Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 430: : Three hundred and sixty security guards can also have social attributes

   "Chen Yu, what you worry about is."

   Although Zhou Hongyi did not play cards according to common sense, it does not mean that he is a second-hand.

   He knows who can provoke and who can’t.

   Can engage in Yahoo because he understands that Yahoo cannot threaten him.

   But the three major anti-virus software vendors are currently the first competitor of 360 Security Guard.

"System security software is not a new thing, nor is it particularly technical software. If they want to enter our file, they can't keep it. Moreover, relying on their own anti-virus software, they can promote the market as soon as possible. However, you can rest assured, in the software promotion channel On the one hand, I still have some means."

   Although Zhou Hongyi was worried, he was not completely unprepared.

   "Since you are prepared, then I can rest assured."

   Chen Yu wanted to give Zhou Hong an idea, but when he saw Zhou Hong had a plan, he didn't say much.

   I don't want to, just a few days later, Zhou Hongyi called Chen Yu over again.

   "Chen Yu, help."

   "Help what?"

   "You don't care about 360, the three major anti-virus software vendors are now on your doorstep."

   Zhou Hongyi was a little anxious: "You know, these three anti-virus software vendors are so shameless that they have learned my tricks."

   "What bundling, what cooperation with piracy channels... My sister, these guys are not like that."

   Zhou Hongyi is even more angry when it comes to this.

   These tricks were all created by him.

   Generally speaking, companies that care more about their reputation will not do this.

   But now, the three major anti-virus software vendors have begun to shamelessly.

   "Haha, you can only be shameless, not others shameless."

   Chen Yu also laughed when Zhou Hong was so angry.

   "You still laugh, 360 you have half of the shares."

   "What half, 49.9% is good."

   "What is the difference between that and half?"

   "Yes, look, otherwise why are you the CEO, not I am the CEO."

   "Go away, that's okay, you sit in the position of CEO."

   "Don't, I don't have this time."

   Chen Yu waved his hand.

   "Hurry up, you must have a way."

   Zhou Hongyi urged Chen Yu.

   "Cannon, do you think so much of me?"

   "Otherwise, why should I pull you to do 360 together."

   "It makes sense."

   Chen Yu was speechless.

   This is true.

   If Zhou Hongyi doesn't need Chen Yu, and pulls Chen Yu to do 360, isn't it painful to be idle?

   He might as well do it alone.

   In this case, Chen Yu stopped pretending, and said, "I think that although some rogue methods can be used in operation, the key is our products. Our products have no special features."

While talking, Chen Yu opened 360 Security Guard: "For example, our software has many functions in many softwares. For example, software such as the previous optimization masters, they did this earlier than us. But optimization The master is a personal software, he doesn't know how to operate, and he doesn't have much strength, so we surpassed him all at once."

   "As soon as the three major antivirus software comes out, then we don't have much advantage."

   Of course, the previous 360 still had some advantages.

   Such as cleaning up plug-ins.

   A shameless plug-in like 3721 can be removed at once.

   But in fact, this technique is not difficult.

   The three previous anti-virus software is not that it can’t be removed, but they don’t want to remove it.

   But now, with 360 taking the lead, they have no worries.

   "I understand what you said, the question is how we should break the three major anti-virus software."

   "Don't worry, there is no way."

   Chen Yu is full of breasts, and then said: "Da Pao, do you know why our Easy Search can steal a lot of Baidu's market?"

   "You guys are more shameless than Baidu."

   "I'm going... this is not the point."

   Chen Yu burst into tears.

  Although there are some reasons for this, it is just appearance.

   "The key is that we do socially better than Baidu."

"social contact?"

   Zhou Hongyi touched his chin.

   was reading the word social.

He knows the concept of    very well, but he still doesn't understand something.

   "Chen Yu, 360 Security Guard is not an instant messenger, let alone a forum or something, how do you socialize? Could it be that 360 can come up with an instant messenger?"

   " dare to do it, I will kill you every minute."

   "Don't get excited, don't get excited, I'm just talking for fun."

Zhou Hongyi poured a cup of tea for Chen Yu: "You kid is so dark, how dare I. Besides, if I dare, I will pull you up and do something. However, what's the matter with the social network you said, we did not socialize Conditions."

   "It's not necessarily."

   Chen Yu continued: “Social interaction is not necessarily chat, nor is it necessarily communication. He is more interactive. For example, the ranking list in the game is actually a social concept.”

   "This idea is quite new, do you mean we have come up with a 360 level system?"

   "I'm just making an analogy. 360 is not the main social software. It's useless to engage in levels. However, we can do other things. For example, we can create a boot time ranking list."

   "Wait, I think about it."

   As soon as Chen Yu’s boot time ranking came out, Zhou Hongyi was clever.

   Some of him was inspired by Chen Yu.

   It's just for the time being that he still doesn't particularly understand.

   After a while, Zhou Hong patted his head and said excitedly: "Chen Yu, your boot time ranking list is simply a genius idea."

  Although this is only a small feature, Zhou Hongyi understands that such a small feature can immediately arouse users' interest in this software. This is like the game ranking list, where there is a very strong comparison mentality. Your boot time is 30 seconds, and when you look at others it is 29 seconds, then you will always think about surpassing others. And how to surpass, that is constant upgrading. This is placed in 360 security guards, how to exceed, that is to continuously optimize the computer. And how to optimize, that is, continue to use 360.

   "It's great, I'll do it right away."

"Don’t worry, besides the boot time ranking, we can also set some other settings. For example, Internet speed test and ranking, computer performance ranking, etc... If it is ranked in the previous example, you can also Give them a certificate."

   "Can you still give out awards?"

   Zhou Hong was stunned, but he soon understood: "Oh, I I understand, you are talking about a certificate like Doudizhu."

   Zhou Hong, who has played YY Landlord, immediately thought of the electronic certificate.

   Although the electronic certificate is not a real certificate, it is more interactive than a real certificate.

   As long as the certificate is given, all users will send a screenshot of the certificate.

   This is actually another kind of propaganda in disguise.

   Even if he was a big-time figure like Zhou Hongyi, he remembered that when the landlord of the game landlord gave him a certificate at that time, he was extremely excited and even sent the certificate to the group to show off.

   "Yes, yes, just like Doudizhu."

   Chen Yu nodded.

   Although this is just a gadget, it has no technical content.

   But it is such a thing that has no technical content, but he can achieve a huge promotion effect.

   "Tsk tsk, it's right to pull you together, otherwise, I will be tortured to death by you."

   Zhou Hongyi is a great man.

   Although Chen Yu’s ideas just now are all small settings

   But he knows that a small setting like this may not be possible for you in your life.

   "How could it be, it's all things with little technical content."

   "If there is no technical content, no Internet business has much technical content. Thanks."

   "My own person, thank you. By the way, don't make all these things out at once."

   "I know, I will push them out one by one slowly, killing them."

   Zhou Hong showed a smile on his face.


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