so much after listening to the song.

   At the same time, they have also participated in these comments.

   Such a situation was also discovered by Ding Lei of NetEase for the first time.

   He did not expect that their most classic NetEase jokes would be imitated by Huanyu Technology.

   And it is not a superficial imitation, but a complete inheritance of its essence.

   Even, to some extent, the comments on YY Music Network are more powerful than the comments on NetEase News.

   "He meows, and Chen Yu is the one who can copy most."

   Ding Lei cursed in dissatisfaction.

   But dissatisfaction returned to dissatisfaction, Ding Lei couldn't do anything to Chen Yu.

   Heart-warming comments continue. Every time countless netizens see it, they are very emotional.

   This kind of emotion also deepens the viscosity of YY Music Network. In the future, whenever they want to listen to music, they will enter YY Music Network as soon as possible.

   Even if there are other websites, sorry, they don't want to enter.

   Because, in their opinion, other websites just provide a service for listening to songs and downloading.

   But in YY Music Network, in addition to listening to songs, you can also harvest life.

   There are even many netizens looking for sentimental young ladies on YY Music Network.

   These are all other things.

   Of course, the popularity of this kind of comment was discovered by Baidu at the same time.

   Although they were not optimistic about the comments inside, the reality slapped them in the face.

   Baidu did not expect that this small comment was actually played out by their Huanyu Technology.

   Looking back at their Baidu music, even if there is a music search, even if there are more songs searched than YY, many netizens will never stay again after just clicking on them to listen to it.

If it was before    itself, Baidu did not take this seriously.

  Baidu is a search tool, and it’s normal for users to leave after searching.

   But as the Internet becomes more and more in-depth, if Baidu search is only a search tool and cannot effectively retain users, then users will use other search tools sooner or later.

   "Should we also make a comment?"

   Xu Yong said to Li Yanhong.

   "Old Xu, what do we do?"

Xu Yanhong shook his head: "We are just a search software. The searched songs do not stay on our site. How do our users comment? Even if we can come up with an independent comment, our sound sources come from thousands of sources. On the website, our reviews cannot be focused, nor can we generate this advantage."

   Although I saw the bright spots in YY Music Network, it is a pity that Baidu can't follow up.

   Not only couldn't follow up, but some of them didn't dare to worry.

   If you just search for these songs, then you will have an excuse even if it is a lawsuit. We do not support piracy, we are just a search tool. As for what users search for, we can’t control it. However, if you support independent reviews at this time, and this review is still made by yourself, then you really don't know how to get rid of the relationship.

   Although Baidu knows that the current laws and regulations are not perfect, they can't afford to do too much.


Li Yanhong comforted Xu Yong and said: "In any case, our search engine still has a great advantage. In the early stage, when our sound source was not particularly perfect, they did take the initiative, but as time passed, they The advantage of the company will become less and less obvious, and it will even be surpassed by us."


   Xu Yong also nodded.

   He actually saw it very clearly.

   Most people on the Internet just listen to songs, they don’t participate in comments, and they don’t read anything else.

   If there are songs for them, they will look for the most convenient place for them.

   This is their advantage.

   However, YY Music Network is not a vegetarian.

   After operating reviews, the playlist business of YY Music Network suddenly exploded.

   In fact, the playlist business has been liked by many users as soon as it came out. They found that the creation of such a playlist is very personal, and many users also like to find playlists created by individual users.

   Because they discovered that there are actually many people who think like them on the Internet.

  Especially when they found songs that they could not find in their favorite playlist, they really felt ecstatic.

   "Ahhhh, it turns out that this song is called this name, I finally found him."

   "I heard the name of this song on the street before, but I couldn't find it when I tried to find it. Now I found it."

   "Thank you brother, your playlist is really great."

   Many netizens have had this experience.

   He heard a song elsewhere and liked it very much, but he couldn't remember the title of the song.

   not only can't remember the title of the song, he can't even remember the lyrics.

  Yes, he couldn't find the name of this song at all for several years.

   Even with a search engine, they couldn’t find it.

   You don’t even remember the lyrics, how did you find this song?

   But, you can find it in the playlist of YY.

  The logic is very simple.

   The song you like to listen to must be the type you like.

   For example, you like to listen to burning songs. Unfortunately, there are a lot of burning playlists in YY Music Network.

   As long as you click on some of these playlists, you can try it out. The songs you have heard before are in them.

   However, the function of the playlist is not just to collect songs, it also has a crazy recommendation and sharing function.

The    playlist is collected by 2000 people, and the reward is 100 RMB.

The    playlist is collected by 20,000 people and rewarded with 1,000 RMB.

The    playlist is collected by 200,000 people and rewarded with RMB 10,000.

   is that simple, it is so violent.

   As for how you can get support for these playlists, you can do everything you can except to swipe.

   For example, you can go to the YY chat group to recommend.

   Well, Huanyu Technology is not opposed to advertising on QQ.

   At the same time, you can also go to other forums.

Recommendations like    undoubtedly stimulate the birth of countless new users.

   Some netizens who have never been on YY Music Network are also attracted by these crazy playlists.

   And, after learning that setting up a playlist allows people to collect and get RMB, they also recommended it.

   Of course sharing mechanism is a way to get collections, but creating a more distinctive playlist is also a big way to attract users to collections.

   Some netizens do the opposite. Since there are so many inspiring playlists and burning playlists in YY, then make a playlist for listening to the toilet.

   Yes, it is the song I listen to when I go to the bathroom.

   Although this kind of evil taste is very small, it is necessary to build such a playlist.

   In addition to the playlist for going to the toilet, you can also create a playlist that you listen to when you pat and pat.

   There are also playlists that I listened to when moving bricks, TV drama episodes playlists, pick-up playlists, funny playlists...

   some messy playlists also make the classification of YY Music Network the ultimate in this world.

   In other words, you can find the corresponding playlist for any type of song you want.

   This horrible playlist also makes YY Music Network users explode again.

   Those netizens who originally liked to use Baidu to search for music have also switched to YY music at this time.

   As for why?

   Any more to say?

   Searching for songs with Baidu Music means searching for all kinds of songs that you want to listen to?

   But they suddenly discovered that Baidu Music Search is not as good as the billions of playlists in YY Music.

   I don’t even need the name of the song. Just enter a few styles and interests to find the song I want to listen to the most.

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