Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 311: : The online version of "1 Stop to the End"

Latest website: "CEO Chen Da, are you free?"

"What is CEO Chen Da, sister Xiaoqing, teasing me."

"You are not the CEO of Da Chen. I want to make a program about the Internet. Can I interview you?"

"Of course it's okay to interview me, but I don't show the camera."

"Knowing that the CEO of Chen Da is low-key, you are not the protagonist. If you want to interview you just want to learn about the Internet."

"That's okay."

The success of Lizi MP3 also caused a large number of domestic MP3 manufacturers to explode.

All of a sudden, various brands of MP3 are coming, and various new products have been launched one after another.

For this, Lizi Technology did not stop it.

The MP3 market is so big that Lizi Technology is absolutely unable to eat it.

Moreover, Lizi Technology also needs other manufacturers to quickly expand the mp3 market.

As long as Pear mp3 seizes the high-end market, it has already locked in profits.

Just like the apple of the previous life.

Apple has never been in the low-end market, and its market share is not the highest.

However, he took more than 90% of the profits of the smartphone.

In addition, the addition of these mp3 manufacturers may not necessarily seize the market of Lizi Technology.

At least their entry highlights the power of Lizi mp3.

Without the comparison of ordinary brands, people still don't think about the pear mp3.

As soon as these mp3s appeared, they discovered that Lizi mp3 is simply a fighter in mp3.

Not to mention the appearance and various functions of pear mp3 is more powerful and beautiful than other pm3.

Let’s say YY Music Network. Because of such a genuine music platform, Lizi’s mp3 suddenly became a bit taller. Especially those users who have purchased Lizi mp3 and downloaded genuine music, they subconsciously think that Lizi mp3 is better than any other mp3 brand.

I don't know where this superiority comes from.

Even users with other mp3 brands have gradually joined the road of buying genuine music.

In fact, it is easy to convert these pirated users into genuine ones.

The setting of YY Music Network is 1 cent for a song, and some old songs have a package price of 2 yuan for 50 songs.

Even if you don't download the original version, you will have to pay 1 cent to download the pirated version elsewhere.

Well, most students don’t know how to download, so they have to find someone at a video store to help download it.

And these people can't download it for nothing, they have to charge.

The charging standard is also 1 cent per song.

Generally speaking, most users have to spend about 3 yuan for one download.

Piracy has to cost 3 yuan, but the genuine version seems to be even lower.

At this time, you don’t need a genuine copy, so...

Rarely free, Chen Yu accepted an interview with Ye Xiaoqing from Shenzhen TV Station.


Because Chen Yu didn't want to show the camera, Ye Xiaoqing only brought a voice recorder for this interview.

"Sister Xiaoqing, it's been a long time. Hey, it's getting more and more beautiful."

"Chen Yu, how old are you to make girls happy like this? Say, how many girlfriends do you have at school."

"It's not easy to count, let me see, maybe a few hundred."

Chen Yu looked exaggerated.

Of course Ye Xiaoqing believed, but she knew that Chen Yu was very low-key at school.

So far, few people know his identity.

"It's hard to believe that you have made such great achievements on the Internet at such a young age."

"Achievement is not dare to be worthy of, I can only say that it is a little bit of a small achievement. Moreover, the Internet is already very young, and he is also in need of the minds of some of our young people."

"You're right. Many people don't understand the Internet. However, the Internet has entered our lives more and more. Like your YY, I can't go to work without YY."

"Then I would like to thank Sister Xiaoqing for your support."

"What kind of support is I alone? Your software is well done. I used QQ before. However, there is one thing I don't understand. Is the Internet a kind of software development like yours?"

"Not all."

Chen Yu said: "The Internet is very complicated, and it is also difficult to fully explain it. In my understanding, the Internet is actually the same as our lives, except that it is a different platform. Just like when I was in the small county of Xinfeng. Life, now comes to the deep city."

"But the Internet is still invisible and intangible. People who don't understand it will feel that this industry does not seem to have any products."

"Internet products are built on the Internet, so most of them are data-based. However, I just said that the Internet serves our reality. So in the future, the Internet will also introduce many things that we can see and touch. , For example, we recently launched an mp3."

"Isn't this an electronic product?"

"Although mp3 is an electronic product, in my opinion, mp3 is also an Internet product. If there is no Internet, mp3 cannot exist."

"But mp3 is still a niche product, and not many people will buy it."

"Can't say that, mp3 has just been introduced to the market, and everyone has a familiar process with mp3. In the future, mp3 will become more and more popular. For example, Xiaoqing sister, you recording pen, if you buy our pear mp3, Then you don’t need this recording pen."


"Because we already have a recording function in our mp3."

Chen Yu said: "In the future, our mp3 will not only have recording functions, but also many other useful functions."

"When you say that I want to buy an mp3."

Ye Xiaoqing nodded.

If it is as Chen Yu said, then indeed, her current recorder should be useless.

"Sister Xiaoqing, are you preparing an Internet program?"


Ye Xiaoqing nodded: "The last Bubble Hall contest attracted a lot of people. I thought the Internet was very interesting, so I wanted me to make another similar one. However, I don't know much about the Internet, so I want to ask you."

"Hehe, we just wanted to advertise in the bubble hall contest last time. However, when you talked about a program related to the Internet, I have a program idea."

