Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 300: : Feelings are used to sell

"It's okay too?"

   If there are so many tricks in the comments, it is understandable.

   There are NetEase **** reviews in the front, and it is normal for someone to imitate it later.

   I didn't expect this insignificant "song list" to have such a great charm.

   "Yan Hong, I think we have to take action."

   "You mean we also make reviews and playlists?"


   Xu Yong couldn't sit still, and found Li Yanhong again.

   "I want to do it too, but I am worried."

   "There is no need to worry about this, as long as the sound source is not provided by us, we can't have an accident."

   Besides, Xu Yong can be considered right.

   At present, the upper hand is still in the stage of fostering the Internet. Generally, as long as it is not too much, protection measures are taken for well-known Internet companies. For example, their Baidu, as the number one search engine in China, is still very caring about it. This kind of caring is better than that of Huanyu Technology.

   After all, there is only one domestic search engine Baidu.

   But there are many businesses that have the same business as Huanyu Technology.


   Although there is a certain risk in bringing reviews and playlists.

   But compared with risk and return, even if you take some risks, it doesn't matter.

   Seeing the popularity of YY music reviews and playlists, Baidu finally started.

   It’s just that Baidu is born without a social gene.

   Although Baidu has also produced reviews and playlists, these two businesses have not developed much.

   Of course, Baidu executives are not stupid.

   They also know that comments and playlists can be guided, but they are very unsuccessful in guiding.

   As for the reasons, there are many.

  One of the biggest reasons is that they have very few registered members.

   how to say, its practical Baidu Music still has many netizens, even from the IP streaming, it is comparable to YY Music Network. However, this is just an ordinary netizen. These netizens turned off after using Baidu Music. They never thought about participating in comments, never thought about making playlists, and never thought about registering members.

   Is it necessary to register a Baidu member account?

   This is not just now, even in previous lives, not many people have registered for Baidu accounts.

   The search engine can also be searched without registration, and Baidu Music can also be downloaded and listened to without registration.

  Excuse me, why do users have to register?

   This is just a search tool, they turn off when they run out, and they won't stay on it.

   This is the difference between search and social.

   The two are quite distinct, and the concepts are different, and the results achieved are completely different.


   Baidu also produced playlists and reviews, but they are different from those on

   "I want to copy our creativity."

   Seeing Baidu’s commentary and songlist performance, Chen Yu felt that Baidu had some effects.

   Speaking of, the major Internet companies are very capable and have a high level of imitation.

   Penguin can be said to have the highest level of imitation, NetEase is not bad, and Ali is also good.

   But the one with the worst level of imitation should belong to Baidu.

   Baidu is a search engine, instant messaging, e-commerce, a browser, a map... everything.

   The most successful search engine is the search engine, and the others are almost hanging up.

  Even search engines gradually declined in the later mobile Internet era and lost their core competitiveness.

   Not to mention Baidu at this time, before their post bar appeared, they did not know what social is.

  Since he didn't even understand the social attributes, how could he rival YY Music, a music website with strong social attributes?

   However, Baidu's imitation also reminded Chen Yu.

   The electronic music market is very large. Even if there is no profit for the time being, the traffic is still terrifying.

   Baidu wants to enter, other giants may not want to enter.

   Such as NetEase.

   Netease is a very amazing company. It seems that he doesn't have any special core competitiveness products, but he walks ahead of the major Internet every time. This is why the major portals in the previous life have declined, but NetEase is still mixed up very well. And there is a feeling that you know that he mixes well, but you don't know how he mixes well.

   The comments on YY Music Network have the function of commenting on Netease News.

   As for the social nature of music, most of the inspiration is also derived from the previous NetEase Cloud Music.

   If NetEase also ran in at this time, the situation Chen Yu had to face would be much more difficult.

   "Zhenyi, come to my office."

   Chen Yu called Xie Zhenyi.

   "Jhenyi, how is the performance of the YY music box?"

   Xie Zhenyi built a Kugou music player before, and after selling it to Huanyu Technology, it was renamed YY Music Box.

   "The data performance is average."

   Xie Zhen shook his head: "This will take a while."

For the    music player, Qianqian Jingting is currently the overlord. Although YY Music Box has some ideas, this idea is not particularly explosive for the time being, but it is a little troublesome to promote it.

   "Where is the original song?"

   "Many netizens have released their own original songs, but the response is average."

  Original music is not very popular either.

  The level of ordinary people is average, how can they be compared with a lot of singers and singers.

   Although many singers and singers are actually not that good, they have a packaging team behind them.

