Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 429: : Zhou Hong 1, you wait for me

   "360 really killed 3721."

   "I'm going, 360 is he really doing that?"

  360 made 3721 cases of plug-in removal objects, which shocked countless people.

   Especially those who know that Zhou Hongyi is the founder of 3721, are stunned right now.

   Sell 3721 to others on the front foot, and then make a software to delete 3721 on the back foot.

   This is simply a pitfall of Yahoo!

   "I finally understand why Zhou Hongyi is the boss."


   "Why can it be done with shameless means like this, it's definitely an awesome person."

   "Well, I was a fan of 360 power circle."

   "Well, Zhou Hongyi's shamelessness, I plan to use 360."

   Of course, such a shameless method, even the three major anti-virus software companies did not think of it.

   They had a rhythm before, thinking that Zhou Hongyi didn't dare to mess with these plug-in giants, let alone clean up 3721. But now they can see that Zhou Hongyi is not a human being, he can do anything.

   No, they brought the rhythm and not only did not affect 360.

   On the contrary, 360 has been able to clear 3721, and the download volume has soared.

   Many users want to try it out, this shameless system security software.

   Such market performance also makes the three major anti-virus software extremely worried.

   On the same day, the three major anti-virus software companies successively held company meetings.

   "Everyone, the 360 ​​market has grown dramatically, and it will definitely affect our market in the future. How do we respond?"

   Jinshan Company Chairman Qiu Bojun said at the meeting.

   "For the sake of totality, the 360 ​​method is too shameless, I believe Yahoo can't give up and let it go."

   "This is Yahoo's business, and it has nothing to do with us. Moreover, it is not important that Yahoo and 360 are not fighting. What is important is that if we do not adopt any countermeasures, I am afraid they will enter the anti-virus market sooner or later."

Although   360 is a system security software, his current business is only to remove garbage and plug-ins.

   He has not yet entered the anti-virus market.

   But everyone can see that as long as 360 develops steadily, they will definitely enter this market in the future.

   As Jinshan’s most important business, antivirus is highly valued by Bojun.

   "For the sake of generality, in fact, 360 is not only engaged in by Zhou Hongyi, but Huanyu Technology is behind it."

   "Yes, please, Huanyu Technology has a considerable share of 360 Security Guard."

   "Oh, Zou Tao would not have such a problem if we reused it."

   That said.

   Many people recalled the past again.

   If Xishanju reused Zou Tao before, Zou Tao would not go to Huanyu Technology.

   If Zou Tao does not go to Huanyu Technology, Huanyu Technology will naturally not be able to make so much money from games.

   If Huanyu Technology has no money, it is naturally impossible to join forces with Zhou Hongyi.

   If Huanyu Technology does not cooperate with Zhou Hongyi, there will be no 360 today.

   All of this seems to be related to letting Zou Tao go.

   Although he said that, Qiu Bojun hummed: "It's useless to say that, let's do something practical."

   Jinshan was in the midst of a power struggle, and Zou Tao naturally became the object of sacrifice.

   "Please, I think we should launch Jinshan Assistant immediately."

   Seeing Qiu Bojun's displeasure, the CTO said immediately.

   This proposal was unanimously approved by all members of the meeting.

   As long as they launch a Kingsoft Assistant with similar functions as 360 Security Guard, naturally they don’t have to worry about the threat of 360 Security Guard. Moreover, a group of senior officials at Jinshan believe that in terms of technology, Jinshan is more powerful than 360 security guards. The introduction of Kingsoft Assistant can definitely quickly grab the market for 360 Security Guards.

   Regarding this, Rising and Jiang Min think so too.

  Jiangmin, like Jinshan, also came up with a software called Jiangmin's Assistant.

   Rising Kaka did exist before Rising, so I don’t need to do it again.

   But before, Rising Kaka Assistant was just a marginal product in Rising Company. This is a free software, which doesn't make much money, and the company doesn't pay much attention to it. After this incident, they mentioned Rising Kaka's assistant to the same position as Rising Antivirus. Even if Rising Kaka Assistant does not make money, they have to grab the market back.


   "Zhou, is your 360 too shameless."

   "Mr. Xie, don't say that."

   "What do you want me to say, you sell 3721 to us on the front foot, and you will kill 3721 on the back foot. Is there anyone doing this on the Internet?"

   "Mr. Xie, there is nothing we can do. You see, isn't this being forced by the three major anti-virus software companies. They said I dare not clear 3721. I think if I dare not, I will clear it up."

   "Don't tell me this."

   Xie Wen, president of Yahoo China, called Zhou Hongyi.


   In the past few days, he almost exploded with anger.

   He never thought that Zhou Hongyi would do this.

   Of course, if the three major anti-virus software companies did this, he would not be so angry.

   The key thing is that this girl just took them nearly 1 billion yuan.

   He has been working on the Internet for so long and has never met such a shameless person.

   Because of this, Yahoo headquarters was very angry and ordered Xie Wen to give the headquarters an explanation.

   Explain, what can he explain?

   Can he say that he would never have thought that Zhou Hongyi was so shameless?

   "Mr. Xie, I can only apologize to you for this."

   "Sorry, can I be sorry? Zhou Hongyi, let me tell you that you are in violation of the peer competition agreement."

   "Mr. Xie, it seems that you have made a mistake. There is no competition between our 360 Security Guard and 3721 in the same industry."


   When a company acquires a company, it will sign an inter-industry competition agreement with a company.

   For example, when acquiring an instant messaging company, the CEO of this company will not be able to engage in instant messaging for a certain period of time. Yahoo also signed such an agreement with Zhou Hongyi when it acquired 3721. The agreement stipulated that Zhou Hongyi could not participate in content related to the 3721 field within the next three years.

   Such an agreement is normal.

   After all, 3721 was made by Zhou Hongyi. If he turned around and made another 3721, it would be a great threat to 3721.

   But Zhou Hongyi's reply angered Xie Wen.

   That's right.

   Zhou Hongyi did not violate the agreement.

   They did not enter the Internet field related to 3721.

   They also did not compete with 3721.

   They just made a software that kills 3721 and came out.

   Of course, 360 Security Guard is not just to kill He is to provide system security maintenance.

   killed 3721, it was just one of his businesses.

   "Okay, Zhou Hongyi, you are ruthless, you wait for me."

   Knowing that Zhou Hongyi wouldn't be embarrassed by the agreement, Xie Wen didn't say anything, and hung up the phone.



   Zhou Hong pressed his head and sat on the sofa: "Chen Yu, look, we all offend Yahoo."

   "If you offend, you will offend, and Huanyu Technology has offended many companies."

   "I said so, but the other party is Yahoo."

   "What's wrong with Yahoo, although Yahoo is great, don't worry, he can't embarrass us."

   Chen Yu is not worried about Yahoo at all.

   Although Yahu looks very powerful now, its market value is also the world's largest Internet.

   But Yahoo's first water is too much.

   Now he can still maintain this number one, and in a few years, Yahoo’s market value will shrink more and more.

   As for the reason.

   That's because Yahoo has never had any core products.

   As now, can you know what products Yahoo has?

   He is at best a portal site.

   Who else can he threaten to a portal site?

   "The thing to worry about should be the three major antivirus software companies."

   Yahoo put aside, Chen Yu reminded Zhou Hongyi: "The technology of the three major anti-virus software companies is stronger than ours."


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