Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 537: : First pit 3 major game companies 1 time

"Xie Zhang, awesome, your big move is really amazing to me."

Xie Zhang's big move made Chen Yu nodded again and again.

However, Zhang Jianming at the side said: "Xie Zhang, it is possible for us to act as an agent for the swordsman, but if the effect of the agent is not good, then it will be embarrassing."

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I already have a comprehensive plan, and you should also look at the influence of our game portal."

Xie Zhang is not blowing.

So far, is still the most powerful gaming portal in the industry.

His existence is not only an influence, but a weather vane even more frightening.

In addition, 5173 is closely integrated with the guild, and 5173 is the agent of the game. Even if you find someone who does not need any level to be responsible, the effect will not be bad.

However, when he thought that 5173 was preparing to act as an agent for the swordsman love, Chen Yu suddenly had a new idea.

"Brother Jian, I am very optimistic about Xie Zhang. If we achieve the top in the industry in agency and independent operations in the future, we will have nothing to worry about in the game. By the way, Xie Zhang, Do something for me?"

"what's up?"

"Talk about the agency rights of Blizzard World of Warcraft."

This said, Xie Zhang was taken aback.

Zhang Jianming was also dumbfounded.

"Shall we represent World of Warcraft?"

This was not only something Zhang Jianming didn't expect, but Xie Zhang didn't expect it either.

Can Huanyu Technology represent World of Warcraft?

If it is said that both of them were a bit confused before.

However, after Chen Yu said it, the two felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Who stipulated that Huanyu Technology could not represent World of Warcraft.

This is just like the great action agent Jinshan's swordsman love proposed by Xie Zhang just now.

Being able to represent the swordsman love, Huanyu Technology can naturally represent Blizzard's World of Warcraft.

This is logically no problem.

"Mr. Chen, this is impossible."

Zhang Jianming thought for a while and said: "World of Warcraft is inherently our competitor, and it is impossible for them to act as an agent for us by Blizzard."

"It's not necessarily."

Chen Yu shook his head: "As long as we can afford to pay, they may not be impressed."

"President Chen, are you really interested in World of Warcraft?"

"Why not?"

"What about our Kyushu?"

"This is also simple, horse racing, which one can support which one is strong."

Chen Yu looked serious and said.

This made the two people feel mixed.

Neither Xie Zhang nor Zhang Jianming spoke, and may still be digesting what Chen Yu said.

After all, neither of them wanted the company to represent World of Warcraft.

After all, this is an alien species.

It's just that if Chen Yu must act as an agent, they can't help it.

Seeing the two of you doing this, Chen Yu said with a smile: "You two idiots, think I really want to represent World of Warcraft."


The two looked at each other, "Mr. Chen, are you?"

"I don't understand it."

Feeling helpless, Chen Yu said: "What are the benefits for us to represent World of Warcraft?"

"Don't you mean horse racing?"

"Racing a fart horse, we have to race the horse ourselves."

The horse racing mechanism developed by Chen Yu serves himself.

Even if it is a horse race, no matter who loses or wins, the only one left is himself.

Can you take other people's games to race horses with your own company, isn't this stupid?

"World of Warcraft is an American game, why should I act as an agent. Besides, Kyushu is our core."

Although for the time being, Kyushu may not be comparable to World of Warcraft.

But a game in this world is not determined by quality.

The legend setting is so simple, it is to upgrade and fight monsters, and there is no creativity in the gameplay.

But not so many people playing?

Operations are critical.

This is why Blizzard will come to China to find game agents.

The reason why Chen Yu is not particularly anxious about World of Warcraft is because he believes in his own operational capabilities.

However, it is one thing to believe, and sometimes it is another thing to do some tricks.

"Mr. Chen, are you saying that we are trying to raise the price?"

Xie Zhang asked weakly.

"Yes, it's just raising the price."

Chen Yu glanced at Xie Zhang appreciatively.

"Although there are dozens of game companies in contact with Blizzard’s vice presidents, most of these companies are small companies and do not have much strength. Blizzard will not be able to delegate World of Warcraft to them. In the next few days, Shanda Ninetowns will include NetEase. , They will definitely make a move, and Blizzard is very likely to choose an agent among these."

"Although we may not be afraid of the positive Pk with World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft is always a challenge. The three major game companies are relatively strong and have sufficient experience in agency. To win World of Warcraft, we also have to spend a certain price. Moreover, this is not conducive to our local games."

When Chen Yu said so, both of them nodded.

The reason why Huanyu Technology attaches great importance to World of Warcraft, regards him as the biggest competitor in the game field.

This is not to say that when World of Warcraft comes to Huanyu Technology, it will be finished.

World of Warcraft is here, and Huanyu Technology should make money or make money.

It's like a previous life.

Although the introduction of World of Warcraft into the country is also profitable, the 3D games led by Perfect World are also profitable.

Everyone earns their own money, and at most you earn a little more, but I am not bad.

If you win, I will lose.

There is no market if I don’t beat you.

But Huanyu Technology does not want to see such a situation.

This is not a question of making money, it is a question of status in the industry.

Of course, the more important thing is that this is related to the globalization of Huanyu Technology.

Not surprisingly, Blizzard will immediately reap the agency rights of dozens of countries after World of Warcraft this time.

And, with the superior level of research and development in World of Warcraft, he will become the world's most concurrently online game.

According to data from previous lives, in 2007, the number of people online at the same time in World of Warcraft reached more than 9.7 million.

This kind of terrifying data has too much influence on a game company.

Just making money Huanyu Technology is already very profitable.

But in terms of global influence, Huanyu Technology is still very low.

For Huanyu Technology to be globalized in the future, World of Warcraft must be suppressed at home.

In other words, Chen Yu is actually trying to make money.

Although the Chinese game market is already very profitable, if it can further win the global market, will it be more profitable?

This imagination is still great.

But whether it is for making money or for influence, World of Warcraft must be eliminated.

How to kill.

This is not about shouting and contests have always been conducted in accordance with the laws of business.

The first step is to increase the price of World of Warcraft, and let the agent of World of Warcraft ask for it.

"Blizzard is not an ordinary game company. If you want to represent their games, you must pay a certain price. The three major game companies are not very different in strength, and the prices should be similar. But if we go to disrupt the game, they will inevitably make them out. A sum of blood."

Chen Yu can see clearly.

If Huanyu Technology does not go, the three major game companies will definitely follow their own strengths.

Even if there is no agent to World of Warcraft, it is not so heartache.

But if Huanyu Technology appears, it is not a matter of not acting as an agent.

The domestic market itself has been taken away by Huanyu Technology. If World of Warcraft's agency rights are taken away by Huanyu Technology, their market share may be in jeopardy.

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