Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 408: : Copy it, copy it to me quickly, copy more

"This setting is not very imitated, it should be imitated a bit deeper."

   "And here, this is the essence of Fantasy Westward Journey, so I should dig more."

   "Yes, yes, just like the restraint of the five elements, you can imitate it better, not only imitating the essence of dreams, but also bringing forth the new."

   "Here, and here, should be strengthened."

   "Ah, I'm sorry, what's the embarrassment, copy it, copy it to me quickly, copy a little more."

   There was no accident. A few days later, two companies represented by Chen Yu and Li Jing formally signed a contract with Guangxia Technology.

   As a shareholder of the company, Chen Yu specially inspected the game research and development department of Guangxia Technology.

   Chen Yu also gave some advice on "Wen Dao".

   It's just this kind of guidance, but the members of the Guangxia game research and development department are stunned.

   Is there such a point?

   Is there such a way to make them copy more quickly?

  Where is the boss of Huanyu Technology?

   People who don’t know think that this will not be the enemy of Huanyu Technology.

   "Uh, you guys, what are you doing looking at me?"

   "Mr. Chen, it's not good to imitate this way."

   Gao Shuhua was a little embarrassed.

   "No, what's wrong."

   Chen Yu blinked and asked.

   "No, nothing."

   "Okay, don't have to worry about it, do it boldly, I support you."

   patted Gao Shuhua on the shoulder, and Chen Yu encouraged.


   "I understand, you are encouraging Guangxia Technology to copy your own fantasy westward journey."

   Coming out of Guangxia Technology, Li Jing said in awe.

"Have it?"

   "I said no, I almost taught them hand in hand."

   Regarding Chen Yu's show operation, Li Jing couldn't understand either.

   Is there such a boss?

   "Hehe, it's nothing, anyway, whether it's asking questions or Fantasy Westward Journey, I have shares."

   "But no matter what, Guangxia is not yours alone. I really can't understand you."

   "Is there anything I don't understand, I'm putting pressure on Fantasy Westward Journey."

   Chen Yu spread his hands: "Good competition can stimulate the potential of the industry. Fantasy Westward Journey is not a big one, which may limit our ability to innovate."

   The reason why Chen Yu pointed to Guangxia is that Guangxia has its own shares on the one hand.

   But more importantly, Chen Yu is also cultivating a competitor to Fantasy Westward Journey to stimulate the innovative ability of Fantasy Westward Journey.

   This is actually the same as the company's internal horse racing mechanism.

   Only fierce competition can make the entire industry full of vitality.

   If not, he will monopolize the market at all times. It is not impossible to ask him to innovate, but it is really too difficult.

   As for why?

   why else?

   If I do not innovate, I monopolize the market. Why should I innovate?

   Even if it is innovation, it means doing superficial work.

  Or even if you think about it seriously, because there is no competition for the machine, no matter how serious it is, it is impossible to produce a product with a particularly explosive point.

   "Cultivate competitors for yourself, great."

   Li Jing was taken aback.

   I still didn't understand at first, but after a while, I was very impressed.

  He understood why Chen Yu was able to become one of the big names in the Internet industry at his young age.

   This vision and courage is not something other people can have.

   "By the way, you probably ask when will it be launched?"

   "I guess only these few months."

After thinking about it, Chen Yu said: “Their entire R&D has reached 0%, and they have been stagnant before, mainly because they have no money. Now with our investment, R&D will speed up a lot. In addition, although their team looks like a small Workshop, but some members of the R&D department are still very strong. They are all people with dreams, otherwise they would not get together."

   "I estimate that within 3 months, the closed beta may be launched, or the open beta without the closed beta. Haha, that is to say, after 3 months, you will be able to make money."

   "No way, you can make money in 3 months, which is too fast."

   "The Internet is like this, you will know it then."

   "If you can make money, maybe it won't make much."

   "This is not necessarily true. I can be sure that after their closed beta, the value of your shares will be at least 5 times higher.

"5 times?"

   "This is still rare."

   "You said that, I'm really looking forward to it."

   "Okay, I have to go back."

   "Hey, what are you doing back so early? I'm about to take you to the capital to play."

   "Next time, next time."

   "Don't, next time, it's rare to come to the capital."

   "There is really no time."

  Chen Yu shook his head: "As you know, our Huanyu Technology looks good, but there are a lot of competitors. Take e-commerce as an example, Ali in Hangzhou has a lot of action."

   "I am not optimistic about Ali. I have seen that boss, and I feel a bit exaggerated, not very reliable."

   "Don't be fooled by his appearance."

   This is Teacher Ma.

  Although he likes to brag, but if you think he can only brag, that would be very wrong.

   "Well, no matter what, I will support you. If you encounter something that can't be solved, call me, how much I can help you walk through."

   "Thank you so much, then."

   Chen Yu thanked Li Jing.

   This trip to Beijing, the goal can be regarded as achieved.

   Say goodbye to Li Jing, and Chen Yu returns to the deep city first.

   The investment in Guangxia Technology is over, and Chen Yu is ready to confess a few words to Zou Tao, the head of the game department.

   "Zou Tao, to tell you good news, we invested in Guangxia Technology."

   "Guangxia Technology, is the company you asked about in R&D?"

   "Yes, this is it."

   Chen Yu nodded: "I went to their R&D department to check it out these days, and this question is well made."

   "Mr. Chen, it seems that many of this game are imitating us"

   "It's true."

   Chen Yu continued to nod: "I took a look, and quite a part of this game is set to imitate our Fantasy Westward Journey."

   "Mr. Chen, are you still investing in this game?"

   "They imitate it well."

   Chen Yu looks as it should be.


   Zou Tao was almost amused by Chen Yu's strange reason.

"Do not laugh."

   "I'm not kidding, I even ran over to point them."


   Zou Tao one head and two big ones: "Mr. Chen, what do you suggest to them?"

   "Tell them **** Fantasy Westward Journey."

  "No Tao is stunned.

   was about to speak, but he suddenly thought of the horse racing mechanism in the company.

   Although Huanyu Technology has a lot of business, it is the online game that has the best mix.

   may be a good start.

   or the setting of Fantasy Westward Journey itself is very anti-sky.

   Coupled with so many resources of Huanyu Technology, Fantasy Westward Journey is almost a rival.

   If it is for other companies, other companies will definitely celebrate.

   But Zou Tao knows that their boss Chen Yu is not such a person.

   In order to cultivate the company's competitiveness, Chen Yu introduced a horse racing mechanism in the company.

  As soon as this mechanism came out, it could be said that it instantly stimulated the vitality of the entire company.

   All talents stand out in the horse racing mechanism.

   Just like Xu Liang, he is a member who competes out of the horse racing mechanism.

   "President Chen, don't worry, we must think of a way to eliminate the question."

   Guessing what Chen Yu meant, Zou Tao said to Chen Yu.

   "Okay, it depends on your performance."

   Chen Yu applauded.

  Whether it can be killed or not asked, Chen Yu likes this kind of competitive attitude.

   An excellent game team will never perish because of strong competitors.

   On the contrary, the stronger the game team, the farther they can go in front of the stronger competitors.

   Huanyu Technology can't just be satisfied with this.

  In the future, they will have even stronger opponents.

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