Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 428: : Dare to clear three thousand seven hundred and twenty-one? dare!

   "Damn, I said I used Rising Antivirus, but a lot of plug-ins still can't do it. It's not that their technology is not good, but they don't want to do it at all."

   "360 is good, I used 360 to clean up almost 90% of the plugins."

   "Yes, I did the same. After cleaning the plug-in, the speed of the computer has improved a lot."

   Zhou Hongyi accepted an interview with CCTV, and suddenly the 360 ​​Security Guard changed from a defensive posture to an offensive posture.

   As for Zhou Hongyi's statement, only by understanding rogue software can we really kill those rogue software. Many people agree with this sentence. Of course, they also know that Zhou Hongyi is not a good thing, but it is also very uncomfortable for the major anti-virus software to have the strength but not to remove those plug-ins.

   "Hurry up and go to war."

   "Hurry up and give it."

   "None is a good bird, let's see who can win in the end."

   Many people take the way of watching the excitement.

   There are still a lot of people who watch the excitement and do not gossip, and they are fanning the flames.

  Of course, they don’t need them to fan the flames. 360 Security Guards and the major anti-virus software vendors have also forged an enmity.

   It can even be said that with the background of 360 Security Guard, it is impossible for him to coexist peacefully with major anti-virus software vendors.

   It is normal for 360 security guards to be attacked by major anti-virus software.

   It is normal for the major anti-virus software vendors to be countered by 360.

   However, in response to the counterattack of 360 security guard Zhou Hongyi, the major anti-virus software vendors also responded.

   They said that they are only anti-virus software, only remove viruses and Trojan horses, and protect the system from attacks.

   For normal procedures, they will not be cleared.

  Many plug-ins are actually normal programs. They are not Trojan horses or viruses, so it is impossible for major anti-virus software to remove these normal programs. On the contrary, even the normal procedures are cleaned up, which may involve unfair competition.

   Of course, this is all nonsense.

  Many plug-ins are naturally not viruses or Trojan horses, but they are not viruses and Trojan horses that need to be removed. For more and more plug-ins that affect the speed of the system, it is also necessary to remove them.

   However, they will naturally have their interests if they do not clear them.

   On the one hand, the interest relationship here has received a lot of benefits.

   On the other hand, it is also because there are some plug-ins that you can not remove if you want to remove them.


   If you want to be an enemy of all software companies, then you can do so.

   Since Zhou Hongyi said so, they really want to force a 360 security guard.

   "Have the ability to clear all the plug-ins."

   "Who wouldn't say cool things, Zhou Hongyi, has the ability to clean up on a large scale."

   "Aren't your 360 security guards very powerful? Hurry up, if you remove these plug-ins, I will use your 360."

   "Well, have the ability to kill 3721 as well."

   "The awesome guy upstairs, yes yes yes, Zhou Hongyi, has the ability to kill 3721."

   Many naval forces comment on the Internet from time to time.

   They just want to pull 360 into the water.

   They are going to take a look, do you dare to 360 or not.

   Some other common plug-ins are okay to say.

   Anyway, many people know that Zhou Hongyi is not a good person.

   But as soon as 3721 was thrown out, it was completely different.

   You know, 3721 was created by Zhou Hongyi.

   Also, Zhou Hongyi sold 3721 a few months ago.

   In their words, Zhou Hongyi, how hot are you, do you dare to try 3721?


   "Brother Da Pao, the three major anti-virus software companies have a rhythm, telling you to kill 3721, it's no good intentions."

   Chen Yu called Zhou Hongyi.

   "These guys have a bad stomach."

   Zhou Hong shook his head, and said helplessly: "They clearly know that 3721 was created by me, and I just sold 3721 on the front foot."


  Chen Yu also nodded and said, "You just sold the front foot, if you do it like this on the back foot, isn't it too shameless?"

   "It's really shameless."

   Zhou Hongyi looked embarrassed.

   "Well, Cannon, I believe you."

   Chen Yu and Zhou Hong chatted for a while before he hung up the phone.

   If Chen Yu guessed correctly.

   Zhou Hongyi on the other end of the phone actually made a decision long ago.

   "Brothers, everyone says 3721 is rogue software, should we kill this plug-in?"

   "Zhou, it’s not so good."

   "It's not so good... But we have to make money with 360, and we have to market."

   "But Mr. Zhou, didn't you just sell 3721?"


   Zhou Hong nodded: "Aren't they all sold?"


   "What... I've sold it all, what does it have to do with us?"

   "It seems to be right too."

   That night, 360 had an update.

   Zhou Hongyi did exactly what they said, I will clear it to you now.

   More than 99% of the plug-ins are directly removed by 360.

   Of course, it is said that the removal is not automatic removal by 360 Security Guard. After all, plug-ins are different from Trojan horses and viruses. They are normal programs. In principle, if they are automatically cleared this way, it would really damage the market. However, 360 Security Guard does not automatically remove it, but Zhou Hongyi has a way to let the user remove it himself.

   After scanning the system, a series of high-risk plug-ins appeared one after another.

   This is a reminder from 360 security guards.

   Why is it called a high-risk plug-in?

   If it's not dangerous, you don't want to clear it.

   This is a little intimidating.

   But Zhou Hongyi doesn't care, what he wants is for users to take the initiative to clear these plug-ins.

Naturally, with such a method, many users are just ordinary computer novices. Where do they know whether these plug-ins are safe or high-risk, and immediately remove them manually one by one In this, it also includes The most users are 3721.

   The original 3721 is the largest rogue software in the country. The most powerful thing is that it cannot be removed or uninstalled. No matter how many times you uninstall it, after a while you will find that 3721 appears again. Unless you reinstall the system, otherwise, you basically cannot uninstall 3721.

   But now everything has changed.

   3721 which can't be uninstalled in the eyes of users, just click on 360.

   It only takes a few seconds, 3721 was unloaded cleanly, leaving no trace.



   Yahoo, who wants to launch its own search engine, has recently accelerated its pace.

   Especially in China.

   Competitors are getting faster and faster, and search engines such as Baidu, Google, Yisou, Sohu...etc. have emerged one after another.

   If this is a few steps slower, even Yahoo, the world’s leading Internet player, will probably lag behind others.

   Fortunately, they have made an important layout on the Chinese side.

   They bought 3721 heavily.

As the largest Chinese domain name software in China,    is actually equivalent to half a search engine.

   With the help of 3721 to enter the search engine market, Yahoo China can definitely overtake on a curve.


   is when Yahoo is constantly tracing the search engine market.

   A software called 360 Security Guard turned out.


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