Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 620: : Dangdangdangdang...Welcome to join Huanyu Technology

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the rebirth of the network hegemony!

"Zach, I have something to report to you."

"what's up?"

"We have a newly established company on our side, and may also have to develop the same social business as ours."

"Oh, which one, Yahoo or Google?"

"No, it's a company called Huanyu Technology. He is from China."

Facebook vice president "Weiqi" reported to Zuckerberg.

The young man in his 20s who looks like a college student is the founder of Facebook.

This should be the youngest founder of a well-known company in Silicon Valley.

Many people couldn't believe it. They didn't expect that the famous Facebook, his founder was only in his 20s.

In fact, Zuckerberg is still a student of Harvard University.

However, he is now considering studying like Bill, preparing to drop out and concentrate on managing Facebook.

However, although Zuckerberg is very young, he has a high IQ that is different from ordinary people.

In addition to being a genius as a teenager, Zach has a deep understanding of the Internet.


Zach is a little strange: "This is the first time I heard about a Chinese company."

He had some worries just now.

If Yahoo and Google enter, he is indeed a little nervous.

But he didn't understand the company in China.

"It's also the first time I heard about it, but I checked their information and they are doing very well in China."

"Just pay attention."

Zach doesn't have much time to focus on this.

At present, he is most concerned about how to deal with the boycott from the netizens on the website.


Not long ago, Zach announced that Facebook will not only be open to student groups, he will be open to everyone in society.

Many members on the site came out to resist.

The reason for the boycott is simple.

Because from the day he was born on Facebook, he has been connected to the campus.

And, the route they first promoted started from the campus.

Most people like Facebook because the users of Facebook are all student groups, they have common hobbies, and they have a common language. And, with the development of the student community, Facebook exploded rapidly. However, now the founder of Facebook actually wants to be open to all users in society.

If so, what are they doing on Facebook?

However, despite the resistance of the student community, Zach knew that if Facebook wants to become bigger in the future, he must do so. At the beginning, Facebook only aimed at the student group and the target was too small. Now it seems that it can continue to develop, but when the student group has all joined, he will be saturated.

Moreover, the student group is only a part of the social group, and he cannot represent the entire society.

Since you want to engage in a social network, you must add everyone in the social network to it.

Zach’s goal is to get everyone in the world to sign up to use Facebook.

Therefore, he must handle this matter well.

"Okay, Zach, I will pay attention to this one."

Weiqi said so, but he didn't really care about the company.

The center of the world is in the United States, the center of science and technology is also in the United States, and the center of the Internet is also in the United States.

Although the Internet has also developed on the Chinese side, there is nothing leading the world on their side.

All right.

It's not without it.

For example, online games are said to be quite profitable in China.

But this kind of Internet business without technical content, Weiqi simply doesn't pay attention to it.

Wang Chang, who is already in the United States, naturally did not know what he thought on Facebook.

She just went step by step and started to do a good job in the preliminary work of ""

Yes. is a social networking site of Universal Technology in the United States.

Although the name has some vulgarity, but the main theme is named.

In fact, the name does not have much relationship with the name.

For example, Facebook, who knows that it is a social networking site from the name?

Another example is Google. Who knows that Google is a search engine?

It doesn't matter.

The important thing is that the first layout of Huanyu Technology will follow.

After Wang Chang successfully purchased Facebook for US$2 million, Wang Chang launched another version of Facebook as soon as possible.

Of course, this Facebook is not the website that Universal Technology wants to build in the United States.

This Facebook is actually the Friends Network of Huanyu Technology.

As for why you can enter the friend network?

it's actually really easy.

As long as a jump statement is made on the code of the Facebook page, he will automatically go to the URL of

In other words, as long as he enters the Facebook URL, he will visit the website of Huanyu Technology.

This is almost the same as when Huanyu Technology bought Baidu keywords.

However, there were some hooligans using Baidu's keywords at the time. Although there are some hooligans now, everything is legitimate and legal.

Of course, such an approach is naturally impossible to catch all users in one go.

There are some users who often log in to the website, they may enter the URL directly and write the Facebook in its entirety.

But Huanyu Technology has never thought of catching it all at once.

Some people remember the domain name completely, and some people do not remember the domain name completely.

In other words, most people actually remember Facebook the most.

There are some things that I don’t remember, and there are some input errors.

Even if someone enters and finds that Facebook is not the original Facebook, it doesn't matter.

No matter what it is, in short, one group after another can be attracted.

Such an approach can not only bring the first batch of users to, but more importantly, it can also prevent the current crazy explosion of Facebook...

That's right.

In Chen Yu's book of opening and hanging, Chen Yu emphasized very much.

To compete with the current Facebook, first is not to beat him in business.

Facebook has exploded, even if their business has some flaws, he can still take off.

If you want to compete with him on the same platform, the best way is to stop their growth.

Although there is no technology to use the domain name Facebook to make a fuss.

But it can be said that it is very effective.

In fact, it is.

Facebook has a lot of visitors, and there are many people who often mistype the domain name.

Some even cannot remember the domain name at all. Many times they just type the first few letters of the domain name because some browsers may provide the function of domain name cloud service, even if the input is incomplete URL, these browsers will also automatically display the correct website for you, and then enter directly, and you will enter Facebook.

They are doing the same now.

However, before that, they did enter Facebook.

But this time, it was another website.

If you find that you have entered another website at this time, you should leave.

But Wang Chang's side cleverly took advantage of this student boycott on Facebook.

Officially wrote on their homepage: "We are students, we have common topics, we are students, we are a different group from others. We are students, we have to have our own exchange website. We are students, we Don’t get together with people in society. We are not Facebook, but we can give you a brand new communication platform..."

Then there was a burst of music: Dangdangdang...Welcome to join the friend network.

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