  Whether it is writing lyrics or making music, the company puts all resources on them.

   In contrast to an average singer, even if you have a good voice, you may not be able to compose.

  Some can compose, but I’m sorry, but singing is hard to listen to.

   It’s not that there are no people who can sing and write, but he is already famous.

   However, Xie Zhenyi placed expectations on original music: "Mr. Chen, although original music is performing generally now, I believe he will be popular."


"One is that the base of the general population is large, and there will always be several talented people. The other is that our original music is grounded, and the identity of online singers is in line with contemporary trends. Maybe there will be a song streaming from the Internet to the Internet. , The fire is everywhere."

   "Okay, the original channel is slowly being promoted."

Chen Yu also recognized the original channel, but he called Xie Zhenyi not to talk to him about how to make originality. After thinking about it, Chen Yu said: "If NetEase suddenly does online song business at this time, what are you going to do? "


   Xie Zhenyi was a little surprised: "Mr. Chen, is NetEase making music?"

   "I don't know, but it is very possible."

   NetEase did not do Chen Yu naturally did not know, but there is still a reason to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

   "It is indeed possible."

Xie Zhenyi also nodded: "NetEase has a portal site and a secondary music channel. It is easier to enter the online music section. And they are also very experienced in the comment section. If they come in, we will have a larger one. Trouble. However, they have a problem with entering, they don't have a sound source."

   Baidu Nenglai is to grab the audio sources of major music websites through search engines.

   NetEase does not do a search engine. If they want to do an online music website, it would be Chiguoguo’s piracy and infringement.

   "We have an advantage in electronic music copyright, but we don't know what the upper side thinks about this. And Netease is one of the four major portals. What kind of severe punishment do you think the upper side will take against them?"

   I really can't speak of it.

   This is not to say that the boss intends to help anyone.

   The development of the Internet is fragile, and it is necessary to reach out for help.

   is like the impact of the previous life war, but the upper part also ran over to persuade you not to fight.

   Is it really necessary to let the chief judge judge who is right or wrong?

   There is no need for this now.

  If the Internet develops to a certain stage in the future, it may still be possible.

   "Then we should quickly occupy this market."

   Xie Zhenyi recognized the seriousness of the problem and replied: "I think we can advertise offline, such as on the bus to promote our YY music."

   This idea made Chen Yu's eyes bright, he didn't expect Xie Zhenyi to still have this thinking.

   But Chen Yu shook his head and said, "Bus is local and does not cover much."

   "Mr. Chen, I know, our advertisement is mainly to promote the brand of YY Music Network."

   "Since that's the case, why not publicize it on the subway."


   Xie Zhenyi didn't think of the subway before. When Chen Yu talked about the subway, Xie Zhenyi kept nodding his head: "Yes, right, Mr. Chen, the subway is the best, and the subway can build brand awareness better than the bus."

   As for the reason, the subway is undoubtedly more advanced than the bus.

   But Chen Yu shook his head again: "Why the subway? Why don't we think about the plane."


   Xie Zhenyi was a little confused: "Can we also advertise our YY music on the plane?"

   "Why not, as long as we give the money."

   Chen Yu said seriously: "You go and contact the airline."

   "Chen, really go."

   Xie Zhenyi thought Chen Yu was joking: "Nonsense, do I seem to be joking?"

   "By the way, don't miss the subway, you can also operate it properly on the bus."

   Although Netease does not enter the music section, Chen Yu does not know, but Chen Yu must immediately win this market.

After    gave Xie Zhenyi's order, the advertisement of YY Music Network appeared soon.

   The earliest advertisement appeared on the bus.

   Because the advertisement on the bus is the best cooperation, it is also the easiest to negotiate.

   Then there is the subway.

   The airplane is the last.

   However, the advertisement this time is not an ordinary advertisement, nor is it OK to write a few YY music networks on it.

  Huanyu Technology’s advertisement this time sells feelings.

  What is feeling?

   This is hard to say clearly.

   But whether it is said or not, the so-called feelings of Huanyu Technology still have some experience.

   [When I was young, I wanted to become anyone, except myself. When I matured, I wanted to be myself, but I couldn’t find myself...]

  【You are so lonely, but you say it’s nice to be alone. 】

  【I'm most afraid of doing nothing in my life, and saying that the ordinary is precious. 】

   These are not famous sayings or epigrams.

   Some of these are unnaturally left by netizens on YY Music Network. But these sentences expressed by some netizens are on the bus, subway station, airplane waiting room, brand-name shops... countless places you can't even think of, which stimulate your heart.

   And these words all point to the same place-YY music.

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