Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 431: : This is a change in an era

   Zhou Hongyi is developing the latest program.

   On the other side, the three major anti-virus software vendors participated in the Internet Security Conference together.

   This is not a private gathering.

   This is an industry conference organized by the Domestic Internet Security Alliance.

   Major system security software vendors have received invitations from the conference.

   However, 360 Security Guard does not.

   is actually not normal.

   This conference was initiated by the three major anti-virus software companies. It is strange that they can invite 360.

   "Seeking general, President Jiang, Zhou Hongyi's 360 is too bad to break the rules of the industry."

   "That is, please, Jinshan should make a move."

   "That Zhou Hong had a background in rogue software. This time he enters the field of system security, and he will definitely target major anti-virus software companies in the future."

   The meeting was very lively, but even more lively were the small meetings during private dinners.

   As for the reason, everyone turned their attention to 360 Security Guard.

   no doubt.

The emergence of   360 directly challenged them.

   It can be said that this is simply smashing their jobs.

   Which company can stand this kind of job-smashing thing.

   "Don't worry, everyone, 360 is not so scary."

Qiu Bojun comforted everyone and said: "360 Security Guard has no technical difficulties. We have launched Jinshan Assistant and soon occupy a certain market. As long as we promote it, I believe that 360 will be driven away soon. President Jiang, what do you think?"

  Mr Jiang naturally said Jiang Min.

   Jiang Min is also the founder of Jiang Min anti-virus software.

   "360 really doesn't have any technology, but I am worried that this guy will do some tricks."

   Jiangmin thought for a while and said.

   "This is true."

Qiu Bojun nodded: "Zhou Hongyi is really good at doing crooked things, even 3721 dare to do it. However, the system security is not their 360. After all, 360 is only engaged in the business of system cleaning, and they have no technical access at all. In the field of security. President Jiang, what you said is reasonable, but according to the original, Zhou Hong dare to do something crooked, we don't be polite and follow."

   Qiu Bojun was originally an honest man.

   is just an honest person, he also can't understand Zhou Hongyi's crooked ways.

   "I ask the general manager to be right, and be polite to them, then we will all be finished."

   "That's right, everyone boycott 360."

   "Looking back, we will do several cooperations with TV stations, and talk about system security."

   A group of big players in the anti-virus industry clinked glasses and formulated a strategy to resist 360 together.

   It should be said that a group of big brothers resisting 360 is still very effective.

   Not to mention from the perspective of market performance, from the perspective of momentum alone, 360 was suppressed.

   However, although 360's momentum was suppressed, 360's various small ideas were implemented as scheduled.

   is the boot time ranking first.

   This ranking will not only record the user's turn-on time, but it will also make a ranking of your turn-on time and the turn-on time of all users across the country.

   Although this seems to be a small setting.

   Ke is such a small setting. Once he launched it, it quickly attracted a lot of users.

   "I'm going, how come my turn-on time is so slow, it's actually the lowest in the country."

   "Hahaha, my boot time ranks more than 99% in the country, everyone, it's awesome."

   "666, upstairs, why is your boot time so short, only 7 seconds."

   "Hey, simple, I teach you."

   This kind of boot time screenshot competition has become a key point of user interaction.

   Not only did they take screenshots of each other faster than the boot time, they also shared how to shorten the boot time.

   Undoubtedly, how to shorten the time, then use 360 ​​for more in-depth optimization.

   The first step is to clean up the garbage.

   The second step is to clean up the plug-in.

   The third step is to clean up startup items.

   The third step, system optimization.

   Normal users are using 360 just to clean up the garbage and clean up the plug-ins.

   However, after such a boot time was ranked, they even understood the cleanup of startup items.

  Moreover, some users went a step further and suspended a series of unnecessary services.

   For example, many services that do not need to be started can be turned off directly.

  Starting not only affects the speed of the computer, but also wastes resources.

   One to two, the original computer novice turned out to be a computer expert.

   Even if you haven't become a computer expert, with the introduction of such a small setting, a lot of users will unnaturally recommend you to use 360.