"You talk about it."

"One stop to the end."

"What exactly is a stop?"


Chen Yu thought for a while and said: "This is a puzzle program that challenges answering questions. People with different identities and different professions can choose various topics. Astronomy, Geography, Mathematics and English Fun Encyclopedia can write questions. Participants must Pk the current period. All 10 challengers..."

"Hey, this show is very interesting. What else..."

"I will send you a copy of the specific rules later."

"Okay. But, it seems to have nothing to do with the Internet."


Chen Yu shook his head and said: "This answer must first be registered through the Internet. By the way, you must reach a certain level on our Internet website to be eligible to participate in the one-stop event."

"Isn't it advertising for you again?"

Ye Xiaoqing said jokingly.

"Hahaha, Sister Xiaoqing is really amazing. She is indeed advertising for us, but we are mutually beneficial."

Chen Yu nodded and admitted.

"Look, I know, I am looking forward to your plan."

This is naturally a digression, Ye Xiaoqing continued to interview Chen Yu.


"Zi Yi, listen to me, I'm not asking my father to get resources from the station."

"It's been three months for any resources, and I haven't released a single program. Didn't you agree with me last month? Why did you change your mind later."

"How can you say a change, but you also know in the station that although my dad can talk, he can't just mess around. This month, this month, my dad promised me that he was going to cancel Ye Xiaoqing's show and replace you. of."


"Naturally it is true."

"It should have been like this long ago. Ye Xiaoqing wants to have no background, no identity, if I hadn't recommended her to enter the TV station at the time, which one would be her turn. Letting her go to the TV station to do miscellaneous tasks is already worth watching her, and let her make a show."

"Satisfied now."

"It's pretty much the same."

Wang Yue comforted his new girlfriend Li Ziyi.

I didn't want to see Ye Xiaoqing in front of me at this moment. Li Ziyi deliberately pretended to be a coincidence, and deliberately walked around: "Xiaoqing, why are you here?"

"Zi Yi, what a coincidence?"

"As soon as I thought it was you, I came over to recognize it. I didn't expect it to be you."

"Hehe, isn't the station going to let me make another show about the Internet, I will come out to prepare."

"Oh, who is this?"

"Chen Yu."

Chen Yu reported a name, but didn't say much.

"Xiaoqing, you're still good, you're going to have a second show so soon. Look at me, I haven't had a show for three months."

"Sister Zi Yi, whatever you say, it's just a small show, not on stage."

"Xiaoqing, you are also humble, but I heard that there seems to be a meeting above, your show may be..."

"No way, when did you open it?"

"At noon, I also listened to what others said. Don't tell others that I said it. Okay, you guys talk..."

After speaking, Li Ziyi left.

"Sister Xiaoqing, who was that just now?"

"My colleague is also my senior sister."

"Be careful with her."

"What are you talking about? The relationship between Senior Sister and me is getting better. She also recommended me to enter the Deep City TV station at the time. Without her, I don't know where I am now."

"You have a good relationship."

Chen Yu didn't say more.

"Okay, that's it for today. I will make the specific rules later and send them to you."


The interview was almost the same, Chen Yu bid farewell to Ye Xiaoqing.

"Li Nan, I have a game idea for answering questions."

Now that I told Ye Xiaoqing [One Stop to the End] this show, Chen Yu naturally had to come up with the YY game for answering questions.

This game is actually very simple. It's the same as one stop in the end, where users answer various types of questions.

Of course, it would be meaningless to just answer the questions.

While answering the questions, he also joined the Pk system.

When the user chooses to answer the question, the system will automatically match you with one or more opponents.

If you win the opponent, you will get one star point.

If the points reach a certain standard, it can be promoted.

Answering the questions not only tests the amount of knowledge, but also tests the speed of the eyes and hands.

The system will make a score based on your answering speed.

This game has some mind kings like previous lives.

But the king of mind is on the mobile phone, and now Chen Yu wants to do it on the PC.

But whether it is a mobile phone or a PC, it is not difficult to build this game.

As soon as Chen Yu came up with the idea of ​​this game, Li Nan knew what it meant.

"Mr. Chen, this game is not bad, it is fun and three-pointed, and it also allows users to gain knowledge."


Chen Yu nodded: "We have created a lot of games in Huanyu Technology. Although these games are very popular, many reality and some media still have some prejudices against games. Previously, our bubble hall cooperated with the TV station, which was a very good one. Good demonstration. For this game, we will also cooperate with the TV station to launch a show with the same name."

"Pk in reality, I feel this show is going to be popular."

"If you don't make it, you know However, our question bank must be fully reviewed, and some questions that are not correct in the three views are not allowed."

As soon as it was launched, the previous life brain king became the most popular mini game on WeChat.

It's just that although the mind king is very hot, he has planted a big tumble on the question bank.

Because the examination question bank is not strict, there are a lot of questions that are not correct in the three views.

Because of this, the king of the mind was immediately paid attention to and was removed from the shelves.

Originally a puzzle game, it turned out to be like this in the end, it would be too embarrassing.

"Yes, I will find a dedicated team to review these question banks."

Li Nan also realized the importance of this.

In case when answering a question, a question of three incorrect views jumps out, you will be scolded to death by public opinion every minute.

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