Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 589: : Come out, dual card dual standby

Here I want to talk about the issue of mobile phone sales.

It is not the same as the market after the outbreak of smartphones in the previous life.

Before smart phones, most mobile phones were sold through dealers.

In other words, mobile phone manufacturers are only responsible for the production and development of mobile phones, and if they want to sell mobile phones, they can only find dealers.

As for why mobile phone manufacturers do not sell themselves, it is because mobile phone manufacturers do not have sales channels.

And he is one of the largest mobile phone dealers in a nationwide super mobile phone chain store like Dixuntong.

Of course, this model was completely subverted after the emergence of Xiaomi mobile phones.

They gradually controlled the sales channels through online sales channels.

In the end, dealer-style mobile phone sales such as Dixuntong were gradually eliminated by the market.

But now, it is still dominated by distributors.

In other words, as long as the dealer is controlled, it is equivalent to controlling the sales of a mobile phone.

However, Chen Yu did not panic at all about this news.

This is not to say that he is going to take the path of Xiaomi mobile phones and take the way of online marketing.

Although this model is indeed slightly feasible.

But it is 2004, and the Internet is not particularly popular.

Although the channels for users to buy mobile phones are also online, most of them are offline.

Even if you can sell some online, the amount is actually not large.

But even if they control the dealers, Chen Yu has other ways.

You know, the way to sell mobile phones in this world is not only a mobile phone store like Di Xuntong.

In addition to this one, there are several stores that are even scarier than them.

For example, the three major operators.


Previously, cooperating with the three major operators to sink the market, but let Chen Yu see the sales of the three major operators.

Although the contract machine makes people complain about it, but this kind of thing is really a willingness to make a willingness. Therefore, even if it is said that there are many pitfalls in the contract machine, but it should be sold, the user's choice is the user's own business.

It is precisely because of seeing the cargo-carrying capabilities of the three major operators that Chen Yu once again made up the idea of ​​the three major operators this time.


"Mr. Wang, I really benefited a lot from visiting your company today."

"Mr. Chen is polite. We need more guidance from Huanyu Technology on the value-added services."

"Mr. Wang is polite. If you want to talk about value-added services, this is the first thing that your mobile pioneered. We also imitated your company's strategy."

"No matter who created it, who has a good idea, or who has a new model, it will be liked by users."

This time, Chen Yu led the team to move.

Accompanying Chen Yu on the tour was Wang Jianzhou, the general manager of China Mobile.

Although the two parties were half pinched before, but the face given on the surface naturally had to be given.

Moreover, the Tianyu mobile phone of Huanyu Technology is still the largest contract phone provider of China Mobile.

"I don't know if Mr. Wang heard that we are going to put on a mid-range machine recently."

"Have heard of it."

"Oh, mid-range computers are not easy to sell, and the price is second. We were targeted by our peers before they went on the market."

In the office, Chen Yu and Wang Jianzhou were left alone.

This is naturally an important business to be discussed.

"These mobile phone manufacturers have done too much."

Wang Jianzhou blurted out and scolded those mobile phone manufacturers.

However, even though he said that, Wang Jianzhou was secretly refreshing in his heart.

Last time, Chen Yu smashed Lenovo and said that although the three major operators did not suffer any loss, they were still ridiculed in face.

Some people in the industry have looked down upon them.

Said that their three major operators could not live in a small company.

This makes them very unhappy.

However, they can only continue to cooperate with Huanyu Technology in order to benefit.

But at this time, seeing that Huanyu Technology's mid-range machine was targeted, it was an expression that looked very busy.

What does this matter do to him?

After all, Xiaoyou is a young man. Although he has courage, he does not know that the people of the rivers and lakes are sinister.

Think Lenovo is annoying?

The three major operators have to give Lenovo a bit of face.

Now it's all right, it depends on how you face it.

Naturally, Wang Jianzhou also heard about Lenovo's joint efforts with other mobile phone manufacturers to deal with Huanyu Technology.

If it's not for other concerns, they all want to participate.

After all, Huanyu Technology, as the contract machine provider of the three major operators, has too much bargaining power.

The three major operators used to set prices for others, but now they are controlled by Huanyu Technology.

Of course they also want to follow their own methods, but Huanyu Technology disagrees.

If they disagree, there will be no contract opportunity.

Without the contract machine, their profits are also lost.

In fact, they are eager for more mobile phone manufacturers to join the contract machine cooperation, so that they can maintain the highest profit.

Because this can not only make money for users, but also make money for a group of mobile phone manufacturers.

"I think it's okay."

