Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 373: : Everybody, you guys, sit down firmly, I'm going to start fooling...

"How should I put it? Actually, everyone is an expert on the Internet. I am just an amateur. I was just an English teacher at first. However, the excitement of the Internet is also reflected in this. Even my English teacher has seen the charm of the Internet. I believe that the influence of the Internet will be even greater in the future."

"Where will the next wave of the Internet be in the future? I think e-commerce is a very critical vent. Of course, the scale of the e-commerce market may now be a bit small, and you can’t see the influence of e-commerce. Just like the newspapers back then Saying that you can buy things online, everyone sounds weird and impossible. But now, e-commerce has made this impossible possible. What we have to do now is to turn this possibility into our lives. Everyday."

"Of course, everyone knows this. Here, I set a goal for Alibaba. What is the goal? The tax amount. Within two years, that is, by 2005, Alibaba will complete 100 per day. Million tax targets."

   If you want to brag, who is better than Teacher Ma.

   There are a lot of people in front of me, whether they are painting cakes or predicting the future.

   Although it is also very attractive.

   But when I met Mrs. Ma, what the big guys in front said was not very passionate.

   As it is now, Teacher Ma directly shouted: "The target amount of tax payment of 1 million a day", and the big guys were stunned on the spot.

   "Tax 1 million a day, 30 million a month, 360 million a year. Even excluding holidays, 250 working days a year, at least 250 million. Ma, can really pay so much tax?"

   Cao Guowei said with a smile.

   In the eyes of Xinlang Cao Guowei, Alibaba cannot be regarded as a first-line Internet site.

   let alone the head of the Internet.

   However, this guy has very powerful means of operation. Xihu Lunjian was fired by him as the top party in the Internet industry. Naturally, Alibaba and Jack Ma also entered the top Internet circles in China. At the same time, Alibaba was also affected by this and was favored by dozens of venture capital companies and interested in investing.

   At this time Jack Ma once again blew out the cowhide of the sky, and Cao Guo asked subconsciously, jokingly.

   He knows the strength of Alibaba.

   Take their Alibaba online transaction volume for example, only a few hundred million a year.

   This is only the amount of transactions, when it comes to their profit, it is even lower.

   pay a tax of 1 million a day, which means they will earn at least billions a year.

   It is possible to say that Huanyu Technology, which engages in online games, is absolutely impossible for Alibaba.


   Without any hesitation, Ma Yun nodded on the spot, not only nodded, but he also confirmed again: "Here I can assure everyone that if I fail to do it, then I will call Ma Da Pao, the horse bragging, the horse farting..."

   "Well, good, the horse is so courageous."

   Ding Lei applauded Ma Yun.

   Regardless of whether Ma Yun is bragging or farting, he can be regarded as a great person to be able to blow it up in front of everyone in such a serious manner. Of course, everyone knows. There is no cost for this bragging, just bragging anyway. At that time, let him do it or not. In case I did it, that would be my real cowhide.

   As for if you fail to do it, then you did not do it.

   Is it illegal to brag?

   Of course it’s not against the law.

   not only does not break the law.

   On the contrary, the bigger the cowhide you boast, the more you can attract the attention of others.

   is like Alibaba's first financing.

   In fact, Alibaba was doing online wholesale business at the time, and the scale was not large. Alibaba is not a celebrity in the e-commerce market, 8848 is more powerful. In addition to 8848, eBay also ranks ahead of Alibaba. However, I don't know why, a group of venture capitalists are very optimistic about Alibaba and are vying to invest money in him.

   It is said that Sun Zhengyi of Softbank, in order to invest money to Ma Yun, he went to him several times.

   "Mr. Jack Ma, I believe you can do it."

   Bill, who was sitting on the side and not talking much, said after Ding Lei.

   However, he uses English.

   But almost everyone sitting here is not bad in English, let alone Ma Yun who teaches English.

   "Thank you, Mr. Bill, for getting your approval from Microsoft, I believe we can do better at Alibaba."

  Ma Yun smiled all over his face.

