Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 591: : Congratulations to Huanyu's mobile phone shipments exceeding one million

"Mr. Yang, great, thanks to you this time."

"Yes, yes, if it weren't for Mr. Yang, we wouldn't be able to use Huanyu Technology."

"I heard that their first batch of mobile phones produced more than 1 million units, and now they dare not even go on the market. This is enough for them to lose money."

The hardware industry is difficult to mix.

He is not like the Internet industry, nor is it like the software industry.

Sometimes the Internet industry and the software industry require almost no cost.

You only need to compile a few software and a few programs.

If this program is accidentally launched, you can get up.

That's how the penguins got up back then. To be honest, Huanyu Technology also got up like this.

At that time, Qiu Bojun was also alone writing wps there, and then came Jinshan later.

In the initial stage, they do not need to invest too much capital.

But the hardware industry is different.

The inherent threshold of the hardware industry is much higher than that of a series of industries. In addition to technology, the capital chain is also an important reason.

In many cases, you have to pay for the mobile phones you produce, R&D expenses, and so on.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you pay out of your pocket, as long as the product is sold.

But even if it is sold, the return of the payment is also a problem.

Everything mentioned above is in a smooth situation.

What if it doesn’t go well?

Once your product can't be sold, your previous investment may have to be frustrated.

This is not only the cost of losing those products, but also the cost of the entire production line, which is a huge expense.

This is also the reason why Huanyu Technology did not dare to make a comeback after Lenovo, Bird, and a series of low-end mobile phones of domestic mobile phone brands were wiped out. It's not that they dare not, but that they are powerless, and which company has so much capital dared to run away. Let alone them, Nokia does not dare.

But this time, Huanyu Technology has tasted the pain they suffered before.

Know what it's like not to sell mobile phones.

Know what it feels like the entire production line was scrapped.

Isn't it so sour?

The heads of many mobile phone manufacturers just think about it, and they feel extremely comfortable inside.

This is a refreshing feeling of revenge.

They know that this time Huanyu Technology lost even more than theirs.

After all, they were competing against low-end machines before, but this time they were mid-range machines.

The mid-range machine is not comparable to the low-end machine, whether it is a component or the entire production line.

The low-end machine market was wiped out. Although the loss was heavy, it can survive through grit.

But if a mid-range machine dies before it is released, Huanyu Technology will be deadly if it is not dead.

"You are welcome, if we don't work together, we won't be able to defeat Huanyu Technology. However, we cannot completely relax our vigilance for the time being. Huanyu Technology has many methods, and we have to guard against it."

Yang Yuanqing reminded everyone with a smile.

Today’s celebration banquet is his most relaxing time in recent times.

"Don't worry, we know this. Recently we are preparing to launch new products."

"Hehe, so are we."

"I have this idea too."

"No, we all get together to launch new products, which is too worthy of Huanyu Technology."

"You can't say that. Huanyu Technology's methods are overcast. If you don't kill him at once, they will make a comeback. Didn't Mr. Yang say it? We can't let our guard down now."

"I said so, but when we launched so many new products at once, it turned out that we beat ourselves."

"Don't worry. The domestic mobile phone market is too huge, with an annual growth rate of more than 30%. Although we have competition, all of our mobile phone manufacturers can benefit from such a large market. Besides, even if we compete, it is The matter between us has nothing to do with Huanyu Technology."

Yang Yuanqing and the others looked at each other and smiled, everything is silent.

They hate Huanyu Technology.

This is not to say that they are unhappy that Huanyu Technology has joined the mobile phone industry.

The mobile phone industry is so big that everyone can enter according to their own abilities.

Just come in, and everyone will cultivate their own target customers. Even if there is competition, no company can monopolize the market. Bird does not have this ability, Lenovo does not have this ability, and Nokia does not have this ability either.

But Huanyu Technology is better.

This came out to kill them all.

First is a substantial price cut.

You think the price is already very low, and they have even lower.

You think this is the lowest, no, there is no lowest in this world, only lower.

They have done 99 yuan mobile phones, you dare to play with them?