Chen Yu wasn't angry, and said with a smile.

"Mr Chen is really magnanimous."

Wang Jianzhou was a little strange, but he knew that Chen Yu was just talking about the scene.

Obviously, I was so anxious to death, but I just didn't show it.

Install it, continue to install.

See when you can install it.

As now, he guessed Chen Yu's purpose.

Don’t you just want them to move to help?

Sorry, sorry, do you think we are really close to working with you on Mobile?

Although it was Lenovo last time, it was the face of their three major operators.

It is strange that China Mobile will cooperate with Huanyu Technology.

"It's not a question of magnanimity. If it's me, I will also take a series of measures against competitors."

"Shopping malls are like battlefields. Mr. Chen must be more careful. However, Mr. Chen, we are operators after all and we are not suitable to intervene in this competition."

Fearing that Chen Yu would pull them to move, Wang Jianzhou quickly expressed his opinion.

Chen Yu despised this girl's sentence in his heart, but on the surface he still couldn't stop smiling: "How can I dare to have Mr. Lao in this kind of thing, I'm just spitting out a few words."

"Mr. Chen doesn't have to worry. Although we can't intervene in this matter, we can help your company say something fair. After all, they are too shameless. This is a bit of unfair competition."

Wang Jianzhou was filled with indignation, and he seemed to be at odds with Huanyu Technology.

"Thanks a lot."

Chen Yu knew that Wang Jianzhou acted with him, but he acted as he acted.

Life is like a play, and it all depends on acting.

It doesn't matter whether you act or not. The important thing is that if you have an interest, you can change your face every minute by moving.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu came to the topic: "Mr. Wang, let me just talk about business. This time I came here, and I want to cooperate with China Mobile again. You also know that we have a mid-range mobile phone coming out, and we also see the mobile side. The contract phones of China are only in the low-end market. But with such a large market and so many users, how can users only consider low-end phones? Therefore, I brought our newly developed mid-range phones to Mr. Wang today."

Chen Yu took out the Huanyu mobile phone in his hand.

However, Wang Jianzhou didn't mean to study, he didn't even want to read it.

After Chen Yu finished speaking, he frowned and said, "Sorry, Mr. Chen, we have studied the mid-range phone. Although we want to launch a contract phone like the mid-range phone, you know that the mid-range phone is not mobile. The price is over 1,000. By the way, how much do you sell for your mobile phone?"


"Look, 1,200 yuan. The price is said to be high or not, but it is definitely not low. It is difficult for ordinary users to spend so much money at once. Even if it is added to the contract machine plan, users with too high monthly consumption will suffer. No. All things considered, we feel that mid-range machines are not suitable for contract machines."

Wang Jianzhou, they have carefully studied the picture, it is not the appearance of rejecting you on purpose.

But Chen Yu didn’t mind. He took the phone and continued, “What Mr. Wang is thinking about is, but Mr. Wang may not know the functions of our Huanyu phone. Let me introduce to you, for example, this dual card dual treat."

"What is dual card dual standby?"

"It means that one mobile phone can hold two mobile phone cards, one of which is a mobile card, and the other is a Unicom card."

"Is there such a function?"

"Of course, Mr. Wang doesn't try to imitate it?"

As soon as the dual card dual standby function came out, Wang Jianzhou became extremely interested.

As the head of a mobile company, he knows it.

Dual card dual standby can not only solve the problem that users can use two mobile phone numbers with one mobile phone.

At the same time, he can bring a steady stream of users to their mobile operators.

"Okay, I'll hit it."

Wang Jianzhou immediately picked up the phone and tested Chen Yu's dual card dual standby.

In the beginning, he used his mobile phone to call Chen Yu's two mobile phone numbers.

Tests show that a mobile phone can indeed use two cards to answer.

Afterwards, he picked up Chen Yu's cell phone and used two cell phone numbers to make a call.

Similarly can also be dialed out with two mobile phone numbers.

Then, he also used two mobile phone numbers to go online separately.

The same is no problem, both mobile phone cards can access the Internet.

"Mr. Chen, your research and development this time is really amazing."

Putting down Chen Yu's Huanyu mobile phone, Wang Jianzhou was already extremely excited.

He knows what this means for mobility.

"Fortunately, fortunately, we just thought this function was good, so we developed it. I don't know if Mr. Wang is interested. If he is not, I will ask China Unicom."

"Mr. Chen, don't worry."

Steady Chen Yu, Wang Jianzhou said in a deep voice, "Chen, how do you want to cooperate?"

"Mr. Wang, that's right."

Chen Yu replied with a smile.

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