   He has always been confident in himself.

   Just like now, when a word broke out, he attracted the attention of the public.

   It’s just one million taxes a day, hey, can’t you think I can’t do it?

   When the time comes to really do it, it is another wave of traffic.

   For these, Jack Ma played 6 very well.

   "Mr. Bill, what do you think of the next wave of Internet in China?"

   At this time, Jack Ma asked about Bill.

"China is a very magical place. I always thought that many Chinese Internet imitated the United States. However, soon, the Chinese Internet went out of its own way. For example, online games, this area is not very good in other countries, but It is very popular in China. Another example is instant messaging. ICQ was the first to develop, but it did not occupy much of the market. Instead, it was defeated by a large number of instant messaging vendors in China.

   And, because of the strong competition in China's instant messaging market, the Chinese version of instant messaging business can be said to have reached the leading level in the world... I think that in the future, China's Internet will be full of opportunities in all fields, and of course challenges will coexist with it. "

   Bill has a high opinion of the Chinese Internet.

   After turning over the evaluation, everyone applauded.

   Anyway, Bill is the biggest seated on the scene.

  Whether it is influence, fame, or money, he is much more than everyone sitting.

   What he said is undoubtedly heavy.

   "It seems that Mr. Chen Yu didn't speak."

   After Bill finished speaking, he looked at Chen Yu and said.

   "I...everyone has finished my words, what else can I say."

   Chen Yu showed a helpless look.

   Each of these big guys is not so easy to deal with.

   Whether it is Cao Guowei of Xinlang, Zhang Chaoyang of Sohu, or even Ding Lei.

   is also Ma Huateng, Li Yanhong of Baidu.

   There is also teacher Ma who loves to brag.

   Of course, there is also the strongest Bill.

   In fact, for Bill, Chen Yu has always been on the embankment.

   Just as he came to the meeting today, although according to Ma Yun, Bill is here to join in the fun, but Chen Yu doesn't think he is just here to join in the fun. Microsoft is more than just a software company, more than just operating system software. In addition to the operating system, he has many businesses that you can't enter.

  Browser, word, database, vb language, language...Of course there are a series of hardware products.

   In addition to these, Microsoft also does instant messaging, msn.

   It's just that Microsoft hasn't put msn on the domestic market yet.

"Chen Yu, you are too polite. Who doesn't know that in the Internet, the most profitable is your Huanyu Technology. But your Huanyu Technology is too low-key, and only one person makes a fortune. This is not good, since it is a party, Everyone just chatted freely. Didn’t you look at me just now, but I blew a lot of cowhide, so come and blow.”

  Ma Yun patted Chen Yu on the shoulder, a look he knew very well with Chen Yu.

   "It's not good to brag."

   "Why not, how can we not brag? Bragging is a powerful means to promote the development of the industry."


   A group of big guys almost sprayed water.

   "Mr. Ma, you are bragging, but we are not bragging."

   "Yes, yes, teacher Ma, don't damage Mr. Chen."

   The number of people fell behind Jack How could it be damaged? You don’t know how good this guy is. "

   Although Alibaba and Huanyu Technology have not competed head-on for the time being, Jack Ma has always been concerned about the competition between Huanyu Technology and other companies.

   He attaches great importance to Chen Yu.

"Mr. Ma joked, I won't brag. I can't predict the next wave of the Internet. However, our Huanyu Technology is more complicated, so we also have some insights on various Internet businesses. It is rare to sit with you today. Together, the kid will share my views with a few uncles."

   "Uncle, uncle again..."

   Ding Lei glared at Chen Yu: "Stop uncle, I call your uncle okay, we didn't bully the small."

  Ma Yun and the others are also bitter.

   Bullying the small with the big, bullying the small with the more is probably impossible to hide.

   Of course, Chen Yu was just teasing everyone, he didn't have the time to take advantage of this addiction.

   Everyone, sit down firmly for me, I'm about to start fooling around.


   How can Chen Yu communicate with them? What he has to do is to fool you.


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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