However, just as they celebrated their achievements by toasting, Huanyu Technology updated a piece of news on the Huanyu portal.

[Congratulations to Huanyu's mobile phone shipments exceeding 1 million units. 】

Just a few minutes after this news appeared, the CEOs of major mobile phone manufacturers received a call.

"Mr. Yang, Huanyu Technology has issued news, and their Huanyu mobile phone shipments have reached 1 million units."

"Is it April Fool's Day?"


"It's not that you are talking nonsense. Huanyu Technology has even cancelled its new product launch. Where can they have any shipments?"

Yang Yuanqing was training his assistant on the phone.

The assistant said aggrievedly: "Mr. Yang, this is hanging on the Huanyu portal, and it is also highlighted in red and bold. It shouldn't be like a fake."

"Not a fake?"

Yang Yuanqing was a little confused.

What's this?

Didn't Huanyu Technology cancel the press conference?

Didn't some small mobile phone stores say that Huanyu Technology did not supply them?

That being the case, where did the 1 million mobile phone shipments come from?

Taking out his mobile phone, Yang Yuanqing landed on the Huanyu portal.

Although the mobile Internet is not as fast as it was after the emergence of the smart phone era, at this time, most of the logins to the mobile website are some text, no pictures, and no video, so it does not account for much traffic and memory. In terms of browsing news, mobile browsing is quite convenient.

Sure enough, the mobile phone Huanyu portal clearly showed that the shipment of Huanyu mobile phones exceeded 1 million.

"Everyone, have you read the news from the Huanyu portal just now?"

Holding the phone, Yang Yuanqing's expression was a little weird.


Everyone nodded.

They also received news just now.

However, like Yang Yuanqing, they were all dumbfounded.

"Mr. Yang, where did Huanyu Technology deliver the goods?"

"I also want to know."

"It's impossible. I went to the market and looked at it. There is no Huanyu mobile phone in the large mobile phone stores."

"Not only large stores, but also small mobile phone stores."

"Is this fooling people?"

Everyone is very strange.

Just after looking at the headlines on the phone, everyone felt it was impossible.

Huanyu Technology is going to fake it, and it is impossible for him to do it.

Put it on the headline of the portal website, there are pictures and real images, so you can keep the evidence.

Even if they want to fudge, they can change to a few unscrupulous media to fudge.

It is impossible for them to make fun of their official website, and it is the Huanyu Portal, one of the four major domestic portals.

"There must be a problem Yuanqing's face is gloomy.

Inwardly, he felt a bad feeling.

But even so, Yang Yuanqing couldn't figure it out.

The cancellation of the new product launch is true.

It is also true that the top ten mobile phone chain lock stores refuse to represent Huanyu mobile phones.

Huanyu Technology's suspension of supply to small mobile phone stores has been verified in reality.

So here comes the problem.

How did he get this one million shipments?

And this amount is too big.

You say 100,000 copies, they can trust some more.

But you said 1 million, it's only a few days.

From the time Huanyu Technology announced that it would launch mid-range mobile phones to the present, within a week, their shipments reached 1 million?

Isn't this cute?

But looking at the news above, they felt that it was impossible for Huanyu Technology to make such a low-level mistake.


"Everyone must use their own channels to find out what is going on."

The heads of many mobile phone manufacturers have no more thoughts to celebrate at this moment.

If Huanyu's mobile phone shipments reach 1 million units, then this is an extremely terrifying signal.

Immediately, the heads of the major mobile phone manufacturers crossed the sea with eight immortals, each showing their magical powers, using their own relationships and resources, and doing everything possible to investigate which company Huanyu Technology had shipped the 1 million mobile phones to.

It has to be said that the energy of some of the heads of mobile phone manufacturers is terrifying.

Under their joint thorough investigation, there was almost nothing in the industry that they could not find.

Look through it.

In the end, they found the answer.

First, Huanyu Technology has not faked it, and their shipment volume has indeed reached 1 million units.

Second, as for whom to ship to, there is only one, China Mobile.

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