Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 347: : Yan Hong, Chen Yu is a genius more talented than you

"Hey, it's really exploded."

"Yes, not bad, the effect is okay."

Although it was the easy search circle that exploded, Chen Yu was not unhappy at all.

On the contrary, he is in a better mood.

"Okay, okay, Brother Jian, I know the situation, so be it."

"Ah... Mr. Chen."

"Don't Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, it's the New Year's day, I want to celebrate the New Year, I'm hanging up."

Without explaining anything, Chen Yu hung up the phone.

"Hey, hey..."

Zhang Jianming is a little confused.

Why didn't Mr. Chen react at all to such a big event?

Or is he actually hating himself so much that he will come back and remove his position after the Chinese New Year?

"I rely on..."

A clever, Zhang Jianming immediately said to Xie Zhenyi: "Has the data recovered?"

"Just recovered, but they are fighting again."

"Why, isn't it over?"

"They said that there was no division of victory and loss, and they wanted to continue to fight. Moreover, they felt that it was not enough, and they wanted to come again."

"I said..."

Zhang Jianming is about to cry.

"However, Mr. Zhang, it seems that this is not a bad thing for us?"


"Mr. Zhang, I don't know why the background data IP flow has been steadily improving."

"The two most popular circles have been exploded. How can the IP flow increase steadily?"

"Look, these IPs have never visited us before."

"Oh, isn't it, let me see."

"These IPs seem to be watching the excitement."

"Watch the excitement?"

Staring at the background data, Zhang Jianming couldn't react.

But it doesn't matter if Zhang Jianming can't respond, but those IP streams that watch the excitement are constantly on the rise.

Moreover, the rate of increase is getting faster and faster, and there is a trend of acceleration behind.

This performance is also the same as the performance of a fight between the two major circles.

The more popular the two circles are, the more such IP flows will increase.

The two benchmarks directly paralyzed the circle, and even opened the eyes of the crowd watching the lively netizens.

"Awesome, so awesome."

"Human power can actually squeeze the server."

"Comparing Tieba with the circle, it's really low."

Looking at the comments of netizens in other circles, Zhang Jianming finally understood.

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

"I said that Mr. Chen didn't say a word, because he saw the doorway early."

"Zhenyi, I'm wondering whether Li Yanhong of Baidu will vomit blood when he sees this situation."

Although the Chinese New Year is still working overtime.

But at this moment Zhang Jianming is more happier than having a New Year's Eve dinner.

However, while Zhang Jianming is happy on his side, people on Baidu are not at all happy.

If it is not for the New Year, Li Yanhong really wants to hammer the table.

"never mind."

Shaking his head, Li Yanhong said to everyone: "The holiday starts today. After the Chinese New Year, we will fight again."

No matter how the battle is fought, the year is still going to pass.

Even if they are still unsatisfied, they have to fight with Huanyu Technology after the end of the year.

"Dongming, you said, if Old Xu was still there, would we be better."

Although Li Yanhong returned home on New Year's Eve, he was always depressed.

"Yan Hong, still thinking about the company."

His wife Ma Dongming counted on Li Yanhong: "Didn't you say it, let's talk about it after the Chinese New Year?"

"I also think about New Year's Eve, but when I think of Easy Search, I can't even eat rice."

Li Yanhong was extremely bitter: "Did you know that Yisou's market share has reached 20% now."

"20% is actually not a big threat to us."

"No, no, 20% of the market share is already a lot."

Li Yanhong has been a search engine for many years, and he knows what users' attitudes towards search engines are.

"Unfortunately, Old Xu was forced away by me."

Li Yanhong regretted a little.

"Don't blame yourself. There is a big contradiction between Old Xu's philosophy and the company. Sooner or later he will leave. Or, you call him."

"This is not so good."

"What's wrong, Lao Xu doesn't hold grudges, and he can understand you. Today is New Year's Eve, if you call him, it's a new year."

When his wife said so, Li Yanhong nodded slightly and dialed Xu Yong's phone.

"Yan Hong, you would actually call me."

"Old Xu, I wish you New Year, and I wish you all the best in the new year."

"Hahaha, this must be your wife's idea."

"Don't expose me, old are you?"

Li Yanhong said awkwardly.

"same as usual."

"Really not planning to engage in the Internet?"

"You know me, my major and hobbies are not the Internet, but biotechnology. Chen Yu came to me when I was away."

"He came to you?"

"Hehe, what's so strange about this. However, I refused."

"I know that old Xu, you value love and justice."

Although Li Yanhong has conflicts with Xu Yong, personal relationships are still good.

"Don't come to this set. I refused because the conditions given by Chen Yu were not good. On the contrary, the conditions he gave were very good. I was just not interested in search engine technology. Furthermore, at the time, I thought even if I joined Huanyu Technology, My ability is not Yan Hong's opponent."

"Old Xu, thank you for evaluating me like that."

Li Yanhong was ashamed of himself, but still unavoidably said: "But now the easy search of Huanyu Technology is very good."

"I'm paying attention, sorry, I introduced their search engine team."

"Old Xu, it's serious."

Li Yanhong didn't take it seriously: "The search engine team of Huanyu Technology is very general."

"I know, but Huanyu Technology has taken away a lot of Baidu's market by relying on their very general technology."

"Old Xu, have you always followed Baidu? How about..."


Xu Yong knew what Li Yanhong was going to say, and refused to say: "I'm already doing what I am interested in. Moreover, even if I return to the company, our contradiction is still unresolved."

This is related to the concept of the two.

There is no right or wrong.

"The reason why I pay attention to is because it was created by us. I don't want him to have trouble."

"Old Xu, I'm very sorry for what happened before."

Li Yanhong was a little embarrassed and apologized to Xu Yong.

"Don’t mention the past. Chen Yu of Huanyu Technology is a genius, even a genius that surpasses you. Yan Hong, to say something you don’t like to hear, although you are indeed a genius in technology, even more than anyone in China. The world is top-notch. However, business contests often do not rely on careful."

"Old Xu, thank you very much."

Hanging up, Li Yanhong was mixed with joy and worry.

The happy thing is that Lao Xu doesn't hate himself, but the worry is that both Lao Xu and himself are extremely worried about Chen Yu.

"How to fight Chen Yu, this is a question..."

Looking out the window was full of joy, but at this time Li Yanhong had no plans for the New Year.

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