Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 520: : The first domestic portal

If they hadn't seen this photo before, perhaps many netizens in this blog post would think that the blogger was very narcissistic, or that she was bragging.


   However, a lot of bragging like this is caught on the Internet, and it doesn't cause much noise.


   But after posting this photo, all the netizens were shocked.


   "Nima, this is outstanding appearance, I was killed by thunder."


   "I understand what it means to say nonsense with open eyes, this girl, you don't have eyes."


   "Furong comes out of clear water. I used to think that the word "Furong" is sacred and inviolable, but now..."


   As a netizen who has been on the Internet for many years.


  Many netizens thought they had never seen any big scenes.


   However, it was only after Sister Furong appeared on the stage that they understood what it meant to be amazing.


   This kind of unrestricted self-praising, and also speaking in a serious manner, is simply a wizard.


   Needless to say, such a blog post quickly attracted the attention of a lot of netizens.


   However, Shi Hengxia didn't care at all.


   Seeing so many netizens paying attention, Shi Hengxia is even more talented.


   Then, another blog post was posted.


   [When I was in college, I was pretty good, but everyone didn’t know that I could dance. I could be famous in different ways. When I was in college, it was through my looks, figure, and temperament. The day I first entered school, it caused a sensation in the school, and everyone knew me. I am very white, and there is a kind of despair and helplessness in my eyes, I feel that my life is over. No matter which dining hall I go to, others will run over, and in which classroom I study, they will also run over. When I entered university, I was only 80 kilograms, and my waist was very thin and soft. The bust is bigger than it is now, the waist is one foot six, and it looks just a little bit from the back... This is a photo of me dancing. What do you think of it? 】


   It can be said that in this world, people are shameless and the world is invincible.


   That one was about 140 kilograms, a fat dancing photo, and countless users were blinded.


   Especially this blog post that cooperated with her produced a sensational effect.


   Those netizens who didn't know the truth just took a look, but suddenly found that their three views were challenged.


   I didn't expect that there are such people in the world.


   I didn't expect that there are such shameless women in the world.


   But Sister Furong is no ordinary person.


   What is the netizen’s complaint.


   What is the curse of blog users?


   She still sticks to herself, still posting blogs every day.


  【Seeing so many comments from everyone, I haven't introduced myself to everyone yet. My name is Shi Hengxia, but I prefer everyone to call me Sister Furong. I’m 166cm tall, maybe taller, and my weight hasn’t been measured recently, but I look particularly comfortable and eye-catching. In fact, these are not important to me. I am a very independent and individual girl. I am never complacent or arrogant because of my superior appearance and temperament. What I value more is the connotation and cultivation of a person, so I I have been working hard to make myself appear together...]


this moment.


   Sister Furong made a complete sensation on the Internet with a self-confidence that surpasses everyone.


   No, not just the Internet.


The words    Sister Furong had already detached from the Internet and entered the public at this time.


   Even many TV stations are vying to interview Sister Furong.


   Also, a TV show was launched for Sister Furong called Furong Talk.


   For a period of time, in the streets and alleys, the topic of Sister Furong has become people's after-dinner conversation.


   "It's crazy, it's crazy."


   Seeing the explosive growth of background data, Li Xuelin couldn't believe it.


   He didn't expect that a small blog could produce such a big effect.


When    Sister Furong came out, not only did the blog’s popularity rise to its peak, but also the IP stream of their Huanyu Technology also exploded.


   More importantly, after Sister Furong, the self-media that Chen Yu said before was really launched.


  Countless institutions, countless groups, countless individuals...


   As long as they want to promote or promote something, the first time they think of opening a blog on the Huanyu portal.


   As for Xinlang blog.


   I'm sorry, but at the beginning it narrowed their positioning because of asking stars.


   Although they quickly adjusted their route, the Huanyu blog exploded too quickly.


   Even if the Xinlang blog uses great strength, it is difficult to compete with Huanyu blog.


   There are some Xinlang blogs and Tencent blogs like previous lives.


   Although the Tencent blog followed the Xinlang blog like this, it was one step behind, and the Tencent blog has never been up.


   not only did not get up, because the blog was different from others. In the subsequent Weibo wars, Tencent Weibo also lags far behind Xinlang Weibo. Even in the previous competition of Xinlang Weibo, Tencent Weibo not only failed to rise, but also completely abandoned this business.


   "Mr. Chen, the IP flow of our Huanyu portal has been on the same level as Xinlang."


   Li Xuelin reported this good news to Chen Yu.


   However, Chen Yu was not so excited.


   Huanyu Technology has YY, and a series of other products, plus the recent blog explosion.


   It is normal to catch up with Xinlang IP stream.


   not only catches up, it is not difficult to completely overtake Xinlang behind.


   But sometimes the portal does not watch the IP stream.


   Although the Huanyu portal has become extremely popular recently because of its blog, it is still Xinlang that is the number one portal.


   As for the reason, it is because the most important thing about Xinlang Portal is current affairs news.


   Regarding Li Xuelin's report, Chen Yu slightly foreheads, so he knows it.


   Then he looked at Li Xuelin and said: "The most important core of the portal is always news. We haven't done enough in news."


   "Mr. Chen, I will definitely focus on news content for some time to come."


   Li Xuelin knows what Chen Yu is referring to.


Although blogs can bring traffic and influence, blogs are always the edge business of the To be honest, blogs are not the core products of portals. Blogs have some social products like instant messaging. .


  Although the portal can also be compatible with blogs, in the future blogs can be completely separated.


   Just like Xinlang split Weibo separately, he does not need to overlap with the portal at all.


   Although relying on blogs can suppress Xinlang at this time, if his news content can't keep up, Xinlang will still counterattack sooner or later.


   "Are there any general plans?"


   Chen Yu asked.




   Li Xuelin is a little embarrassed.


   News content is the hardest part and it takes the most time.


   There is no skill in this area, it can only be serialized the latest and highest quality news content for many years.


   "You can think about the Olympics next year."






   Chen Yu nodded: "The Olympic Games has always been a very topical product. As long as we win this Olympic news war, then we can overtake Xinlang and become the first doorway in China."


   "As for how to win..."


   "Spend money."


   In the corner of his mouth, Chen Yu said these two words.



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