   What is the best publicity?

  The best publicity is word of mouth.

   This way of taking screenshots from time to time and interacting with netizens from time to time, the reputation of 360 Security Guards exploded in minutes.


   "Zhou Hongyi is really amazing."

   Seeing 360's continuous increase in market share under the siege of the three major anti-virus software vendors, Chen Yu secretly praised it.

   Although Chen Yu had given Zhou Hongyi a lot of ideas before, Zhou Hongyi went further on Chen Yu's foundation.

   For example, in addition to launching the boot time rankings, Zhou Hongyi secretly came up with malicious software voting.

   This vote was voted by the user himself.

   You can vote for the software you don’t like and want to uninstall.

   This kind of setting that allows users to participate in person makes 360 more interesting.

   Not only that, Zhou Hongyi also developed a skin download function in 360 Security Guard.

   The so-called skin download is the computer desktop download.

   The general desktop download is only the background image replacement, but the 360 ​​skin download function can not only replace the background, but also can completely customize the settings of a series of icons on the operating system.

   This is a bit like background download in a mobile phone.

   In addition, for 360 security guards, Zhou Hongyi also engaged in a daily update function.

   This update refers to updating system patches and updating system vulnerabilities.

   The three major anti-virus software manufacturers also do such a function, but their updates are generally updated every seven days, and some are updated once a month.

   This is normal in itself.

   Where is the system updated every day? How can Windows find vulnerabilities every day.

   But Zhou Hongyi didn't do it like this, he was completely opposite to them.

   You update once a month, and Zhou Hongyi updates once a day.

   No, it is updated several times a day.

  What, you said there are not so many updates?

   This is not easy. It turns out that several hundreds of updates can't be updated in batches.

   Even if it hasn’t been updated, can’t a fake update work?

   This update frequency also greatly increases the frequency of users using 360.

   Undoubtedly, in such an update, the user's viscosity for 360 is also increasing.

The longer you use   , the more they cannot do without 360.

   This is inseparable. It's not that you have to use 360.

   But this kind of daily update and daily operation can form a habit.

   Once a habit is formed, they will feel uncomfortable without this habit.

   Even if they reinstalled the operating system, they would download 360 as soon as possible.

   is nothing else, just because they are used to it.

   Chen Yu had to admire such a means.

   Needless to say, this is for the three major anti-virus software vendors.

   After only a few settings, the security assistants of the three major anti-virus software were completely wiped out by 360.

   It can even be said that the three major anti-virus software vendors did not even react, but they discovered that their system assistants were uninstalled by a large number of users.

   As for why it is uninstalled.

   because they want to use 360.

   Of course, there are some users who don’t really understand computers. They use Kingsoft Assistant while downloading 360 on the other. So, at this time, you can see such a phenomenon that there are several system security assistants on a computer.

   But very quickly, for such a phenomenon, 360 shot directly.

  With 360, there can be no and there can be neither Jiangmin nor Rising.

   In this way, the three assistants were also killed in an instant.


"What's happening here?"

   "Is the 360 ​​Security Guard so easy to use?"

   "It's impossible."

   Qiu Bojun has some questions.

   Jiangmin also had some headaches in his head.

   The little lion on the side of Rising also slept.

   They just make traditional anti-virus software, and they really can’t understand interactive social software.

   In fact, not only they can’t understand it.

  Many people who do traditional software can't understand it.

   In the eyes of these traditional software development companies, a series of software only needs to implement various functions.

   Such as anti-virus, as long as the anti-virus is to the extreme.

   is also like office software, as long as it realizes the functions of various office software.

   But they don’t know that the traditional software's style of play has been unable to adapt to this era.

   Under the influence of the Internet, many companies with little technology have relied on this kind of social interaction to surpass the giants in the eyes of the world step by step.

   This is a change of times.

   keep up, you will reach another peak.

   can't keep up, can only get out.

   The three major anti-virus software companies may not know it yet.

   Several years later, because of the appearance of 360, they disappeared from the public's sight.


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